Climate-Change-Sunken-City-FloodHollywood sci-fi filmmakers tapped to dramatize fictional climate change to scare everybody into voting for climate totalitarians.

I’m almost rolling with laughter watching all this unfold: Because democrats refuse to face the real threats facing America — Islamic terrorism, debt spending, illegal immigration and job-crushing federal mandates like Obamacare — they have to invent their own fake emergencies to try to win the votes of people who don’t have any clue about the real world.

So-called “climate change” — previously known as “global warming” but renamed after the data revealed no warming trend at all — is entirely rooted in false mythologies, official narratives and creative storytelling. That’s precisely why democrats had to hire James Cameron, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sigourney Weaver to present a climate change scary in a new short film. These are the very same people whose films depict time-traveling Terminator robots, interplanetary aliens with green acid blood, and poltergeists that could be captured with vacuum cleaners (the original “Ghostbusters” movie… the one that didn’t suck).

If you believe in time-traveling robots from the future, you might also believe in the climate change narrative, too. That narrative is based entirely on ridiculous, absurd, make-believe notions such as:

• The hilariously ignorant idea that polar bears can’t swim (or even that their numbers are plummeting). In truth, polar bears are champion swimmers, and their population numbers are on the rise.

• The scientifically illiterate notion that carbon dioxide is bad for the planet. In reality, it’s the No. 1 nutrient source of all forests, food crops, herbal plants and green zones across the planet. CO2 reforests deserts and amplifies food production. It’s also impossible for humans alone to raise CO2 levels much at all for the simple reason that plants are starving for it and keep consuming it as fast as we can make it. (This is Botany Science 101.)

• The laughably anti-science narrative that says oceans are going to rise so quickly, they’ll drown out coastal cities and devastate human civilization. In reality, even during warming periods of Earth’s history, oceans barely creep up at the pace of only about 1-2mm per year. That’s about 1-2 DECADES for a single inch of ocean level rise. (Yep, not exactly the tidal wave apocalypse depicted in climate change scare films, is it?)

There is no man made climate change

You have hopefully realized by now that everything the democrats invoke in their political campaigning is based on lies. Man made climate change is a cult science myth rooted in a convenient political narrative, not scientific facts.

That’s why their climate change scare film had to be made: to stir up the imagination of climate change and make it seem visually real even though it is scientifically false. It sort of reminds me of the original “Reefer Madness” film which was also created as a propaganda political film to scare people away from medical marijuana. That film was also based on quack science hysteria, just like the climate change films being made today.

Yep, you heard me right: There is no legitimate scientific evidence whatsoever to support their climate change narrative. The data that have been presented to the public are all “corrected” (i.e. fraudulent altered) to artificially insert new “data points” that fit the political narrative we’re all being spoon fed by the corrupt democrats. Remember: The climate changing pushing politicians are all exactly the same people who lie to us all about vaccines, GMOs, fluoride, government debt and antidepressant drugs. Why on Earth would anyone believe they are magically and selectively telling the truth only about climate change when we all know they are constantly lying about everything else?

The pro climate change position is truly just climate superstition masquerading as science. It should be obvious at this point, but everything the democratic establishment insists is TRUE is almost certainly FALSE. Read this excellent article entitled Climate Superstition Is Weaponizing The Ignorant. It states, “Climate alarmists are no different from 16th century Europeans who burned 15,000 witches for ‘cooking the weather.’ They observe ordinary events, and convince themselves that it is unprecedented and somebody’s fault.”

Smart Meter, Wi-Fi And Microwave Radiation Information Consumers Need To Know

wifi-blog-header1-1024x576By Cattherine J. Frompovich

Maybe it would be important for readers to take a few minutes—I’d even say advisable—to watch and listen carefully to a video crash course in microwave energy radiation, i.e., RFs/EMFs.  By watching this video [16.11 minutes], which discusses appliances and Smart Meters, in particular, plus some of the science emerging regarding microwave energy radiation negative health effects, you can take measures to safeguard yourself, children and family members, including pets.

Cordless phones and baby monitors also are discussed.  So is electronic hypersensitivity (EHS), the real, not psychosomatic illness, which now affects a growing number of the population.  Wikipedia claims that about 5 percent of the population suffers with EHS [1].

AMI Smart Meters are tested in that video, plus microwave ovens, which everyone needs to see and hear the results of the Extech 480386 EMF meter as it registers EMFs coming off electronics, Smart Meters in particular!  Microwaves escape microwave oven shielding, so please remember that, and have your microwave oven checked periodically by a qualified EMFs electronics professional.

Seeing all the appliances tested in that video, you will be surprised at what you learn that you probably didn’t know, but you need to protect yourself from non-ionizing radiation.

Safety precautions and how to protect yourself also are discussed.

Many thanks to Chuck Fresh of the Computer Care Clinic in Melbourne, Florida, who performs a huge public service by producing this most important self-help video, which I consider a “Public Service Announcement” since you won’t see it produced or presented by either your utility companies or your state’s public utility commission.

By the way, here’s something you just have to see to believe: cell phones popping corn kernels at 41 seconds on the timeline after three live cell phones ring!   Do cell phones cook your brains too?

Candy-Flavored Meth For Kids Approved By FDA, Despite Side Effects Like Heart Attacks

candymethBy Brianna Acuesta

An FDA-approved, candy-flavored amphetamine is to be used to treat children six or older that have been diagnosed with ADHD. The label itself says that the drug has a “high potential for abuse and dependence,” which is not something most parents want their children to be consuming daily.

Active ingredients in the drug itself make it addicting, but the sweet, candy-flavored gummies only serve to keep kids wanting more. Many healthcare professionals are concerned about possible addiction-forming that could follow the children into adulthood, but that hasn’t stopped Neos Therapeutics from producing the drug.

The Dallas-based pharmaceutical company is pushing forward with Adzenys XR-ODT, the name give to this new form of meth. The CEO of the company, Vipin Garg, “launching now at full speed”—pun intended—in an effort to get “ahead of back-to-school season.”

Neos Therapeutics has shown no shame in this new endeavor, and, instead, has bragged about their 125 sales representatives who have been making appointments with physicians to get the drug out on the market.

While lawmakers are attempting to ban cannabis edibles that resemble sweet treats, the government is continuing to push these addicting gummy drugs because it can actually be controlled and turn out a profit.

Though lawmakers are ignoring the emergence of this dangerous substance, citizens cannot ignore the concerning fact that recreational use of medications like Adderall have increased in adults by 67 percent. To top it all off, the side effects of these drugs range from mild to sudden death, which has apparently happened in adults. Dr. Carl Hart, a professor of psychology and psychiatry at Columbia University, said:

The public remains almost entirely ignorant of the fact that methamphetamine produces nearly identical effects to those produced by the popular ADHD medication d-amphetamine (dextroamphetamine). You probably know it as Adderall.

Other side effects include fever, hair loss, hallucinations, psychotic episodes, strokes, and dangerously high blood pressure, meaning that there are no benefits for children in taking this drug over Adderall, which may have the same active ingredients but at least it doesn’t taste like candy.

Despite the evidence that these drugs can kill and are being offered to children, the FDA has said that they are safe and effective in treating ADHD and narcolepsy.

Vaccines: The New Attack on Pregnant Women

Vaccine-Syringe-Gloves-ShotFerocious vaccine manufacturers are constantly on the move, looking for new “demographics” to shoot with vaccines. If they could stick a needle into a rock and get paid for it, they would find a reason to do it.

But in this case, we’re talking about pregnant women.
Protection, protection, protection—that’s the cover the government keeps pushing.
Meanwhile, the vaccines they’re foisting on pregnant women have a track record of damage.Barbara Loe Fisher, head of the National Vaccine Information Center, has the story, so I’ll let her tell it. These are excerpts from her testimony before the Nov. 13, 2015 “meeting of the FDA Vaccines & Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) on proposed changes to FDA requirements for licensure of vaccines intended for use during pregnancy”: Fisher (“FDA Prepares to Fast Track New Vaccines Targeting Pregnant Women,” 11/17/2016):

“In 2006, CDC officials directed doctors to give all pregnant women a flu shot and, in 2011, a Tdap shot during every pregnancy, no matter how little time has elapsed between pregnancies. Prior to FDA licensure, influenza, diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis vaccines [Tdap and flu shots] were not tested in or proven safe and effective for pregnant women in large clinical trials when given during every pregnancy either singly or simultaneously.”

“Categorized by FDA as Pregnancy Category B and C biologicals because it is not known whether the vaccines are genotoxic and can cause fetal harm or can affect maternal fertility and reproduction, administering influenza and Tdap vaccines to pregnant women is an off-label use of these vaccines. It is a policy that assumes maternal vaccination is necessary, safe and effective without proving it.”

“…pertussis containing vaccine [Tdap] injuries and deaths are the most compensated claim in the federal vaccine injury compensation program (VICP) for infants and children, while influenza vaccine-related injuries and deaths are the most compensated claim for adults. And yet, in the absence of credible biological mechanism and epidemiologic evidence pre-licensure proving these vaccines are safe for all pregnant women, their fetuses and newborns, female health care workers are being fired for refusing to be injected with them while they are pregnant.”

“The National Vaccine Information Center is opposed to FDA retroactively licensing influenza and Tdap vaccines for use in pregnant women and fast tracking RSV [respiratory syncytial virus] and group strep B vaccines to licensure…”

No evidence of safety, but so what? Reports of injuries and deaths, but so what?
Pregnant women are a “lucrative market,” and that’s all that counts.
Need a terrific target for further disabling the population? Pregnant women are ideal.

The FDA and its army of allies will assure you that these untested and off-label uses for vaccines are perfectly safe, because all vaccines are safe. The FDA speaks for the pharmaceutical industry. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow. It might be tempting to say the FDA is careless, is overlooking important factors—but it’s much, much worse than that.

Here are excerpts from a 2012 piece of mine about an FDA drug reviewer, and what happened to him when he went against the grain, and opposed his bosses on judgments about what was safe medicine and what was dangerous medicine:

—In a stunning interview with Truthout’s Martha Rosenberg, former FDA drug reviewer, Ronald Kavanagh, exposes the FDA as a relentless criminal mafia protecting its client, Big Pharma, with a host of mob strategies (“Former FDA Reviewer Speaks Out About Intimidation, Retaliation and Marginalizing of Safety,” 7/29/2012).

Kavanagh: “…widespread [FDA] racketeering, including witness tampering and witness retaliation.”
“I was threatened with prison.”
“One [FDA] manager threatened my children…I was afraid that I could be killed for talking to Congress and criminal investigators.”

Kavanagh reviewed new drug applications made to the FDA by pharmaceutical companies. He was one of the holdouts at the Agency who insisted that the drugs had to be safe and effective before being released to the public.
But honest appraisal wasn’t part of the FDA culture, and Kavanagh swam against the tide, until he realized his life and the lives of his children were on the line.

What was his secret task at the FDA? “Drug reviewers were clearly told not to question drug companies and that our job was to approve drugs.” In other words, rubber stamp them. Say the drugs were safe and effective when they were not.

Kavanagh’s revelations are stunning. He recalls a meeting where a drug-company representative flat-out stated that his company had paid the FDA for a new-drug approval. Paid for it. As in bribe.

***Kavanagh remarks that the drug pyridostigmine, given to US troops to prevent the later effects of nerve gas, “actually increased the lethality” of certain nerve agents.

Kavanagh recalls being given records of safety data on a drug—and then his bosses told him which sections not to read. Obviously, they knew the drug was dangerous and they knew exactly where, in the reports, that fact would be revealed.

—end of excerpt—

Women have to know what is waiting for them, in vials of vaccines, when they become pregnant. Waiting for them and their unborn children.
Huxley’s Brave New World portrayed a nation of docile citizens. But there, at least, the drug of choice was Soma, a compound that stimulated pleasure centers.
Here, we’re talking about docility and obedience in the face of suffering, pain, neurological damage, and death.

Doctors don’t want to know about this. They don’t want to know the true story about vaccines. If they did, they’d suddenly remember the body count they’ve been responsible for. So instead, they polish their act, designed to invoke credibility and, above all, authority.

Invent a mountaintop, stand on it, and sell, sell, sell.
That’s their vaccine motto.

What’s yours?

Researchers Tie Mass Kidney Failures in Sri Lanka to Harmful Agrochemicals

Farmer-Spraying-Pesticide-Crops-RiceHundreds of thousands of people living in Sri Lanka are suffering from chronic kidney disease, a painful and debilitating condition that causes the organs to stop functioning over time. The illness is primarily concentrated in the country’s rice basket, affecting up to 400,000 people.

Various factors have been singled out by researchers as the cause of the disease, including home-brewed alcohol, agrochemicals and high arsenic levels in the drinking water, according to CBS News.

Research conducted by the World Health Organization found that male farmers over the age of 39 were hit the hardest, though women with less advanced stages of the disease were more prevalent.

Scientists detected high levels of cadmium and pesticides in their urine, suggesting that toxins and arsenic in the water were responsible for widespread kidney decline. But water testing came up clean, leaving investigators puzzled.

Researchers trace widespread kidney failure to farming chemicals

However, a closer look revealed a strong correlation between the island’s transition to modernized, chemical-based agriculture in the 1960s and the rise in chronic kidney failure. Sri Lanka soon earned itself a spot as one of the world’s top users of fertilizers, importing the chemicals from China under government subsidizing.

Chemical fertilizers allowed the island to triple the amount of rice it was producing, exceeding 2.9 million metric tons in 1999. However, the government and its farmers were naive to the fact that the so-called advancements were completely unsustainable and not without dire consequences. Today, Sri Lanka says it’s trying to scale back its use of agrochemicals, returning to traditional farming methods. But some say it’s too late.

“Four or five people are added every week to dialysis, a minimum of three a week,” said Dr. Charitha Weesasinghe, a kidney surgeon at Anuradhapura Teaching Hospital, located where the disease is endemic.

Fewer than 50 transplants have been completed at the hospital, according to reporting from last year, forcing desperate patients to “post daily newspaper ads with their photos and blood types, pleading for someone to help.”

Glyphosate ban leads to importation of even deadlier chemicals

Revelations that farming chemicals may be causing kidney failure among the masses prompted the government to ban one of its most widely used herbicides – glyphosate – the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup.

Though officials hoped the ban would reduce kidney disease, researchers say that other, more toxic agrochemicals are being imported in its place.

“Although the government banned glyphosate imports as part of its efforts to eradicate the chronic kidney disease from the country’s dry zone, fertilizer industrialists and agrochemical giants are importing other herbicides and pesticides, which are ten times higher in toxicity than glyphosate,” said Dr. Channa Sudath Jayasumana lecturing at Rajarata University in Anuradhapura.

Referencing a book titled The Kidney Battle, Jayasumana said that nearly 24,000 people have died as a result of kidney disease in the North Central region of Sri Lanka, while another 70,000 are suffering in other agricultural regions.

The pharmacology lecturer says he is confident that farming chemicals are causing chronic kidney disease, adding that multinational companies are worsening the situation by resorting to even deadlier herbicides.

If left untreated, chronic kidney disease causes waste to build up in the blood, making patients feel horribly sick. This can lead to other conditions including high blood pressure, anemia, weak bones, poor nutritional health and nerve damage, according to the National Kidney Foundation.

Symptoms of the disease typically involve fatigue, poor appetite, swollen feet and ankles, itchy skin and increased urination.

Here’s Why Only 1 Percent of America’s Farmland Is Used to Grow Organic

farmland-960x520By Christina Sarich

Though consumers have been purchasing organic products by the bucket load, and the industry is expected to grow like wildfire into 2020, only 1 percent of all farmland currently used in America is used to grow organic food.

Americans have already spent $43 billion on organic food products in 2016, but we may not be able to keep up with the demand if things don’t change.

Here’s why America doesn’t have enough organic farmland even though the demand for pesticide-free food is at an all-time high: It’s a three-step juggle for organic farmers to try to grow food in the industrial agricultural food model.

Would-be organic farmers first have to deal with the high costs of becoming certified to grow organic food. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has a very stringent process in order for farmers to be able to stamp their food with the USDA Organic label and, even then, consumers can’t always be assured of 100 percent organic food. Generally speaking, food grown with this label must be hormone- and pesticide-free.

Just under a decade ago, it only cost farmers around $200 to become certified-organic. It now costs almost a $1,000, a 500 percent increase, along with an avalanche of paperwork that farmers must complete.

Many organic farmers also found out through applying for this label that there are glaring loopholes meant for Big Agribusiness.

For example, chickens are required to be fed antibiotic- and pesticide-free food to be certified USDA organic, but the agency has no requirements for how those chickens are otherwise raised. If they spend their lives in a small cage, barely able to move, standing in their own feces — as happens at many factory farms — the USDA will still grant those farmers its organic certification.

The next issue small, organic farmers have to face is the disappearance of arable organic land. Intensive plowing and mono-cropping, along with the wide-scale use of pesticides and herbicides to grow genetically modified food, has led to nutrient-depleted soil that will hardly grow a thing. Soil degradation, alone, has caused a 30 percent decrease in farm efficiency in recent years.

Corporate agricultural practices have also contaminated our waterways and killed off beneficial bees and butterflies, as well as other pollinators that aid an organic farmer in pollinating their crops.

Finally, land grabs by big food companies, which once fought GMO labeling so that they could continue selling us food laced with pesticides and herbicides, have made affordable, fertile soil for the small organic farmer hard to come by. CNBC correspondent, Constance Gustke, wrote,

[I]ndividual investors, for the most part, have stayed away from the big agricultural bets being placed on global food demand increasing over time, driving up land prices even further. Institutions, like the mega pension fund TIAA-CREF, the super-wealthy investor set and overseas agricultural giants are still snapping up land this year, and potentially scouting what will seem like bargains years from now as farm real estate values have started to decline.

General Mills, which once contributed millions to the Grocery Manufacturer’s Association, an organization known for illegally swaying voters in numerous state ballot initiatives to determine GMO labeling, is doubling down on organic-suitable land. They plan to more than double their acreage to 250,000 by 2019.

Cannabis Oil Cures 3 Year Old Boy Of Cancer After Doctors Gave Him 48 Hours To Live

John Vibes

A young boy named Landon Riddle was diagnosed with Leukemia, and was told by his doctors that he only had an 8-10% chance of living for more than a day or two.

His whole chest was full of leukemia tumors, which is why he couldn’t breathe. They started him on chemo, but told us that he probably wasn’t going to make it,” his mother, Sierra Riddle said.

After two months of Chemotherapy, Landon became sick and would refuse to eat. According to his mother, he would vomit up to 50 times a day, and the doctors eventually lost hope, seeing no other solution than Chemotherapy.

Then one day, Landon’s grandmother suggested that they look into cannabis oil treatment.

“We discussed all of our concerns with his medical team in Utah and watched Landon continue to suffer and wither away as the piled on drug after drug. Then my mother came across cannabis oil online,” Riddle told RYOT.

The family then fled the state of Utah for Colorado, where cannabis oil treatment was legal.

In just days, Landon began vomiting less and less each day and finally began to eat.

“Our hearts were filled with joy that cannabis brought back the smile to Landon’s face. Landon started getting better and better! It was as if a miracle had happened! He was smiling again and started to eat again!” Sierra wrote on her blog during his treatment.

“It is atrocious that anyone on the planet would be charged for choosing cannabis over pharmaceuticals. My heart goes out to Adam Koessler and Rumor Rose, along with uncountable other families that are affected by cannabis prohibition. Get ready for the fight of your life. Having a sick child is a battle in itself, but making this choice is a whole new world. You’re going to need thick skin, intuition, and a solid team. Don’t waste time making sure every other pharmaceutical does more harm than good. If it feels wrong in your gut, it’s probably wrong,” she added.

Now, Landon’s cancer is in remission.

Better Late Than Never: Finally, the Truth About Butter Is Revealed

Heart-Shaped-Butter-MeltingUnless you are knowledgeable about the history of nutrition science, it is likely that you believe that butter is just terrible for you – that it causes heart disease, obesity, and all sorts of other horrible ailments.

Maybe you, like many others, believe that conventional advice – advice that is provided in influential publications such as the U.S. government’s Dietary Guidelines for Americans – can be trusted.

Well, here’s the truth: Despite what the federal government and nutrition “authorities” have been saying for decades, butter isn’t bad for you.

In fact, it is actually GOOD for you. Surprised?

A combination of flawed studies, political bias, hidden data, and clever marketing by the food industry led to the demonization of dietary fat and the birth of the low-fat craze – a trend that has lasted for many years.

To think that for DECADES people avoided the deliciousness that is butter based on erroneous information is, well, a bit heartbreaking.

Now, lo and behold, a big new study published in the journal PLOS ONE (it analyzed nine papers that included more than 600,000 people) concluded that consuming butter is not linked to a higher risk for heart disease and might be slightly protective against type 2 diabetes. This goes against the longstanding advice to avoid butter because it contains saturated fat.

In four of the nine studies, people who ate butter daily had a 4 percent lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. As of now, researchers don’t fully understand why, but it may be due in part to the fact that dairy fat also contains monounsaturated fats that can improve blood sugar and insulin sensitivity.

In fact, a growing body of research that suggests that saturated fat is better for you than processed carbohydrates like sugar and white bread, which have been linked to diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.

If you’ve been avoiding butter, here’s what you’ve been missing…
Butter is rich in vitamins: One of the many beneficial vitamins we get from butter is Vitamin A, which is needed to maintain good vision and keeps our endocrine system functioning well. In addition to Vitamin A, butter also contains fat-soluble vitamins D, E, and K2. Vitamins A, D, and K2 are essential for the proper absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which are necessary for strong bones and teeth. Butter is also a good source of Vitamin B-12.

Butter contains valuable minerals: It is rich in manganese, chromium, zinc, copper, iodine, and selenium (which is a powerful antioxidant). Iodine – and Vitamin A – are important for thyroid health.

Butter has beneficial fatty acids: It contains short- and medium-chain fatty acids, which support immune function, boost metabolism, and have antimicrobial properties – they fight against pathogenic microorganisms in the intestinal tract. Butter provides the perfect balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fats. Arachidonic acid in butter is important for brain function, skin health, and prostaglandin balance.

Other beneficial factors in butter include: rich in conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), Glycospingolipids, a good source of dietary cholesterol, saturated fats, butyrate and more…

The BEST butter is raw butter from grass-fed cows, preferably organic.

Staged Zika Pandemic Was Engineered by Globalist Governments

Pesticide-Crop-Spray-MosquitoStaged Zika pandemic was engineered by globalist governments to justify the aerial bombardment of awakening populations with toxic chemicals

In case you didn’t already know, everything is rigged these days, meaning it’s contrived, fabricated or distorted to fit an official narrative that feeds a nefarious agenda. The Zika virus hysteria is no different: it was all engineered from the start for a specific purpose, and this article explains exactly what’s really behind the Zika pandemic and why it’s being pushed so aggressively by globalist governments nearing collapse.

First, a little background that you won’t get from any mainstream news source. The Zika virus has been around for more than 70 years, and it was originally harvested, isolated and turned into a research product by none other than the Rockefeller Foundation, the same globalist cabal of medical criminals who sought to destroy alternative medicine and grant western chemical medicine a monopoly over society.

Zika is completely harmless to nearly everyone, and your body self-immunizes against Zika without any vaccine needed.

The Big Lie about Zika and microcephaly is that a brain-damaging chemical was dumped into the water supply of Brazil… brain deformities quickly followed. When governments are on the verge of collapse, they deliberately create large scale crises that convince the people they need government to rescue them.

The real agenda is the mass chemical poisoning of the people With Zika mosquitoes, the globalists finally have their leverage to unleash mass chemical spraying of large population areas.

Learn more:

The Looming Financial Crisis Nobody Is Talking About, but Should Be

bomb_0By Shaun Bradley

The world has been captivated by a continuous stream of disturbing and shocking headlines. Seemingly every other day, different terrorist attacks, police assassinations or political stunts ignite the public into an emotional frenzy. But as fear shuts down critical thinking, banks that control Europe’s financial system are entering a death spiral. Despite what establishment media narratives push, the most dangerous threat to our way of life isn’t a religious ideology or political divide.

The real risk is a contagion that is undermining the core of the financial system, and the interconnectedness of the globalized economy we live in makes containing the problem nearly impossible. Concerns that used to be isolated to the failing state of Greece have now engulfed the rest of the PIIGS nations. If these dominoes continue to fall in Europe, the momentum could carry the destruction to every corner of the globe.

Italian banks are the latest on the chopping block in the wake of Brexit. For years, they have been acknowledged as a weak link in the economic chain, but they now face stress tests that could expose the scope of their internal problems. The oldest bank in the world, Monte Dei Paschi, is at the center of the controversy, with an expected shortfall of over 3 billion euros.

Other big names, like UniCredit, are in equally bad shape. Wells Fargo recently found that nearly 15% of all loans held by Italian banks could be at risk of default, a staggering figure to attempt to unwind. Further, England’s departure from the E.U. has sparked questions over the future of the euro — and Italy could be the catalyst for an all out breakdown of confidence. If panic begins to grip the Italian people, things could escalate quickly, potentially triggering bank runs.

Mihir Kapadia of Sun Global Investments explained the current situation in a recent article:

A perfect storm of slow or zero Italian economic growth, low interest rates and politically connected, often corrupt, lending have combined to create a situation where the Italian financial system is in need of a large rescue.

The head of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, wasted no time reassuring the markets and downplaying the significance of the hurdles ahead. Draghi is a former governor to the Bank of Italy, and he recently came out in full support of a ‘public backstop’ for the toxic loans. The public backstop suggested is the political term for shafting the taxpayer. Governments and banks alike have no problem shifting the responsibility of the debt onto the citizens, all while chastising them about how excessive their entitlement programs are and framing the greed of everyday people as the root of the issue. For the elites, it is much easier to use austerity measures, inflation, and shaming of the public to deflect blame from themselves than it is to take ownership for their own corrupt actions.

Read entire article here:

New Gardasil Vaccine Guidelines From American Cancer Society Censors All Risks to Vaccine

QUESTIONBy Brian Shilhavy,                       Health Impact News Editor

The American Cancer Society issued a press release recently stating that they were agreeing with the U.S. Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) recommendation to now start vaccinating boys as well as girls with the Gardasil vaccine, and that Gardasil vaccines can begin as young as age 9.

Noticeably absent from the press release was any warnings on Gardasil risks and side effects, or any mention of how other countries around the world are now investigating the vaccine due to the amount of injuries being reported. Japan and other nations have actually withdrawn their recommendation of the HPV vaccine.

Because the manufacturers of vaccines are not immune from liabilities due to the harm their vaccines cause in these countries, in contrast to the United States where one cannot sue a vaccine manufacturer, many are taking legal actions against HPV manufacturers. You will read none of this in U.S. mainstream media.

Another source of alternative views on the Gardasil vaccine that is routinely censored in the U.S. media are the doctors themselves who are opposed to the CDC recommendations for the HPV vaccine.

What are the Risks and Side Effects for the HPV Vaccine?

Since this information is blacked out of the U.S. mainstream media (but NOT mainstream media sources outside of the U.S.), we provide a list of known risks and side effects to the HPV vaccine here, along with some verified information about the vaccine you are not likely to read outside of the alternative media.

Premature Menopause

Dr. Deirdre Little, a pediatrician in Australia, was the first one to sound the alarm over the HPV vaccine causing premature menopause when she observed it in one of her 16 year old patients in 2012. Dr. Little published a paper in the British Medical Journal warning that the premature menopause of a healthy 16-year-old girl may be linked to the Gardasil vaccination.

Now, another study has published in the American Journal of Reproductive Immunology documenting three more cases of “Primary Ovarian Failure,” where three young girls stopped having periods and showed signs of menopause. The study confirms Dr. Little’s experience, and was conducted in Israel and Italy. The authors concluded:

We documented here the evidence of the potential of the HPV vaccine to trigger a life-disabling autoimmune condition. The increasing number of similar reports of post HPV vaccine-linked autoimmunity and the uncertainty of long-term clinical benefits of HPV vaccination are a matter of public health that warrants further rigorous inquiry.

POTS – Heart Disease

A study last year (2015) linking the HPV vaccine to POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) was published in the very pro-vaccine journal Vaccine. From the study abstract:


35 women aged 23.3±7.1 years participated. Twenty-five had a high level of physical activity before vaccination and irregular periods were reported by all patients not on treatment with oral contraception. Serum bilirubin was below the lower detection limit in 17 patients. Twenty-one of the referred patients fulfilled the criteria for a diagnosis of POTS (60%, 95%CI 43-77%). All patients had orthostatic intolerance, 94% nausea, 82% chronic headache, 82% fatigue, 77% cognitive dysfunction, 72% segmental dystonia, 68% neuropathic pain.


In a population referred for symptoms of orthostatic intolerance and other symptoms consistent with autonomic dysfunction that began in close temporal association with a quadrivalent HPV vaccination, we identified a 60% prevalence of POTS. Further work is urgently needed to elucidate the potential for a causal link between the vaccine and circulatory abnormalities and to establish targeted treatment options for the affected patients.

None of the mainstream media sources covered this study.

Gardasil Information Censored in the Mainstream Media

Here is some more information the public needs to know about Gardasil that they will not read in the mainstream media.

Dr. Julie Gerberding of Merck was Head of the CDC When Gardasil Was Approved

Julie Gerberding was in charge of the CDC from 2002 to 2009, which includes the years the FDA approved Gardasil as a vaccine. Soon after she took over the CDC, she reportedly completely overhauled the agency’s organizational structure, and many of the CDC’s senior scientists and leaders either left or announced plans to leave. Some have claimed that almost all of the replacements Julie Gerberding appointed had ties to the vaccine industry.

Gerberding resigned from the CDC on January 20, 2009, and is now the president of Merck’s Vaccine division, a $5 billion dollar a year operation, and the supplier of the largest number of vaccines the CDC recommends.

The U.S. Government Earns Royalties from the Sale of Gardasil

In November 2010, Dr. Eric Suba submitted a Freedom of Information Request to the Office of Government Information Services to discover the amount of money the U.S government earns from Merck’s sale of Gardasil. But apparently the government is immune from revealing those figures.

Gardasil Manufacturer Spends Millions on Doctors to Promote Their Products

Jeffry John Aufderheide of revealed that Merck, the manufacturer of Gardasil, pays out over $18 million in speaking fees to doctors to promote their drugs, including Gardasil.

So can we trust the American Cancer Society’s new recommendations on the Gardasil vaccine, and start injecting boys also, and all children beginning at age 9?

Read the entire article here:

Now You Can Detox From the HPV Vaccine!

HPV DANGERSourcing the purest products and consulting the best qualified practitioners with vaccine experience, Recover Health has developed this Vaccine Detox prescription.

A qualified homeopathic practitioner prescribes a precise detox remedy for the individual vaccine including the toxic components of the vaccine (immune system suppressors, aborted fetal tissue, heavy metals; mercury, lead, and aluminum, viruses, toxins, bacteria, plus other ingredients collectively known as chemical adjuvants) and the practitioner remains available for consultation if required.

All of the vaccine detoxification packages also provide the necessary supplementary products to achieve optimum detox results.

Read more:

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Dimming The Sun, The Climate Engineering Assault Continues

sunset-blocked-2Dane Wigington

Creating “global dimming” is the stated goal of numerous geoengineering patents, it is one of the primary goals of the atmospheric spraying.

Climate engineering is the epitome of human insanity. “Global Dimming” is a direct result of the constant spraying of our skies with toxic metals and chemicals. Though countless forms of human emissions  into the atmosphere are contributing to the “global dimming” phenomenon, mathematically speaking climate engineering far exceeds all other factors combined. 

The BBC documentary linked below is an extremely important watch for any that wish to better understand the truth, and the dynamics of the all out assault on planet Earth by the climate engineers. Though the film makers did not make mention of the ongoing geoengineering programs, the implication is there. The “global dimming” effect (created by the aerosol spraying insanity) can create short term cooling scenarios, it comes at the cost of a much worsened overall warming.

In addition, the entire planet is being contaminated from the fallout. Each and every breath we take is laden with toxic heavy metal particulates from the aerosol spraying. If the science community as a whole does not show the courage to stand up and speak out, very soon, it will be game over for planet Earth.  

This 6 minute film clip should be extremely alarming for any that are even slightly awake.

Big Pharma prescriptions including painkillers, antidepressants plummeting as seniors turn to medical cannabis

Prescription-Legal-Weed-Pot-Marijuana(NaturalNews) Use of many prescription drugs has plummeted following the legalization of medical marijuana, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Georgia and published in the journal Health Affairs.

The researchers found that Medicare prescriptions fell for conditions that can be treated by cannabis, including anxiety, depression, pain, nausea, psychosis, seizures, sleep disorders and spasticity. Prescriptions for other types of drugs, such as blood-thinners, remained unchanged. This led the researchers to conclude that legalization led directly to the changing prescription habits.

The drop in prescriptions led to a measurable decrease in Medicare spending in those states.

Limits Big Pharma price gouging

The researchers found that medical marijuana reduced Medicare costs by $165 million in 2013. If medical marijuana had been legal and available nationwide, the savings would have been about $470 million.

“We wouldn’t say that saving money is the reason to adopt this. But it should be part of the discussion,” said study co-author W. David Bradford.

The researchers are also analyzing the effects of medical marijuana legalization on prescriptions paid by Medicaid, the federal-state insurance program for low-income people. Preliminary data from that study show an even larger drop in pharmaceutical prescription costs.

Much of the savings might come simply from the fact that insurance does not cover medical marijuana, which can cost a patient as much as $400 per month out of pocket.

“I have some trouble with the idea that this is a source of savings,” said Deepak D’Souza of Yale University, who has research medical marijuana but was not involved in the current study.

But Bradford believes that marijuana legalization does lower overall health spending, because marijuana is so much cheaper than many of the pharmaceuticals it displaces. This analysis is supported by Harvard Medical School emeritus professor Lester Grinspoon, who has written two books on the topic (but was not associated with the new study).
“There’s a limit to how high a price cannabis can be sold at as a medicine,” Grinspoon said.

Will DEA finally admit benefits of cannabis?

The lure of lowered health care spending may play an important role in an ongoing review by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), which is considering reclassifying marijuana from Schedule I substance to a Schedule II.

A Schedule I drug is classified as having no medical benefits, and therefore doctors are prohibited from prescribing it and insurance will not cover it. Even in the 25 states (plus Washington, D.C.) where medical marijuana is legal, doctors can only write a referral to a dispensary.

Schedule II drugs (like narcotic painkillers) are permitted for medical uses. If marijuana were moved to this classification, insurance companies would be more likely to cover it.

The recent study suggests other major benefits that the DEA would also do well to consider. For example, many of the drugs replaced by medical marijuana use have dangerous side effects that are not a concern with cannabis. Perhaps foremost among these are opioid painkillers, which are relatively easy to lethally overdose on.
“That doesn’t happen with marijuana,” D’Souza said.

While marijuana can carry its own risks, increasing legalization would make it easier for scientists to carry out research that could guide responsible use.
But on a fundamental level, medical marijuana may simply challenge the medical-scientific model of health care by placing key decisions — and even production of the medicine in the hands of the patient.

“As physicians, we are used to prescribing a dose,” D’Souza said.
“Do you say, ‘Take two hits and call me in the morning?’ I have no idea.”

With natural medicine booming, hopefully more people will wake up to the fact that natural medicines, and foods, are in many ways superior to their lab-engineered alternatives. The health-supporting effects of fresh fruits, vegetables and all-natural superfoods simply cannot be beat.

Top Secret Khazarian Mafia Disposal Ops

georgia_guidestones-320x256Target: We The People

By Preston James

The Khazarian Mafia (KM) has a well developed specific set of Disposal Operations for American Soldiers, Middle East Islamics and KM mercenaries (described in previous related articles, Part I and Part II).

And they also have one specifically for We the People in America. They are rolling it out progressively in stages. And it is sinister and evil beyond imagination.

The KM has a grandiose final plan to deploy worldwide Disposal Operations targeting all humans, all over the whole world, and involves a progressive mass kill-off (induced mass-murder) to total about 90% of the human race.

This has been carved in stone in the KM’s Georgia Guidestones and various White Papers of their key Foundations and think-tanks.

During the period between 2016 and 2020, the Khazarian Mafia “Select Few” Top Chieftains plan to complete its worldwide kill-off plan. But first the KM believes it must progressively weaken, sicken, and kill off significant numbers of Americans and make as many as possible dependent on the state for basic sustenance.

The KM believes that it is necessary to disempower the American Masses so that they cannot resist in any significant way when the KM deploys its heavy-duty kill off beginning in 2020.

To disempower the American Masses, the KM enacted numerous Free trade Policies beginning with NAFTA and spreading to CAFTA, GATT and WTO, which has resulted in the massive export of most good American manufacturing jobs, leaving the best, high-paying jobs inside the Beltway, and in elected and appointed USG and State Government positions.

And now the KM is pushing hard for additional Free Trade policies like the TPP and TTIP which will export even more American jobs and lower the American standard of living even more.

These Free Trade Policies and the massive unrestricted immigration policies, including millions of unskilled immigrants as well as highly educated H1B1 immigrants granted Visas have reduced jobs for natural born adult Americans drastically.

And in order to weaken and disarm the American Populace the KM has now rolled out evil policies to spread corruption to every level of government including the new DHS, US Department of Justice and all Alphabets.

The KM plans to kill off the remaining numbers to total about 90% during the period of 2020 to 2030.

Read the entire article here:

93 Percent of the World’s Seeds Have Been Lost in the Last 80 Years

seedsBy Dr. Mercola

Seeds represent the foundation of life. We depend on them for food, for medicine and for our very survival. In many ways, you can trace the underpinnings of any given culture through the heritage of their crops and seeds.

It wasn’t long ago when seeds were mostly the concern of farmers who, as the Worldwatch Institute put it, “were the seed producers and the guardians of societies’ crop heritage.” But this is no longer the case.

Once considered to be the property of all, like water or even air, seeds have become largely privatized, such that only a handful of companies now control the global food supply.

Agriculture has been around for 10,000 years, but the privatization of seeds has only occurred very recently. In that short time, seed diversity has been decimated, farmers have been put out of business due to rising seed costs… and the pesticide companies that control most seeds today have flourished.

According to Worldwatch:

“…by the early 1900s, the U.S. and Canadian governments began promoting the development of large export-oriented agriculture industries based on only a few crops and livestock species.

To maximize uniformity and yields, seed breeding moved off the farm and into centralized public research centers, such as U.S. land grant universities. Variety development became commodity-oriented.

Scientific advances in the 1970s and ’80s heralded a new era in agriculture. To boost flat sales, Monsanto and other agrichemical companies ventured into genetic engineering and transformed themselves into the biotechnology industry.

They bought out traditional seed companies and engineered their herbicide-resistant genes into the newly acquired seed lines.”

It’s been all downhill from there…

93 Percent of Seeds Have Been Lost in the Last 80 Years

If you were alive in 1903, you would have been able to choose from more than 500 varieties of cabbage, 400 varieties of peas and tomatoes, and 285 varieties of cucumbers.

Eighty years later in 1983, the varieties had dwindled sharply, to just 28 varieties of cabbage, 25 varieties of peas, 79 for tomatoes, and just 16 varieties of cucumbers.

In a comparison of seeds offered in commercial seed houses in the early 1900s to the seeds found in the National Seed Storage Laboratory in 1983, researchers found 93 percent of seeds were lost over eight decades.

The National Geographic infographic below shows just how many varieties of fruits and vegetables appear near extinction.  Even more concerning is the fact that the data is already more than 30 years old, and the problem may have gotten even worse since.

For the record, it’s not only fruits and vegetables that are disappearing. The Millennium Seed Bank Partnership estimates that 60,000 to 100,000 plant species are in danger of extinction.

Loss of Seed Diversity Coincides with the Consolidation of Seed Companies

Seeds have traditionally been saved and shared between farmers from one harvest season to the next. Farmers rarely ever had to buy new seed. Nature, when left alone, provides you with the means to propagate the next harvest in a never-ending cycle.

Now, however, farmers relying on patented seeds must buy them each year from pesticide companies like Monsanto. Saving such seeds is illegal because it is considered to be patent infringement.

Many farmers depend on Monsanto’s genetically modified (GM) (and patented) seeds. More than 90 percent of US soybeans and 80 percent of corn acreage is planted with Monsanto’s patented GM seeds.

For 200 years, the patenting of life was prohibited, especially with respect to foods. But all of that changed in 1978 with the first patent of a living organism, an oil-eating microbe, which opened the proverbial floodgates.

Please read entire article here:

SHOCK STUDY: Countries with highest vaccination rates have highest infant mortality rates, too

African-American-Infant-Mother-Doctor-Vaccine(NaturalNews) Wealthy countries that require the highest number of vaccines for children under the age of 1 also have the highest rates of death in that age group, according to a study conducted by an independent computer scientist and a researcher from the Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute, and published in the journal Human & Experimental Toxicology in 2011.

The study stemmed from the recognition that while the U.S. vaccine schedule calls for more vaccine doses than any other country, the United States still ranks 34th among nations in terms of infant mortality.

For the purposes of the study, the researchers defined a “vaccine dose” as “an exact amount of medicine or drug to be administered.” Thus, triple vaccines such as DTaP or MMR are each considered to be three vaccine doses, since three drugs are being given at the same time.
The U.S. vaccine schedule calls for 26 vaccine doses before age 1.

More vaccination, more infant death

The researchers collected infant mortality rates (IMRs) for the top 34 countries in the world. Four of the countries – Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco and San Marino – had so few infant deaths (fewer than five) that their IMRs were considered statistically unreliable, so these countries were excluded from the analysis.

For the remaining 30 countries, a higher number of required vaccine doses was associated with a higher IMR – refuting the argument that a higher number of vaccinations improves overall infant health.
In fact, most of the vaccines recommended for children under age 1 are not intended to prevent diseases that are dangerous in that age group. Instead, U.S. vaccine policy emphasizes vaccinating children at as young an age as possible, including against diseases that are only dangerous later in life.

The countries were then divided into five different groups, depending on how many vaccine doses they require for children under age 1: 12–14 doses, 15–17 doses, 18–20 doses, 21–23 doses and 24–26 doses. The researchers found that countries in the 12–14 dose group had significantly better (lower) IMRs than countries in the 21–23 or 24–26 groups.

What is causing these deaths?

The researchers noted that many factors contribute to IMR, which is considered one of a country’s most important public health indicators. Poor countries tend to have high IMRs because of the absence or poor distribution of basic health services and infrastructure, including sanitation. Infectious diseases tend to be more common in these countries, largely because of that same poor health infrastructure and poor nutrition.

In wealthier countries, however – such as those examined in the current study – the factors contributing to IMRs may be less clear. For example, the United States saw an increase in premature births between 1990 and 2006, but this increase is not sufficient to explain the country’s unusually high IMR for a wealthy nation.

“It appears that at a certain stage in nations’ movement up the socio-economic scale—after the basic necessities for infant survival (proper nutrition, sanitation, clean water, and access to health care) have been met—a counter-intuitive relationship occurs between the number of vaccines given to infants and infant mortality rates: nations with higher (worse) infant mortality rates give their infants, on average, more vaccine doses,” the researchers wrote.

“This … elicits an important inquiry: are some infant deaths associated with over-vaccination?”

Learn  more:

FDA’s latest nutrition label ‘makeover’ warns consumers about calorie counts while ignoring GMOs and toxic chemical additives

Reading-Label(NaturalNews) When will the government of the United States of America ever actually help Americans get healthy, and duly inform consumers about all food ingredients by utilizing honest food labels instead of using trickery and deception? Every year, the FDA and the USDA approve more and more food toxins, while covering up the health detriment they cause, all while leading people down a dark corridor of poor health.

Does it really matter if you “count calories” if all those calories are empty ones, devoid of all nutrition? Will it be helpful to limit or eliminate your “fat” intake, if you only limit or eliminate all the good fats – the kind your body needs to function properly? Did your MD bother to educate you about the difference between good fats and molecularly-altered “bad” fats? Labels were first focused on how much fat you eat, but since the FDA doesn’t educate anyone on bad fat versus good fat, it never mattered.

What if you get excited about some new labels on food because you’re supposed to watch your cholesterol, only to find out that you need cholesterol and your medical doctor and the labels steered you completely wrong? And then there’s sugar – the sugar that comes from genetically modified corn, highly concentrated (HFCS) which contains bug-killer and weed-killer that leads directly to cancer and diabetes. What difference does it really make if you “moderate” your poison intake? It’s still poison. Will you brag to your friends that you’re regulating and “reducing” your own poison intake because some new food labels are helping you?

More ‘Big Food’ propaganda disguised as food label modifications

The FDA is actually announcing that serving sizes will be “less misleading.” How about not misleading at all? What if someone told you they would be less abusive to you – would you be excited about that? The size of the “calories” number will be much bigger and bolder. Now we are to “count calories” more easily, as if it matters whether you eat the whole can of toxic chili or half, or whether you eat six donuts or four, or you chomp down half the sack of hydrogenated-GM-oil-soaked chips or the whole bag.

Labels will give a new “percent daily value” for sugars, letting you know how much sugar is recommended for your “daily intake.” This is supposed to influence food manufacturers to put in less sugar at the factory. Does that mean they will simply insert more of those deadly chemical sweeteners in order to compensate for America’s sweet tooth, like aspartame, sucralose, sorbitol, saccharine and acesulfame potassium?

Basically each whole package of food will be a serving, so obese people feel less obese, and diabetics may feel less diabetic. No more guilt for eating that party-size bag of chips. That’s just one serving! Wait, you ate a whole box of cookies and drank a half-gallon of conventional milk? No problem. That was just a single serving.

The FDA is saying that, by law, serving sizes should be based on actual consumption habits and not ideal consumption, and since more than a third of Americans are obese, and half of the rest are overweight, that “Big Gulp” at 7/11 will become one serving. Are two double cheeseburgers and some super-sized fries just one helping? What’s next, a two-liter bottle of diet soda becoming one serving? Hey, look, no calories!

Most food companies are being given until July of 2018 to comply, or face government intervention. Smaller companies may get an extra year to comply. Michele Obama is leading the charge for these “new labels,” but her husband is the King of GMO and does whatever Monsanto tells him to do. These new food labels don’t “inform” us of anything, they misinform us on everything.

What’s hiding in U.S. foods are thousands of chemical agents approved by the FDA, genetically modified organisms that were never intended to be eaten, and chemical cleansing and preserving agents that lengthen food shelf-life while shortening human life. As Americans become more obese and more diabetic, fewer and fewer consumers are reading labels or even know what they’re reading if they do. It’s a tricky, corporate world of smoke and mirrors out there, and the only healthy Americans are ones who educate themselves about dangerous food ingredients and look to alternative health news for answers.

Want to learn how to read food labels and filter the disease-promoting ingredients? Stay tuned for the upcoming Health Ranger book that teaches you how to quickly and properly decode the labels and ingredients on not just food, but supplements, personal care products and medicines. There are new helpful rules for reading labels, but they’re not coming from the U.S. government or the U.S. regulatory agencies. Watch this space.


Tennessee Doctor Could Lose License After Announcing Office Will No Longer Vaccinate Due To Autism Concerns

not vaccinat3(NaturalNews) The announcement by a medical practice in Cool Springs, Tennessee, that it will stop administering vaccines out of concerns over autism could see the doctor at the heart of the scandal losing his license.

In a statement posted on the website of Cool Springs Family Medicine that has since been removed, the clinic’s only physician, Dr. Daniel Kalb, outlines eight points of contention, including links to autism and the dangerous ingredients found in vaccines such as aluminum, formaldehyde, and animal DNA that contains viruses. The statement also singles out Gardasil for being unsafe and possibly leading to neuroimmune disorders and cervical cancer.

Kalb wrote: “I’ve had 15 years experience in taking care of ASD kids. That’s a lot of vaccine injury stories from moms. Don’t tell me that they are making it up or they are just reaching for an explanation. All of those arguments are stupid.”

Dr. Kalb earned his medical degree at SUNY/Stony Brook and also holds a Master’s in Public Health. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics and is board-certified.

Doctor’s license could be at stake

While officials from the Tennessee Department of Health were not willing to comment specifically about the case, they voiced their support for the CDC’s recommendations regarding routine immunizations. When asked by the media if Dr. Kalb could lose his license over this, they refused to speculate on what action the Board of Medical Examiners might take.

It comes as no surprise that many parties are quick to speak out against the doctor’s brave stance. There have long been calls for doctors who are opposed to vaccines to lose their license. For example, in a hateful Forbes piece, Contributor Dr. Peter Lipson calls out several doctors who have gone on the record as being opposed to vaccines.

Lipson says that “doctors speaking out against vaccination in the midst of an ongoing outbreak should be investigated, warned, and censured. They should have their licenses suspended until undergoing 150 hours of continuing medical education on public health and infectious diseases…”

He closes by adding that a cardiologist who actively encourages people to avoid vaccines and says there is no need inject chemicals into children to boost their immune systems should lose his license outright.

A 2015 article in the Washington Post by medical ethics expert Arthur L. Caplan is even less kind. He said of doctors who are opposed to vaccines: “They shouldn’t be allowed near patients, let alone TV cameras.”

“Doctors who purvey views based on anecdote, myth, hearsay, rumor, ideology, fraud or some combination of all of these, particularly during an epidemic, should have their medical licenses revoked. Thankfully, states have the right tools to do so. It’s time to use them.”

He points out that many states’ licensing boards have provisions in place for the removal of a doctor’s license if he or she is deemed to be unprofessional or incompetent or to endanger public health.

Fox 17 News Nashville reported: “According to the Tennessee Department of Health’s website, Kalb has had no disciplinary actions taken against him. It is not clear if his stance on autism and vaccines will provoke to board to take any actions against him.”

Doctor’s concerns are backed by science

It is more than a little unsettling to think that a doctor could lose his license simply for raising concerns about the vaccines he must administer to patients. He raises some valid points. For example, the MMR vaccine has indeed been linked to autism and a host of other health problems. Gardasil has been linked with seizures, cervical cancer, autoimmune disorders, short-term memory loss, paralysis, and blindness. Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen, and the list goes on.

Learn more:

Living With Electrohypersensitivity – A Survival Guide

gwen tower

                                    What is Electrohypersensitivity or EHS?

In addition to numerous other health problems, electromagnetic pollution has been associated with an increase in the number of individuals suffering from a condition known as electrohypersensitivity (EHS). EHS is defined by the World Health Organization as: “…a phenomenon where individuals experience adverse health effects while in the vicinity of devices emanating electric, magnetic, or electromagnetic fields.”

Human beings are bioelectrical systems. Our hearts and brains are regulated by internal bioelectrical signals. Environmental exposures to artificial EMFs can interact with fundamental biological processes in the human body.

We are living in an increasingly complex electrical environment and are inundated daily with electromagnetic frequencies ranging from less than 20 Hz (electric trains) to greater than 1 billion Hz (wireless telecommunication). Most of these frequencies are man-made and were not present until the invention and subsequent commercialization of electricity (early 1900s), radio (1920s), radar (1940s), television (1950s), computers (1970s), and cell phones (1980s). Whether, and at what intensities, these frequencies have biological effects has been a subject of scientific debate for decades.
Early recognition, avoidance of symptom-triggering agents, environmental control, treatments that may reduce residual toxins and recovery of normal biological processes are key to regaining health for people with sensitivities. Without mitigation of the incitant, people with environmental sensitivities may become severely debilitated.
Please read the entire informative article here: