Apple’s New ‘Wireless’ Headphones Emit Radiation … Right Next to Your Brain

wifi-radiationTo much fanfare and excitement, Apple has announced that the iPhone 7 will come with wireless earbuds, ditching the much-reviled and ever-tangled cords of conventional earbuds. The wireless earbuds, dubbed “AirPods,” will be water-resistant and are, in the words of company CEO Tim Cook, the first step to a “wireless future.”

They will also fire dangerous, cancer-causing radiation directly into the brains of users, experts have warned.

The iPhone will communicate via Bluetooth directly with the right earbud, which will send a separate Bluetooth signal to the left earbud. This means the radiation carrying the signal will pass directly through the user’s brain.

Contrary to the claims of industry representatives, studies have in fact established ways that RFR leads directly to health harm.

Fish For Dinner? Your Seafood Might Come With a Side of Plastic!

plastic-bitsFish are “stuffing themselves” on plastic, but scientists are still trying to figure out what effect that might have on those of us who eat seafood.

While the actual plastic bits might be in the stomachs of fish, the chemical used to the manufacture the plastic “may migrate into fish flesh and thus edible parts of seafood”. The Washington Post.

As much as 12.7m metric tons of plastic enter the world’s oceans each year. According to the World Economic Forum, by 2050 there could be more plastic in the sea than fish.

It’s clear that waste ends up in marine habitats from many different sources, from inefficient industrial waste management to plastic microfibers washed out of our clothing. But it’s less clear what the end result might be for human health.

Fish appear to be “stuffing themselves” on plastic, which is coated in bacteria and algae, mimicking their natural food sources. Mistaking the small particles for a high energy snack, fish gobble up most small plastic particles, according to recent research.

Much of that plastic ends up in the guts of fish and other marine life, and ultimately on our dinner table.

While the actual plastic bits might be in the stomachs of fish, the chemical used to manufacture the plastic “may migrate into fish flesh and thus edible parts of seafood”, explains Rolf Halden, director of Arizona State University’s Center for Environmental Security.

Those chemicals that have “hitched a ride on plastics” may sometimes be found “in accumulated concentrations that may be harmful to humans”, says Halden.

In a study published in 2015, marine researchers bought fish at public markets in California and Indonesia and examined their stomach contents. Around one in four fish at markets in both locations had plastic particles in their guts.

Read more:

Like Tobacco, the Meat Industry and Big Pharma, The Sugar Industry Has Manipulated Research For 50 Years

coffee-978921_960_720By Natasha Longo

Don’t you love people who cling to scientific research without ever questioning who sponsored that research? Using archival documents, a new report published by JAMA Internal Medicine examines the sugar industry’s role in heart disease research. The study suggests that the sugar industry sponsored research to influence the scientific debate to cast doubt on the hazards of sugar and to promote dietary fat as the culprit in heart disease. Governments worldwide agreed just like they did with the tobacco industry and big pharma.

The sugar industry was instrumental in influencing the prevailing thinking about fat, obesity and related diseases holding that quantifying calories should be a principal concern and target for intervention.

Read more here:

Radioactive Food And Water The New Normal In Japan

fukushima-radioactive-load-nailed-sulfur-study_1581By Richard Wilcox Phd.

Japan has an amazing food culture thanks in part to the rich volcanic soil and ample rainfall, despite the lack of spacious farms. As it stands, Japan can feed approximately one third of its population from domestic production.

If you watch Japanese TV from time to time, you will see a bizarre and disturbing fetishization of food that borders on the insane. The media and in turn consumers are obsessed with food as not only a source of nutrition and social cohesion (all for the good), but as art, fashion and status symbol, a celebration of gluttony and greed; an infantile obsession with eating for self satisfaction.

I love good and healthy food and appreciate Asian cuisine, but we eat to live, not live to eat. This social pathology affects other cultures as well as seen by increasing rates of extreme obesity especially in Western countries due to the proliferation of shopping malls, junk food and high fructose corn syrup.

How ironic then that a “high food” society like Japan would have to suffer the insult of radioactive contamination. This is not a tuna melt sandwich but a nuclear melt-down sundae.

Radiation Nation

The long-term consequences of the Fukushima nuclear disaster continue to linger years after the event. Anyone who studies Chernobyl will know that even after three decades radioactive contamination persists. Although a different type of accident occurred there, in the case of Fukushima it was three reactors that had meltdowns instead of one, and even possibly “melt throughs” referring to corium penetrating the reactor buildings in lateral and vertical outward paths.

In the days and months that followed the Fukushima disaster in March of 2011, many people became very worried about radioactive contamination of the food and water supply, especially from short-lived iodine isotopes, followed by the more persistent and harmful cesium, strontium and plutonium. There was much testing by both the government and independent researchers and organizations. Despite the best efforts of the Japanese government, nuclear industry and mainstream media to downplay the crisis, social media proved helpful in educating the public about how to reduce consumer risks.

Read more here:

Why You Should Be Paying Attention to America’s Quiet War on Cash

us-dollar-2By Shaun Bradley

Government campaigns of intimidation — like the wars on drugs, terror, and poverty — have been used to extort the public for decades. Despite the previous failures of institutional “wars,” a new war on cash is being waged that threatens freedom in a more subversive way than ever before.

Banks and governments around the world are cracking down on the use of paper money, and in turn, eliminating any anonymity left in the current system. Through strict rules on cash transactions and civil asset forfeiture laws, for example, the system has already instituted penalties for using cash. But as payments evolve into a purely digital network, the consequences of this new paradigm are being brought into the spotlight.

The ability to track, record, and mediate transactions of all individuals is a power that dictators throughout history could have only dreamed of. Those who value privacy are turning to alternatives like cash, cryptocurrencies, and precious metals, but these directly threaten central bank dominance. This ongoing tug-of-war in financial innovation will determine whether we enter an age of individual empowerment or centralized enslavement.

Read more here:

Is It Already Too Late To Consider The Ethics Of Mind Control Technology?

mind-control-970x546-777x437By Nicholas West

There seems to be a troubling uptick around “ethics” recently within scientific circles that are focusing on robotics, artificial intelligence, and brain research. I say troubling because embedded within the standard appeals for caution which should appear in science, there also seems to be a tacit admission that things might be quickly spiraling out of control, as we are told of meetings, conventions, and workshops that have the ring of emergency scrambles more than debating society confabs.

Yesterday, Activist Post republished commentary from Harvard which cited a 52-page Stanford study looking into what Artificial Intelligence might look like in the year 2030. That report admits that much of what the general public believes to be science fiction – like pre-crime, for example – is already being implemented or is well on the way to impacting people’s day-to-day lives. We have seen the same call for ethical standards and caution about “killer robots” when, in fact, robots are already killing and injuring humans. Really all that is left to be considered, presumably, is the degree to which these systems should be permitted to become fully autonomous.

Read more here:

Globalized, Centralized, Compacted: They Cull the Population to Make Us Rely on Government

centralized-governmentBy Aaron Dykes

With each step forward, the powers-that-be are controlling us more and more, reducing the population and forcing people to rely upon a centralized, collective government. The global agenda to centralize control explained by Aaron Dykes in this video.

For Big Pharma, the Vaccine Ship is Sinking

sinking-financial-dollar-economyBy Jonathan Benson

The religion of vaccines is in dire straits. No matter how aggressively government health agencies, the mainstream media, and corporate “scientists” try to prop up the house of cards and keep the membership numbers high, often using intimidation and bullying tactics to coerce parents into compliance, more parents than ever are bucking the status quo in order to protect their kids from this ruthless death cult, which is increasingly being exposed as such despite all of its desperate propaganda.

A recent in-depth investigation by‘s Jeffry John Aufderheide, for example, exposes a new effort by the pro-vaccine cult to push vaccines as safe and effective, using “regular moms” as the poster children for this so-called “grassroots” campaign. But as thoroughly outlined in Aufderheide’s piece, the campaign, known as “Voices for Vaccines,” is actually a phony astroturfing effort backed by the vaccine industry and its allies in academia and government.

The more conscious and free-thinking elements of society — parents who carefully investigate each and every vaccine prior to jabbing their kids are included in this category — are sure to reject this obvious attempt at corporate manipulation. But a surprising number of new defectors are also growing skeptical of all the endless haranguing by the pseudo-scientific elite, especially when it is poorly disguised as grassroots advocacy.

“Big Pharma and the pro-vaccine lobby know their ship is sinking,” writes Aufderheide about what is occurring. “Parents are investigating vaccines and asking doctors questions they cannot answer in record numbers, which is shooting holes in Pharma’s bottom line.”

Vaccine ‘science’ simply doesn’t hold any weight

Try as they might to blame the unvaccinated for escalating disease outbreaks all across the country, a ploy meant to scare as many people as possible into complying with vaccination mandates, the vaccine pushers are failing in this regard as well. In almost every instance, those spreading and catching diseases that were supposedly eradicated by vaccines were already vaccinated, completely debunking this common myth.

Beyond this, many parents of vaccinated children who now suffer from debilitating conditions like autism and autoimmune disease are starting to wonder why their friends’ unvaccinated children don’t have these serious health issues. Sure, the media can endlessly repeat the lie that vaccines are safe, that they do not cause autism and whatever else sounds nice to concerned parents, but the evidence speaks for itself.

Vaccines also destroy innate immunity, making individuals more prone later in life to developing the disease they were vaccinated against. This is true for the chickenpox vaccine, for instance, which has been scientifically shown to increase one’s risk of developing adult shingles, as well as for “polio-like” illness, measles and other conditions that are suddenly reemerging and being falsely blamed on the unvaccinated.

In truth, as we covered in a recent in-depth analysis on the myths of vaccination “science,” vaccines bypass the body’s non-specific immune system and introduce viral fragments, heavy metals and other highly damaging toxins directly into the adaptive immune system, destroying the body’s ability to develop true, natural immunity. As a result, vaccinated individuals actually become more prone to disease and also become carriers of disease and the real trigger behind disease outbreaks.

“Whereas natural recovery from many infectious diseases usually stimulates lifetime immunity, vaccines only provide temporary protection and most vaccines require ‘booster’ doses to extend vaccine-induced artificial immunity,” explained Barbara Loe Fisher, the president and co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center, a vaccine research group.

Study Finds Organic Diet For One Week Drops Pesticide Levels By 90 Percent In Adults

please do not sprayBy Arjun Walia

I constantly come across individuals not knowing the difference between organic food and food that’s riddled with pesticides, which is why awareness is so important. A recent study conducted by researchers from RMIT university, published in the journal Environmental Research found that an organic diet for just one week significantly reduced pesticide (commonly used in conventional food production) exposure in adults.

Thirteen participants were randomly selected to consume a diet consisting of at least 80% organic or conventional food for precisely 7 days, afterwards crossing over to the alternative diet from which they started. Urinary levels were used for analysis. The study found that urinary dialkylphosphates (DAPs) measurements were 89% lower when they ate an organic diet for seven days compared to a conventional diet for the same amount of time.

A lot of these agents were initially developed as nerve gases for chemical warfare, so we do know that they have toxic effects on the nervous system at high doses. Conventional food production commonly uses organophosphate pesticides, which are neurotoxins that act on the nervous system of humans by blocking an important enzyme. Recent studies have raised concerns for health effects of these chemicals even at relatively low levels. This study is an important first step in expanding our understanding about the impact of an organic diet  – Dr. Liza Oates

These new studies, and the several others referred to in this article further confirms the evidence relating to the negative health effects of organophosphate pesticides like glyphosate, showing that there is significant pesticide exposure in adults who feel they are on a “normal diet” in contrast with a dramatically reduced exposure when the same individuals switch to an organic diet.

There is a reason that multiple countries around the world have banned GMOs and the pesticides that go with them.

Please read the entire article here:

7 Ways Organic Farms Outperform Conventional Farms

organic-farm-bigBy Greg Seaman,

Sustainable, organic farming practices are the best way to feed the future…

Just a few generations ago, in the 1930’s, approximately 45% of Americans lived on farms. This demographic gradually but steadily declined as people migrated to urban centers, and over time, to suburbs. Today, only about 960,000 people claim farming as their principal occupation, which represents less than 1% of the US population.

During the same period of time the US population has more than doubled, and demand for agricultural products has increased accordingly.

It is a testament to human ingenuity that the mechanics of farming has managed to keep pace with an ever-expanding demand even as the number of farms has declined. Farm machinery has become larger, more efficient and more productive. New crop varieties have been developed which resist common pests and diseases while producing larger yields. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides have become increasingly effective, allowing farmers to produce larger crops without the need for additional human labor.

Farmlands have become increasingly dependent on chemical fertilizers which have short-term benefits but contribute to soil depletion over time.

But while today’s large scale food producers continue to profit and consumers see supermarket shelves overflowing with farm products, the unseen costs of our dependence on agribusiness exert a mounting toll. Farmlands have become increasingly dependent on chemical fertilizers which have short-term benefits but contribute to soil depletion over time. Water retention is diminished in non-organic farmland, resulting in erosion of topsoil with chemical residues entering watersheds. We consumers have quietly accepted these changes in farming practices as the cost of feeding a growing nation, and because there seem to be no practical alternatives.

Recent experiments in small organic farming practices, and the release of a 30-year side-by-side farming study by the Rodale Institute, have shown this reasoning to be fundamentally flawed. Organic farming, both large and small scale, is more productive than ‘conventional’ chemical-dependent farming. Organic farming is not only the best way to feed the world – it is the only way to feed the world in a sustainable way.

Organic farms, contrary to conventional wisdom, outperform conventional farms in these ways:

1. Organic farms are more profitable than conventional farms

The bottom line for farmers, regardless of the practices used, is income. The 30-year side-by-side Rodale study showed that organic systems were almost three times as profitable as conventional systems. The average net return for the organic systems was $558/acre/ year versus just $190/acre/year for the conventional systems. This figure is skewed because of the higher price organic farmers receive for their produce and meat, but the higher food costs alone cannot account for the difference in profitability. Lower input costs for organic farm systems are credited with significant cost savings for the farmer.

The relatively poor showing of GM crops in the Rodale study echoed a study from the University of Minnesota that found farmers who cultivated GM varieties earned less money over a 14-year period than those who continued to grow non-GM crops.

2. Organic yields equal or surpass conventional and GM yields

The Rodale 30-year study found that after a three-year transition period, organic yields equalled conventional yields. Contrary to fears that there are insufficient quantities of organically acceptable fertilizers, the data suggest that leguminous cover crops could fix enough nitrogen to replace the amount of synthetic fertilizer currently in use.

In a review of 286 projects in 57 countries, farmers were found to have increased agricultural productivity by an average of 79%, by adopting “resource-conserving” or ecological agriculture (Pretty et al., 2006).

3. Organic crops are more resilient than conventionally grown and GM crops

Organic corn yields were 31 per cent higher than conventional yields in years of drought. These drought yields are remarkable when compared to genetically modified (GM) “drought tolerant” varieties, which showed increases of only 6.7 per cent to 13.3 per cent over conventional (non-drought resistant) varieties.

The effects of climate change bring more uncertainty to farming, with increased drought predicted for some parts of the country. It has become obvious that weather patterns are changing, and looking to the future, food crops will need the resilience to adapt.

4. Organic farming is more efficient than conventional farming

Conventional agriculture requires large amounts of oil to produce, transport and apply fertilizers and pesticides. Nitrogen fertilizer is the single biggest energy cost for conventional farming, representing 41% of overall energy costs. Organic systems used 45% less energy overall than conventional systems. Production efficiency was 28% higher in the organic systems, with the conventional no-till system being the least efficient in terms of energy usage.

The extra energy required for fertilizer production and farm fuel use in conventional systems also contributes to greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). Conventional systems emit almost 40% more GHG per pound of crop production in comparison to the organic systems.

5. Organic farming builds healthier soil

While short-term benefits are realized with the use of chemical fertilizers and mechanized production methods, every gardener knows that soil health cannot be compromised in the long term. Eventually, soil-depleting practices take their toll as soil structure weakens, microbial life declines and erosion removes valuable topsoil from farmland.

The Rodale study found that overall soil health is maintained with conventional systems, but soil health is improved when using organic farming practices. Organic farming practices improve moisture retention which creates water ‘stores’ which plants can draw on during times of stress due to drought and high winds.

According to the Environmental Working Group and soil scientists at Iowa State University, America’s “Corn Belt” is losing precious topsoil up to 12 times faster than government estimates.

6. Organic farming keeps toxic chemicals out of the environment

Conventional systems rely heavily on pesticides (herbicides, insecticides, fungicides) many of which are toxic to humans and animals. With more than 17,000 pesticide products (agricultural and non-agricultural) on the market today, the EPA is unable to keep up with adequate safety testing. In fact, the EPA has required testing of less than 1% of chemicals in commerce today.

Many studies link low level exposure of pesticides to human health problems, and chemical residue from pesticides used in farming can be commonly found in air and water samples as well as in the food we eat.

Inactive ingredients in pesticide and herbicide formulations have been found to be as toxic as active ingredients, but are not tested for human health impacts.

7. Organic farming creates more jobs

Industrial agriculture has replaced human hands with machines and chemical inputs. According to the EPA, in the last century agricultural labor efficiency increased from 27.5 acres/worker to 740 acres/worker. Joel Salatin, organic farmer and author of best-selling books on sustainable farming, views these statistics as another reason for us to return to our farming roots. “People say our system can’t feed the world, but they’re absolutely wrong,” he says, “Yes, it will take more hands, but we’ve got plenty of them around.”

One important aspect to consumer support of conventional farming practices is the cost of food. Organic produce and meat is higher priced than non-organic counterparts. But, according to Joel Salatin, we get what we pay for. “We spend around 10% of our income on food and some 16% on health care, and it used to be the reverse.”

Our current food production system is in need of repair. We need to promote organic systems which respect the integrity of soil health and sustainable systems. Until recently it was thought that our national and global food needs were too big to be met with natural, organic food production systems. Recent studies confirm, however, that organic farming is the way of the future. We need, both collectively and as individuals, to support the organic food movement to enable the process to move forward with the research, seed development and farming practices needed to feed a hungry world.

More than 10X more if you stick to Whatsapp, Facebook, and Twitter

indexIn Mexico, it is universal now. If you get a basic airtime recharge on any cell phone or portable device, they will give you 1 gig of airtime for facebook, whatsapp, and twitter, But if you go anywhere else, your airtime gets cut all the way down to 50 megs. In other words, it gets cut from 100 percent down to 5 percent. Next time I see that I’ll get a screen capture (I did not think of doing that this morning)

This is a clear indicator that the elite are inflicting major control over the web, by severely punishing anyone who does not exclusively stick to using their “cattle stable” web sites. That big of a bandwidth difference makes it obvious there are those who are trying to sideline the entire internet and get it under their exclusive control. Want to get your bandwidth? Then stick to only US, where we will control every news story, every perspective, and if you step out of line, you are GONE from our web sites entirely and will then get 5 percent of the bandwidth you had before.

They are already making it happen, and the extent to which they are taking this is ominous.


Note: This serves as a good reference point for you to consider just how suppressed and controlled you are relative to our Mexican brothers and sisters. If you want to advise people of what it is like in your country under your provider, drop us an email and we will post the comparison.

Major Rush

Social Engineering Algorithms Are Being Used To Indoctrinate Citizens Into Surrendering To Vaccinations

Injectable-Drugs-Medicine-Vaccine-Bottle-Virus-Vial(NaturalNews) Powerful world organizations are coordinating with one another to strip away individual liberty and medical freedom, to force populations into 100 percent vaccine compliance and pharmaceutical dependence, while not giving a damn about the negative outcomes. The World Health Organization (WHO) is putting together a global task force consisting of academic leaders, medical authorities and government officials to psychologically manipulate families into vaccine indoctrination and compliance.

Documents uncovered at the European Regional Office of the World Health Organization unveil a PSYOP operation aimed at training health authorities to use media outlets to persuade entire groups of people to believe in vaccines and obey vaccine mandates. In their PSYOP training manual, Best Practice Guidance 1st Edition: How to Respond to Vocal Vaccine Deniers in Public, WHO seeks to eliminate any discussion of widespread vaccine damage among the public, including vaccine-induced death, the toxicity of vaccine ingredients, the depletion of overall immunity due to compounding vaccination, and the many other reasons why people are waking up and saying no to this generally unnecessary and risky medical intervention.

Coordinated effort to force psychological obedience to vaccines

Instead of discussing the very real and life-altering problems associated with vaccinations, WHO is engaging in psychological warfare that seeks to stereotype vaccine dissenters as “science denialists.” The true “denialists” are these trained vaccine spokespeople, who will not listen to the countless real life stories of vaccine damage, who deny vaccine-induced death and lifelong neurological damage following vaccination.

WHO’s new training manual is so sinister that it attempts to psychoanalyze, categorize and stereotype anyone who asks questions about vaccines, does research, or who prefers to keep filth out of their bodies. Anyone who questions the “experts” or vaccine “science” is stereotyped into one of three categories: a vaccine refuser, a vaccine skeptic or a vaccine denier. In all cases you may be deemed a “conspiracy theorist.” The WHO manual also sees you as an “adversary.”

The WHO’s sinister training manual is a blatant, sociopathic plot to foster subservience to vaccine religion. They are training disciples to preach a sick gospel of pharmaceutical compliance, while blinding people to the real reasons why they continue to be sick (even as they are continuously vaccinated). Compounding vaccine ingredients such as aluminum adjuvant should not be ignored as being “safe” or “sound science.” The discussion should be whether pharmaceutical companies are committing crimes against humanity by putting neurotoxins such as aluminum in vaccines.

The freedom is yours: Think before you vaccinate

This training manual was created to assist government “officials” in persuading the most people to vaccinate, so that they can continue to write laws restricting medical and health freedom. As this vaccination propaganda war ensues, individuals must remember that their bodies belong to themselves, and their children do not have to be subjects of government power abuses and pharmaceutical exploitation. No permission is needed to refuse injections. This freedom does not come through law or even constitutional rights; this freedom is inherent, inalienable and must be defended by the individual with whatever force is necessary. There is no justification to strip individual rights to achieve some fairy tale concept of “herd immunity.” An individual becomes sick as an individual and gets well as an individual.

The real science of immunity exists within the human body through activation of nutrition

More people are realizing that the increasing number of vaccines only causes compounding toxicity in their bodies. Instead of continually subjecting themselves and their children to vaccine “science,” they are deciding instead to rely on the natural science of their own bodies and activating their natural defenses using cellular nutrition. People who have experienced vaccine damage or who have witnessed damage to their children have every reason to abstain from future vaccines. If vaccination was all about improving human immunity, then why have proven, nutritional science therapies been ignored by health authorities and written off as “quackery” or “alternative health?”

More and more people are seeing right through the plot of pharmaceutical companies, which is to create lifelong, subservient customers who have no knowledge of their own powerful, inherent immune systems.

More people are abstaining from vaccines and seeking to feed their cells living nutrition, taking control of their futures and standing up against a coordinated manipulative effort that seeks to indoctrinate and control them from birth to death.

Depopulation: Global elite, climate change activists call for tax on newborns

Infant-Teddy-Bear-Money-Blanket(NaturalNews) Critics of globalism and the climate change narrative have been warning us for some time that things are not what they seem, and that the true globalist agenda involves a plan which includes depopulation as one of its central goals.

Now, the global elitists are beginning to publicly play their hand by introducing the concept of taxing childbirth. In short, they have disguised their global depopulation scheme as being a necessary action in the effort to fight climate change.

‘Maybe we should protect our kids by not having them’

A recent NPR broadcast documents the unveiling of the depopulation/taxation scheme as envisioned by Travis Rieder, a “philosopher” with the Berman Institute of Bioethics at Johns Hopkins University, who claims that not having children is a “moral duty.”

“Here’s a provocative thought: Maybe we should protect our kids by not having them,” says Rieder.

Provocative indeed, but the scheme (at least in its first stage) is being candy-coated to make it sound more palatable to the average citizen.

The depopulation birth tax would apply more heavily to the rich, while encouraging the poor to use more birth control, according to Rieder and his colleagues, who say that the plan will not be as “abusive” as China’s one-child policy.

From NPR:
“It aims to persuade people to choose fewer children with a strategy that boils down to carrots for the poor, sticks for the rich.

“Ethically, Rieder says poor nations get some slack because they’re still developing, and because their per capita emissions are a sliver of the developed world’s. Plus, it just doesn’t look good for rich, Western nations to tell people in poor ones not to have kids.”

Of course, the rich can afford a “childbirth tax,” while the rest of us non-elites will be the ones forced to abandon having children to comply with the depopulation scheme.

Rieder claims that by reducing worldwide childbirth rates by “half a child per woman,” carbon emissions could be reduced by as much as one-quarter of the amount needed to avoid the “tipping point” that will lead to 4 degrees Celsius global warming by the end of the century – a level of warming that will ostensibly make the world “largely uninhabitable for humans.”

His plan has created plenty of controversy already; Rieder receives “nasty comments” online, and has raised the ire of climate change skeptics such as Marc Morano of Climate Depot.

“The warmists have now graduated from regulating our light bulbs, coal plants and SUVs to regulating our family size,” said Morano. “Let’s keep ‘global warming’ out of the bedroom!”

As radical as Rieder’s proposals may sound, there are those among the climate change activists who are calling for even more drastic measures.

According to the Sierra Club: “Childbearing [should be] a punishable crime against society, unless the parents hold a government license.”

Even more extreme is the stance of the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement, whose members maintain that “voluntary human extinction is the humanitarian alternative to human disasters,” and that humans should commit “species suicide” to save the environment.

The hidden agenda is no longer hidden

And so it appears that the gloves are now off, as the global elites have begun to go public with their depopulation plans.

These self-appointed saviors apparently envision a world in which they alone will enjoy the benefits of a reduced population, while the rabble are encouraged – or outright coerced – into non-reproduction.

Who gave them the power to make these decisions?

The answer is that we did – or at least many of us did – by allowing ourselves to be duped by fearmongers like Al Gore and others bent on selling the global warming myth so that the elite could take over the planet and fashion it into something that serves their interests.

We need to understand that the issue is not climate change at all; the real agenda is creating a world where you and I and our children’s children will no longer be allowed to exist. Our very survival is now being threatened by the global elite – if we let them carry out their plans.

Facebook Goes Full ORWELLIAN


Facebook has now gone full Orwellian, blocking all articles that contain a phrase”compulsory vaccinations.”

You are not even allowed to TALK about the subject, much less question it or debate the false narrative.

With this move, ZuckerBORG has gone full globalist, waging a form of “cognitive cleansing” to wipe out any discussion of why immunizations are being forced onto children across America.

Recently, when we attempted to share stories on FB that contained the phrase, the stories were completely blocked, along with a message that warned the article “violated community standards.”

When we replaced the phrase with “compulsory immunizations,” the article was accepted by FB and allowed to be shared.

Big Biotech Looks to Make Third World Into West’s Genetically Modified Bread Basket

nigeria-800x520By Chris Kikila Perrin

GMOs are perhaps one of the sacred cow topics of anti-neoliberal, anti-globalization activist discourse, they are as confusingly scientific as vaccines and carry with them just as fervent criticism and defense.

For the most part, some of the suggested benefits of GMOs have fallen flat: Corporate claims that genetically modified crops provide an easy solution to the problem of world hunger have proven to be unsubstantiated, and the only positive results that GM crops tend to produce directly are those related to the wealth/poverty gap. Problematically, the biotech corporations that have created GM crops find refuge in the Global South — or so-called Third World — where corrupt governments appear happy to receive international money in exchange for turning their fields and populations into laboratories.

Since the beginning of the summer, the government of Nigeria has been quickly increasing the reach of companies like Monsanto, issuing permits that allow the establishment of GM crops in the country. Grassroots resistance has been immediate, and Nigerians are openly expressing their discontent at this decision that has the ability to directly impact local and national food security and sovereignty. It’s no wonder that the world, particularly among food security and anti-neoliberal activists, is watching Nigeria.

GMO crops are a wonder. Developed in labs by scientists who nominally have good intentions, they are then copyrighted and patented, allowing the companies that employ these scientists to sue individual farmers for reusing seed, even when accidental.

If this were not startling enough, GM crops are often tied to development and sold to the Third World as a clear path to food sovereignty.

Read entire article here:

Research Proves Raw Milk Prevents Infections and Boosts Immunity

Raw-Milk-1-1By Alex Pietrowski

In 1948 Michigan became the first state to require all milk sold to consumers to first be pasteurized, thus beginning the war on raw milk. The national effort to prevent people from obtaining raw milk has become so absurd that state and local governments around the country are willing to sick S.W.A.T teams on U.S. citizens to protect us from the potential harm in consuming raw milk which has been a dietary staple for generations.

The ostensible premise for such militant enforcement of food law is of course public safety, as authorities say that certain manufacturing processes do not prevent the bacterial contamination of milk, and the government now claims that raw milk is too dangerous for human consumption even though it is entirely possible to produce it without contaminating it.

Advocates of the consumption and free sale of raw milk describe pasteurization as a process that destroys the real nutritional benefits of milk in an effort to prevent the risk of contamination.

Studies proved that:

Early life consumption of raw cow’s milk reduced the risk of manifest respiratory infections and fever by about 30%.

The consumption of raw milk actually helps infants build immunity to certain infections and diseases.

Raw milk works a lot like breast milk in providing protective, anti-infective health benefits to children.

Raw milk also aids in the prevention of allergic diseases.

Read the entire article here:

If Voting Made Any Difference, They Wouldn’t Let Us Do It

twainBy John Whitehead

Don’t be fooled into thinking that the only road to reform is through the ballot box. Whether you vote or don’t vote doesn’t really matter. What matters is what else you’re doing to push back against government incompetence, abuse, corruption, graft, fraud and cronyism. After all, argues John W. Whitehead, there is more to citizenship than the act of voting for someone who, once elected, will march in lockstep with the dictates of the powers-that-be.

Watch the video here:

A Disturbing Series of Events: Governments Around the World Seem to Be Preparing for War

government-prepares-for-warBy Daisy Luther

Remember how a couple of days ago the German government advised its citizens to start stockpiling food and water? Well, today they have announced that they are considering reintroducing conscription…the draft, to ‘help with any future disaster’.

And Germany isn’t alone. There are increasing hints in countries around the world that something big is on its way…and it won’t be pretty.

Do they know something we don’t?

The German government will discuss their emergency plans Wednesday. The BBC reports:

Germany may reintroduce a form of national service for civilians to help the army deal with a future disaster.

The role of civilians is part of a new civil defence strategy to be discussed by the government on Wednesday.

Since the strategy was leaked to the media there has been intense debate about stockpiling food and water.

In a crisis civilians might be obliged to help direct traffic or provide fuel and accommodation for the military.

Germany only scrapped conscription in 2011. However, it was not removed from the country’s constitution, which means it would be incredibly simple to reinstate.

Not sure I like the look of this.

The German Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance published a list

As I wrote about on Monday, the German government is urging citizens to get prepared – and quickly.

The German Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) put the following list on their website as a guide:

  • 28 litres (6.2 gallons) of drinking water

  • 4.9kg (10.8 pounds) of bread, noodles, rice, potatoes
  • 5.6kg (12.3 pounds) of vegetables and pulses (preferably pre-cooked)
  • 3.6kg (eight pounds) of fruit and nuts (in jars or tins)

This it states is a survival list that should last an individual for two weeks in the event of a national emergency.

Wolfgang Kast, a public health manager with the German Red Cross said,

“People have become less and less prepared for an emergency”.

…We’ve got accustomed – not least because of the internet – to having everything available at all times,”

In addition to the food list he suggested medicines, a flashlight, spare batteries, and candles. Hardly comprehensive, but it’s a start.

The American government has also issued recent warnings.

Last summer there were two alarming warnings urging Americans to get prepared.

First, in May, President Obama said:

One of the things that we have learned over the course of the last seven and a half years is that government plays a vital role, but it is every citizen’s responsibility to be prepared for a disaster. And that means taking proactive steps, like having an evacuation plan, having a fully stocked disaster supply kit. If your local authorities ask you to evacuate, you have to do it. Don’t wait.

This was followed by DC Homeland Security Director Christopher Geldart issuing a warning to residents:

Everyone needs to dust off their evacuation plans, understanding Metro isn’t a reliable option over the next year.

“When we put more vehicles on the road– like an emergency happening in the middle of the day and everybody leaving at the same time– that’s going to cause backup and it’s going to take people a good time to get home,” Geldart said. “It will take longer– much longer– than they are used to. So what we’re telling folks is, you need to have a plan with your family.”

And that’s not all. The hints are everywhere that war could be on the horizon.

The rest of the world hasn’t exactly been calm and peaceful, either.

In general, Europe doesn’t have the prepping mentality that exists on this side of the pond but it looks like they are starting to consider that the government may not be in a position to help its citizens.

The UK hasn’t come right out and said that Brits should start stockpiling food and water, but the government there has produced a Preparing for Emergencies booklet that few people even know exists. It’s ‘What You Can do’ page lists essential items that should be to hand in the event of an emergency and advises that enough food, water, and medication should be available to last a few days. The booklet also gives advice on various emergency situations and how to deal with them.

The pace of world events is picking up…yesterday it was announced that Turkey had evacuated an entire town as it intends to engage in across border action with Islamic State in Syria.

North Korea has fired a missile from a submarine in violation of International law.


Every day, something worrying occurs on the international stage. Worrying developments that threaten stability across the globe.

Make sure you have:

  • Emergency Food
  • Firearms and Ammo
  • Water Filtration
  • Extra Cash

There’s something very suspicious about all of these unsettling events happening in such close succession.

We shouldn’t be waiting for governments to tell us to prepare. We should be doing it of our own volition. We should be taking responsibility for the safety of our families.

And we should be doing it now.

Antibiotics in Vaccines Increase Human Susceptibility to Superbugs

baby target(NaturalNews) It’s no conspiracy that antibiotics are used during the vaccine manufacturing phase to stave off bacterial contamination of tissue culture cells where the dangerous, infectious disease viruses are nurtured in chicken egg embryo and aborted human albumin (fetal tissue and blood). These so-called “trace amounts” of antibiotics, such as neomycin, are commonly found in vaccines such as MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) at about 25 micrograms per dose, and persons who are allergic to such antibiotics experience severe and life-threatening reactions immediately following injection.

Human resistance to antibiotics continues to worsen at alarming rates, quickly becoming more of a threat to mankind than cancer, thanks to their overuse in vaccines, prescription medications and confined animal feeding operations across America. As antibiotic resistance becomes its own worldwide epidemic, estimates show that as many as 10 million people could die every year from bacterial infections by 2050. According to published statistics, that’s more people than currently die from cancer.

Dangers of vaccines played down by the CDC

Immunizations are prepared with highly experimental types of antigens using rogue scientific applications of “inactivation” and recombination DNA technology (genetic modification and combinations of viral pathogens). These vaccine preparations also include stabilizer compounds used to prevent bacterial and fungal growth and to reduce contamination, including highly toxic mercury and aluminum gels and salts. Shocking to most humans who find out the hard way, formaldehyde (embalming fluid) is used to “inactivate” bacterial toxins that remain dormant in muscle tissue, but come “back to life” inside the human body.

A long time ago, antibiotics helped beat tuberculosis and strep throat, but their overuse has led to the evolution of multiple strains of resistant bacteria, including deadly staph (staphylococcus) and modern-day E.coli infections. For example, patients with staph infections of the skin cannot be treated with penicillin, as the superbug MRSA (methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus) is entirely resistant to it.

Researchers are finding out that hand sanitizers and “wet wipes” add to the chaos of increased antibiotic failure. Rather than cleaning surfaces, wet wipes and hand sanitizers spread deadly bacteria from one surface to the next. Hospitals are spreading superbugs at an alarming rate also. Injecting the elderly with experimental pneumonia vaccines and infants with jab after jab after jab simply loads humans up with more and more “trace” amounts of antibiotics, fueling the chaos of antibiotic immunity and increasing the lethality of superbugs.

Antibiotics in vaccines destroy good bacteria in your intestinal tract

From the second we are born, our bodies begin to populate our gut flora as our immune system builds an inventory of good and bad cells. Over 80 percent of this work is done in the intestinal tract, yet no MD on planet earth will discuss this with their patients, knowing that vaccines and chemical-based pharmaceuticals absolutely annihilate good gut bacteria, destroying immunity in the process. How ironic that vaccines and antibiotics destroy immunity when they are purported by every science journal in America to do just the opposite! In fact, one round of antibiotics permanently changes the immune system, indiscriminately killing all bacteria, good and bad, altering the body’s ability to manufacture appropriate immune cells.

Do the math: Pediatricians regularly prescribe antibiotics to infants with immature immune systems, so their little bodies have no natural defense against chronic and degenerative diseases like autism and Asperger’s syndrome – and that’s guaranteed repeat business for the doctors.

Bottom line: When the antibiotics hit your immune system, the friendly bacteria in the digestive tract that fights off the bad bacteria can no longer aid in digestion and nutrient absorption, leading to irritable bowels, severe nutrient deficiency, hormone imbalances and susceptibility to superbugs. Antibiotics, therefore, enable fungus to grow, and the parasites eat up food and minerals that were meant to feed the body.

This, my friends, is exactly where chronic disease begins. This also causes your body to retain toxic heavy metals as they move into organs and tissues, compromising, inflaming and weakening them for future fungus invasion. Now, thanks to vaccines and prescription antibiotics, chronically inflamed organs are the targets of viruses and bacteria.

Depleting immunity with vaccines – who knew?

Are you stuck in a cycle of sinus, ear or bronchial infections? Stop wondering why. Does your MD know your children’s health problems without even looking at their charts? Since we’ve all been loaded up with vaccines and antibiotics by these rogue MDs, how do we begin repairing the damage?

It actually takes years of targeted nutrition and probiotic therapy to replenish the body and all of its systems. Begin by immediately eliminating GMOs from your intake, and shop for strictly organic food, clean water and certified organic probiotic supplements. Ask a nutritionist for advice here. Avoid vaccines and flu shots like the plague (pardon the pun). Remember, antibiotics are the new atomic bomb, so don’t get bombarded!

Why Are Cures Against The Law?

CuresBy Heather Callaghan

What do emergency doctors know that family doctors and GPs aren’t allowed to know about natural cures? Is it true that emergency doctors inject heart attack victims with the same ingredient in epsom salts?

Do your thoughts have a direct effect on your loved ones? Why don’t “they” want us to know about the power of vitamin C? Can fulvic minerals supplement the mineral deficiencies we have due to soil depletion? How has our food morphed over the last century – would a grain “detox” be in order? Why didn’t people used to get Alzheimer’s?

Why do Eastern countries supposedly have the lowest thyroid disease rates, but Jamaica (and the dogs there) are crippled by arthritis? What problem does America have, that Cuba doesn’t? What about reversing autism symptoms? What about doctors like Dr. Bradstreet winding up dead in mysterious ways?

Speaker Clive de Carle attempts to expound on these subjects and many, many more in a head-turning video below. The title’s question is never openly answered – it becomes apparent as the video goes on. It’s a long one but the conversation carries you away.

Watch the video here: