September 06, 2012
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of NaturalNews.com
The “War on Terror” is a complete fabrication. There is no terrorism other than what the government creates in order to sell its agenda of a police state takeover.
The CDC’s war on West Nile virus is also a complete fabrication. There is no real West Nile virus threat.
The “economic recovery” of America is a fairy tale.
Bin Laden wasn’t killed by U.S. Navy Seals. The war is a fake. The news is faked. The media is completely, utterly faked, running totally fictional stories. CNN is actually an elaborate theater operation, faking sets, locations, sound effects and everything else you can imagine.
Newspapers run fake news like “organic foods are no healthier than conventional foods.”
All the ads of Big Pharma are completely faked, promoting dangerous prescription drugs that are approved by the FDA based on faked clinical studied.
The USDA, EPA, FDA, ATF, DEA are all fake operations, actually running their own scams and frauds rather than protecting the American public from anything. We’d all be better off to simply abolish every federal regulator and start over.
The history taught in public schools is wildly faked. The explanations of who killed JFK and MLK are all faked. They don’t want you to know real history.
Banking financial instruments are all faked. And the bank RATINGS are utterly faked. It’s all complete fiction, and that fiction will soon unravel.
The food you buy is faked, by the way. Fake colors, fake flavors, fake marketing claims on the packaging, and even fake chemical ingredients. All the real nutrients are processed out, leaving “fake food.”
Cities are fake ecosystems. City parks are faked with weed killer, pesticides, and non-native plants everywhere. Your tap water faucet is a “fake waterfall” in your kitchen. It’s all illusion. Behind the mechanics, there is no real waterfall. It’s all a series of electrical pumps and pipes that bring the water to you. Once the electricity stops, the illusion collapses.
Learn more:http://www.naturalnews.com/037093_fairy_tales_delusion_real_world.html#ixzz2CiyJEbEP