Why Doesn’t the Government Want You to Drink Raw Unprocessed Milk?

raw-milk-deaths1Feds Renew Attack on Raw Milk

By Alliance for Natural Health – USA

The misinformation campaign continues. State-based Action Alerts!

The Montana and Idaho legislatures are currently considering bills that would loosen restrictions on the sale of raw milk. The Montana bill has already been approved by the state’s House of Representatives and is now being considered by its Senate.

Apparently the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) think consumers aren’t qualified to make this decision for themselves. In response to the Montana bill, the CDC issued the following warning:

Raw milk can contain harmful germs, such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites, which can make you very sick or possibly kill you. If you’re thinking about drinking raw milk because you believe it has health benefits, consider other options.

This is nothing new; it’s been the position of government health officials for years. The FDA in particular has taken an aggressive stance against purveyors of raw milk.

The vendetta against raw milk is completely unjustified. As our friends at the Weston A. Price Foundation point out in their campaign for “real milk,” raw milk has a proven safety record and has shown to be superior to pasteurized milk in protecting against infection, diarrhea, rickets, tooth decay, and tuberculosis. Children drinking raw milk also have better growth rates than those drinking pasteurized milk.

ANH–USA believes consumers should have the right to access non-processed foods, and farmers should be able to offer these products directly to consumers. Americans should be able to educate themselves about any risks versus benefits, and make their own decisions without being hassled by the government.

Why the hostility toward raw milk? The way we see it, the FDA prefers to concentrate food and drug production in the hands of a few large companies with which the agency has close ties. But favoring large producers over family and artisanal producers does not make our food any safer. On the contrary, it just makes it less safe, less nutritious, and also invites more corruption of the government by powerful companies growing rich from government-created monopolies.

Learn more: http://healthimpactnews.com/2017/why-doesnt-the-u-s-government-want-you-to-drink-raw-unprocessed-milk/

56 % of Maryland’s Bees Disappeared in 2016

Bees-Hive-Honey-CombBy Vicki Batts

The decimation of bee populations is a national concern, but beekeepers in the state of Maryland have been hit especially hard by the wave of bee deaths. In 2016 alone, beekeepers in the mid-Atlantic state faced a devastating loss equating to more than 56 percent of their bee colonies, according to the Bee Informed Partnership (BIP). And over the last three years, Maryland apiarists have lost an average of 54 percent of their total colonies. It’s a sad state of affairs, to say the least.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/2017-03-24-56-of-marylands-bees-have-disappeared-in-2016.html

Google & Facebook Happily Profit From Terror, Murder & Violence

Google-e1478186852102Google profits from Jihadi training videos that teach mass murder while Facebook gives thumbs up to “kill white women” posts.

By Mike Adams

With each passing day, the insidious evil of Google and Facebook becomes increasingly apparent to all aware individuals. The latest disgusting examples show how Google earns sick profits off content that teaches Jihadi terrorists how to commit mass murder using vehicles as weapons. Similarly, Facebook now gives “thumbs up” approval to posts that call for people to “kill white women” while simultaneously banning accounts that post Bible passages.

How sick and evil have these tech giants really become? By some accounts, they now pose an imminent threat to not just the sanity — but even the safety — of citizens everywhere.

Google makes money off “Jihadi terror manuals”

In other words, anyone looking to learn how to commit murder and terrorism can go straight to Google to find out how it’s done. And during all searches, Google is making money off the search history data collection of the user as well as any possible ads that might appear, served up by Google Adwords.

Facebook gives thumbs up to “white women should be hunted and killed”

The way in which Facebook polices content on its network is under scrutiny again after it was revealed that a post in which a user called for white women to be “hunted and killed” was deemed to not be a violation of community standards.

Google and Facebook both promote extreme medical violence against children while doing business with criminal pharma companies

Google and Facebook give priority rankings to medical authorities and websites that push the injection of brain-damaging mercury into the bodies of innocent children. The medical maiming of children via toxic vaccines results in brain damage, autism, seizures, hospitalizations and more.

Google and Facebook profit from violence, murder, terrorism and criminal rackets

For these internet giants, profits are far more important than anything else, even if it means hundreds of thousands of lives are harmed or even killed due to the information promoted on the Google or Facebook websites.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/2017-03-24-google-profits-from-jihadi-training-videos-that-teach-mass-murder-while-facebook-gives-thumbs-up-to-kill-white-women-posts.html

Sydney Teacher Traumatized By Threats Of Beheading By Students

indexSydney Sunrise News

Frightened teachers at a Sydney primary school have revealed students are showing signs of extreme radicalisation at a young age, saying they have been traumatised by threats of beheading and other violent behaviour.

Students as young as in Year 5 (11 years old) are making the threats and pressuring peers into reading the Koran at Punchbowl Public School in Sydney’s southwest, the Daily Telegraph has reported.

Documents given to the newspaper reportedly reveal that at least three staff members have taken stress leave, received counselling and been paid compensation after bullying from Islamic students.

Those students may have since graduated and moved down the road to Punchbowl Boys High. Recently, the principal of that school Chris Griffiths was fired for refusing to allow the department of education to run a counter-extremism program there to target students at risk of radicalisation in the predominately Muslim school.

Learn more and watch videos: https://au.news.yahoo.com/nsw/a/34663197/punchbowl-primary-school-teacher-says-year-5-students-threatened-to-behead-her-kill-her-family/#page1


I-LIKE-FFNZ-Collage.720By Jon Rappoport

The issue here is, who is going to decide whether the people of New Zealand are fluoridated? Who will be in charge? Communities, or the federal government?

From The NZHerald, 3/13/16—my comments are in CAPS:

“MPs are expecting furious opposition to proposals on fluoridated drinking water as public hearings kick off this week.”

“The first select committee hearings will be held tomorrow on the Government’s plan to transfer the responsibility for fluoridating water from councils to district health boards (DHBs).” [TRANSFER THE DECISION FROM LOCAL COMMUNITIES TO LARGER FEDERAL ENTITIES—A TAKEOVER.]

“In total, 60 organisations and 140 individuals are expected to give presentations, and the committee will be broken up into sub-committees in order to hear them all.” [IN OTHER WORDS, THE FULL COMMITTEE WON’T HEAR ANY INDIVIDUAL PRESENTATION—A CLUE THAT THE “TOLERANCE” FOR EVERY POINT OF VIEW IS JUST A SHOW.]

“’It’s a passionate topic. People feel very strongly about it and we thought … the best way to manage that was to allow them to be heard’.” [YES, HEARD, BEFORE BEING IGNORED. THE COMMITTEE HAS ALREADY MADE UP ITS MIND.]

“Most of the submissions to the committee were against the law change, O’Connor said. At present, territorial authorities decide whether to fluoridate the local water supply.” [JUST AS IT SHOULD BE.]

My further comments: right now, only 27 territories (out of a total of 67) in New Zealand have decided to fluoridate their water supplies. The majority of territories understand the toxicity of fluorides.                                                                                                              The federal government wants to take over and fluoridate everybody. The feds consider anti-fluoride activists the enemy and bunch of crazies.

I also suspect that money is an issue. Somebody close to the federal government is poised to make large profits from selling the chemicals, when the government decides the whole population should be toxified.

For the edification of New Zealand’s feds, who believe “the science is settled” and opposing activists are anti-science, here is a famous bombshell letter, written by the head of the US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) union of in-house scientists, William Hirzy.

Quoting from a May 1, 1999, statement— “Why EPA’s Headquarters Union of Scientists Opposes Fluoridation”—written by William Hirzy, PhD, [Union of Scientists] Senior Vice-President, Chapter 280:

“…our opposition to drinking water fluoridation has grown, based on the scientific literature documenting the increasingly out-of-control exposures to fluoride, the lack of benefit to dental health from ingestion of fluoride and the hazards to human health from such ingestion. These hazards include acute toxic hazard, such as to people with impaired kidney function, as well as chronic toxic hazards of gene mutations, cancer, reproductive effects, neurotoxicity, bone pathology and dental fluorosis.”

“In support of this concern are results from two epidemiology studies from China that show decreases in I.Q. in children who get more fluoride than the control groups of children in each study. These decreases are about 5 to 10 I.Q. points in children aged 8 to 13 years.”

“Another troubling brain effect has recently surfaced: fluoride’s interference with the function of the brain’s pineal gland. The pineal gland produces melatonin which, among other roles, mediates the body’s internal clock, doing such things as governing the onset of puberty. Jennifer Luke has shown that fluoride accumulates in the pineal gland and inhibits its production of melatonin. She showed in test animals that this inhibition causes an earlier onset of sexual maturity, an effect reported in humans as well in 1956…”

“EPA fired the Office of Drinking Water’s chief toxicologist, Dr. William Marcus, who also was our local union’s treasurer at the time, for refusing to remain silent on the cancer risk issue. The judge who heard the lawsuit he [Marcus] brought against EPA over the firing made that finding—that EPA fired him over his fluoride work and not for the phony reason put forward by EPA management at his dismissal. Dr. Marcus won his lawsuit and is again at work at EPA.”

“Regarding the effectiveness of fluoride in reducing dental cavities, there has not been any double-blind study of fluoride’s effectiveness as a caries preventative. There have been many, many small scale, selective publications on this issue that proponents cite to justify fluoridation, but the largest and most comprehensive study, one done by dentists trained by the National Institute of Dental Research, on over 39,000 school children aged 5-17 years, shows no significant differences (in terms of decayed, missing and filled teeth) among caries [cavities] incidences in fluoridated, non-fluoridated and partially fluoridated communities. The latest publication on the fifty-year fluoridation experiment in two New York cities, Newburgh and Kingston, shows the same thing. The only significant difference in dental health between the two communities as a whole is that fluoridated Newburgh, N.Y. shows about twice the incidence of dental fluorosis (the first, visible sign of fluoride chronic toxicity) as seen in non-fluoridated Kingston.”

“John Colquhoun’s publication on this point of efficacy is especially important. Dr. Colquhoun was Principal Dental Officer for Auckland, the largest city in New Zealand, and a staunch supporter of fluoridation—until he was given the task of looking at the world-wide data on fluoridation’s effectiveness in preventing cavities. The paper is titled, ‘Why I changed My Mind About Water Fluoridation.’ In it Colquhoun provides details on how data were manipulated to support fluoridation in English speaking countries, especially the U.S. and New Zealand. This paper explains why an ethical public health professional was compelled to do a 180 degree turn on fluoridation.”

“…mutation studies…show that fluoride can cause gene mutations in mammalian and lower order tissues at fluoride concentrations estimated to be present in the mouth from fluoridated tooth paste. Further, there were tumors of the oral cavity seen in the NTP cancer study…further strengthening concern over the toxicity of topically applied fluoride.”

“So, in addition to our concern over the toxicity of fluoride, we note the uncontrolled — and apparently uncontrollable — exposures to fluoride that are occurring nationwide via drinking water, processed foods, fluoride pesticide residues and dental care products…For governmental and other organizations to continue to push for more exposure in the face of current levels of over-exposure coupled with an increasing crescendo of adverse toxicity findings is irrational and irresponsible at best.”

“We have also taken a direct step to protect the [EPA] employees we represent from the risks of drinking fluoridated water…the union filed a grievance, asking that EPA provide un-fluoridated drinking water to its employees.”

“The implication for the general public of these calculations is clear. Recent, peer-reviewed toxicity data, when applied to EPA’s standard method for controlling risks from toxic chemicals, require an immediate halt to the use of the nation’s drinking water reservoirs as disposal sites for the toxic waste of the phosphate fertilizer industry.”

That last sentence lets you know where the fluorides are coming from.                           So…an employees’ union of scientists within the EPA has made its position clear.       Quite clear.

The mainstream press has refused to cover this story in any significant way for 17 years.The federal government of New Zealand doesn’t care about any of this. They just want to give the gift of poison to whole population of the country, and call it science.


Science Teacher Disciplined for Urging Students Be Informed of Vaccination Risks

a4a2106cb75e5606b1a316d5990c15fdBy Kate Raines

In March 2015, science teacher Timothy Sullivan approached public health nurses administering vaccines to high school students at his school in Waterford, Ontario, Canada and asked whether they had appropriately informed the students about the potential risks of the shots they were giving. He noted that the teenagers were required to give informed consent and the nurses, therefore, had the obligation to make sure they were fully informed.

Mr. Sullivan also made the point that, “some of the components in the vaccines were deemed ‘toxic’ in his science lab.” The nurse allegedly answered that they alerted parents and teens about common vaccine risks like fever or soreness at the injection site and she claimed that “a screening tool allows nurses to assess if there are any underlying conditions that would trigger a more serious reaction among students” and added that “the risk of death from receiving a vaccine is so very, very rare.”

The complaints against Mr. Sullivan appear to have focused on how disruptive his comments were to the planned vaccination event rather than the accuracy or inaccuracy of his views.

Mr. Sullivan has now been found guilty of professional misconduct by the disciplinary board of the Ontario College of Teachers.

Who Decides What Facts Can or Cannot Be Taught?

Learn more: http://healthimpactnews.com/2017/science-teacher-found-guilty-of-professional-misconduct-for-proving-vaccines-are-toxic-in-science-lab/

‘Smart’ Meter Fires

smart meter







By Take Back Your Power

If you have a ‘Smart’ Meter on your home, you may want to pay attention to this story. This Canadian homeowner was shocked to find out he was responsible for $5000 in damages caused by his Smart Meter catching fire. Their defective tech just about burns down his house, and he’s forced to pay!

Is this fair? There are so many layers to this story.

Collective Evolution released a new video on the ‘smart’ meter fire situation.

View the video here: https://www.facebook.com/CollectiveEvolutionPage/videos/10155080623863908/

‘Conspiracy Theorists’ Have Just Been Vindicated…

surveillanceBy Michael Snyder

Yes, the government can use your phone, your computer and even potentially your television to spy on what you are doing inside your own home. Last Tuesday, Wikileaks released thousands of documents that prove what virtually every “conspiracy theorist” in America has been saying for years about government spying. And I don’t even like to use the term “conspiracy theorist” much, because the truth is that most “conspiracy theorists” are simply citizen journalists that are attempting to expose things that the mainstream media doesn’t want to talk about. And one of the things that the mainstream media has always been hesitant to address is the unconstitutional surveillance that intelligence agencies systematically conduct on their own citizens.

But now the mainstream media is being forced to talk about government surveillance because Wikileaks has just exposed it for all the world to see.

Learn more: http://www.thesleuthjournal.com/every-conspiracy-theorist-america-vindicated/

How to Lose Track of the Big Picture and Create Your Own “Truth”

reality-check-264x338By Bernie Suarez

The first chapter in my book ‘The Art of Overcoming the New World Order’ is titled ‘How to stay perfectly brainwashed in the matrix’. I pose this set of instruction to demonstrate that we as humans make big decisions every day and no matter how much we try to escape reality and live in an alternate reality believing mainstream media lies and propaganda, everyone should be aware that there is a process for ensuring that one stays blind and dumbed-down all the days of their lives. Similarly today in 2017, as we close in on the conclusion of the first quarter of the year too many people are focusing on things that are relatively unimportant and very secondary to what is really happening. Far too many people are preoccupied with issues that are deliberately designed to distract from the big picture.

Mass deception is now the stunning norm. The entire Left is completely (and irreversibly?) disconnected from reality. Right wing Republicans are being told that terrorism and ISIS is a real threat that only more wars will fix and that waging more wars is necessary to keep America “safe”. Many Anarchists are zeroing in on anything that points to evidence of politician broken promises because these broken promises validate their core belief that the world should operate without any governments or nation state. The rationale being since statism is all bad then the perils and trials that come with the practice of statism are well deserved. In other words, “haha, told you so, it’s all your problem”. With all of these paradigms and beliefs occurring at the same time the grounds for keeping people focused on what is really happening and how to solve these problems become much more difficult to convey to the masses.

People everywhere are being lied to and deceived about what is most important today and these “issues” then become the primary focus of their lives. All of this while the big picture unfolds at record pace.

Learn more: http://www.thesleuthjournal.com/lose-track-big-picture-america-create-truth/

Chemtrails Exposed

chemtrails-exposedBy Peter Kirby

There is overwhelming evidence indicating the existence of a global weather modification project currently resulting in the chemtrails so often seen in today’s skies.  This evidence may be reviewed in the author’s comprehensive exposé Chemtrails Exposed: A new Manhattan Project.

Evidence presented in Chemtrails Exposed the book suggests that this global weather modification project came out of the World War 2-era Manhattan Project.  Both are and were enormous, top-secret military science projects.  Both are problems for the physical sciences.  Famous Manhattan Project scientists have compared the power of atomic bombs to the power of storms countless times.  Many eminent scientists who worked as part of the original Manhattan Project later went on to do work in weather modification and the atmospheric sciences.  Men like: Edward Teller, Ross Gunn, Donald Hornig, Vannevar Bush, Bill Nierenberg, and John von Neumann are all known to have gone on to do serious work in weather modification and the atmospheric sciences.  Geoengineers today are on record in Congressional testimony calling for a new Manhattan Project that involves spraying us with stuff.

Learn more: http://www.activistpost.com/2017/03/chemtrails-exposed-truly-a-new-manhattan-project.html?

Gold And Silver: Legal Weapons Against The Deep State

gold-Money-765x510By Rory Hall

Question: Why do Central Banks and Governments hate gold?

Answer: Because they can’t print it


An almost hysterical antagonism toward the gold standard is one issue which unites statists of all persuasions. They seem to sense – perhaps more clearly and subtly than many consistent defenders of laissez-faire – that gold and economic freedom are inseparable, that the gold standard is an instrument of laissez-faire and that each implies and requires the other.  – Alan Greenspan, “Gold and Economic Freedom”

Just like everything else in the western financial system, the paper trading markets are leveraged beyond redemption. The amount of paper “claims” on actual physical gold was estimated to be 100:1 in 2010. We can assure you that ratio is much higher now. On the Comex alone, for instance, if more than 9% of the April open interest in gold futures were to stand for delivery – based on the currently declared 1.4 million ounces of gold reported as being “available for delivery” (registered) – the Comex would default. The entire open interest in gold futures is 60x greater than the amount of gold available for delivery.

Learn more and watch video: http://www.thesleuthjournal.com/gold-silver-legal-weapons-deep-state/

Vaccine Ingredient Denialism At An All Time High

Dumb-Nurse-Syringe-Arm-e1489130159957By S D Wells

What if you found out that your child’s deadly allergy to peanuts was due to the fact that many vaccines are brewed in peanut oil, then injected into muscle tissue from the day of birth? If CNN and The Washington Post lied and told you it wasn’t true, but then you saw those very ingredients listed on the CDC’s own website for vaccine ingredients, what then? What if you found out that no vaccine used in America has ever been proven safe or effective, and on top of that, the small pox vaccine contained African green monkey kidney cells? Would that freak you out?

Would you consider eating a food product with these ingredients? So, why on earth would you have them injected into your blood?

Human-diploid fibroblast cell cultures (from aborted human fetuses)
-Fetal bovine serum
-Formaldehyde (embalming fluid)
-Anti-foaming agent (synthetic)
-African green monkey kidney (vero) cells
-Calf serum
-Polysorbate 80 (synthetic surfactant used in cosmetics)
-Monosodium glutamate (concentrated genetically modified salt)
-MRC-5 (random human diploid cells)
-Sodium borate (think of borax)
-Squalene (aka MF59 – toxic oil that causes devastating autoimmune diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus and death)
-Canine kidney (MDCK) cell protein
-Thimerosal (50% mercury; highly toxic to all humans and animals)
-Aluminum salts (neurotoxic and causes dementia)
-Host cell DNA
-E. coli
-Recombinant human albumin (pooled blood)
-Hydrolyzed gelatin (made from the cartilage and hides of animals)
-Sorbitol (artificial sweetener and emulsifier)
-Urea (waste product expelled by animals after being excreted from the kidneys – yes, that’s animal urine)
-Hydrolyzed porcine (pig) gelatine
-Guinea pig cell cultures

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/2017-03-10-vaccine-ingredient-denialism-at-an-all-time-high-in-2017.html

Wikipedia: Dangerous Platform for Disinformation and Propaganda

wikipediaBy Thomas Dishaw

While Wikipedia may seem like a useful site if you need quick information at hand for trivial topics like the average population of Kazakhstan, its reliability and validity have long been questioned by professors, intellectuals and even the media. One reason for this distrust is the fact that quite a bit of the information on Wikipedia is either incomplete or downright false. Because anyone can technically edit or contribute to Wikipedia, the site is vulnerable to hackers and vandalism.

There is also the fact that strings at Wikipedia are being pulled and controlled by corporate influences. Once corporate America realized that Wikipedia was distributing information they had carefully and thoroughly suppressed in the media, they launched a plan that ensured they had the final say on what did and did not get published.

Articles on Wikipedia that go against the corporate line are quickly edited out and replaced by more mainstream-friendly versions. Writers who post material that offends the status quo are subsequently banned by editors who consider themselves to be unbiased.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/2017-03-10-wikipedia-has-become-a-dangerous-platform-for-medical-disinformation-and-propaganda.html

Mercury in Compact Fluorescent Lights is Contaminating Homes and Environment

CFL-Light-BulbBy Pedro Aquila

Compact fluorescent bulbs (CFL’s) are contaminating homes and the environment with mercury. They contain much higher amounts of mercury than other typical factors in the poisoning of people, often with many milligrams of mercury, whereas other factors in mercury poisoning are usually measured in micrograms. Thousands of times more than other typical mercury contaminants.

The damage done to people and the environment by mercury is well documented in papers found at sites like PubMed. According to a paper titled: Current approaches of the management of mercury poisoning: need of the hour”: 

“Mercury poisoning cases have been reported in many parts of the world, resulting in many deaths every year.”

“Humans exposure to mercury usually take place via eating mercury contaminated food, dental care procedures (using amalgams in endodontics) using mercury based, thermometers, and sphygmomanometer), occupational exposure (e.g. mining) and others (using fluorescent light bulbs and batteries)”

So how much mercury is in a CFL light bulb, compared to amalgam dental fillings or contaminated food? Even micrograms of mercury are enough to cause long-lasting damage, and the light bulbs contain about 4 milligrams of mercury on average, thousands of times more mercury than is released regularly by mercury amalgam dental fillings, and possibly tens of thousands of times more mercury than eating contaminated seafood.

Micrograms of exposure to mercury make a difference over time, building up and eventually leading to serious symptoms, and mercury is one of the most difficult things to get out of your body, and one of nature’s most vicious neurotoxins.

Learn more: http://www.wakingtimes.com/2017/03/10/mercury-compact-fluorescent-lights-contaminating-homes-environment/?

Can—Or Is—Wi-Fi Manipulating Human DNA?

digital-dna By Catherine Frompovich

The topic of DNA manipulation is extremely close to my intellectual heart and being because it is so fundamentally repulsive, Orwellian and dehumanizing, plus it is a ‘direct’ route to what’s planned by the one-world-controllers for all of humankind: Transhumanism.

Transhumanism deprives us of our basic and individualistic persona, including rights, given to us by Nature and the Higher Intelligence some refer to as God, Creator or the “Source.”

Transhumanism is being designed to make humankind into “one think” cyborgs, of sorts, utilizing implanted “smart” technology to control our brains, physiology and biochemistry.  Does this sound like science fiction?  Maybe, but I can guarantee you it’s in our future, if we keep ‘buying into’ all the smart technology controllers continue to push upon consumers, who gleefully accept it but really don’t understand the rancid underside of the planned “Internet of Things.”

Learn more: http://www.activistpost.com/2017/03/can-wi-fi-manipulate-human-dna.html?

Who Owns New Zealand’s Media?

indexBy Wake Up New Zealand

New Zealand media companies are now owned by a small number of private funds and investment banks. In the case of MediaWorks, financial ownership has intensified its profit imperatives, and led to the demolition of its news and currents affairs programmes.

In 2015, New Zealand media companies were implementing ‘digital first’ strategies, and integrating newsrooms across the print and online platforms. Unfortunately, this didn’t put ‘journalists first’, and newsroom layoffs continued.

The revenue structures of media companies continued to encounter difficulties, and new forms of partnership and collaboration emerged.

For example, Fairfax partnered with Sky TV, The Huffington Post and The New York Times; and APN with News Corp and The Washington Post in content delivery.

Additionally, NZME, TVNZ, MediaWorks and Fairfax joined forces in advertising against companies such as Facebook and Google.

In 2015, Rupert Murdoch returned to the New Zealand media market by acquiring a 15 per cent stake in APN, publisher of The New Zealand Herald. In contrast, mining billionaire Gina Rinehart sold all of her Fairfax shares. Consequently, the investment bank Morgan Stanley became the company’s largest shareholder.

Yet again MediaWorks became owned by one financial institution.

Learn more: http://www.wakeupkiwi.com/news-articles-37.shtml#Media

Yes, Your Smart TV Really Is Spying On You!

CIA-LobbyLeaked docs reveal CIA secretly turned Samsung TVs into microphones that spy on your conversations.

By J D Heyes

For years Deep State insiders and others familiar with the federal government’s spy agencies have been sounding the alarm about the development of technology that enables constant, real-time electronic surveillance of anyone, anywhere, anytime.

Now, thanks to another whistleblower following in the footsteps for former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, WikiLeaks has provided the proof that these insiders weren’t kooks or conspiracy theorists – they were spot-on.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/2017-03-07-cia-yes-your-smart-tv-really-is-spying-on-you-leaked-docs.html

Canadian Town’s Water Turned Hot Pink

pink-water-shocks-townHealth officials claim there is no health risk from ingesting unregulated amounts of potassium permanganate — a common chemical used for water treatment. Remember, these are the same ‘officials’ claiming fluoride is beneficial to your health when it is actually a poison.

By Jennifer Earl

Residents of a small Canadian town woke up to quite a colorful surprise earlier this week: Hot pink tap water.

Complaints and concerns about the water’s odd hue started pouring into the town’s office on Monday, prompting officials from Onoway, Alberta, to investigate.“This is what just happened in the Town of Onoway,” one local resident posted on Facebook Tuesday afternoon, sharing several photos of the neon pink-colored water in her house. “This is a disaster.”

“Pink water in Onoway, Alberta — complete health hazard,” a Canadian Facebook group wrote. “Don’t drink the water.”

Onoway’s Mayor Dale Krasnow issued an apology to the town’s 1,000 residents on Monday, and said he would work to assess what exactly happened that led to the strange color.

Krasnow said it appears that a valve may have gotten stuck, allowing potassium permanganate — a common chemical used for water treatment — to get into the sump reservoir and thereby into the town’s water distribution system.

Read entire article: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/the-reason-why-this-entire-canadian-towns-water-turned-hot-pink/