Colossal Pedophile Ring Busted, 900 Arrests, 300 Kids Saved — Corporate Media Ignores It

pedoring-busted-1392x731-1024x538By Jay Syrmopoulos

Washington, D.C. – After a nearly two-year investigation, 870 suspected pedophiles have been arrested across the world, and least 259 sexually abused children have been identified in the wake of major underground online global pedophilia network being taken down, according to the FBI and European authorities.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Europol announced the arrests on Friday, only days after a court sentenced Florida-based Steven Chase, founder of the so-called Playpen pedophilia network, to 30 years in prison.

The arrest of Chase in December 2014 was the impetus for a global probe into the users of the members-only forum, which culminated in the nearly 900 arrests.

Unsurprisingly, this massive pedophile bust has failed to crack the pervasive US media censorship regime, as not a single mainstream corporate media source in the United States has reported on this story. Perhaps, within those 900 sickos, there are some folks who have enough power not to let their names out.

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See also: Child Sex Rings Reveal Unspeakable Acts of Power Elite

Diet Soda Triples Stroke & Dementia Risk Compared to Normal Cola

58f98173c46188c85d8b45efDiet soft drinks might not actually be better for you, as a recent study finds drinkers face a higher risk of stroke and dementia just for the taste of the real thing.

A team of scientists from Boston University School of Medicine studied nearly 4,400 adults and found those who consume one artificially-sweetened beverage (ASB) a day have three times the risk of stroke and dementia than those who consume sugar sweetened beverages (SSB), according to a study published Thursday in the American Heart Association’s journal Stroke.

The study used data provided by the Framingham Heart Study, which had the participants fill out a detailed questionnaire on their food and drink intake in the 1990s. Ten years later, scientists found that the adults who had one more diet drink a day were 2.9 times more likely to develop dementia and three times more at risk of strokes compared to those who consumed less than one a week.

We found that those people who were consuming diet soda on a daily basis were three times as likely to develop both stroke and dementia within the next 10 years as compared to those who did not consume diet soda,” Matthew Pase, lead author of the study, told NBC News.

ASBs typically contain synthetic sweeteners like aspartame and saccharin. These substances are much more potent than sucrose sugar and only need a small amount to generate the sensation of sweetness.

The study did not find any link between sugar-sweetened beverages and stroke or dementia, although they did not recommend those drinks should be consumed either.

Although we did not find an association between stroke or dementia and the consumption of sugary drinks, this certainly does not mean they are a healthy option,” Pase said, according to the Daily Mail. “We recommend that people drink water on a regular basis instead of sugary or artificially sweetened beverages.

Pase said that they did find other health factors associated with those who regularly consumed sugar-sweetened beverages, such as accelerated brain aging and low memory function.

The study also found that those who regularly consumed ASBs were also more likely to have diabetes, although the scientists were not able to form a cause-and-effect link between the two. It is possible, they said, that “people with diabetes mellitus were simply more likely to consume diet beverages.”

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Study Shows 470% Increase of Autism in Vaccinated Children

Screen-Shot-2017-05-07-at-8.18.00-PM-678x381First-Ever Peer-Reviewed Study of Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated Children Shows Vaccinated Kids Have a Higher Rate of Sickness, 470% Increase in Autism.

Dr. Anthony Mawson led a research team that investigated the relationship between vaccination exposures and acute or chronic illnesses in home-schooled children. The vaccinated children had a much higher rate of autism and ADHD, at a rate of 470% higher than those who received no shots.  Vaccinated children were also more vulnerable to allergies and eczema. Unvaccinated children contract mild childhood diseases more frequently, but their vaccinated counterparts suffer pneumonia and ear infections more frequently. The finding that vaccination introduces a significant risk for autism is devastating to the vaccine industry and, therefore, will be vigorously attacked. –GEG

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Long-Time Cartoonist Fired For Daring To Speak The Truth About Monsanto Profits

Iowa-CartoonistBy Isaac Davis

At first glance, you wouldn’t think that this simple, truthful newspaper cartoon would be controversial enough for a long-time cartoonist to lose his career, but we live in a brave new world, where corporate censorship supersedes even government censorship; and when a giant like Monsanto is insulted, heads will roll.

Cartoonist Rick Friday had worked for the Iowan publication, Farm News, for some two decades, creating some “1,090 published cartoons to over 24,000 households per week in 33 counties of Iowa,” reports KCCI, until he recently created this simple statement about profits in modern farming.

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Smart Meters Electromagnetic Frequencies Defined And Explained

smart-meter-1024x638-1024x638-1024x638-1-1024x638By Catherine Frompovich

What do you know about AMI Smart Meters? 

Are you aware such a meter probably has been retrofitted on to your electric, natural gas and water utility services, probably without your knowledge and/or consent?

Do you realize those digital “Advanced Metering Infrastructure” smart meters ‘pump out’ several types of waves, EMFs (electric and magnetic frequencies) plus non-thermal radiation waves, which can cause adverse health reactions/effects/diseases?

The health problems caused by microwaves and AMI Smart Meters is known as electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) or what the medical profession labels idiopathy environmental intolerance (IEI).

Smart Meters really aren’t what they seemingly are cracked up to be and can be causing you and your family various health problems.

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Modern Agriculture Drives Hunger, Obesity and Disease While Simultaneously Threatening Food Chain and Worsening Water Crisis

By Dr. Joseph Mercola

tractor_1000x523“Regenerative food, farming and land use can provide a solution to the health crisis, the water crisis, environmental degradation, climate change, rural poverty, hunger and war.”  –Ronnie Cummins, Founding Meeting of Regeneration International, June 9, 2015, Finca Luna Nueva, Costa Rica

If you’d walked up to a farmer 100 years ago and told him farming would one day threaten life on Earth, he probably would have laughed in your face, saying such a thing simply isn’t possible.

Agriculture is necessary for food production, and therefore for life, the farmer would have said with firm conviction — and farming the land or raising cattle is not going to unduly harm anything or anyone.

Today, however, such an impossible scenario is precisely what we’re facing. Virtually every growing environmental and health problem can be traced back to modern food production. This includes but is not limited to:

• Food insecurity and malnutrition amid mounting food waste
• Rising obesity and chronic disease rates despite growing health care outlays
• Diminishing fresh water supplies
• Toxic agricultural chemicals polluting air, soil and waterways, thereby threatening the entire food chain from top to bottom
• Disruption of normal climate and rainfall patterns

The good news is there are viable answers to all of these problems that do not merely scratch at the surface, and the answers hinge on the widespread implementation of regenerative agriculture and decentralized food distribution.

It’s easy to forget that at one point, not so long ago, all food was organically grown in a way that supported the ecosystem and environment as a whole. This all changed in the 1940s when the Green Revolution took hold and industrial, chemical-dependent farming techniques quickly spread to become the norm.

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Leaked Document Shows Facebook Is Giving Advertisers Information On The Emotional State of Vulnerable Minors

Screen-Shot-2017-05-02-at-11.51.45-PMFacebook is under fire after leaked documents show that it has been gathering information that reveals the emotional state of potentially vulnerable youngsters, It calls this practice ‘sentiment analysis’. –GEG


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Humanity has reached peak idiocy… what happens when the idiocy bubble bursts?

Nuclear-Explosion-Bomb-Mushroom-CloudBy Mike Adams

It has now become abundantly obvious to all thinking people that humanity has reached “peak idiocy.” This cognitive bubble of idiocy is reflected across all the following suicidal, destructive things that humanity does to itself in the name of power or profit:

  • The ramping up toward nuclear war with Russia and China. “[T]he insane, crazed monsters who rule over the West in Washington are bringing life on earth to an end,” explains Paul Craig Roberts.
  • The mass poisoning of the human food supply with cancer-causing glyphosate weed killer (herbicide).
  • The mindless pursuit of AI technology with no regard for what happens when AI systems decide humans are no longer needed.
  • The mass injection of children and expectant mothers with mercury, a brain-damaging heavy metal formulated into flu shots.
  • The total government lunacy of giving poor people food stamp money so they can buy processed junk food that causes cancer, diabetes and heart disease. (Food stamps should be limited to nutritious foods, not junk foods.)
  • The devolution of the mainstream media into fake news distractions and fictional theories to occupy the minds of the gullible masses.
  • The mass psychiatric medication of children and adults with mind-altering chemicals.
  • The SWAT team assaults on raw milk retailers and farmers who only seek to offer real food to customers.
  • The mass surveillance of the population by a totalitarian police state government that respects no rights, no laws and no privacy of its citizens.
  • The total abandonment of logic and reason by the intolerant, irrational Left and its pursuit of “identity politics” above all else.
  • The chemical suicide of humanity supported by the political Right, which has never met a profitable chemical it didn’t like.
  • The widespread poisoning of public water supplies with brain-damaging fluoride.
  • The economic insanity of running societies on unsustainable debt while pretending that debts don’t matter.
  • The medical lunacy of a world which goes out of its way to suppress knowledge of natural, botanical remedies while pushing for the mass poisoning of the entire population with high-profit pharmaceutic chemicals that only make people more sick and diseased.
  • The lunacy of the nuclear power industry which subjects all humanity to “global killer” nuclear meltdown risks due to the laws of physics (and poor power plant design).
  • The ridiculous belief that pension and retirement funds — including social security — will be able to pay out all their obligations without going bankrupt.
  • A public education system that refuses to teach children how to think for themselves and instead functions as an indoctrination system that demands obedience and conformity above all else.
  • The runaway stupidity of those who are piling money into overvalued tech stocks in the current stock market bubble, oblivious to P/E ratios, the history of market bubbles and why all financial bubbles come to an end.
  • The magical thinking of “scientists” who have created a mindless climate change cult of obedient zombies through a determined program of mass hypnosis of the population, which now hallucinates “climate change” causes behind every flood, drought, tornado or hurricane.
  • The idiocy of betting the entire sustainability of modern civilization on a power grid that will be taken out by space weather (Coronal Mass Ejection) events which NASA predicts will occur at about a 12% chance every decade.
  • The social structure of living in cities which are designed as “death traps” with no sustainable sources of food or water in the event of a catastrophic collapse.

I could go on, obviously. “Peak idiocy” has now achieved never-before-witnessed levels of irrationality, delusion, magical thinking and denial in every sector of society. There isn’t a single thing in society today that isn’t touched by peak idiocy: Government, education, finance, food, medicine, science, history, housing, mental health and so on.

Idiocy is spreading, disguised as political correctness

It’s not hard to find examples of what happens when peak idiocy takes hold in a given nation, driving its citizens to irrationality and delusion. America is right now perched on that tipping point, where the nation could easily fall into an unstoppable, self-reinforcing cycle of runaway idiocy on the political spectrum, eventually descending into something a lot like China’s “Cultural Revolution” which mass murdered intellectuals and established that nation’s current communist regime (complete with mandatory organ harvesting, imprisoning those who speak of political dissent, and blocking all websites the government doesn’t like).

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Groundbreaking: China Study Links Immune Activation By Vaccination & Autism

aluminum-759x500By Jeff Roberts

*This article is a summary of a larger article put together by J.B. Handley at Healthcare in America. It is a conglomeration of a wide body of recent research pieced together by a growing group of concerned scientists. For more information, please visit the website,

A study out of China is the first to test the effects of immune activation by vaccination (hep B/BCG) on brain development in rats. Results indicate vaccines containing an aluminum adjuvant (i.e., hep B) spike cytokine levels in the hippocampus region of the brain, in particular the cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6), the key cytokine known for its dysregulating effect on neuronal circuitry and the key cytokine implicated in autism.

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