19 Ways To Question Your Reality

question-your-reality-500By Makia Freeman

To question your reality in today’s world is a sure sign of sanity. In an ever delusional world where lying newsmen tell fake news, where mendacious politicians spin every event, where mass murder is conducted under the guise of a fake war on terror, where mass-produced food poisons and where medicine kills, it is a sign of great strength of character to challenge the supposed authority figures around you. It is a sign of something pure and special if you can preserve your open mind and curiosity in the midst of so much propaganda. It is a sign of courage to ask the tough questions that mainstream journalists fear to touch.

Question your reality. It’s the solution to the global conspiracy. If enough of us keep doing it, we will grow in awareness in unstoppable numbers, and the conspiracy will collapse like the house of cards that it truly is.

Here are 19 ways to question your reality: http://www.thesleuthjournal.com/19-ways-to-question-your-reality/

Dangerous Artificial Sweeteners

artiBy Dr. Edward F. Group

Artificial sweeteners were initially designed to be sugar substitutes and a helpful tool for the battle against the bulge. Unfortunately, the state of obesity in the world has gotten worse, and artificial sweeteners are clearly not helping. You can find sugar substitutes in diet sodas, yogurt, and a host of other food products. These artificial sweetener additives mimic the flavor of sugar but offer no useful energy and may in fact be toxic.

The Two Most Concerning Artificial Sweeteners

There are five dangerous sugar substitutes that are approved for consumer use: saccharin, neotame, acesulfame potassium, aspartame, and sucralose. Of the five main artificial sweeteners, sucralose and aspartame are the most pervasive and dangerous substitutes found in products on store shelves today.

  1. Sucralose

This additive is marketed under the name Splenda. Sucralose is basically denatured sucrose. Its preparation involves chlorinating sucrose, chemically changing the structure of the sugar molecules by substituting three chlorine atoms for three hydroxyl groups. [1] Chlorine a known carcinogen, so why would the FDA allow toxic materials to be used in our food and beverages?

It’s uncertain as to why the FDA approved sucralose knowing the nature of chlorine. You should know too that it was approved even with the pre-approval research revealed possible toxicity of the substance.

There have been no long-range studies of the effects of sucralose. The same thing happened with tobacco. As a result of not performing the required epidemiological research, it took years to track the dangerous effects of smoking cigarettes. It’s unfortunate and confusing that the same mistake is repeated even with the initial negative indications and checks and balances that are now in place. If the FDA does not step in and make monitoring and research possible and necessary, then we can’t readily learn the safety of such substances, including food items.

  1. Aspartame

This additive is sold under the names Equal and NutraSweet and there are thousands of other everyday products that contain aspartame, too. Just to name a few: yogurt, sodas, pudding, tabletop sugar substitutes, chewing gum, bread, etc. For its approval we have to thank the Searle Company for falsifying reports, and unscrupulous attorneys for delaying legal proceedings. [2] Once the statute of limitations ran out and the product was once again up for review, many discrepancies came to light between reported versus actual findings.


Movement to Remove Fluoride From US Water Supplies Continues

indexBy Dr. Mercola

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has declared water fluoridation one of the top 10 greatest public health achievements of the 20th century. But is it really? It would actually be more accurate to say that fluoride is one of the most pernicious toxins in your water supply.

  • While water fluoridation is purported to decrease your risk of dental cavities, fluoride needs to be applied topically for this to work. It doesn’t benefit your teeth when swallowed
  • Swallowing fluoride displaces iodine from your thyroid, as iodine and fluoride are both halogens. Without iodine, you cannot make active thyroid hormones, raising your risk for hypothyroidism
  • Fluoride is a mitochondrial poison that sabotages your mitochondria’s ability to create cellular energy in the form of ATP, and an enzymatic reactor, meaning it reacts with enzymes in your body.

Learn more: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2017/06/11/petition-to-end-water-fluoridation.aspx?utm_source=dnl&utm_medium=email&utm_content=ms1&utm_campaign=20170618Z3&et_cid=DM148260&et_rid=2048301065

15 Innocent Victims Dead After Botched Vaccine Campaign

A botched measles vaccination campaign has left 15 young children dead and dozens more sickened in the rural town of Kapoeta in South Sudan early last month. Government inquiry found that unsanitary and unsafe vaccination practice, which saw children as young as 12 years old administering the vaccines, caused the deaths of children under the age of five. Another 32 children were sickened with fever, diarrhea, and vomiting following the vaccination. The campaign, which vaccinated about 300 people, was carried out by the country’s Ministry of Health. The vaccines were provided by UNICEF, while funding and technical advice came from the World Health Organization (WHO).

Learn more: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/2/#inbox/15c8e77f9379319f

What Does the Federal Reserve Do with the Interest It Collects on the National Debt?

Screen-Shot-2017-06-10-at-7.24.06-AMBy Edward Griffin

Nearly all the interest the Federal Reserve collects on government debt is rebated to the Treasury each year.  That is because the Fed’s charter requires interest payments in excess of the Fed’s actual operating expenses to be refunded.  However, before we jump to the conclusion that this is a wonderful benefit, we must remember that the banking cartel is able to use tax dollars to pay 100% of its operating expenses with few questions asked about the nature of those expenses.  In other words, a blank check is given to the Federal Reserve to pay itself for just about anything it wishes so long as it is called an expense.  What is left over is rebated to the Treasury.

Technically, there is no “profit” on this money.  However, remember that creating money for the government is only one of the functions of the Fed.  The real bonanza comes, not from money created out of nothing for the government, but from money created out of nothing by the commercial banks for loans to the private sector.  That’s where the real action is.  This is the famous slight-of-hand trick. Distract attention with one hand while the coin is retrieved by the other.  By focusing on the supposed generosity of the Fed by returning unused interest to the Treasury, we are supposed to overlook the much larger river of gold flowing into the member banks in the form of interest on nothing as a result of consumer and commercial loans.  That’s the hand that holds the hidden coin.

Learn more: https://needtoknow.news/2017/06/1922/

Lawmakers Sell Out to the Wireless Industry. Citizens To be Subjected to Massive Levels of RF Radiation

Screen-Shot-2017-06-11-at-10.28.02-PM-631x381By Edward Griffin

The California Senate passed a bill that will enable placement of microwave antennas, called ‘small cells’, on utility poles, street lamps, traffic lights and street signs, and to install refrigerator-sized “power equipment” on sidewalks.  Potentially millions of these transmitters will be located close to homes and businesses. Antenna emissions are quoted on the basis of only 6 watts of power, but the transmitters can be turned up to 300 or even 500 watts. We already are subjected to an incredibly high level of EMF that many scientists believe poses a serious health hazard. The consequences of vastly increasing that exposure is not pleasant to contemplate.

Learn more: https://needtoknow.news/2017/06/wireless/

There Are Population Control Centers All Over the World – They Are Called ‘Planned Parenthood Clinics’

Planned-Parnethood-EvilBy Michael Snyder

The phrase “family planning” is just a more palatable way of saying “population control”. In the United States today, Planned Parenthood operates 650 “health centers” that work tirelessly to promote abortion and other “family planning measures”. Planned Parenthood says that approximately 2.5 million people visit their “health centers” each year, and somewhere around 60 million people visit their website. If you are pregnant and you visit one of their clinics, abortion will be pushed very hard. In fact, former Planned Parenthood workers have told us that they actually have abortion sales quotas, and workers that meet those quotas are rewarded with pizza parties and other incentives. Of course making money is one of the primary goals, but Planned Parenthood has also always had a very deep connection to eugenics and population control.

Planned Parenthood was founded by a very strong proponent of eugenics named Margaret Sanger. In her writings she strongly denounced the “human weeds” and “reckless breeders” that she felt were bringing unfit children into this world that society would have to care for. And in a 1932 Senate hearing, she advocated a “rigid policy of sterilization and segregation” for those that were not of the right genetic stock…

Learn more: http://www.thesleuthjournal.com/population-control-america-planned-parenthood/

NEW Video: Confirms Cell Towers ARE DANGEROUS

indexMobile Phone Companies Do NOT Want You To See This Video

These CELL TOWERS are giant microwave ovens on a stick. Sometimes multiple arrays of them! They are continuously radiating microwaves (not just when you are using a cell phone) and dangerous levels of radiation. The general populous is unknowingly being exposed to them ALL OVER THE WORLD. This Radiation is linked to brain cancer, biological disruptions and sterility. It has been medically and scientifically proven that children are especially susceptible to this, yet these towers keep popping up near play grounds, child care centers, schools, churches, shopping centers etc.

PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aNX0umd_fU

The Sun is Not Your Enemy! Vitamin D is Necessary for Optimal Health

happy-children-sunsetBy Paul Fassa

Vitamin D became an important topic within the past decade and a-half ago once it was realized that it is more important for promoting many other health factors than bone health and it helps prevent many diseases in addition to the highly publicized rickets.

The areas in addition to bone health that are addressed by vitamin D include:

• Bolstering the immune system to help fight infections (colds, flu, etc.,)
• Regulating the immune system to help avoid autoimmune diseases
• Anti-cancer effects to dampen cancer cells forming tumors
• Increased cardiovascular function
• Muscle function maintenance
• Respiratory system support –for healthy lungs and airways
• Brain development and dementia prevention
• Blood sugar metabolism and regulation to help prevent or reverse diabetes 2
• Mental and emotional stability

Unfortunately, there is considerable misinformation surrounding the topic of vitamin D and how to ensure your blood levels of vitamin D are sufficient for obtaining the above listed health benefits. The fact remains that most of the world’s population is vitamin D deficient.

Sunshine on exposed skin is the healthiest source of vitamin D. According to health experts who don’t consider the sun a health threat, three or more exposures weekly on as much skin as you’re willing to uncover for 20 to 30 minutes each time should load you up with enough D3 to maintain health.

Dermatology is vehemently anti-sun. They also insist that sunscreen creams or lotions be used for any parts of one’s skin exposed. Yet most sunscreen lotions contain carcinogenic ingredients. It seems the sunscreen manufacturers and dermatologists are in some sort of profitable collusion.

It’s estimated that lack of vitamin D, especially from sun exposure, is partly responsible for our increasing cancer epidemic.

Learn more: http://healthimpactnews.com/2017/the-sun-is-not-your-enemy-vitamin-d-is-necessary-for-optimal-health/

Ohio Shocker: 793 Million Opioid Drug Doses Prescribed In One Year

The state government of Ohio has filed a lawsuit against five drug companies: Teva, Allergen, Johnson & Johnson, Purdue, and Endo.

The suit accuses these companies of unlawful marketing practices that have led to Ohio’s opioid addiction “problem.”

Here’s the big one: the suit states that, in 2012, a staggering 793 million doses of opioid drugs were prescribed to Ohio citizens. That translates to an average of 68 pills for each person in Ohio.

The suit accuses the drug makers of conspiring to influence opinion leaders and various medical groups. This marketing blitz resulted in deceptive treatment guidelines, false information delivered at medical conferences, and misleading “science” articles—all designed to minimize the dire effects of opioids.

Well, yes, these painkillers (e.g., OxyContin) do kill pain. In the process, they also creation addiction and turn minds to mush.

Apparently, Ohio is pretty much in a collective trance state. We’re talking Zombification. 793 million opioid doses in one year.

Don’t forget the doctors who prescribe the drugs. As a group, they can’t care about their patients’ state of mind. Just load people up to the eyeballs with chemical pacification.

If you think this over-prescription epidemic corresponds to the actual amount of physical pain Ohio citizens are experiencing, think again. The drugs are obviously being handed out for other reasons: to sustain and feed addiction; to “treat depression”; to “manage dissatisfaction with life.” In other words, drug companies are promoting an ongoing profit bonanza for themselves. The human consequences don’t matter.

Keep in mind that drug companies pour advertising money like water into television programming—including the news.

The effects of the news and the effects of opioid drugs are a marriage made for the ages.

They both deliver hypnosis.

What a marvelous coincidence, right? Contemplate it.

Just so happens that the news, with its outright lies, useless information overload, misdirection, omissions of vital facts, lack of context, refusal to investigate deep scandals, cultivation of Voices of Authority, attention-span shortening, and various other strategies designed for trance-induction and mental passivity…join together with an opioid chemical brain sledgehammer that wipes out the possibility of rational thought.

Both brought to you by your friend, Big Pharma.


Lead Developer of HPV Vaccines Comes Clean, Warns Parents & Young Girls It’s All a Giant Deadly Scam

hand_syringe_glove_drop_1000x523Canadian Concordia University’s kinesiology professor Genevieve Rail was awarded a grant of $270,000 to study the effects of HPV vaccines on the public.

HPV stands for human papillomavirus, which was suddenly declared the root cause of cervical cancer over the past decade.

Based on their study, Rail and study co-author Abby Lippman, a McGill University professor emeritus, published an op-ed article in Montreal’s Le Devoir newspaper questioning the safety and benefits of human papillomavirus vaccines. Their op-ed urged Quebec to halt HPV immunization until its dangers are independently investigated. Of course they were roundly attacked through the Canadian mainstream media.

The mainstream media piled on with remarks from the usual “prestigious” medical professionals who asserted HPV vaccinations safety and remarkable success at reducing ovarian cancer. Fortunately, several comments on Canada’s National Post article favored the Rail-Lippman viewpoint despite the article’s slyly negative slant toward their findings.

Oh, of course statistics provided by pro-vaccine agencies and Big Pharma were included in the National Post article that “prove” HPV vaccine’s efficacy and safety.

Somehow these “prestigious” medical officials have ignored the adverse reaction cases reported internationally among teenage girls, ranging from chronic fatigue to chronic seizures to partial and complete paralysis. The HPV vaccines, Gardasil by Merck and Cervarix by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) have been pushed onto families with teenage girls and now teenage boys as cancer preventatives.

The Rail-Lippman four-year study involved 170 parents of teenage girls who were given the HPV shots, which usually are administered sequentially in a series of three. Rail has been the main recipient of pro-vaccine hysteria criticism, and she’s not budging from what she knows to be true.

“I’m sort of raising a red flag, out of respect for what I’ve found in my own study, and for the despair of parents who had totally perfect 12-year-olds who are now in their beds, too tired to go to school,” Rail said. “Yes, we’re going against the grain, and we are going against those who are believed, i.e. doctors and nurses and people in public health.”

Every Mother of a Vaccine Injured Child Was Once Pro-Vaccine

If you’re old enough to remember Mr. T, a favorite statement of his was “pity the poor fool(s)”. That’s my thought for the average vaccine indoctrinated sheeple. But my thoughts get nastier with the manic frothing-at-the-mouth vaccine fanatics, and downright vicious with the vaccine industry and its celebrated spokesman Dr. Paul Offit.

Offit has maintained that a newborn can receive 1,000 vaccinations safely in a day and aluminum is vital to our health. Offit is a mainstream media darling. Ignore Offit. He’s off it and has made millions with his vaccine patent. And ignore the presstitutes who feed off him.

In case you’re wondering, breast milk feeding supports a newborn while its immune system is developing over the next two or so years. And unbound or free aluminum, the stuff used in almost all vaccines, is a neurological toxin.

A couple of years ago, one of the lead HPV vaccine developers for Merck’s Gardasil, Dr. Diane Harper, came clean and warned that Gardasil was not only ineffective and unnecessary, it was dangerous. Harper mentioned the medically known fact that 98 percent of HPV warts among sexually active women heal on their own within a year or two.


Utility Smart Meters Can—And Do—Affect The Human Heart

maxresdefault-777x437By Catherine Frompovich

Here’s the 21+ minute exceptional video showing clearly how two individuals’ hearts are impacted negatively by AMI Smart Meters, the type that electric utility companies are retrofitting on to customers’ services and which public utility commissions are mandating by law.

EKG Proof That “Smart” Meters Affect the Human Heart, Part II


Monsanto Quietly Announces They Are Investing Heavily In Gene Editing

MonsantoBy Vicki Batts

Is anyone surprised that Monsanto is moving on from “conventional” genetically modified organisms to gene editing? It seems that the world’s most evil corporation is convinced that the new gene editing technology that’s been taking the globe by storm will somehow ease consumer concerns about eating GMOs.

Whether or not the difference between the two is substantial enough to assuage the many fundamental issues that surround GMO seeds, which extend far beyond just concerns about the effects of consumption, has yet to be seen. Personally, this writer feels that the alleged differences between “genetically modified” and “gene-edited” are not going to be very moving.

Dr. Robert Fraley, Monsanto’s chief technology officer, recently told Fox Business, “I see gene editing very differently [than GMOs] because it’s being used today broadly by pharmaceutical, agricultural companies, universities and hundreds of startup companies — and I think there is broad support for this science and I think that is going to make a big difference.”

Supposedly, the key difference between GMOs and “gene-edited crops” is that while GMOs rely on genes from different species (resulting in transgenic organisms), these gene-edited versions will be “generated through precise editing of an organism’s native genome,” as Business Insider explains.

Monsanto has recently announced that they would be investing heavily into new gene editing technology, known as CRISPR/Cas-9, which is a gene editing technique that essentially allows scientists to select, snip and replace certain genetic components. It’s essentially a genetic “find and replace” tool — but there are many questions about its safety.

This technology purportedly allows scientists to manipulate a plant’s DNA without having to pull foreign DNA from other species, like current GMOs. However, you may recall that this same CRISPR-Cas9 technology was used to create human-pig embryos — which are, obviously, transgenic organisms.

The use of CRISPR-Cas9 technology in crops, therefore, would not implicitly guarantee that any creations derived from it would be free of foreign DNA. The potential for transgenic creations is absolutely still quite real.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/2017-06-01-monsanto-quietly-announces-they-are-investing-heavily-in-gene-editing.html

CONFIRMED: Living In Cities Makes People Psychotic

Urban life might seem hip and enticing, especially for younger folks who enjoy the hustle and bustle of busy environments marked by constant activity. But all the noise and commotion that comes along with it can have a detrimental effect on a person’s mental health, including an increased likelihood of experiencing psychotic episodes and hearing “voices” in the head, claims a new study.

Researchers from King’s College London and Duke University say that, based on an analysis they conducted of 2,000 18-year-old living in major cities throughout England and Wales, city living may not be all that healthy for the brain. The higher an individual’s level of “urbanicity,” the study found, the more at-risk he is of suffering mental problems, which include everything from psychotic episodes to believing that spies are watching him.

The team conducted surveys in which more than 5,000 immediate neighbors of the participants were assessed based on their personal experiences of crime and other urban factors. The answers to these surveys were then compiled and evaluated based on individual participants’ mental health states, including how they perceived the world around them versus what was actually happening around them.

Based on the results, the team concluded that among adolescents living in the largest and most densely populated cities, more than 34 percent of them reported at least one of 13 different psychotic symptoms. Conversely, only about 21 percent of adolescents living in more favorable neighborhoods reported psychotic symptoms, suggesting that living in urban environments directly contributes to the development of mental problems.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/2017-05-31-confirmed-living-in-cities-makes-people-psychotic-they-start-hearing-voices-in-their-heads-shocking-new-study-finds.html

Shocking: American Prosperity Has Been Fatally Wounded by Collectivism

Screen-Shot-2017-05-28-at-8.58.55-PMWhile the US used to be a rich country, an increasing number of Americans now are living in poverty. Half of the people in the US have no savings and cannot raise $400 on a day’s notice. Politicians refuse to address the death of the middle class because they created the bad economic conditions. America is following the deadly path of collectivism only a few steps behind Venezuela.

Watch video here: https://needtoknow.news/2017/05/hidden-poverty/

Is Barefoot Contact With The Earth Necessary For Health?

barefoot-walking-credit-gerneinde-celerinaBy Sayer Ji

Feeling “grounded” is an increasingly uncommon experience in this day and age, and it should be, considering we no longer regularly touch the ground with our bare feet, as nature intended. This is due the rapid rate of technology that our society has undergone which has kept us from being in touch with our roots. The question is, is the process of advancing technologically causing us damage physically and mentally in a way that we never could have imagined?

It is no great mystery that the human foot was designed, over countless millenia, to be in direct contact with the Earth, the literal and symbolic ground of our being. And the Earth is no inert substance, but rather a living and breathing entity (of which we are but a mere part) capable of infusing us with its life, ‘singing the body electric,’ as Walt Whitman once mused.

Indeed, the Earth breathes life into us through a continual stream of free electrons…

It is well established, though not widely known, that the surface of the earth possesses a limitless and continuously renewed supply of free or mobile electrons as a consequence of a global atmospheric electron circuit. Wearing shoes with insulating soles and/or sleeping in beds that are isolated from the electrical ground plane of the earth have disconnected most people from the earth’s electrical rhythms and free electrons to flow from the earth to the body.
—James L Oschman, Can electrons act as antioxidants? A review and commentary.

The effects of which James Oschman speaks are not simply theoretical.  There are a wide range of measurable changes in the body associated with this “grounding” including changes in pulse rate, respiratory rate, blood oxygenation, perfusion index, and skin conductance which have been clinically studied.

Grounding has also been shown to reduce delayed onset muscle soreness, lowers and synchronizes cortisol levels during sleep, reduce inflammation, modulates neurological function, and reduce oxidative stress.

A study on being grounded published on January of 2012 in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health covers this topic in a much greater depth, and is well worth the read.


Landmark Report Shows Bee-killing Seed Coatings Aren’t Worth the Harm

seed-treatingFarmer and environmental friendly alternatives should replace toxic neonic seed coatings

WASHINGTON – A new report, Alternatives to Neonicotinoid Insecticide-Coated Corn Seed: Agroecological Methods are better for Farmers and the Environment, released recently from Center for Food Safety, shows that environmentally harmful neonicotinoid (neonic) insecticide seed coatings are largely unnecessary and ineffective.

The landmark report is the first of its kind to compile and analyze the peer-reviewed science on the efficacy of neonic corn seed coatings and to offer recommendations for viable alternatives for protecting both farmers and the environment.

Neonic-coated corn seed is the most extensive use of an insecticide on any crop in the United States, affecting close to 90 million acres of farmland, along with the broader environment. Neonic insecticides are known to cause significant harm to pollinators, aquatic organisms, birds, and possibly people. Yet harm from neonic-coated corn seed is unnecessary. As this report shows, agroecological and other alternative farming methods that are not highly dependent on pesticides are available and result in high productivity.

“For years we have seen dramatically increasing use of these toxic pesticide, yet the peer-reviewed research shows that they rarely protect farmer profit or crop productivity,” said Dr. Doug Gurian-Sherman, the report’s author. “What we’ve also seen is that industry-sponsored analysis of the chemicals’ efficacy relies heavily on non-peer-reviewed research, and contains several biases that overestimate the value of neonic seed coatings for improving corn yield.”

Dr. Gurian-Sherman’s report compiles and analyzes the peer-reviewed research in the field, which shows there is no need for neonic seed coatings to protect the productivity of corn. Data examined also shows that the so-called secondary pests targeted by the seed coatings are rarely a problem for farmers; and, in fact “the published peer-reviewed evidence reveals that [these early-season insect pasts] infrequently reduce corn productivity in the absence of insecticide use.”

Learn more: http://www.naturalblaze.com/2017/05/landmark-report-shows-bee-killing-seed-coatings-arent-worth-harm.html?

The War on Chiropractic Must End to Help Stop Painkiller Addiction

pills_medicine_1000x523By Dr. Joseph Mercola

In the U.S., painkiller addiction is so rampant that 91 Americans die every day from an overdose of prescription opioids or heroin. Prescription opioids such as oxycodone (OxyContin), hydrocodone (Vicodin), morphine and methadone are widely prescribed for pain relief.

Initially, they were intended to treat severe pain following surgery or injury or pain due to illnesses such as cancer. However, they’re now increasingly prescribed for many types of pain, including chronic back pain or pain from osteoarthritis. Opioid prescriptions nearly quadrupled in the U.S. between 1999 and 2013, despite reported pain levels remaining stagnant.

Meanwhile, the CDC reports, “Deaths from prescription opioids — drugs like oxycodone, hydrocodone and methadone — have more than quadrupled since 1999,” rising right along with the numbers of prescriptions.

The problem with opioids is that many people start taking them for mild to moderate pain, only to develop a tolerance, which means you need to take more to get the same relief. Physical dependence can also develop, leading to symptoms of withdrawal if you try to cut back or quit the drugs cold turkey.

Ironically, opioids can even lead to an increased sensitivity to pain, causing patients to reach for more and more of the drugs. Addiction and overdose, which can be fatal, are all-too-common next steps. In fact, up to 1 out of 4 Americans receiving long-term opioid prescriptions struggle with addiction, according to the CDC.

The researchers called for a major overhaul to address the urgent public health need to adequately manage chronic pain. With no other knowledge of how to treat pain, most physicians treat it with prescription painkillers, and now we have an epidemic of prescription drug abuse and related deaths.

Why Ending the War on Chiropractic Is Essential

The fact that the FDA highlighted chiropractic care as an option health care providers should be familiar with when it comes to treating pain represents a major step forward — one that has the potential to save lives if it means people can resolve their pain using chiropractic instead of prescription drugs.

Unbeknownst to many, there has been a systematic and deliberate campaign by the American Medical Association (AMA) to destroy complementary medicine like chiropractic care. In 1984, the U.S. Supreme Court found the AMA guilty of an illegal conspiracy to contain and eliminate the chiropractic profession, and ordered the AMA to cease its illegal boycott of chiropractors.

The belief that chiropractors are dangerous or selling a bogus treatment persisted for decades, even as a sizable portion of low back pain patients (more than 30 percent, according to one study) sought out chiropractic care. Now, as research continues to confirm its benefits, even public health agencies are taking notice.

Learn more: https://www.organicconsumers.org/news/war-chiropractic-must-end-improve-painkiller-addiction

How Mainstream Media Insults the Public’s Intelligence on Vaccines

vaccine_500x500By Martha Rosenberg – Organic Consumers Association

Insult to Injury

There is a bitter war going on, and it’s not over Trumpcare or immigration: It’s about vaccines.

Mainstream media and medical groups, typically funded or backed by Big Pharma, cast parents who are skeptical about vaccines as conspiracy theorists whose backward beliefs put the public at risk. Vaccine skeptics cast vaccine promoters as paid shills, hired by Big Pharma to cover up documented vaccine-related injuries.

In mainstream and progressive media coverage there’s zero tolerance for critical debate about vaccine safety. Progressive news sites that would never defend corporate media coverage of Monsanto or GMOs drink the vaccines-are-safe Kool-Aid. Do these news sites really think Pharma has never steered us wrong, just for the sake of profit? What about all the drugs that had to be pulled from the market, after Pharma insisted they were safe? Drugs like Vioxx, Baycol, Trovan, Meridia, Seldane, Hismanal, Darvon, Raxar, Redux, Mylotarg, Lotronex, Propulsid, phenylpropanolamine (PPA), Prexige, phenacetin, Oraflex, Omniflox, Posicor, Serzone and Duract?

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) maintains a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) where people can see for themselves the adverse effects and deaths related to a particular vaccine. A search for people who have died from the measles vaccines MEA, MER, MM, MMR or MMRV revealed 416 deaths.

In her most recent piece for OCA, health writer Martha Rosenberg says it’s time to stop insulting our intelligence, and start allowing an informed debate on whether or not every vaccine, in every prescribed dose, is safe for every child.

Read ‘How Mainstream Media Insults the Public’s Intelligence on Vaccines’

Here are some vaccine video resources:

“Vaccination: The Silent Epidemic”
“Trace Amounts”
“The Truth About Vaccines”
“The Greater Good
“Shots In The Dark”
“We Don’t Vaccinate”
“50 Cents A Dose

Calls for Violence Against Those Who Practice Freedom of Speech Opposing Vaccines Reaches Mainstream Media

Horror view of hanged girl on tree at evening (at night) Suicide decoration. Death punishment executions or suicide abstract idea. Different background decoration

Refusal to Vaccinate Should Be a Hanging Offense?

By Marco Caceres -The Vaccine Reaction

If you have ever wondered what the opposite of love is, let me tell you… it’s not hate. It’s fear. Yes, I’m aware of the slightly different and perhaps more popular take on that idea by Elie Wiesel: “The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference.” I like both of them, but I lean toward the former. So what breeds fear?

Answer: ignorance.

What we have in the evolving, ever more contentious debate over vaccines and vaccine policy in the United States is a lot of fear, fueled by a lot of ignorance. Ignorance about vaccine history, science and the ethics of mandatory vaccination laws. That’s bad enough. But what’s worse is the product of that ignorance-bred fear.

All too often, the by-product of fear is violence or the call to violence—which is what we’re starting to see in newspaper and magazine articles written by those who oppose and want to marginalize anyone who publicly criticizes the safety of vaccine policies or advocates for the human right to exercise informed consent to medical risk taking, which includes the right to make a voluntary decision about use of vaccines.

That’s right, each of us has the basic human right to be informed about any medical intervention a doctor proposes to perform on us or our minor children, and we have the right to consent or not to consent to that intervention. According to Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), informed consent is an “overarching ethical principle in the practice of medicine for which vaccination should be no exception.”

Fisher stresses:

We maintain this is a responsible and ethically justifiable position to take in light of the fact that vaccination is a medical intervention performed on a healthy person that has the inherent ability to result in the injury or death of that healthy person.

It is only common sense that each of us should have the right to protect the biological integrity of our own body and those of our children. Why, specifically? Because, as Fisher has often and passionately argued:

If the State can tag, track down and force individuals to be injected with biologicals of known and unknown toxicity today, then there will be no limit on which individual freedoms the state can take away in the name of the greater good tomorrow.

The latest example of the disturbing trend of prominent doctors, attorneys and journalists calling for severe punishment, including physical violence, against people refusing the medical intervention known as vaccination is a recent editorial titled “Preying on parents’ fear” published in the Boston Herald on May 8, 2017. The article, written by the “editorial staff,” is yet another in a long series of attack pieces published by the mainstream media attacking freedom of thought, speech and conscience when it comes to vaccination. It ends:

Vaccines don’t cause autism. Measles can kill. And lying to vulnerable people about the health and safety of their children ought to be a hanging offense.

A “hanging offense”? The editorial staff, led by editorial page editor Rachelle Cohen, is calling for people who criticize vaccine safety to be executed? Really?

Should we be surprised and appalled by the revelation of a major U.S. newspaper stooping to incite violence against Americans advocating for safer vaccines and more humane vaccine policies and the inclusion of informed consent protections in the U.S. vaccination system? Sadly, it’s not the first time threats have been made. In March, the magazine Scientific American published an article by Peter Hotez, MD of Texas Children’s Hospital also inciting violence against people who do not agree with current government vaccine policies. Dr. Hotez stated:

An American antivaccine movement is building and we need to take steps now to snuff it out.

In 2015, USA Today published a column by Alex Berezow advocating that “anti-vax” parents be imprisoned. At the time, that seemed to be a draconion proposal, but certainly less so compared to today’s calls for execution. My, we’ve come a long way in two short years. I wonder what things will look like in America two years from now. In a 2015 commentary titled “The Vaccine Culture War in America: Are You Ready?” NVIC’s Fisher contemplated an America of the future that resembles nothing like the America we’ve known:

Will laws be passed to not only deny you a public education but prevent you from obtaining health insurance; entering a doctor’s office, hospital or retirement home; boarding a bus, plane or train; buying a ticket for a movie or football game; shopping in a store, getting a driver’s license, filing your taxes or otherwise participating in and moving freely in society unless you show proof you have gotten every government recommended vaccine? Will your healthy unvaccinated children be taken from you and will you be fined and thrown in prison? Will public health officials with police power knock on your door one day and take you to a quarantine camp or forcibly administer vaccines to you and your children without your voluntary informed consent?

Is that the kind of future we’re facing? And for what? To allay the ignorant fears of a few irresponsible people who have been lent media platforms to incite collective fear within our society and violence toward a minority group?

Bertrand Russell warned:

“Collective fear stimulates herd instinct, and tends to produce ferocity toward those who are not regarded as members of the herd.”

Be careful with this path, America. Because once it is taken, there may be no turning back.
