Measles Vaccine Scandal: World Governments Have Known It Can Cause Neurological Disorders Since 1970’s

not-for-publication-vaccinesBy Christina England for Health Impact News

We are reporting these facts because we believe that the public has a right to know what has been going on for years regarding the measles vaccine. We want to alert the people of the world that the CDC is not the only government organization that has known for many years that the MMR combo vaccine (measles, mumps, rubella) and even separate measles vaccinations can cause lifelong neurological disorders.

The facts that we expose today are for informational and educational purposes only. All papers were gained under the Freedom of Information Act.

In 1972, the UK Government had serious concerns about the measles vaccine’s potential to cause vaccine-induced Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis (SSPE). SSPE is a degenerative neurological condition, which affects a person’s behaviour, memory and coordination, leading to fits, blindness and eventually death.

Due to these concerns, it was decided that a group called the Expert Group on the Surveillance of SSPE was needed to study the problem in more detail. On February 9, Medical Officer F.C. Stallybrass wrote a request to the UK’s leading professionals asking them to attend a meeting on Monday, March 13, 1972, in room D1001 of the Alexander Fleming House.

Read the entire damning information here:

Why Glyphosate Should Be Banned – A Review of its Hazards to Health and the Environment

Why_Glyphosate_Should_be_Banned_coverBy Permaculture Research Institute

The complete report by Dr.Eva Sirinathsinghji and Dr.Mae-Wan Ho.

The use of glyphosate-based herbicides, especially Monsanto’s Roundup formulation, has increased dramatically since the introduction of genetically modified (GM) glyphosate-tolerant crops, resulting in the contamination of our food, environment and water supplies.

Glyphosate-based herbicides are now the most commonly used herbicides in the world. It is still promoted as ‘safe’, despite damning evidence of serious harm to health and the environment.

The serious harm to health and the environment caused by the use of glyphosate herbicides is clear. There is a compelling case for banning or phasing out glyphosate-based herbicides worldwide, in favour of a global transition to non-GM, herbicide-free organic agriculture.

The report shows evidence of harm to health & evidence of negative environmental and agronomic impacts.

Read the entire article here:

Proof Massive Underground Military Bases and Complex Tunnels Are Real (VIDEO)

Drill-By The Voice of Reason

The evidence that we the people, are at risk of being placed under martial law, and losing all of our rights as guaranteed by the Constitution is overwhelming. What’s even more overwhelming is how many people have no earthly idea how much danger they’re even in. Sadly, most Americans will tell you that worrying about many of things I discuss in this post are just “crazy conspiracy talk.”  You know what’s crazy talk?” Americans that let other people do their thinking FOR them. The information that follows is in your hands now. What you do with it moving forward makes all the difference in the world. A lot of it might sound crazy at first, but know this: What’s crazy is that the truth has been kept from you for SO long that you don’t even recognize it when your hear it anymore. THAT is crazy talk!



Before we start talking about top secret hidden underground military bases, let’s set the groundwork first. What do we know for sure? We KNOW that in a somewhat alarmist manner, earlier last week Obama gave a speech telling all Americans to become preppers (on at least some level). Pundits from all backgrounds suggested various“possible” emergencies that were most likely to causes a person to need an immediate stash of food, or an appropriately packed buggout bag included readily available.

Some of those possible emergencies include: A west coast earthquake, a New Madrid earthquake, a tsunami on either the east or west coasts, a meteor impact, Islamic terror, war, an EMP BURST that takes down the power grid, cyberwarfare, ECONOMIC COLLAPSE, or CIVIL UNREST RESULTING IN THE IMPOSITION MARTIAL LAW. If only that were all. We’re also supposed to be on alert for the possibility of a major volcanic eruption, or the possibility of a “natural” OR “ENGINEERED” pandemic.

Read entire article and watch the video:

Research: TV is Intellectually and Socially Dumbing Down Young Children

Baby-Television-1By Phillip Schneider

It is common for parents to feel that their children are spending too much time in front of the television set. According to a Canadian study, children who watch an excessive amount of television exhibit a multitude of negative side effects including poor language and social skills, and increased bullying.

The 2013 study was set out to determine whether or not viewing television at 29 months (about 2.5 years) was associated with school performance at 65 months (about 5.5 years).

The study, which was conducted on 991 girls and 1,006 boys with parent and teacher reported data, came to this conclusion:

“Increases in total time watching television at 29 months were associated with subsequentdecreases in vocabulary and math skills, classroom engagement (which is largely determined by attention skills), victimization by classmates, and physical prowess at kindergarten. These prospective associations, independent of key potential co-founders, suggest the need for better parental awareness and compliance with existing viewing recommendations put forth by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).”

According to this study, every 1.2 hours of television viewing for children at 29 months results in poorer motor, vocabulary, math, and social skills, and even an increase in the likelihood of being bullied, as television inhibits the development of self-confidence.

The study also notes that many parents seem to be unconcerned about how long their children spend watching TV. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children over age 2 do not watch more than 2 hours per day, and that children below the age of 2 watch no TV at all. Presumes that the content is age appropriate, of course.

Also interesting is that as the AAP finds educational television to show positive effects on children, while watching non-educational cartoons, fast-paced cartoons, mainly lowers their attention span.

Viewing time as a child also indirectly affects the child, the study notes. At a time where brain growth and development are heavily dependent on external stimulation, TV viewing takes away from the time that child will spend with more creative or social activities, such as family or imaginative play time.

The preschool years, which culminate in kindergarten entry, represent a sensitive period in the development of cognitive, sensorimotor, and socio-emotional characteristics that play a key role in eventual academic and personal success” the study says, indicating a prediction of future success in life. “School readiness should also be concerned with preparedness to adopt healthy lifestyle skills and habits because disparities in educational attainment often translate into disparities in healthy lifestyle habits, well-being, and family social support.”

However hard it can be, it is becoming ever more clear how important it is to engage young children with more intellectual and social activities, rather than just the sedative task of television watching. Perhaps encouraging them play, imagine and follow their own intuition will give them broader opportunities in life, both socially and intellectually.

Top 11 ‘conspiracy theories’ we all found out were TRUE and hugely destructive to our health and safety

Top-Secret-File-Folder-Government-ClassifiedBy Natural News

It’s reality check time, folks – understand what’s really happening all around you, and form a line of defense!

#1. Poison in the water supply–including sodium fluoride, lead and aluminum. In Flint, Michigan, water quality scientists have been officially charged with felony conspiracies, altering lead contamination data, and committing scientific fraud that harmed the public.

#2. Those long-lasting chem-trails from airplanes contain bio-hazardous, toxic waste from hospitals and cancer-causing glyphosate that poisons organic crops.

#3. Vaccines still contain mercury, including the influenza (flu) shot at 51 parts per million, which is 25,000 times the EPA’s limit for drinking water contamination.

#4. Bill Gates (via the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) wants to eliminate billions of people over the next decade using vaccines and GMOs (you can listen to him say it himself as captured on video at a T.E.D. conference).

#5. President Obama purposely allows terrorists and illegal aliens into America who are destroying our health and livelihood with infectious diseases, violence and acts of terror.

#6. Children will soon be force-vaccinated with deadly chemicals at gunpoint by a rogue government that’s pushing for more autism and miscarriages (as taking place in California right now).

#7. The U.S. government supports, funds and encourages the sale of aborted baby body parts for cash on the black market via Planned Parenthood’s insidious agenda (all to further support biotechnology experimentation on humans).

#8. The cancer industrial complex is in full swing, and evil oncologists across America are overdosing healthy Americans (some to death) with toxic chemotherapy, while robbing Medicare (taxpayer money) in the process. (The ultimate example is Dr. Farid Fata now serving 45 years in federal prison for mass murder.)

#9. Chemical agriculture giants like Monsanto, Bayer, Dupont, Dow and Syngenta, are purposely contaminating non-GMO foods with a deadly herbicide called glyphosate to trick health-conscious Americans into eating cancer-causing foods. (Most grains are heavily coated right before going into the silos.)

#10. SSRI drugs are the main factor responsible for mass shootings, multiple homicides and coinciding suicides, as witnessed and proven over the past decade in America (the drugs make depression and anxiety worse!) SSRIs are also called “The gateway drugs to mass murder.”

#11. Prescription drugs are a leading cause of sickness and death in America, even when taken as prescribed by the quack doctors in America, called MDs, who go to school for eight years to learn how to juggle experimental, chemical-based drugs, but never learn a single “lick” about nutrition (pun intended).


The Vaccine Matrix: Covert Birth Control, Female Sterility

vaccine-dangerBy John Rappoport

“Part of the vaccine covert op involves turning humans into social constructs who can only think, in the most shallow terms, about ‘protecting the group’. Such people would lose any semblance of individuality, as well as the ability to analyze vaccines and understand what harm they do.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

In the vaccine research community, it’s an open secret that the Rockefeller Fund, the UN, and other groups have been backing the development of vaccines that function as agents of population control. This work has been going on for decades.

We’re talking about inducing female sterility.

Through which vaccine? What about a birth control vaccine? Yes. A vaccine whose purpose is to achieve miscarriages. This particular vaccine was apparently just one of several anti-fertility vaccines the Task Force was promoting. Yes. There is a Task Force on Birth Control Vaccines at WHO.

Read entire article:

Rise in Animal Deformities Linked to Monsanto’s Glyphosate, the World’s Top-Selling Pesticide

crop sprayBy Natural Blaze

In rural northeast Argentina, the number of animals born with strange deformities has skyrocketed. According to locals, a supernatural spirit is responsible for the recent flux of deformities. However, experts discovered a correlation between the rise in deformities and the increased use of glyphosate.

“It is well-documented that glyphosate promotes soil pathogens and is already implicated with the increase of more than 40 plant diseases; it dismantles plant defenses by chelating vital nutrients; and it reduces the bioavailability of nutrients in feed, which in turn can cause animal disorders,” wrote Don Huber, an emeritus professor of plant pathology at Purdue University.

In one case, a piglet born with skin so thin, allowed the farmer to see the piglet’s blood pumping. In a nearby village, a black puppy was born with a mini trunk protruding from its nose.

A number of similar deformities occurred across the region. So far, a baby chick with four legs; a piglet with one head, two bodies and eight legs; and a goat with two heads have been born. Also, a two-headed calf and a piglet with eight legs have been recorded among the animals with strange and unexplainable deformities.

Argentina is the world’s biggest user of the pesticide glyphosate. Over 12 million Argentinians live in regions surrounded by soya bean fields sprayed with the pesticide. The country currently supplies the UK with GM soya beans used to feed livestock; cotton used to manufacture products, including T-shirts and tampons.

Filmmaker Reveals the Truth About Subliminal Messages

subliminal_messagesBy Alex Pietrowski

The reality is that we are all being conditioned to think and believe certain things without any rational explanation through subliminal messaging in advertising, music, film, television, political propaganda, and military psychological operations.

Considering the definition of the word subliminal – ‘existing or functioning below the threshold of consciousness’ – it is easy to downplay the power of this brainwashing technique because most people are not consciously aware that it is happening, yet, it is affecting their lives. Once you realize that subliminal messaging is real and start to pay attention, it becomes much easier to recognize the we are, indeed, all being conditioned to behave a certain way, to want certain things, and to believe in ideas, without being able to rationally explain why.

A common response to this type of revealing information is skepticism and disbelief that sexual innuendos or random words embedded in pictures or film will not impact a person’s willingness to buy a product.

Although it is a common assumption that sex sells because for most people it is associated with feelings of pleasure, excitement, enjoyment or even love, subliminal messaging is about much more than helping advertisers sell more product. These messages are designed to have an impact on general consumer behavior and affect people’s life patterns, thus molding society as a whole, creating and captivating more and more receptive consumers.

When bombarded with subliminal messaging, the mind is likely to trigger emotions, memories or feelings, without a person’s conscious recognition of why they feel a certain way. A person may not consciously realize why they start to become more attracted to certain behaviors, lifestyles or products, but they are more likely to succumb to the attraction.

“..subliminal ads are used as a technique not only to increase sales but is also used to divert youth and involve them in such type of behaviour which is only hazardous to the consumer.” ~ (Impact of Subliminal Messaging in TV Advertisements on Consumer Behaviour – A Case Study of Youth in Kashmir Province of J&K, Blue Ocean Research Journals, source)

Are subliminal messages contributing to a variety of economic, social, and political problems currently present in our culture, such as over-competitiveness, low self-esteem, obesity, over-consumption and debt? There are many examples that support this idea and demonstrate that subliminal messaging, over time, can have a powerful impact.

Take, for instance, advertising to women. If you look at any variety of ads that are targeted at women ages 18-35, an overwhelming majority will personify that women and girls should be thin, wear lots of makeup, style their hair in certain ways, and, of course, look very sexy. It almost appears as though it is the advertisers’ job to make young women feel bad about themselves.

Read entire article:

Confessions of a Child Raised by the Television

television-addictionBy Chris Veritas

“Having grown up a bit, I see how television has changed America completely. We stay inside now and at look at screens, instead of walking under the sun and absorbing vitamin D…”

When I was a child, I watched a lot of MTV. Before I even knew who the real Madonna was, I was watching the fake Madonna sing “Like a virgin” in her video. I can’t even tell you how much time I wasted inside, absorbing contrived nonsense. But I didn’t know any better. It was simply a given that this was how people lived.

Having grown up a bit, I see how television has changed America completely. We stay inside now and at look at screens, instead of walking under the sun and absorbing vitamin D; talking to our neighbours; exploring the outside world; or building and creating things. In other words, we’re not doing the things that sustain our health and are natural to us! That’s progress, for sure. (Laughs sarcastically.)

We are social creatures, so the introverted nature of television watching doesn’t fit our make up. Instead of fraternizing with real human beings, we socialize with fictional characters like Gilligan, Andy Griffith, and Jack Tripper in reruns that exist in perpetuity. We learn from experience, so the downloads we’re getting are retarding our ability to learn properly, except from digital sources.

The passive nature of viewing cannot possibly help us build society, or rebuild it as the case may be. We watch with anxiety as things crumble around us, tuning in for more updates being the thing to do as an American to “participate” in the drama.

The news networks keep Americans in a constant state of fear…

The sit­coms reinforce stereotypical personality types…

The reality shows teach mindless frivolity and the history shows do strange things like speculate on alien involvement, but they don’t teach history…

So to recap, the television provides constant fear, conditions people to act like stock characters, and masquerades as an educational tool, but instead spews forth nonsense.

Minus a few worthy shows, television is an awful waste of time. Your expanded cable package may give you a hundred channels, but there’s nothing to watch. People are always complaining about this, and still the television’s always on! I’m here to tell you, there never was anything on and there never will be, because the purpose of television is not to entertain, but to control and influence.

And to sell things, of course. Including a whole new lifestyle based on the use of chemicals and frozen foods placed in boxes, which is a good metaphor for the entire “culture” television has instilled in Americans. The culture!

People imitate what they see on television. If products are sold, they will buy the products. If news is proffered, they’ll believe the news. If culture cues are issued, they’ll take the cue and become what’s “predicted”. Fans of the Beatles were initially paid to scream. Hysteria is contagious.

Nothing good can come from watching television. I recommend getting all your friends together and dialoguing in order to reverse the trend of isolation this box has brought about. If Americans begin to turn off the digital restrainer and engage themselves in personal encounters with real human people again, this would be a huge blow to the globalist culture creators.

Life was not meant to be lived through a screen. Technology has imprisoned many of us, and I think it necessary to re-evaluate the idea that it will lead to open ended progress.

I look forward to the day when humanity wakes up and simply refuses to be guided this way any more. Perhaps this time, instead of revolting, it will just shrug its shoulders and wisely change course, a creature come of age at last.