What They Won’t Tell You: The Sun Is A Full-Spectrum Medicine

sunBy Paul Fassa

“Those that have attempted to convince the world that the Sun, the Earth’s primary source of energy and life causes cancer, have done so with malicious intent to deceive the masses into retreating from the one thing that can prevent disease.” — Dave Mihalovic, Naturopathic Doctor and writer.

Truth is, we’ve been systematically lied to about the sun and skin cancer for years. This video presentation explains fully. How many know that there is no definitive proof that the sun alone causes skin cancer?

Can the sun cure cancer?

In the book The Healing Sun, author Dr. Richard Hobday documents a wide array of studies which show that the sun protects against cancer of the breast, colon, ovaries and prostate. It can also prevent diabetes, multiple sclerosis, heart disease and high blood pressure, osteoporosis, psoriasis and seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

Sunbathing heals cancer by building up the immune system and increasing the oxygen in the tissues. Still, we’re bombarded almost daily with dire “warnings” from reputable “authorities” admonishing us, for our own good of course, to avoid the sun at all costs.

The reality is that the vast majority of people, including doctors, have been duped into believing the myth that the sun is toxic, carcinogenic and a deadly health hazard.

Learn more: http://www.theeventchronicle.com/health/wont-tell-sun-full-spectrum-medicine/

The Wireless World Of Health Harms

foneBy Catherine Frompovich

January 30, 2017, Olga Sheean presented an opus-like, 57-page report “Setting the standard for a wireless world of harm,” a call for action and accountability to the United Nations for whom she worked at one time until, unfortunately, she became electromagnetically hypersensitive (EHS).  She worked at UNAIDS, the joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS under a contract with the World Health Organization (WHO).

Ms. Sheean’s impressive report highlights frustrating topics surrounding microwave technology: Industry Infiltration; Intentional Ignorance; Denial of Science; Disregard for Humanity and What Needs to Happen.

With everyone’s current infatuation with, and addiction to, ‘smart’ phones and ‘smart’ gadgets of all sorts, which in fact emit microwave radiation waves—specifically non-thermal waves which cause health harms, we now live in an inconceivable sea of microwave radiation affecting all bodily organs.  No one is more vulnerable to those penetrating waves than developing fetuses, infants, toddlers and children until around the age of 20, when their brains have become fully developed.

Learn more: http://www.activistpost.com/2017/02/wireless-world-health-harms.html?

New Evidence that Antidepressants Are Causing an Epidemic of Violence

indexBy Alliance for Natural Health

An article in the current British Medical Journal explains why the link is stronger than previously thought.

ANH-USA has researched dozens of the most high-profile cases of violent crimes over the last few decades. We found that in just under half of the cases (eleven out of twenty-three), the perpetrator was documented to be taking, or had recently stopped taking, some form of antidepressant or antipsychotic medication.

In another seven cases, the killer had been on these medications earlier. We suspect that number is even higher, but the information is either not publicly available or not known.

Many antidepressants carry “black box warnings,” the most stringent precaution a drug label can carry before being removed from the market. Many antidepressants carry a black box warning of an increased risk of suicidal thoughts and behavior. There is also a shocking risk of increased violence to others, which is not highlighted in the black box.

Important research has shown major drugs like Paxil and Prozac to be linked with violence at a substantially higher rate than other drugs—users of Paxil are 10.3 times more likely to do violence to themselves or others, while users of Prozac are 10.9 times more likely to commit acts of violence. Other evidence shows that people who have exhibited no propensity for violence or aggression can develop violent behavior soon after beginning antidepressants.

Learn more: http://www.theeventchronicle.com/health/new-evidence-that-antidepressants-are-causing-an-epidemic-of-violence/#

Fake Truth is Today’s Truth

truth-newspaper-news-printed-text-message-pageBy Lanaria Amberkira

Today it is difficult to distinguish the real news and fake news and we cannot see through the trees the forest.

Complete social media office rooms are full with people, who constantly submit fake news in the world, as America, Europe, Russia and everywhere in the world and they name them trolls.

A troll is a person who puts on Usenet, forums, websites or instant channels message with the aim to trigger emotional responses (like anger, irritability, sadness, or verbal abuse – also mentioned  flames),  to provoke other people, give intentionally wrong information (disinformation), or express themselves otherwise than they really are.

People often look for confirmation of his/her thoughts and views and find items that confirm that thinking, where Trolls and media, use, abuse and feed us extra with.

The abundance of (fake) information is grand and to differentiate between real and fake is extremely difficult and those who divide us, the spin doctors are masters of thinking forwards, are real chess grand masters. The way it is done is very clever,  to create even more division and with the ultimate goal to put the true media outside the game, and before we realize, we get propaganda media in the place.

Learn more: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2017/02/fake-truth-is-todays-truth.html?

Toxic Chemical In Pepsi Known To Cause DNA Breaking

Soda-In-A-Glass-e1474531691729By Vicki Batts

High-fructose corn syrup isn’t the only ingredient found in sodas that consumers should be concerned about. Pepsi and other sodas contain a toxic byproduct known as 4-Methylimidazole, or 4-MEI for short, that may be increasing your cancer risks. 4-MEI is an impurity that is created during the manufacturing of caramel colors III and IV.

Research indicated soft drink consumers were being exposed to an avoidable and unnecessary cancer risk thanks to an ingredient that is added for purely aesthetic purposes.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/2017-02-21-horrifying-toxic-chemical-in-pepsi-known-to-cause-dna-breaking-fragmentation.html

Genetically Modified People: What Could Go Wrong?

dnaBy Jon Rappoport

The background on the grand gene hype and propaganda operation—

The war against cancer has painted a picture of hope: genetic solutions. This, despite the fact that there are no successful genetic treatments, across the board, for any form of human cancer.

The focus on genes is a diversion from obvious causes of cancer in the environment: industrial chemicals, pollutants, pesticides, food additives, and even pharmaceuticals.

This futile human gene-fix has a direct parallel in food crops: modify plants so they can grow despite drenching them with toxic pesticides.

However, massive GMO crop failures, reduced nutritive value of such crops, and the rise of super-weeds are three reasons why the gene model fails.

So it is with human cancer: “let’s modify the genes of people and they will be impervious to the environmental assault of chemicals that cause cancer.”

In other words, the fantasy proposes that someday, humans will be able to live in a toxic soup created by mega-corporations, and even thrive, because they have been genetically altered.

There is no reason under the sun to believe this.

Learn more: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2017/02/genetically-modified-people-what-could-go-wrong.html?

Assange Exposes The Truth About Corporate Media: “You Are Reading Weaponized Text”

assange-media-FTPBy Claire Bernish

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange called “very, very, very inaccurate” corporate presstitutes “opportunistic snipers” in an interview over the weekend, accusing newspapers of printing “weaponized text.”

And the outspoken publisher isn’t at all dissatisfied with the current propaganda of “fake news” — because, as Assange explained to Australian comedian Chas Licciardello, according to CNET,

WikiLeaks is very happy that there is a narrative about fake news out there because we have a perfect record of having never got it wrong in terms of authentications.

While the corporate press continues misrepresenting information, quoting unnamed and thus unverifiable sources, and even printing flagrant fabrications, WikiLeaks indeed maintains an unparalleled streak of publishing authentic and undoctored data — despite excoriation from the establishment — thus eliminating all bias or unintended insertion of opinion.

“When the narrative of fake news came out and was then taken off effectively by the neo-liberal press and pushed around,” Assange elaborated. “I could see exactly where that was going. I was rather happy about it.”

But the outspoken publisher’s opinion on so-called fake news emphasizes the disastrous failings of a mainstream media hell bent on propping up its own establishment agenda — regardless of which political affiliation a given outlet claims.

“What is special about WikiLeaks is that it’s not just another damn story,” noted Assange, “it’s not just another damn journalist putting their damn byline, advertising themselves and their position on another damn story.”

Further, he said, discussing WikiLeaks’ searchable database, “You’re not reading pre-weaponised knowledge. When you read a newspaper article, you are reading weaponised text that is designed to affect a person just like you.”

Assange’s description of weaponized text characterizes the corporate press’ penchant for propaganda — a political establishment-friendly slant that has once-illustrious media institutions like the Washington Post and New York Times frivolously abandoning journalistic integrity whenever it’s deemed necessary.

Learn more: http://www.activistpost.com/2017/02/assange-exposes-truth-corporate-media-reading-weaponized-text.html?

Boeing Used Potatoes Instead of People To Test Its Wi-Fi

potato-wifiBy Catherine J. Frompovich

Here’s one for the record books, that’s Ripley’s Believe It Or Not edition, if it’s still in print.

According to a December 2012 BBC news report, “Boeing uses potatoes instead of people to test wi-fi.”                                                                                                                   I wonder what those potatoes in sacks had to say about how their brains reacted. Oh, sorry! Potatoes don’t have brains—or do they?

According to the BBC,

Boeing’s engineers did a number of tests to ensure that passengers would get the strongest possible wi-fi signal while in the air, all while meeting safety standards that protect against interference with an aircraft’s electrical systems. [CJF emphasis] [But not protect passengers!]

Did those tests include non-thermal adverse events results Wi-Fi microwaves produce while operating at 2.4 GHz or above? Spuds cannot answer those questions or participate in such necessary tests.

Learn more: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2017/02/boeing-used-potatoes-instead-of-people-to-test-its-wi-fi.html?

NO STUDY EXISTS To Show That Vaccine Ingredient Thimerosal Is Safe

Mercury-Metal-Vaccine-Shot-Syringe-1-e1473848755100By Ethan Huff

You probably caught the big news last week that President Trump’s new commissioner on vaccine safety, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., has issued a formal challenge: if anyone can find even a single credible study out there showing that the mercury derivative Thimerosal, which is added to influenza and other vaccines, is safe, then he or she will receive $100,000 in cash. Well, a good chunk of time has passed since this offer was issued and, sure enough, nobody has claimed the prize because no such study exists.

Learn more:  http://www.naturalnews.com/2017-02-20-no-study-exists-that-shows-vaccine-ingredient-thimerosal-as-safe.html

The New York Times Gives Journalism a Bad Name

NYTimes-1024x576By Stephen Lendman

NYT Big Lies About Trump’s Ties to Russia

The Times gives journalism a bad name. It’s a lying machine, not a credible source of news, information and analysis.

Paul Craig Roberts asked if it’s being “sustained by CIA subsidies.” The agency has billions of dollars to spend on nefarious activities, unrelated to keeping America safe.

The Times is viciously anti-Russia, anti-Trump. “Bring on the special prosecutor,” it roared in a Friday editorial, outrageously claiming Trump administration ties to Russia, despite no evidence proving any wrongdoing or anything out of the ordinary.

Learn more: http://www.thesleuthjournal.com/nyt-big-lies-trumps-ties-russia/

GOOGLE blacklists Natural News… removes 140,000 pages from its index…

GoogleTimeLineBy Mike Adams

Late last week, I received a direct threat that warned if I did not take steps to destroy Alex Jones and InfoWars, I would be targeted for destruction in a campaign of smears, censorship and defamation.

Instead of giving in to the enemy, I refused to take the bait and went public with details of the threat, warning everyone in the new media that sinister forces were now being pursued to undermine and silence every anti-establishment (and pro-Trump) voice on the internet.

True to form, today the entire Natural News website has been blacklisted by Google, entirely without warning. This is just one of many censorship events that have all taken place over the last few days.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/2017-02-22-google-blacklists-natural-news-removes-140000-pages-from-its-index-memory-holes-natural-news-investigative-articles.html

Also see: Health Ranger threatened by left-wing media goons: “Destroy Alex Jones or we will destroy YOU” http://www.naturalnews.com/2017-02-16-health-ranger-threatened-by-left-wing-media-goons-destroy-alex-jones-or-we-will-destroy-you.html

Antibiotic Drugs in Meat Supply

Restaurant-Meats-AntibioticsBy Friends of the Earth

A stunning 70 percent of all antibiotics important in human medicine in the U.S. are sold for use in animal agriculture. These lifesaving drugs are fed routinely to animals that are not sick in order to promote growth and prevent diseases that spread easily in crowded, filthy factory farm conditions. Public health agencies have declared antibiotic resistance a top health threat in the U.S. — and the rampant misuse of antibiotics in livestock production is a major cause.

Learn more: http://healthimpactnews.com/2017/antibiotic-drugs-in-americas-meat-supply-scorecard-rates-worst-offenders-in-restaurant-industry/

Is YOUR Fitness Tracker Putting Your Privacy At Risk?

fitness-trackersBy Cheyenne Macdonald

Whether you realize it or not, your fitness tracker could be leaking your personal data to anyone who knows how to access it.

A study from open Effect and the University of Toronto revealed that seven major fitness trackers leak data through Bluetooth, even after it’s been turned off.

The researchers found security and privacy issues in fitness trackers from Basis, Fitbit, Garmin, Jawbone, Mio, Withings, and Xiaomi, with Apple Watch being the only device in the study to earn a clean report.

Organic Canola Oil: A Food Fallacy

canola-oil-not-organicBy Catherine J. Frompovich

Ever since the late 1990s, when canola oil started to become a ubiquitous ingredient in food processing and restaurant fare, consumers have been ingesting it, literally, by the tons!

Canada produces 20 percent of the world’s canola oil.  The U.S. imports an average of 510,000 tons of canola oil per year!

Canola oil is hard on, and disruptive to, the entire digestive tract, especially those with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and other allergic-type reactions.  I contend it’s inflammatory too!  If you have any digestive problems, remove all processed foods, canola use in any form, and see if you don’t get relief! That applies, particularly, to children on the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).  So many clients and other folks have thanked me for pointing out canola, especially since everyone buys into the pap that canola is supposedly ‘healthy’.

Learn more: http://www.activistpost.com/2017/02/organic-canola-oil-food-fallacy.html?

How Clothes Are Polluting the Food Supply

clothing-microfiber-pollutionBy Dr. Mercola

Every day, each and every one of us contribute to the ongoing destruction of the environment simply by participating in modern society.

Not only do people inappropriately dispose of drugs by flushing them down the toilet, the cleaning and personal care products we use and the clothes we wear and wash on a daily basis also contribute to the environmental pollution.

Indeed, the environmental impacts of our clothing choices are shocking, as studies assessing toxic effects of various fabric treatments (such as dyes, flame retardants and stain resistant chemicals) to laundry detergents and the fabric fibers themselves need serious attention.

Microfibers in particular have gained notoriety for posing a serious threat to marine life and migrating into fields and onto our plates.

Indeed, synthetic microfibers make up 85 percent of shoreline debris worldwide, and tend to be found in higher concentrations in beach sediment near waste water treatment plants.

Learn more: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2017/02/21/clothes-microfiber-polluting-food-supply.aspx?utm

Washington Post Caught Taking Money From Russia to Push Kremlin Propaganda

indexBy J D Heyes

Revealed: The same Washington Post that accused 200 web sites of being puppets for Russian propaganda actually TAKES money from… Russia

Launching the first in what would become a series of fake news salvos, the Washington Post published a story full of baseless, unsubstantiated allegations made by a shady organization no one had ever heard of that Russian intelligence fed information to hundreds of “alt-right” web sites aimed at hurting Clinton and helping Trump.

Among the named sites: Natural News, which prompted founder/editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, to demand a retraction.

The Post, within a day, essentially did that, all but admitting that its fake news story about fake Russian news…was fake. But the die had been cast and the Post put the narrative in play: Without proof or any evidence, the paper claimed (and others followed) that Russia unduly influenced the election outcome for Trump because Moscow hated Clinton and anyway, that’s the only way she could possibly have lost to a former reality TV host and billionaire real estate mogul non-politician.

Now, we find out that the real recipient of Russian largess is…the Washington Post.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/2017-02-19-revealed-the-same-washington-post-that-accused-200-web-sites-of-being-puppets-for-russian-propaganda-actually-takes-money-from-russia.html

GMO Cyborg Dragonfly Could Soon Be Spying On You

dragonfly-gm-1By Jake Anderson

It seems DARPA, the ultra-secretive military research agency, may be getting a run for its money when it comes to developing advanced and alarming forms of surveillance. A private research venture has produced a genetically modified cyborg dragonfly that can deliver payloads, as well as perform ‘guided pollination’ and surveillance missions. Using insects as covert forms of spying on citizens has long been a dream of the government. It appears the day is finally upon us when that weird bug flying a little too close for comfort may actually be one of Uncle Sam’s little insectoid deputies.

Learn more: http://www.activistpost.com/2017/02/sci-fi-becomes-reality-gmo-cyborg-dragonfly-soon-spying.html?

20th Century Fox Apologizes For Purposely Spreading Fake News

65213123By James Holbrooks

“In raising awareness for our films, we do our best to push the boundaries of traditional marketing in order to creatively express our message to consumers. In this case, we got it wrong.”

Those words were taken from an email sent to the New York Times by film industry behemoth 20th Century Fox. It was an apology from the corporation for its part in creating a network of “fake news” sites that published false stories as a marketing campaign for one of its films.

20th Century Fox only apologized because it got caught. Had it not, the corporation surely would’ve moved on to the next project, perhaps even utilizing this same marketing method on other films.

Perhaps, that is, had the strategy not failed — and backfired — so profoundly.

Learn more: http://www.activistpost.com/2017/02/20th-century-fox-apologizes-purposely-spreading-fake-news.html?

A Case Against Microwave Science

microwave-sourcesBy Catherine J. Frompovich

Science is the hallmark of everything—supposedly, except when it’s out to lunch in its hypotheses or when it is downright fraudulent, as is the case with vaccinology in order to protect vested Pharma interests.  Even the U.S. CDC and FDA cover Big Pharma’s derriere when it comes to chanting the mantra “vaccines are safe.”  So much science in the peer review realm is out there published stating totally opposite documented scientific facts, but still U.S. federal health agencies function on the ‘flat earth’ concept regarding human health safety!

Such obstinate scientific posture also prevails in the field of microwave technology regarding EMF/RF/ELF and the various rays emitted by microwaves and their intensities.  The only waves recognized by microwave industry giants and vested interests relative to human exposures are thermal (heat) waves, which were identified back in the 1940s and ‘50s when radar science was in its infancy.  We now live in 2017!  Microwave technology has progressed to the point where it wants 5GHz and above capabilities, but still emphasizes 1940s’ safety principles!  What’s not making sense?

Leaarn more: http://www.activistpost.com/2017/02/case-microwave-science.html?

The Globalist Long Game – Redefine Liberty Activism As Evil “Populism”

globalismBy Brandon Smith

One of the most favored propaganda tactics of establishment elites and the useful idiots they employ in Marxist and cultural-Marxist circles is to relabel or redefine an opponent before they can solidly define themselves.  In other words, elites and Marxists will seek to “brand” you (just as corporations use branding) in the minds of the masses so that they can take away your ability to define yourself as anything else.

Think of it this way: Say you want to launch an organization called “Movement Blue,” and you and others have gone through great struggle to grow this organization from the ground up.  However, just as your movement is about to achieve widespread recognition, someone else comes along, someone with extensive capital and media influence, and they saturate every outlet with the narrative that your movement is actually more like “Movement Red,” and that Movement Red is a terrible, no-good, bad idea.  They do such a good job, in fact, that millions and millions of people start calling you “Movement Red” without even knowing why, and they begin to believe all the negative associations that this label entails.

Read more: http://www.activistpost.com/2017/02/globalist-long-game-redefine-liberty-activism-evil-populism.html?