Smart Meters Electromagnetic Frequencies Defined And Explained

smart-meter-1024x638-1024x638-1024x638-1-1024x638By Catherine Frompovich

What do you know about AMI Smart Meters? 

Are you aware such a meter probably has been retrofitted on to your electric, natural gas and water utility services, probably without your knowledge and/or consent?

Do you realize those digital “Advanced Metering Infrastructure” smart meters ‘pump out’ several types of waves, EMFs (electric and magnetic frequencies) plus non-thermal radiation waves, which can cause adverse health reactions/effects/diseases?

The health problems caused by microwaves and AMI Smart Meters is known as electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) or what the medical profession labels idiopathy environmental intolerance (IEI).

Smart Meters really aren’t what they seemingly are cracked up to be and can be causing you and your family various health problems.

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Modern Agriculture Drives Hunger, Obesity and Disease While Simultaneously Threatening Food Chain and Worsening Water Crisis

By Dr. Joseph Mercola

tractor_1000x523“Regenerative food, farming and land use can provide a solution to the health crisis, the water crisis, environmental degradation, climate change, rural poverty, hunger and war.”  –Ronnie Cummins, Founding Meeting of Regeneration International, June 9, 2015, Finca Luna Nueva, Costa Rica

If you’d walked up to a farmer 100 years ago and told him farming would one day threaten life on Earth, he probably would have laughed in your face, saying such a thing simply isn’t possible.

Agriculture is necessary for food production, and therefore for life, the farmer would have said with firm conviction — and farming the land or raising cattle is not going to unduly harm anything or anyone.

Today, however, such an impossible scenario is precisely what we’re facing. Virtually every growing environmental and health problem can be traced back to modern food production. This includes but is not limited to:

• Food insecurity and malnutrition amid mounting food waste
• Rising obesity and chronic disease rates despite growing health care outlays
• Diminishing fresh water supplies
• Toxic agricultural chemicals polluting air, soil and waterways, thereby threatening the entire food chain from top to bottom
• Disruption of normal climate and rainfall patterns

The good news is there are viable answers to all of these problems that do not merely scratch at the surface, and the answers hinge on the widespread implementation of regenerative agriculture and decentralized food distribution.

It’s easy to forget that at one point, not so long ago, all food was organically grown in a way that supported the ecosystem and environment as a whole. This all changed in the 1940s when the Green Revolution took hold and industrial, chemical-dependent farming techniques quickly spread to become the norm.

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Leaked Document Shows Facebook Is Giving Advertisers Information On The Emotional State of Vulnerable Minors

Screen-Shot-2017-05-02-at-11.51.45-PMFacebook is under fire after leaked documents show that it has been gathering information that reveals the emotional state of potentially vulnerable youngsters, It calls this practice ‘sentiment analysis’. –GEG


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Humanity has reached peak idiocy… what happens when the idiocy bubble bursts?

Nuclear-Explosion-Bomb-Mushroom-CloudBy Mike Adams

It has now become abundantly obvious to all thinking people that humanity has reached “peak idiocy.” This cognitive bubble of idiocy is reflected across all the following suicidal, destructive things that humanity does to itself in the name of power or profit:

  • The ramping up toward nuclear war with Russia and China. “[T]he insane, crazed monsters who rule over the West in Washington are bringing life on earth to an end,” explains Paul Craig Roberts.
  • The mass poisoning of the human food supply with cancer-causing glyphosate weed killer (herbicide).
  • The mindless pursuit of AI technology with no regard for what happens when AI systems decide humans are no longer needed.
  • The mass injection of children and expectant mothers with mercury, a brain-damaging heavy metal formulated into flu shots.
  • The total government lunacy of giving poor people food stamp money so they can buy processed junk food that causes cancer, diabetes and heart disease. (Food stamps should be limited to nutritious foods, not junk foods.)
  • The devolution of the mainstream media into fake news distractions and fictional theories to occupy the minds of the gullible masses.
  • The mass psychiatric medication of children and adults with mind-altering chemicals.
  • The SWAT team assaults on raw milk retailers and farmers who only seek to offer real food to customers.
  • The mass surveillance of the population by a totalitarian police state government that respects no rights, no laws and no privacy of its citizens.
  • The total abandonment of logic and reason by the intolerant, irrational Left and its pursuit of “identity politics” above all else.
  • The chemical suicide of humanity supported by the political Right, which has never met a profitable chemical it didn’t like.
  • The widespread poisoning of public water supplies with brain-damaging fluoride.
  • The economic insanity of running societies on unsustainable debt while pretending that debts don’t matter.
  • The medical lunacy of a world which goes out of its way to suppress knowledge of natural, botanical remedies while pushing for the mass poisoning of the entire population with high-profit pharmaceutic chemicals that only make people more sick and diseased.
  • The lunacy of the nuclear power industry which subjects all humanity to “global killer” nuclear meltdown risks due to the laws of physics (and poor power plant design).
  • The ridiculous belief that pension and retirement funds — including social security — will be able to pay out all their obligations without going bankrupt.
  • A public education system that refuses to teach children how to think for themselves and instead functions as an indoctrination system that demands obedience and conformity above all else.
  • The runaway stupidity of those who are piling money into overvalued tech stocks in the current stock market bubble, oblivious to P/E ratios, the history of market bubbles and why all financial bubbles come to an end.
  • The magical thinking of “scientists” who have created a mindless climate change cult of obedient zombies through a determined program of mass hypnosis of the population, which now hallucinates “climate change” causes behind every flood, drought, tornado or hurricane.
  • The idiocy of betting the entire sustainability of modern civilization on a power grid that will be taken out by space weather (Coronal Mass Ejection) events which NASA predicts will occur at about a 12% chance every decade.
  • The social structure of living in cities which are designed as “death traps” with no sustainable sources of food or water in the event of a catastrophic collapse.

I could go on, obviously. “Peak idiocy” has now achieved never-before-witnessed levels of irrationality, delusion, magical thinking and denial in every sector of society. There isn’t a single thing in society today that isn’t touched by peak idiocy: Government, education, finance, food, medicine, science, history, housing, mental health and so on.

Idiocy is spreading, disguised as political correctness

It’s not hard to find examples of what happens when peak idiocy takes hold in a given nation, driving its citizens to irrationality and delusion. America is right now perched on that tipping point, where the nation could easily fall into an unstoppable, self-reinforcing cycle of runaway idiocy on the political spectrum, eventually descending into something a lot like China’s “Cultural Revolution” which mass murdered intellectuals and established that nation’s current communist regime (complete with mandatory organ harvesting, imprisoning those who speak of political dissent, and blocking all websites the government doesn’t like).

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Groundbreaking: China Study Links Immune Activation By Vaccination & Autism

aluminum-759x500By Jeff Roberts

*This article is a summary of a larger article put together by J.B. Handley at Healthcare in America. It is a conglomeration of a wide body of recent research pieced together by a growing group of concerned scientists. For more information, please visit the website,

A study out of China is the first to test the effects of immune activation by vaccination (hep B/BCG) on brain development in rats. Results indicate vaccines containing an aluminum adjuvant (i.e., hep B) spike cytokine levels in the hippocampus region of the brain, in particular the cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6), the key cytokine known for its dysregulating effect on neuronal circuitry and the key cytokine implicated in autism.

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First of Its Kind Study Finds Cannabis May Be a “Miracle” Treatment for Autistic Kids

indexClaire Bernish, Waking Times

Autism could now be added to the lengthy and perpetually-expanding list of afflictions and symptoms treatable with the one product of nature shamefully prohibited by the federal government — the “miracle” palliative, cannabis.

One in every 68 children in the United States is now affected by autism, and the number of kids coping with the developmental disorder has been increasing at an explosive rate in recent years. With onset most common during infancy and early childhood, autism can impact social and communication skills and may cause repetitive or compulsive behaviors, among other manifestations.

Now, fresh evidence again frowns upon U.S. federal prohibition of cannabis — listed as a Schedule I dangerous substance of no potential medical use, alongside heroin — which could be depriving ailing children the chance for treatment, and hope for a better-adjusted future.

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‘Mass Death Events’ In Pacific Ocean Hit Highest Level Of Food Chain And Our Ocean’s Greatest Predator

disaster_shark_fukuBy Stefan Stanford

The mass die-off happening in the Pacific Ocean has reached the highest levels of the food chain with a massive shark die-off now ongoing off of the West Coast. Reporting in their story that over a hundred dead sharks have been discovered in the waters surrounding northern California this year alone, we also continue to get the same ‘answers‘  why this is happening, proving many mainstream scientists have no idea about ‘cause and effect‘.

Claiming “it’s just not clear why all the marine life is washing up like this” with reports coming in every day, the mass deaths throughout the Pacific Ocean and along the West coast that have been painstakingly documented by the End Times Watch Blog for 6 years now since Fukushima should prove otherwise. While many other so-called ‘experts’ over the past several years have also claimed they have no idea why such mass deaths are happening in our Pacific Ocean and along the West Coast, the stories from California read like a Hollywood disaster movie unfolding before our eyes.

radioactive_brewAnd while many will claim what’s happening to sea creatures off of the coast of California and throughout the Pacific Ocean will never effect them, the fact that photographs such as the one seen at the top of this story have been repeated time and again over the past 6+ years should prove to us otherwise.

With ‘mass death events’ first striking the smaller ocean creatures and one-celled life, then bigger ones such as tuna and moving on up the food chain until it has reached the greatest predator in the ocean, that alone should tell us something horrifying is ongoing whether or not the experts can agree upon the reason we’ve been witnessing ‘mass death events’ for 6 years now and running.

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Rush FM Has Escaped From the City!

Hobbiton-LSV-102114-WestFarthingRush FM was forced to move our studio in November 2016 due to Landlord changes that left us without a place. Then again the same situation occurs but 2 months later and we again had to relocate.

Taking this pressure as an indication of the increasing instability being experienced within the human race, we decided to make this move an escape from the city.

We have taken a rural location where the rent is far cheaper for better housing and the living conditions are far better.

Also, we are now away from the smart meter concentration, the cell tower radiation, the chemtrail spraying and the HAARP weather control suppression.

However we had to accept a 2 week disconnection and reconnection of our services.

Several listeners emailed or phone messaged our studio asking what was up? Why we were off air and the website was not streaming nor was there any daily postings.

We have experienced an immediate improvement in our health and sleeping and productivity in just the 10days of living out of the city.

Both the higher oxygen content in the air and the chemical free water have been healing, giving us a sense of relief from the struggle for survival.

I cannot resist sharing the wonderful results from getting out of the city and onto the land. So to all of you that are waking up to the elite agenda of depopulation, the first step in countering their plan is escaping the depression and disadvantages of city life.

We are practicing what we preach on RUSH FM and fighting back by getting out of harm’s way and the crippling control structure.

You should get out of the cities. Get to a rural community, change jobs or vocation and stop chasing the money dream.

New Zealand is the safest place on the planet.  It is English speaking, there are jobs and the economy is stable (until they pull the global financial grenade pin; but that will be everywhere). This is a great place to get stranded and make a new start.

Come early and get set up or make it your bug-out destination, but definitely put it on your list of options because we are running out of time & options, day by day.

Major Rush

If We Could See All The Electromagnetic Radiation Waves Around Us Would We Still Accept Microwave Technology As Safe?

microwave-brainBy Catherine J. Frompovich

Microwaves and their consumer-unrealized effects are so pervasive, currently we live in a “sea of invisible non-ionizing radiation,” which has adverse health implications regardless of what ICNIRP and the microwave tech industries, their lobbyists and trade associations claim in their ‘science’ propaganda.

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Leaked Docs Show Google Contractors Suppressed Alternative Media

good-censorship-1024x538By Claire Bernish

Leaked documents now reveal a plan by search engine behemoth Google to censor alternative media through the blatant suppression of search results — and, for all intents and purposes, the censoring appears part of the political establishment’s plan to quash dissent.

Documents obtained by InfoWars’ Mike Cernovich indeed show a Google contractor instructing staff to rate prominent but controversial website, InfoWars, as “low-to-medium” in reliability, with articles frequently having “been debunked.”

Although Cernovich and other InfoWars staff have indeed been known to occasionally embellish the facts, Business Insider reports,

A Google representative appeared to confirm the validity of Cernovich’s report, linking Business Insider to his Medium post.

A vendor hired by Google employs contractors to rate the websites that appear in its search results — the rating is used to improve search quality, helping Google’s automated search algorithm prioritize higher-rated, reliable information.

In examining how the staffers working as website ‘raters’ should evaluate a ‘rather poor site,’ the contractor pointed to InfoWars, advising raters to consider the quality of the information and its reputation.

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Millions Of School-Issued Computers Are Spying On Kids Without Parental Consent

spying-on-children-daily-sheeple-1024x633By Daniel Lang

There was widespread outrage back in 2010, when it was discovered that a Philadelphia school district had issued laptops to students with a very creepy function. Unbeknown to both students and parents, school officials had the ability to remotely access the webcams on the laptops, and spy on the students in their homes. Seven years later, school-issued computers are still spying on students, albeit in more subtle ways.

According to an investigation by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (which was recently analyzed by Brietbart), a third of K-12 schools in the US are issuing free and low-cost computers to students. However, like most computer-based services that are supposedly free, there’s a hidden cost.

The education programs on these computers are collecting tons of very personal data. And unlike when someone signs up for Facebook, which has user agreements that need to be signed, parents are often not being notified of this wholesale data collection by the school districts, nor are they given the chance to consent to it.

Even when they find out about this data collection, parents aren’t given the ability to opt-out of it. They’re often chastised for being “paranoid” by school officials. The data is supposedly being collected to give students a personalized education experience. That data includes browsing history, location, contact lists, and behavioral information. It’s also being uploaded to cloud services without the knowledge of parents.

EMF Protection For Kids

Protect your children from school wifi systems.child with bands

Get your child a Snappy Band

  • Full protection from Electromagnetic radiation
  • Energy balancing including the personal energy system and supports the immune system.
  • General wellbeing.
  • Help to concentration and learning. EMF radiation has been proved to affect memory and learning abilities.
  • Aid to sleep and sleep patterns. EMF radiation stops the production of Melatonin an essential hormone for sleep and preventing cancer.
  • Calming.

 Learn more or Order One Now                              

US Corporate Media Runs Fake Chinese Headline That Almost Kicked Off WW3

ww3By Matt Agorist

All too often, the American citizens and the rest of the world at large put so much faith in mainstream media that they are led into dangerous and deadly situations — based entirely on lies. One glaring and extremely relevant instance is how the corporate media became a parroting organization for the lies leading up to the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

“Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised,” then-president George Bush asserted in a public address on March 17, 2003. “This regime has already used weapons of mass destruction against Iraq’s neighbors and against Iraq’s people.”

Bush’s assertions were questioned by not only human rights experts, but by U.N. weapons inspectors and countless others — so shortly after the U.S. invaded the sovereign nation, the New York Times took up the slack to fill in the appropriate casus belli.

Now, more than a decade after hundreds of thousands of innocent people were slaughtered in the conflict created by the United States, the world knows — there were never any weapons of mass destruction.

While the US often invents fake stories to convince the population to support its wars for profit, its media also parrots other dangerous fake news stories that have potential for massive and catastrophic results.


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Cannibalism, Vaccines and Animal-Human Hybrid DNA

liberal-zombies-destroying-cityBy Ethan Huff

Tyranny is what the globalists are seeking, and the way they plan to get it is by chemically lobotomizing the general public through these various mechanisms of social warfare. Convincing people that the aluminum and mercury used in vaccines are good for them, for instance, is one way that the elite maintains control not only over people’s health, but also their cognitive faculties.

In case you haven’t noticed, humanity appears to be stuck in a downward spiral of “evolution,” if you will. The dumbing down of the general population seems to be progressing with increasing swiftness, and its cause can largely be traced to the things that many people are exposed to on a daily basis that are harming their bodies in a profound way – things like chemical toxins in food and drugs being among the worst offenders.

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The Military Is Planning To Alter Humans Through Artificial Intelligence And The ‘Hive Mind’

blue headBy Dr. Robert Duncan

Dr. Robert Duncan, an insider at DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) reveals what the military is doing in the name of ‘cybernetics’, which is the science of controlling humans as machines.  Topics covered will astound you – mind control, transhumanism, and the development of a new species – but everything discussed is real and actually under development.  Duncan defends scientists who work on these things because they believe the results can be beneficial, but he admits that this is not likely because the military is paying their salaries and controlling the research. Duncan’s final comment is that there may be an agenda to depopulate the world.

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Your Utility Company Is Spying On You And Selling Information On Your Activities To Corporations, Governments, And … Who Else?

shutterstock_329520023_1080By Jerry Day

Jerry Day analyzes a sales video for a software program that enables utility companies to collect data on the minute-by-minute activities of their customers.  It creates personal profiles on energy users to be sold to anyone willing to pay for it, which means anyone who can benefit from it. None of this is for the benefit of those being spied upon. The device that makes this possible is the Smart Meter.

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Coverup of Humanitarian Disaster in Mosul

Iraq-Mosul-SyriaBy Stephen Lendman

US-led terror-bombing along with Iraqi ground forces are systematically destroying the city, not liberating it as claimed. Western media scoundrels and international NGOs are ignoring a humanitarian disaster far worse than what affected East Aleppo.

Government and allied forces, greatly aided by Russian airpower, saved the lives of tens of thousands of defenseless Aleppo residents, held hostage by US-supported al-Nusra terrorists.

Media scoundrels misportrayed heroic efforts as aggression. Big Lies substituted for hard truths. Liberating Aleppo was a glorious triumph, one Syrians will long remember and commemorate, grateful to Russia for its vital help.

Last fall through December, John Kerry and other US officials disgracefully accused Russia and Syria of war crimes, ignoring horrendous ones committed by US forces in all its war theaters – by terror-bombing, special forces and other combat troops on the ground, along with terrorist fighters recruited as imperial foot soldiers.

Media scoundrels ignore genocidal high crimes committed by America and its rogue allies.

Last month, Sergey Lavrov “remind(ed) (his) Western counterparts about…the humanitarian” disaster in Mosul – “much worse than it was in eastern Aleppo,” he stressed, yet getting little or no Western media attention.

Before fighting escalated in recent weeks, Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said “(t)he humanitarian situation continues to degrade.”

“People are running out of food. And the most terrifying thing is that no one knows what is to be further. The situation is on the verge of a humanitarian catastrophe.”

US-led Western nations are “out of touch with reality,” she added. Escalating ground fighting and US-led terror-bombing made things much worse.

Before its capture by US-supported ISIS fighters in mid-2014, Mosul had around 2.5 million residents. Less than one million remain, held hostage by terrorists.

Routes to the city were cut off months ago. Residents lack access to food, potable water, medical care and electricity. Conditions are dire.

Humanitarian groups haven’t entered besieged parts of the city in over two years. Desperate residents aren’t being helped.

During the battle for Aleppo, Russia and Syria made heroic efforts to supply humanitarian aid to trapped residents.

America, its rogue allies and the UN supplied nothing – nor are they aiding Mosul residents in need.

Indiscriminate terror-bombing and ground fighting continues causing large numbers of casualties, including a devastating toll on civilians, massacred in cold blood, media scoundrels ignoring the carnage – portraying mass slaughter and destruction as a liberating struggle.

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Who Controls the (Alternate) “Reality” in America?

alternate ralityBy Daisy Luther

Who’s really got the power in America? Most people are living in an alternate reality created by those with the biggest platforms.

Individual “reality” is defined by what people believe to be true more than what actually exists. A firmly held opinion can create such a vast cognitive dissonance that many people can actually witness something that challenges their belief and still deny that they could be incorrect.

This sounds like the biggest conspiracy theory ever, but if you are here reading this, you probably at least suspect that there are manipulations at play in nearly everything we view or read. There are just a few hundred people who control the media, entertainment, and the internet, and unless we are completely unplugged, we are lambasted with their versions of reality relentlessly every day.

Let’s talk about how opinions are really formed and who has the influence to sway the people of America. No matter how well-informed a person tries to be, the truth can be hard to come by when bias is presented from so many primary sources.

Those with the power to influence are the people who pull the strings of network news, those in entertainment, those who make the rules of major social media platforms, and those with the biggest websites. Radio and print newspapers have little influence these days, and for that reason, most major print newspapers also have online outlets.

Although there are thousands of news stations across the country, nearly all of them are owned by six corporations. In the 80s, the stations were dispersed through about 50 different companies – not a lot but a far more diverse sampling than you have now that your news is filtered through the lenses of billionaire corporations.

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They Can See a “Stick of Butter from Space” — The Billion Dollar Spy Agency You’ve Never Heard Of

geospacial-nga-1024x538By Claire Bernish

While most Americans would consider the CIA, and perhaps the NSA, household names, one U.S. spy agency — whose headquarters surpasses the U.S. Capitol in size — has managed to keep to the shadows while possessing cutting edge tools of the surveillance trade.

Called the  National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), even former President Barack Obama didn’t know of its existence when he first took office — despite that the agency employs some 15,400 people.

“So, what do you [do]?” Obama asked a customer at a Washington, D.C., Five Guys hamburgers in May 2009.

“I work at NGA, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency,” he answered.                      “Outstanding,” then-president Obama asserted. “How long have you been doing that?”  “Six years.” “So, explain to me exactly what this National Geospatial …” Obama asked, unable to recall the agency’s full name. Timidly, the man replied, “Uh, we work with, uh, satellite imagery.”

“Obama appeared dumbfounded,” Foreign Policy’s James Bamford reports. “Eight years after that videotape aired, the NGA remains by far the most shadowy member of the Big Five spy agencies, which include the CIA and the National Security Agency.”

The NGA’s secretive identity belies the agency’s massive physical size and the scope of its surveillance activities.

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EMF Protection from Cell Phones, WIFI & Smart Meters Copy

radisafe-imageElectromagnetic radiation is certainly affecting our health more than anything else today. Unbiased scientific studies show that this radiation is causing us serious harm. We need emf protection from the 100 million times more electromagnetic radiation (EMF) than that of our grandparents’ generation.

We need to consider electromagnetic field protection from phones, domestic appliances, power tools, even our cars and devices such as Smart Meters, cell phones, WiFi routers and wireless baby monitors.

These electromagnetic field protection products provide shielding and keep you calm, stress-free, healthy and sleeping better. Powerful stuff!

hqdefaultThe RadiSafe

These little buttons stick on to your cellphone or case and reduce the heat generated in your head whilst you are calling. They do not interfere with calls or call reception.

Unprotected cell phones lead to unwanted cancers – as agreed by the World Health Organization and a growing number of physicians/scientists. It’s as simple as that.

Cell phones emit high levels of electromagnetic (EMF) radiation directly into your head, actually heating it up in the process. There is increasing amounts of scientific evidence linking this to brain cancers.

Effective, efficient cell phone radiation protection i.e. RadiSafe cell phone radiation shields, can harmonize this harmful radiation. This enables your body to stay healthy.

Snappy Bandssnappies

Kids love Snappy Bands and need protection from daily school wifi exposure.

  • Full protection from Electromagnetic radiation
  • Energy balancing including the personal energy system and supports the immune system.
  • General wellbeing.
  • Help to concentration and learning. EMF radiation has been proved to affect memory and learning abilities.
  • Aid to sleep and sleep patterns. EMF radiation stops the production of Melatonin an essential hormone for sleep and preventing cancer.
  • Calming.

ki-balwebKi-bal Key Ring

Creates a protective field – 12 meters (about 13 yards) in radius which will take care of you at home, work, in public places, out and about, in the car and is perfect protection for kids in schools.

So with this little power-house on your key-ring you are a walking EMF safe-zone and as soon as you put it down you have good EMF Zone Protection for anybody in that space.