Another Brick In The Wall – Modern Education and the System of Deception

Another-Brick-in-the-WallBy Paul Phillips

Like many things — the food industry, the medical-pharmaceutical establishment, the mainstream media – the hidden corporate/bankers who control our governments have also standardized the education system through funding.

Many years ago in the USA, for example, much money was poured into education by the Rockefeller-created National Education Association, with the help of the Carnegie Foundation and later on the Ford Foundation. The result of the efforts of such organisations can be seen worldwide today in the real purpose of the education system which is to teach children and young people: 1) Reward comes from accurate memory recall from heavy repetition. 2) Non-compliance will be punished. 3) Acceptance that ‘truth’ and what is ‘real’ comes from authority.

Many years ago in the USA, for example, much money was poured into education by the Rockefeller-created National Education Association, with the help of the Carnegie Foundation and later on the Ford Foundation. The result of the efforts of such organisations can be seen worldwide today in the real purpose of the education system which is to teach children and young people: 1) Reward comes from accurate memory recall from heavy repetition. 2) Non-compliance will be punished. 3) Acceptance that ‘truth’ and what is ‘real’ comes from authority.

Thus, the real purpose of the education system is to cultivate conformity and prohibit critical thinking about anything of real importance.

Starting at 4 years old (and what could be a better age to start a mass indoctrination?)and finishing by the time an individual comes out of the education system, some 12 years plus on, children have had more than their fair share of programming and brainwashing, and as a result are unable to really think for themselves. Moreover, any genuine outside-of-the-box thinking with significant potential humanitarian or Mother Earth-friendly benefit is ignored, quashed, ridiculed or suppressed by the influence of those hidden controllers if it is perceived as a threat to any of their businesses.

But, as Einstein said, ‘real thinking is to think the unthinkable…’

Google’s Artificial Intelligence Getting “Greedy,” And “Aggressive”

robotsBy Jake Anderson

Will artificial intelligence get more aggressive and selfish the more intelligent it becomes? A new report out of Google’s DeepMind AI division suggests this is possible based on the outcome of millions of video game sessions it monitored. The results of the two games indicate that as artificial intelligence becomes more complex, it is more likely to take extreme measures to ensure victory, including sabotage and greed.

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Fluoride Lowers Children’s IQ – Former EPA Senior Scientist Confirms

TapWater-200x300By Alex Pietrowski

A new study published in December of 2016 by the International Society of fluoride Research in New Zealand – concludes that lowered IQ is indeed a risk for children whom consume uncontrollable dosages of fluoride in public water supplies. The research team involved in the study was headed by William Hirzy, PhD, a former US EPA senior scientist who specialized in risk assessment.

Ostensibly, the purpose of adding the fluoride to public drinking water supplies is to improve dental health in the community, yet even the U.S. Government had to modify this claim by lowering the national fluoride levels in 2015, citing increases in dental fluorosis.

In 2012, a major Harvard study found that public water fluoridation poses a risk to the developing intelligence of children, essentially lowering the IQ of those in communities with public water fluoridation. This study invigorated the public debate on this issue, yet, fluoridation continues, despite the known risks, and all the while, scientific evidence continues mounts in the case against fluoride.

A new study published in December of 2016 by the International Society of fluoride Research in New Zealand, entitled, Developmental neurotoxicity of fluoride: a quantitative risk analysis 379 towards establishing a safe daily dose of fluoride for children, concludes that lowered IQ is indeed a risk for children whom consume uncontrollable dosages of fluoride in public water supplies.

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All the Fake News That’s Fit to Print

fake-newsBy James Hall

Understanding the complex relationships that make up human endeavors permeates every aspect of society and politics. The ability to be informed about events is a basic motivation to search out news about what is exactly happening in the world we all live in. Journalism purports to report the first draft of history. In practice the press and media coverage is systemically bereft of relevant facts and completely void of objectivity. The currency of the realm is trust for all journalists. Their collective credibility is bankrupt for a very simple reason; their newscasts are based upon lies, newspeak and intentional deception.

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One Out Of Every Ten Deaths In America is Caused By The Medical System!

imagesHow the Mind Treats “Impossible Things that Couldn’t be Happening”

By Jon Rappoport


When little fragmentary stories about this fact emerge in the mainstream press, they’re one-offs. There is no serious follow-up and no deep investigation. Therefore, the public isn’t aroused.

On May 3, 2016, the Washington Post ran an article detailing deaths from medical errors. This bomb dropped: doctors’ errors account for “about 9.5 percent of all deaths annually in the United States.”

Let that sink in.

Roughly one out of every 10 deaths in the US is caused by medical errors. (Under “errors,” you can include a wide range of toxic treatment.)

No major newspaper or news network pounds on this factoid day after day. It’s here and then it’s gone. It’s on the level of: “The last seven presidents have been assassinated. And now, here’s the weather.”

Something else is going on, too. I’ll lay it out for you.

Most of the general public, and many reporters, can’t even begin to absorb that medical-death statistic. It bounces off them. They either reject it out of hand, misread it, or fail to transport it to the part of their mind where they think about things.                          The statistic is virtually invisible to them.

“Let’s see, 10% of all deaths in America are caused by the medical system. REJECTED.” I even had one person tell me ten percent “wasn’t very much.” I’ve had people change the subject rapidly when I presented them with the statistic.

So it isn’t just major media. People are running their own fake news operation on themselves.

This has been called “cognitive dissonance” or some other fancy name. It’s just the “bounce phenomenon.” A fact bounces off a person. It has no effect.

I’ve dealt with this for more than 30 years as a reporter. I’m in the business of presenting “bounce-able” facts. I’ve seen the full array of reactions, time and time again.


Here is another process that goes on in the mind. It starts this way: WELL, IF THAT WERE TRUE, THEN… The person starts to think about the boggling fact. He starts to flesh out the implications. And he stops. Because the implications are too much. His mental processes and his basic orientation aren’t flexible enough to deal with them.

Of course, I’ve mentioned medically caused death to doctors. Their comments go something like this: “That couldn’t be true.” “That was just one study.”

Lets try again.


Response; “Wow. That would make it the third leading cause of death. That means the more people who are in the system, the more deaths. The public has to know about this…”

No bounce. Ah, now we’re on to something.

Creating ADHD is the Goal of the New Education

adhd-educationBy Jon Rappoport

“There is a form of mind control that is really mind-chaos. It shatters the processes of thought into, at best, vaguely related fragments. There is no direction, no development, no progress along a line of reasoning. This is how you disable a person. You disrupt his ability to move from A to B to C. At that point, he becomes passive. He’s willing to be programmed, because it’s easier. He wants to be programmed.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

The new education is ADHD.

It’s a method of teaching that surrenders ground on each key concept, deserting it before it’s firmly fixed in the mind of the student.

It hops around from idea to idea, because parents, teachers, administrators, students, departments of education, and educational publishers have given up on the traditional practice of repetition.

Repetition was old-world. For decades, even centuries, the time-honored method of instruction was: introduce an idea or concept or method, and then provide numerous examples the student had to practice, solve, and demonstrate with proficiency.

There was no getting around it. If the student balked, he failed.

There were no excuses or fairy tales floated to explain away the inability of the student to carry out the work.

Now, these days, if you want to induce ADHD, teach a course in which each new concept is given short shrift. Then pass every student on to the next grade, because it’s “humane.”

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Europeans Oppose Mass Muslim Migration

rapefugees-not-welcome-background-660x330Mainstream media fails to comprehend a crisis it has also failed to cover honestly.

On Wednesday morning, CNBC reported with utter shock the results of a European survey which revealed strong, Europe-wide opposition to Muslim migration.

“Not everyone in Europe is welcoming Muslim migrants with open arms,” a narrator says on a video embedded in the online article about the survey. “A surprising number of Europeans are in favor of a Muslim immigration ban,” states CNBC’s Facebook post containing the report.

It should be of little surprise that a majority of Europeans are unhappy with the massive influx of unassimilated Muslim migrants that has brought with it a marked increase in violent and sexual crimes, social disunity, welfare obligations, and radical Islamic terrorist attacks.

The survey of 10 European countries, carried out by the Royal Institute of International Affairs (also known as Chatham House), asked if “all further migration from mainly Muslim countries should be stopped.”

An average of 55 percent of respondents across the 10 countries agreed. Only one in five respondents said they wanted Muslim migration to continue.

If the globalist activists posing as journalists in the mainstream media ever bothered to cover the Muslim migrant crisis in Europe honestly, these survey results wouldn’t come as a shock.

Sex crimes committed by Muslim migrants in swimming pools have become so widespread in countries like Germany and Sweden that it can accurately described as an epidemic, and have led some pools to institute extra security and even sex-segregation in some instances.

In March, 2016, Gatestone Institute researcher Ingrid Carlqvist identified at least 28 instances of rape or sexual assault at Swedish public swimming pools in 2015 and the first two months of 2016.

In 2016, there were over 200 reported sexual assaults or rapes at public pools perpetrated by Muslim migrants in Germany and Austria.

This is to say nothing of the hundreds of sexual assaults and rapes carried out by unassimilated migrants in Europe outside of public pools.

But the average American who relies on the mainstream media to report on these crimes doesn’t know about these shocking details, because the mainstream media dare not report them.

In the last 12 months, CNBC has published only 17 articles focusing on the Muslim migrant crisis. Not a single one of those articles details the shockingly high number of violent and sexual crimes committed by Muslim migrants in Europe.

Dedication to the multicultural dream is so strong among the globalist elite and media that these crimes are vastly underreported even in the countries in which they take place.

This suffocating culture of silence about the true nature of unfettered, mass Muslim migration is practically paralyzing police forces.

“If you can’t discuss the problem of crime among immigrants without somebody attributing it to racist propaganda, we are in deep trouble” Peter Springare – Swedish police officer.

CDC, WHO and Big Pharma Collaborate to Conceal Vaccine-Autism Link Data from Public

Vaccine in vial with syringe. Vaccination concept.  3d

By Richard Gale & Dr. Gary Null

New Vaccines Still Cause Autism and Our Government Knows

Today in the U.S. and a growing number of other countries, the official policy is that any scientific study, regardless of its methodology, quality, author credentials, and peer-reviewed process is summarily dismissed as incomplete, irrelevant or unsupported if it finds a connection between any vaccine or combination of vaccines and autism spectrum disorder.

Even when the CDC’s own immunologist, Dr. William Thompson, whistle-blows and provides thousands of pages of scientific data and research proving a vaccine-autism connection, the matter is rapidly shoved under the table. In the case of Dr. Thompson’s release of confidential documents to a Congressional subcommittee, the CDC intentionally concealed their evidence that African American boys under 36 months had a higher risk of autism after receiving the MMR vaccine. The documents also proved the CDC has know for a long time that neurological tics, indicating brain disturbances, were associated with thimerosal-containing vaccines, such as the influenza vaccine.

We have also known for over fifteen years, thanks to a Freedom of Information Act filing, that CDC officials, vaccine scientists on the CDC’s vaccine advisory panel, the WHO and private pharmaceutical executives met secretly for two days at the Simpsonwood retreat center near Atlanta to deliberate on the Verstraeten research’s findings proving thimerosal’s role in the rise of autism. The meeting was held for the specific purpose to find ways to prevent the findings from reaching the public, and spin and manipulate the data to disprove a vaccine-autism connection.

Doctor Discovers Deadly Levels of Mercury in Childhood Vaccines FDA is Hiding

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Monsanto Forced to Put Cancer Warning on Roundup

monsanto-roundupBy Dr. Mercola

In March, 2015, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a research arm of the World Health Organization (WHO), reclassified glyphosate as a “probable carcinogen” (Class 2A).

The decision was based on “limited evidence” showing the weed killer can cause non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and lung cancer in humans, along with “convincing evidence” linking it to cancer in animals.

The IARC is considered the global gold standard for carcinogenicity studies, so its determination was of considerable importance. It’s also one of the five research agencies from which the OEHHA — the California agency of environmental hazards — gets its reports to declare carcinogens under Prop 65.

Monsanto has vigorously pursued a retraction of the IARC’s damning report, to prevent California from pursuing a cancer warning on Roundup and other, newer weed killers in the pipeline, designed for use on the company’s latest genetically engineered (GE) crops.

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‘With Open Gates – The Forced Collective Suicide of European Nations’


CENSORED Everywhere & Reposted here by Popular Demand!

Rush FM posted this article the first time in December 2015

By Mike Adams

Most people live in a Truman Show bubble of false reality, played out for them by the mainstream media and tightly controlled by the internet’s gatekeepers such as Youtube and Google.

To prevent you from learning the truth about what’s really happening with the wave of refugees and ISIS terrorists in Europe, YouTube has been desperately and rapidly censoring every instance of a must-see video entitled “With Open Gates – The forced collective suicide of European nations.”

This shocking, eye-opening video is an absolute MUST SEE for every citizen on our planet. It unveils the shocking, horrifying truth of how European nations are now being overrun by an invasion of refugees who intend to overrun western civilization and destroy Europe as we know it today.

Google and everybody else desperately trying to shut this video down

When I tried to view this video on YouTube, every single instance was censored by a bogus “copyright claim” from a dubious organization. The intent was clear: YouTube (owned by Google) was intentionally seeking to prevent the public from seeing this eye opening video.

When I went to Vimeo to find the same video, the instance that I found was scrubbed from Vimeo before I could download it. Even Vimeo is in on the act, it seems, desperately making sure the public can’t see this video.

view video here:

An invasion and occupation of Europe by violent, racist, death-dealing crazies

The reality of what’s happening with the refugees in Europe is far beyond anything being reported by the fake mainstream media.  Many of the so-called “refugees” are actually occupying enemy forces waging a literal invasion of Europe.

Much the same is happening in America, too, with the open borders policy that democrats are using as a voter recruitment system while America is being overrun with illegal border crossers.

Because of America’s open borders policy enforced by democrats, ISIS attacks will soon take place in America. The enemy is already inside the gates. And they are determined to destroy western culture by any means necessary.

Is your TV spying on you? For millions of viewers, the answer is YES!

Child-Watching-Tv-TelevisionBy Jason Veley

In 1949, author George Orwell published the now famous novel “1984,” in which he wrote about a “Big Brother” government that severely infringed on the rights and the privacy of the people. Today, with technology becoming more and more advanced and the federal government becoming increasingly intrusive, what was once just science fiction in a storybook is quickly becoming reality.

Vizio, one of the largest and most well known producers of Smart TVs in the country, is now being forced to pay $2.2 million after the company was caught collecting the viewing habits of their customers without their knowledge or permission.

The technology that allowed this to happen was something called ACR, or automated content recognition, which is contained in every Vizio television that is connected to the Internet. The ACR software collected the information from the video images displayed on the screen and then sent that data to the manufacturer’s servers. Vizio then sold the data to anonymous third parties.

Samsung, though conducting similar practices, decided it would be best to come out with the truth before any significant legal action was taken against them. Talking about the remote controls’ voice recognition feature, the company warned, “Please be aware that if your spoken words include personal or other sensitive information, that information will be among the data captured and transmitted to a third party.”


5G Network Being Pushed on the Public with Zero Concern for Safety

5G-cell-towersBy Pedro Aquila

The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) is pushing to streamline the approval of 5G cell towers, overriding the little regulation that exists to legalize use of experimental high frequencies without extensive safety testing. Untested frequencies in the range of 28 gigahertz to 100 Ghz or more are set to be deployed all around us without our consent, emanating from an even greater number of new, smaller cell towers.

Some are talking about using even higher frequencies, in the terahertz range, much higher than previous networks.

A recent statement from Take Back Your Power says:

“US FCC wants to “streamline” the approval process for DAS (Distributed Antenna System) 4G/5G ubiquitous cell towers by exempting them from the 1996 Telecommunications Act!

And the US Senate will imminently be voting on S.19 and S.88, to expand DAS 4G/5G deployment!

If such efforts succeed, millions of small cell towers (on existing light poles/utility poles, or new ones) will be deployed everywhere, throughout residential neighborhoods. The millimeter microwave radiation deployed will produce horrific health effects, worsening EVERYONE’s health, and will remove the remaining pollinators. It’s THAT serious.  The bees in particular will die off rapidly, per studies of bees and microwave radiation.”

What about the people already suffering with symptoms of EMF radiation from wifi, smart phones, smart meters, and newer vehicles? The dangers of certain new technologies, as is the case with some biotech and toxic foods, represent a much more insidious reality: cancer causing, body disrupting frequencies.

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Amazon’s New Robot-Run Supermarket Will Phase Out Human Employees

170205-amazon-featureBy Jake Anderson

Imagine a 10,000 to 40,000 square foot, two-story supermarket that employs only a few people. The glut of the workforce is robots. A small army of them toils away on the second floor, where they furiously bag items for the customers browsing below. According to a report by the New York Post, this is the prototype of a near-future Amazon supermarket, a colossal version of the new Amazon “Go” convenience store that uses no cashiers or checkouts. And it’s another example of how automation’s already rapid encroachment on the human job market has gone into overdrive.

With human cashiers already rapidly losing their jobs to automated kiosks in many grocery stores, it seems there has been a steady shift away from human labor in grocery stores. The Amazon robot supermarket model would expedite that shift by replacing most of the clerks with robots.

Amazon deferring to technology over people should come as no surprise to those who have followed the company closely. In 2012, Amazon dropped $775 million acquiring the company Kiva for the purposes of robotic warehouse automation. And, of course, there’s the legendary delivery-by-drone plan — featured in a Super Bowl ad over the weekend — that hovers inexorably in our near future.

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Want a Job in the Future? Get Ready to Become a Cyborg — Companies Have Begun Implanting Employees with RFID Chips

handBy Melissa Dykes

The dystopic future is quickly becoming the dystopic present.

This is something we’re about to see a lot more of in the coming years.

A Belgian marketing firm called NewFusion has microchipped its staff, replacing their traditional ID cards with RFID chips implanted in their hands.

The Daily Mail reports:

The radio-frequency identification (RFID) chips are about the same size as a grain of rice and store personal security information which can be transmitted over short distances to special receivers.

RFID chips can already be found in contactless cards, including banks cards and the Oyster system which is used by more than 10 million people to pay for public transport in London.

They are also similar to the chips implanted in pets.

The ones used at NewFusion cost around €100 each (£85 or $106) and are inserted between the thumb and index finger…

In 2015, a Swedish company implanted microchips in its staff which allowed them to use the photocopier, open security doors and even pay for their lunch.

More and more companies are going to start implanting their workers with RFID chips.

At least 10,000 people worldwide have already willingly microchipped themselves, and the practice has progressed to the point that RFID chip implant kits complete with a sterile injector system can be purchased online.

Physically microchipping one’s self is already being normalized and pushed as the next technological advance for safety and security. You can already see talk of how “convenient” and “secure” chipping one’s self will be in the future because passwords and ID cards can so easily get lost, right?

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Weather Modification: Satellite imagery reveals unmistakable aerosol operation

chemtrails-criss-crossBy Mike Adams

Geoengineering is a very real — and very scary — phenomenon happening across the world. Evidence of weather control in the United States can be found as early as 1966 in a now highly cited document on National Weather Modification Programs. The shocking truths surrounding geoengineering is hard for many to accept and has created many skeptics who are quick to vocalize their disbelief in the programs.

Recently, evidence of large scale weather modification through aerosol spraying was recorded in Florida. Aerosol spraying is said to be a technique primarily used to provide larger volume plumes than chemtrails. Spraying isn’t just happening, but now it appears that methods are being used to increase their effectiveness. (Read more about Chemtrails at

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“Abortion Quotas” set for clinics by Planned Parenthood

imagesBy Mike Adams

The sickening, murderous practices of the abortion industry are increasingly being exposed by investigative journalists across the independent media, and what they’re uncovering is beyond unethical… it’s grotesque… even Stalinesque in its evil.

Today, Life Site News has gone public with an investigation that discovered Planned Parenthood is pushing abortion quotas onto clinics, turning workers there into “salespeople” who are rewarded with pizza parties when they meet their abortion quota goals. (Yeah. It’s beyond sick.)

This is just the latest in a jaw-dropping series of alarming revelations about the nefarious activities of Planned Parenthood and the “murder agenda” of the abortion industry. In previous investigations, Life Site News has unveiled how Planned Parenthood abortion centers harvest the organs of partially-born infants, murdering them in the process.

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Entire Global Food Supply to be Contaminated by Genetically Modified Organisms Used for Pest Control

Sunset-Farm-Crops-Field-e1471505264490By Vicki Batts

The next generation of genetically modified organisms may not involve produce at all. It appears that the next phase of GMOs will involve living things: insects. Genetically altered bugs could indeed be coming to an environment near you.

Experimental releases of GM insects were already approved in 2014, but now there are growing concerns over what such bugs mean for the food supply — especially organic foods. Can organic food grown with or near GM bugs still be considered “organic,” or is that one bridge too far? Will organic produce grown in the United States still be able to be exported to countries like Europe if these GM bugs have developed on them — or will organic produce growers be forced to forfeit their organic label?

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Brand New Elite Whistleblower Smashes Global Warming Science

UN-Climate-Change-summit-graphicBy Jon Rappoport,

A high-level whistleblower has said that America’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) breached its own rules on scientific integrity when it published the sensational but flawed [fraudulent] report, aimed at making the maximum possible impact on world leaders including Barack Obama and David Cameron at the UN climate conference in Paris in 2015.

The [fraudulent] report claimed that the ‘pause’ or ‘slowdown’ in global warming in the period since 1998 – revealed by UN scientists in 2013 – never existed, and that world temperatures had been rising faster than scientists expected. Launched by NOAA with a public relations fanfare, it was splashed across the world’s media, and cited repeatedly by politicians and policy makers.

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Media BLACKOUT Over “Unimaginable” Radiation Levels Detected at Fukushima…

Fukushima-Earthquake-e1482136586726By Mike Adams

Almost no media outlets in the United States even mentioned the alarming news. As The Guardian reports, radiation levels have reach what experts call an “unimaginable” intensity inside the containment structure of reactor No. 2, clocking in at 530 sieverts per hour.

A sievert is a unit of radiation exposure, and exposure to just five sieverts in a short amount of time has a 50% kill rate among humans. When it comes to radiation exposure, the intensity of the exposure (which is the inverse of the duration of exposure) matters a lot. Absorbing five sieverts of radiation over a year’s time is not fatal, but exposure to five sieverts in just 60 seconds, for example, will almost certainly kill you from radiation poisoning (it’s a miserable way to die, by the way).

The level of radiation measured inside Fukushima reactor No. 2 is 530 sieverts per hour, or over 100 times the intensity necessary to kill most humans who are exposed for just a short time.

The melted fuel rods which are generating this radiation have apparently bored a hole through the floor of the containment vessel, meaning they may be very close to coming into contact with ground water or ocean water (or may have already struck it). Melting fuel rods also vastly increases the risk of nuclear fuel criticality which could “explode” the deadly radioactive elements into the open atmosphere. Yet nearly the entire mainstream media remains in a complete news blackout over this devastating development that threatens the sustainability of all life in the Northern hemisphere.

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