Fluoridated Water Destroys Your Brain and Teeth

420_FluorosisbigBy Dr. Mercola

In the U.S., water fluoridation has been widespread for the last 70 years. Despite the fact that clear-cut evidence suggests consuming fluoride is dangerous to human health and does little to protect teeth from cavities, it continues to be supported and recommended by nearly all public health and academic institutions.

This includes the American Dental Association (ADA), the American Academy of Pediatrics, U.S. Public Health Service and the World Health Organization (WHO). The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) even went so far as to name water fluoridation as one of the top 10 public health achievements of the 20th century.

Meanwhile, the evidence continues to stack up against this archaic practice, with federal data now showing more than half of U.S. kids may be suffering ill effects from consuming too much fluoride.

Most US Kids Have Fluoride-Damaged Teeth

According to research presented at the April 2017 National Oral Health Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico, 57 percent of youth between the ages of 6 and 19 years have dental fluorosis, a condition in which your tooth enamel becomes progressively discolored and mottled, according to data from 2011 to 2012.

The statistic represents an increase from 37 percent reported from 1999 to 2004. Further, the author stated, “There was a significant increase in caries experience …” When Fluoride Action Network (FAN) researchers analyzed the same set of data, they found “The 2011 to 2012 NHANES survey found dental fluorosis in 58.3 percent of the surveyed adolescents, including an astonishing 21.2 percent with moderate fluorosis and 2 percent with severe.”

According to FAN, “The data suggests that up to 24 million adolescents now have some form of dental fluorosis, with over 8 million adolescents having moderate fluorosis, and 840,000 having severe fluorosis.”

In stark contrast, when fluoridation was first started in the U.S. in 1945, it was promised that only 10 percent of people would suffer from mild dental fluorosis. Public health officials often brush off fluorosis as a purely aesthetic issue, one they believe is a good trade-off for the supposed benefits of fluoride but, in reality, fluorosis is an outward sign that fluoride is damaging the body.

Research has found impairment in cognitive abilities among children with fluorosis (even mild fluorosis) compared to children with no fluorosis. And some studies have even found that children with higher levels of fluorosis have increased rates of cavities.

Learn more: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2017/05/23/fluoridated-water-destroys-brain-teeth.aspx?utm_source=dnl&utm_medium=email&utm_content=art2&utm_campaign=20170523Z3&et_cid=DM146932&et_rid=2015986892

Venezuela: Communist Government Orders Bakeries to Sell Bread Only to Its Supporters. Other Citizens Starve

Screen-Shot-2017-05-21-at-10.10.05-PM-588x381RUSH FM has been warning the public that the planet is being governed by an evil elite. The following shows the extent that they will go to to dominate the humans and retain power.

By Edward Griffin

Venezuelans are starving due to collectivist economic policies, and they correctly blame the government. The government does exactly what collectivist government always do in such cases. It punishes its critics and rewards its supporters. Bakeries are ordered to sell bread only to government supporters and let the critics starve.


Geoengineering and ‘Chemtrails’ Are Described in Mainstream Media As Highly Dangerous But Necessary To Combat Global Warming


Edward Griffin

Mainstream media is presenting geoengineering and ‘chemtrails’ as potentially disastrous to the Earth, but that the risk is warranted in order to combat global warming.

The New York Times said in April that “we are living through a test already,” but the full article makes it clear that the ‘test’ to which it refers is, not that the sky is already being sprayed with chemicals. It refers to the theory that global warming is plunging the world into an future fraught with danger and that doing nothing about it is a ‘test’ of equal risk to spraying the sky. The intended message of that statement is that, it makes no difference if the sky is sprayed or not. In either case, we already are in a test – so relax and be grateful for chemtrails.

That’s the party line. The second part of this presentation reviews the dark history of the US government using citizens for chemical testing without their knowledge or consent. [For the record, we believe that geoengineering/ chemtrails have been used in NATO countries for several decades and that the purpose of the current media blitz is to condition the public to accept that without complaint when the authorities get around to admitting what they have been doing all along. For the story behind this story, see Global Warming: An Inconvenient Lie.


Smart Meters Interfere With Human Heart Rhythms

heart-rate-459225_960_720AMI Smart Meters emit EMFs/RFs with non-thermal radiation waves causing both assault and battery to a person’s heart, body and wellbeing!  Those are legal charges that can, and should be, filed against utility companies, AMI Smart Meter manufacturers, and public utility commissions.

By Catherine J. Frompovich

One of the most intrepid independent lay EMF/RF and AMI Smart Meter investigators Warren Woodward of Sedona, Arizona, has taken upon himself to put AMI Smart Meters to the heart test.

In EKG Proof That “Smart” Meters Affect the Human Heart video, you will see me connected to an EKG monitor while resting near an Elster brand “smart” meter of the type used by APS here in Arizona. When the “smart” meter transmits, the EKG shows that my heart rhythm is interrupted. Looking at the results of the EKG is startling.

Learn more and see the video here: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2017/05/smart-meters-interfere-heart-rhythms-ekg-proves.html?

Google Rewrites Algorithm to Manually Crush Independent Media Because Mainstream Media’s Lies Can’t Compete With the Truth

In the interest of combatting the spread of fake news, Google has created a new algorithm that will bury online information the company deems “misleading, false and offensive,” according to Bloomberg. Even though the move doesn’t necessarily eliminate fake news altogether, it will force “low quality” articles further down in the search results, thus making it much more difficult for users to locate.

According to Google, the decision to introduce the new algorithm was sparked by the 2016 presidential election, where the issue of so-called “fake news” was consistently debated on the national stage.

“It was not a large fraction of queries – only about a quarter percent of our traffic – they were the important queries,” explained Ben Gomes, Google’s vice president of engineering for search. “It’s not a problem that is going to go all the way to zero, but we now think we can stay a step ahead of things.”

The most recent victim of Google’s fake news witch hunt has been the website Infowars, run by political radio host Alex Jones. Leaked documents from the Internet search giant reveal that employees were being instructed to rate articles and other posts from Infowars as “low” to “medium” quality, even if the information was entirely accurate.

Google’s rating guide used Infowars as an example of what a website looks like when it has a “poor reputation and conspiratorial bent.” The leaked guide went on to say, “There are a number of controversial, often debunked claims that the site regularly promotes.” Eventually, Google was forced to admit that their suppression of Infowars was a “mistake,” and that they would act fast to correct the problem.

This seems to be the consistent mindset among those who seek to suppress or silence what they consider to be “fake news” – do it until you get caught, and then just simply call it a “mistake” to avoid any further scrutiny or confrontation. But what if it’s not a mistake at all? What if Google really is out to silence right-of-center websites and blog posts?

It’s truly bizarre how companies like Google and pundits within the mainstream media never give a clear-cut definition of the term “fake news.” They are always quick to tell us that we need to act to censor it, but they never seem to go into detail about what specifically is going to be censored. This is because fake news is a subjective term – politically speaking, what is considered to be factual information by conservatives is almost always going to be considered lies or propaganda by the progressive left. Therefore, what we should really be paying attention to are the people behind the push to combat fake news, not just fake news itself.


Australia About to BAN Unvaccinated Children From Preschools and Daycare

Children-e1454529983256By Vickie Batts

Will unvaccinated children soon be banned from daycare centers and preschools in the land down under? Australia’s Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has taken it upon himself to call upon state and territory leaders to move towards “nationally consistent laws” regarding vaccination. According to The Guardian, Turnbull intends on taking his sweeping jab initiative to the next Council of Australian Governments.

Turnbull has not beaten around the bush when it comes to the intent of the proposed law, which is disturbingly called “No Jab, No Play.” Under this new proposal, the vaccination rates of all preschools and daycare centers would be made available to the public and parents — and the right to make a formal objection would end.

“At our next Coag meeting I propose we agree that all jurisdictions implement legislation that excludes children who are not vaccinated from attending childcare or preschool, unless they have a medical exemption,” Turnbull writes in his letter to state and territory officials. He also proclaims that “vaccine objection” is not a valid reason to keep children from getting vaccinated. In other words, Turnbull believes that Australian parents should not have the right to medical freedom and the ability to choose what kind of so-called medical care is administered to their children.

Australia has been inching closer to total vaccine tyranny over the last several years, with outlandish bills that increasingly strip parents of their rights to care for their children in the way they see as the best fit. In 2015, the government took away welfare and tax benefits from parents with unvaccinated children. Their action led to an additional 200,000 child vaccinations, but it seems that this increase was just not enough.

In their insatiable quest for more power over their constituents, Turnbull and the Australian Medical Association are seeking to make laws that restrict unvaccinated children from attending schools a national endeavor. Laws prohibiting unvaccinated kids from attending schools already exist in New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland.

Michael Gannon, the president of the Australian Medical Association, reportedly told Fairfax Media, “If you, as a parent, expect the community to support you by either welfare payments or access to care, then you need to do your bit to contribute to that community by protecting other children.” Apparently, paying taxes doesn’t count as your community contribution in Australia.
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/2017-03-27-australia-to-ban-unvaccinated-children-from-preschools-and-daycare.html

Also see:                                                                                                          Australian parents who don’t vaccinate their children will be fined $14 per week by the authoritarian regime http://www.naturalnews.com/2017-05-18-australian-parents-who-dont-vaccinate-their-children-will-be-fined-14-per-week-by-the-authoritarian-regime.html                                                                                                             Mandatory vaccine push by Big Pharma tied to Australian Prime Minister’s wife http://www.naturalnews.com/2017-03-21-mandatory-vaccine-push-by-big-pharma-tied-to-australian-prime-ministers-wife.html

This Nutty Article May Save Your Life

acorns-600x399By Tess Pennington

In a long-lived emergency, our food stores can quickly be depleted. If this occurs, we must rely on our knowledge of native food sources growing wild in our area. One such wild edible is found in great abundance in many parts of the country and is a food source that is long forgotten. We are talking about the acorn.

Acorns can easily serve as an efficient way of pulling together a large amount of food. Many indigenous tribes and groups from around the world have utilized the acorn for its ability to give us nutrition and sustenance. In fact, it is estimated that in some regions of California, where the natives used them, fifty percent of their yearly caloric intake came from the humble acorn.

  • Acorns can be used to make a variety of different foods sources ranging from coffee, flour, soup thickeners, alternatives for oatmeal or just eating the nuts as a protein source.
  • The vegetable oils in acorns are comparable to olives, corn and soybeans and can be used as a cooking oil or biofuel source.
  • The nut meal can be used as animal fodder after the acorns have been shelled and ground.
  • The shells can be used as a heat source, garden mulch, or added to the compost pile.
  • Acorns are a complete protein and nutrition source.
  • Acorns possess many medicinal properties.
  • Acorns can be scattered around an area to lure wild game for additional food sources.

Learn more about:

Health Benefits of Acorns

Medicinal Benefits of Acorns

Important Points to Consider When Harvesting Acorns


Get Microwave-transmitted WI-FI Out Of Schools—Use Hard-Wired Connections Instead

wifi_classroom-1024x633-1By Catherine J. Frompovich

Microwave-transmitted Wi-Fi in schools is an extremely serious electromagnetic health-compromising problem for students and teachers alike, plus at home too!  Below are 3 diagrams of Wi-Fi various exposures from routers while the fourth illustrates non-ionizing radiation, non-thermal waves emitted from a laptop computer.  Such non-thermal wave radiation has negative implications upon the reproductive systems of males and females alike.

Various activist groups are becoming vocal about having school districts remove traditional microwave-transmitted Wi-Fi from schools and classrooms and replace it with a hard-wired service, which works very well but does not expose students and teachers to higher gigahertz ranges of microwave energies.  The World Health Organization’s IARC classifies microwave radiation from cell phones, which is in the same energy ranges and can be higher for router-emitted Wi-Fi, as a Class 2B carcinogen.

A teacher with the Los Angeles Unified School District, who is a cancer survivor and mother of six children, explains her sensitivity problems with Wi-Fi due to amalgam dental fillings, which contain mercury that actually conducts Wi-Fi gigahertz, including her heart issues from Wi-Fi exposures.  Remember, microwaves interact upon water and the body is 70% water, more content in some organs like the brain and heart, i.e., 73%, while the lungs contain 83% water!  Investigate how your microwave oven cooks food.  That should tell you something about microwave exposures.

That same teacher says students in her classrooms were having nose bleeds and 2 seventh grade students were bleeding out of their ears!  Furthermore, Wi-Fi microwaves are a class 2B possible carcinogen [1], but hard-wired Internet access can change students’ and teachers’ exposures during the hours they are in the classroom.  The teacher ends her comments with “The Constitution says thou shalt not harm, and you’re harming me.”

Learn more: http://www.activistpost.com/2017/05/get-microwave-transmitted-wi-fi-schools-use-hard-wired-connections-instead.html?

The Greatest Public Health Mistake of the 20th Century

indexBy Dr. Mercola

  • The recommendation to avoid sun exposure and always use sunblock when outdoors may be the greatest public health mistake of the 20th century
  • Previous research has found vitamin D may prevent 30 deaths for each death caused by skin cancer
  • For every skin cancer death in northern Europe, 60 to 100 people die from stroke or heart disease related to hypertension — a health problem associated with vitamin D deficiency, and lack of sun exposure in particular

Vitamin D received its name because scientists initially assumed it was a vitamin, but further research showed it had been incorrectly categorized. It’s actually a prohormone, produced by your body from cholesterol in response to sunlight striking your bare skin. As a prohormone, vitamin D has enormous influence on your health, and it’s the only known substrate for a powerful repair-and-maintenance steroid hormone.1 Receptors that respond to vitamin D have been found in almost every type of human cell.

So, far from being a mere aid in bone formation, vitamin D is involved in a wide range of repair and maintenance functions, influences genetic expression, helps regulate immune function and more. Unfortunately, dermatologists have spent decades promoting sun avoidance and urging people to wear sunblock before venturing outside. As a result of this misguided advice, the field of dermatology has done tremendous harm to public health.

Sun Exposure Does Your Body Good

It was long thought that sun exposure was the primary cause of melanoma, the most lethal form of skin cancer. However, mounting evidence now tells us sun avoidance actually raises your risk of skin cancer while higher vitamin D levels from UVB exposure are protective.

Vitamin D also improves survival outcomes for melanoma patients. It’s the burning as a result of intermittent overexposure that primarily impacts your skin cancer risk. While Americans have dutifully followed sun avoidance advice, the melanoma rate in the U.S. has actually risen rather than declined.

Rates of melanoma have been rising for at least the last three decades, and research published in the British Journal of Dermatology in 2009 suggests the sun is likely nothing more than a scapegoat. According to this study, the rise in melanoma appears to be “an artifact caused by diagnostic drift.”

Diagnostic drift, according to the study, refers to a hefty increase in disease diagnoses fueled by detection and misclassification of benign lesions as stage 1 melanoma.

Sun avoidance also increases your risk of a number of other health problems stemming from vitamin D deficiency, including internal cancers that claim far more lives than skin cancer, as well as heart disease, multiple sclerosis, infertility and all-cause mortality.

Learn more about:

Studies Show Higher Sun Exposure Protects Health and Increases Longevity

The Cure for Vitamin D Deficiency Is Right Outside Your Door

Dermatologists Make No Allowances for Skin Color

Dermatologists Fail to Understand Sun Exposure Is About Far More Than Vitamin D

Your Body Is Designed to Optimize Health From Sun Exposure

Sunscreens May Sabotage Health in More Ways Than One


Whopping Vaccine Injury Payouts

Vaccine-Needle-on-Black-1Brendan D. Murphy, Guest
Waking Times

Yet another shocking blow has been delivered to people who still ardently claim that vaccines are “safe and effective,” and that the only complications they can cause are “mild.” The US government department for Health Resources and Services Administration has recently released the running tally of the just-past-half-way-complete US Fiscal Year (FY) of 2017 for compensable vaccine injuries. It currently stands at over $142 million dollars. You read that right. That covers the 377 cases that were thus far successful in obtaining compensation in fiscal year 2017 through the heavily biased (to put it politely) system allegedly in place to redress damage done by vaccines in the USA.

At the rate things are going, we might expect the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program to pay out around $220 million or more by the close of FY 2017. To clarify, US Fiscal Year 2017 runs from October 1st, 2016 to September 30th, 2017 – there’s still over four months remaining to rack up more carnage.

Learn more: xxxhttp://www.wakingtimes.com/2017/05/09/whopping-vaccine-injury-payouts-us-fiscal-year-2017-released/

The Imperative Of Replacing Google And Facebook

google-big-brotherBy Tony Cartalucci

Nations are beginning to take more seriously the control of their respective information space after years of allowing US-based tech giants Google and Facebook to monopolize and exploit them.

Vietnam, according to a recent GeekTime article, is the latest nation to begin encouraging local alternatives to the search engine and social media network in order to rebalance the monopoly over information both tech giants enjoy in the Southeast Asian country today.

Google and Facebook: More than Search Engines and Social Media

The two tech giants and others like them may have appeared at their inceptions to political, business, and military leaders around the world as merely opportunistic corporations seeking profits and expansion.

However, Google and Facebook, among others, have become clearly much more than that. Both have verifiably worked with the US State Department in pursuit of geopolitical objectives around the world, from the collapse of the Libyan government to attempts at regime change in Syria, and using social media and information technology around the world to manipulate public perception and achieve sociopolitical goals on behalf of Wall Street and Washington for years.

The use of social media to control a targeted nation’s information space, and use it as a means of carrying out sociopolitical subversion and even regime change reached its pinnacle in 2011 during the US-engineered “Arab Spring.”

Portrayed at first as spontaneous demonstrations organized organically over Facebook and other social media platforms, it is now revealed in articles like the New York Times‘, “U.S. Groups Helped Nurture Arab Uprisings,” that the US government had trained activists years ahead of the protests, with Google and Facebook participating directly in making preparations.

Learn more: http://www.activistpost.com/2017/05/the-imperative-of-replacing-google-and-facebook.html?

Is There Secret Software That Utility Companies Are Being Forced To Use?

grid-hacking-1024x620By Catherine J. Frompovich

This article is difficult for me to write because I don’t have what I normally have to back it up: Resource information links to insert.  I have nothing more than an email informing me of what’s going on from what a utility company whistleblower on the Northwest USA Coast has divulged regarding vulnerabilities.  However, I thought about it—no, agonized about it—but decided to write it anyway because I think it’s important the information be made public.

So here goes:  According to that ten-year utility company employee, the U.S. government is forcing electric utilities to use a software program called SAP.  Looking online, I find information for the SAP electric software program from Germany.  The information I’m receiving, however, is that program is ‘flawed’, easily hackable and can be used to take down the entire USA grid system.  See why I’m concerned!

If that be the case, how come utilities are not willing to tell the government NO, but acquiesce to demands to use it?  Can it be saying NO will jeopardize their grants and funding to implement AMI Smart Meters?  Another electric utility employee—this one is at one of the southern California utilities—says the same thing is happening there regarding the SAP program.

According to the email, outages have been occurring with as many as thousands of people losing power.  If that be the case, will power outages become a routine event in the USA because of a software program?  Remember I have said AMI Smart Meters are computers!

Furthermore and here’s the squirrely part, the SAP software program, according to the email, supposedly integrates completely with SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition), “a control system architecture that uses computers, networked data communications and graphical user interfaces for high-level process supervisory management…” according to Wikipedia

Learn more: http://www.activistpost.com/2017/05/secret-software-utilities-forced-use.html?

Demand-side Management (DSM) Aspect Of AMI Smart Meters

smart-meter-fraudBy Catherine J. Frompovich

There is information about AMI Smart Meters probably very few people know anything about, but will affect them enormously, especially when consumers don’t know to expect what’s happening.

It’s demand-side management (DSM), which allows electric utilities to turn off various appliances in order to conserve energy—one of the main, if not the key reason—for AMI Smart Meters, in my opinion, in addition to surveillance.

Instead of improving electric utilities infrastructure; building new energy production facilities; or providing renewal energy sources, I offer, utilities can cut, reduce electric service, or provide “brown outs” to 25 percent—maybe more—customers on a rotating basis so only 75 percent of customers will be using peak energy levels at any given time during peak load demands.  Electric utility customers should think consecutive “rolling brown outs.”  One specific creature-comfort impacted is air conditioning during hot, humid summer weather.

DSM has been around since the 1980s, maybe even earlier in the 1970s.  At one time customers could “buy into DSM” in order to save on energy costs, but from what I gather, current  AMI SMs will make DSM an automatic “built-in” feature customers will have no say about how it’s implemented by the utility.  It’s there to be used at the sole discretion and control of the utility.  So, don’t be surprised if your air conditioner goes quiet for 15 minutes, or longer, during peak demand periods.  Nothing may be wrong with your air conditioning unit; it may be your electric company sending a microwave signal to your AMI Smart Meter to shut off the air conditioner, specifically newer models or a “smart, energy-saver” air conditioner with a built-in ZigBee transmitter, which operates on microwaves in the gigahertz range.

The same DSM principle for “brown outs” can be applied to other appliances: refrigerators, washers, dryers, water heaters, or other “high demand” appliances in your home.  That’s what utilities’ algorithms are all about: monitoring your electric consumption by recording and tracking each appliance’s electrical ‘signature’.

Learn more:http://www.activistpost.com/2017/05/demand-side-management-dsm-aspect-ami-smart-meters.html?

Samsung’s Warning: Our Smart TVs Record Your Living Room Chatter

samsmartBy Chris Matyszczyk

Samsung’s small print says that its Smart TV’s voice recognition system will not only capture your private conversations, but also pass them onto third parties.

Why worry about Big Brother?

It’s your big Samsung TV that’s watching you. Oh, and listening to you.

That seems to be the conclusion from reading the privacy small print offered by the company. (Samsung’s motto: TV has never been this smart.)

It concerns the voice-recognition feature, vital for everyone who finds pressing a few buttons on their remote far too tiresome.

The wording, first spotted by the Daily Beast, first informs you that the company may “capture voice commands and associated texts so that we can provide you with Voice Recognition features and evaluate and improve the features.”

This is almost understandable. It’s a little like every single customer service call, supposedly recorded to make your next customer service call far, far more enjoyable.

However, the following words border on the numbing: “Please be aware that if your spoken words include personal or other sensitive information, that information will be among the data captured and transmitted to a third party through your use of Voice Recognition.”

The possibilities curdle in the mind. So much so that I have contacted Samsung to ask how broad this policy might be and what third parties might be informed of your personal conversations. (I would have just shouted at my SmartTV to get comment, but it isn’t a Samsung.)

Learn more: https://www.cnet.com/news/samsungs-warning-our-smart-tvs-record-your-living-room-chatter/

Inaudible Frequencies Hidden in TV Ads Trigger Smartphones to Spy on Their Owners

imagesBy Jamie White

German researchers from the Braunschweig University of Technology report that inaudible ‘ultrasonic’ signals embedded in TV ads can activate smartphones to listen to background sounds and collect information on personal activities, program preferences, and political affiliation. -GEG

There’s been a huge growth in Android apps using software that’s designed to search for inaudible “ultrasonic” signals, and these signals can contain code which orders apps to begin tracking people’s location, what they’re watching on television and even collect personal information such as political affiliation and pornography habits, the researchers warn.

The software, called Silverpush, is designed to listen to “audio beacons” which humans can’t hear, and has allegedly been used by corporations such as McDonald’s and Krispy Kreme.

Apps that use this software can “precisely link the watching of even sensitive content such as adult movies or political documentations to a single individual – even at varying locations,” the researchers said. “Advertisers can deduce what and how long an individual is watching and obtain a detailed user profile to deliver highly customized advertisements.”

“The monitoring functionality is already deployed in mobile applications and might become a serious privacy threat in the near future,” the researchers added.

The researchers from Braunschweig University of Technology visited dozens of stores in two unnamed European cities and found four stores broadcasting these beacons.

They also noted a surge in the number of Android apps which searched for these audio beacons, from 39 in 2015 to 234 presently.

This technology was already a concern to the American Federal Trade Commission, who wrote to app developers last year asking them to clarify if they were using software like Silverpush.

“These apps were capable of listening in the background and collecting information about consumers without notifying them,” said Jessica Rich, director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection. “Companies should tell people what information is collected, how it is collected, and who it’s shared with.”

The notion of smart devices being able to spy on citizens is nothing new.


Colossal Pedophile Ring Busted, 900 Arrests, 300 Kids Saved — Corporate Media Ignores It

pedoring-busted-1392x731-1024x538By Jay Syrmopoulos

Washington, D.C. – After a nearly two-year investigation, 870 suspected pedophiles have been arrested across the world, and least 259 sexually abused children have been identified in the wake of major underground online global pedophilia network being taken down, according to the FBI and European authorities.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Europol announced the arrests on Friday, only days after a court sentenced Florida-based Steven Chase, founder of the so-called Playpen pedophilia network, to 30 years in prison.

The arrest of Chase in December 2014 was the impetus for a global probe into the users of the members-only forum, which culminated in the nearly 900 arrests.

Unsurprisingly, this massive pedophile bust has failed to crack the pervasive US media censorship regime, as not a single mainstream corporate media source in the United States has reported on this story. Perhaps, within those 900 sickos, there are some folks who have enough power not to let their names out.

Learn more: http://thefreethoughtproject.com/children-saved-pedophile-ring-busted-media-silent/

See also: Child Sex Rings Reveal Unspeakable Acts of Power Elite http://www.activistpost.com/2012/11/child-sex-rings-reveal-worst-of-power.html

Diet Soda Triples Stroke & Dementia Risk Compared to Normal Cola

58f98173c46188c85d8b45efDiet soft drinks might not actually be better for you, as a recent study finds drinkers face a higher risk of stroke and dementia just for the taste of the real thing.

A team of scientists from Boston University School of Medicine studied nearly 4,400 adults and found those who consume one artificially-sweetened beverage (ASB) a day have three times the risk of stroke and dementia than those who consume sugar sweetened beverages (SSB), according to a study published Thursday in the American Heart Association’s journal Stroke.

The study used data provided by the Framingham Heart Study, which had the participants fill out a detailed questionnaire on their food and drink intake in the 1990s. Ten years later, scientists found that the adults who had one more diet drink a day were 2.9 times more likely to develop dementia and three times more at risk of strokes compared to those who consumed less than one a week.

We found that those people who were consuming diet soda on a daily basis were three times as likely to develop both stroke and dementia within the next 10 years as compared to those who did not consume diet soda,” Matthew Pase, lead author of the study, told NBC News.

ASBs typically contain synthetic sweeteners like aspartame and saccharin. These substances are much more potent than sucrose sugar and only need a small amount to generate the sensation of sweetness.

The study did not find any link between sugar-sweetened beverages and stroke or dementia, although they did not recommend those drinks should be consumed either.

Although we did not find an association between stroke or dementia and the consumption of sugary drinks, this certainly does not mean they are a healthy option,” Pase said, according to the Daily Mail. “We recommend that people drink water on a regular basis instead of sugary or artificially sweetened beverages.

Pase said that they did find other health factors associated with those who regularly consumed sugar-sweetened beverages, such as accelerated brain aging and low memory function.

The study also found that those who regularly consumed ASBs were also more likely to have diabetes, although the scientists were not able to form a cause-and-effect link between the two. It is possible, they said, that “people with diabetes mellitus were simply more likely to consume diet beverages.”

Learn more: https://www.rt.com/usa/385513-diet-soda-study-dementia-stroke/

Study Shows 470% Increase of Autism in Vaccinated Children

Screen-Shot-2017-05-07-at-8.18.00-PM-678x381First-Ever Peer-Reviewed Study of Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated Children Shows Vaccinated Kids Have a Higher Rate of Sickness, 470% Increase in Autism.

Dr. Anthony Mawson led a research team that investigated the relationship between vaccination exposures and acute or chronic illnesses in home-schooled children. The vaccinated children had a much higher rate of autism and ADHD, at a rate of 470% higher than those who received no shots.  Vaccinated children were also more vulnerable to allergies and eczema. Unvaccinated children contract mild childhood diseases more frequently, but their vaccinated counterparts suffer pneumonia and ear infections more frequently. The finding that vaccination introduces a significant risk for autism is devastating to the vaccine industry and, therefore, will be vigorously attacked. –GEG

Learn more: https://needtoknow.news/2017/05/first-ever-peer-reviewed-study-vaccinated-vs-unvaccinated-children-shows-vaccinated-kids-higher-rate-sickness-470-increase-autism/

Long-Time Cartoonist Fired For Daring To Speak The Truth About Monsanto Profits

Iowa-CartoonistBy Isaac Davis

At first glance, you wouldn’t think that this simple, truthful newspaper cartoon would be controversial enough for a long-time cartoonist to lose his career, but we live in a brave new world, where corporate censorship supersedes even government censorship; and when a giant like Monsanto is insulted, heads will roll.

Cartoonist Rick Friday had worked for the Iowan publication, Farm News, for some two decades, creating some “1,090 published cartoons to over 24,000 households per week in 33 counties of Iowa,” reports KCCI, until he recently created this simple statement about profits in modern farming.

Learn more: http://www.activistpost.com/2017/05/long-time-cartoonist-fired-daring-speak-truth-monsanto-profits.html?