Is There a Seed Shortage?

By Sara Tipton

Demand for seeds is at an all-time high! With grocery store shelves emptying and the prices constantly going up on what’s left, people have started to look for alternative methods of eating, and growing their own food has become the simplest way to achieve that.

The popularity of gardening is surging, which means things like seeds have been harder to find. With seed buying spiking as much as 300% in 2020, many varieties were out of stock early in 2021. Experts predict your favorite seeds may still be hard to come by again this year, but they’ve got a few tips to help you shop for seeds successfully.

First, consider seed swapping. Seed swapping has been going on for time immemorial, as people traded the seeds they had for seeds they needed as a means of both cultivation and survival. You can trade with your neighbor or even ship seeds to someone else across the country. And even before seeds became this year’s hot ticket item, the practice of seed swapping—particularly for local, heirloom, or rare saved seeds—has been experiencing something of a revival because the hybrid varieties simply don’t produce seeds that will generate a plant.

Another suggestion if your favorite seed varieties are sold out is to consider it as an opportunity to find and try something new. Maybe a different variety will work better in your agriculture zone, or maybe you’ll actually like it more.  Maybe it’ll be easier for you to save the seeds from a different variety.  The point is, we can work around the shortages if we try.

Another benefit of seed saving and seed sharing is the family bond and educating children about nature. Studies have shown that kids who enjoy gardening and planting and saving their seeds grow up to eat a healthier diet than those who don’t. Children are naturally curious and every planting season is filled with excitement and joy. They all want to taste the fruits of their labor, so why not start a new family tradition beginning with heirloom seeds?

You could also just simply share your seeds with your neighbors! Make friends, and teach them how to save the seeds so they can pass them on and share with others too. The cycle of seed giving could create a wave of kindness the world likely desperately needs right now.

So, even though we are all experiencing shortages in some of our normal purchases, it’s time to get creative and utilize the opportunities we have around us. If your neighbors have a garden, maybe it’s time to strike up a conversation with them about gardening and see if they want to share some of their secrets (and some of their favorite seeds), look locally at garden stores to see if they have seeds still available, or look online. No one knows how long these shortages will continue, so it may be a good idea to stock up on these to create a foundation of food secrurity.

Globalists Want to Depopulate Not Just Humans But Also Animals and Plant Life

By Ethan Huff – Natural News

Now that most people are worn out on the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic narrative, the powers that be are shifting focus to the next phase of their depopulation agenda: the plants.

If the media is to be believed, there is now a “bird flu” outbreak affecting a number of American states, as well as other countries. We are told that a new avian virus is infecting chickens and turkeys, requiring that their bodies and eggs be destroyed.

Inflation is soaring while the supply chain is collapsing, and now the authorities are conveniently slaughtering food animals by the millions. Since January, more than 15 million chickens and 1.3 million turkeys have been destroyed in the United States alone.

The government is using the same fraudulent PCR tests deployed during the Fauci Flu plandemic for human testing to “diagnose” the presence of bird flu in poultry. The result is plenty of “positive” test results that are followed by the mass slaughter of food animals.

“These mass killings of poultry have led to warnings of imminent shortages of eggs and other products in a host of countries, including Germany, Australia and the United Kingdom,” reports the Daily Exposé (UK).

Another “mystery disease” is also said to be spreading, also among wildlife. In at least six U.S. states last year, birds have been dying in large numbers. In England, Italy, Mexico and Spain, birds have also been seen dropping from the sky.

There is also a mass testing campaign happening in several U.S. states where authorities are looking for covid in wild animals such as deer. The North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission, for instance, claims it identified the presence of covid in white-tailed deer, even though the animals showed no symptoms.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) fully supports testing wild animals for covid. In fact, the agency now claims that it is “critical” for health authorities and agencies to track the spread of the Fauci Flu in the wild.

It is claimed that new “variants” beyond Omicron (Moronic) could be spreading in non-humans, and that it is up to the state to find it and eradicate it – does this mean that animals will need to start wearing a mask?

Something is also spreading “mystery illnesses” among insects and even plants. Both pesticides and LED lights have been linked to the phenomenon, as both things create radioactive stress that causes damage to life.

“Tree damage in the vicinity of 5G cell towers is becoming widespread, which isn’t a surprise given that many studies have shown how electromagnetic radiation exposure causes physiological and morphologic changes in plants,” the Exposé adds.

“In fact, what we are currently witnessing is a worldwide collapse of many ecosystems, and this is not merely an unfortunate side-effect of pollution, excessive pesticide use and new street lighting technologies but part of an orchestrated plan to reduce biodiversity on the planet and make the world a more controllable and homogeneous place.”

Soon there will be no more life on the planet if things continue on the current trajectory. The more technology “advances,” the more the planet becomes inhospitable to living things, no matter their form.

The goal is to replace everything real with everything fake. And it appears as though this agenda is getting a major fast-track boost with the war in Ukraine cover story, which is unleashing phase two of the global plandemic.

“Going forward, we will see more and more farmers pushed off the land through orchestrated bankruptcies or weather warfare,” the Exposé warns.


PLANDEMIC: Decades of research show how TYRANNY thrives during global pandemics

By Mary Villareal – Natural News

Decades of research have shown how tyranny thrives during global pandemics. It is a natural phenomenon that relates to the type of government people are willing to accept in reaction to perceived threats.

One study that focuses on “parasite stress” hypothesis suggests that when a species faces parasites and diseases, its values are shaped by its experience. In the context of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the “parasite,” which is used to refer to any pathogenic organism including bacteria and viruses, is the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

The theory states that depending on how a disease stresses people’s development, it can lead to differences in mating preferences and changes in culture. Proponents of the theory also note that the disease can alter psychological and social norms.

According to this theory, authoritarian governments are more likely to emerge in regions that are characterized by the high prevalence of disease-causing pathogens. Researchers define such governance as highly concentrated power structures that repress dissent and emphasize submission to authority, social conformity and hostility toward outgroups.

This explains why governments around the world have employed fearmongering tactics on their own people.

The parasite stress theory also states that greater exposure to diseases is associated with higher ingroup favoritism and outgroup discrimination because of the threat that people from the outside will carry pathogens to which nobody is immune. Because of the invisible nature of these parasites, attempts to control the spread of diseases used to depend substantially on adherence to behavioral practices that helped reduce the risk of infection

With conditions of threat from the disease, different group members are expected to increase their preference for ingroup association and have an increased awareness of their shared fate and interdependence. As the researchers found, society tends to promote a collectivist worldview, which means it favors the obedience and conformity of the population.

Parasite prevalence predicts measures of an authoritative government

In examining two different studies, it was shown in the first that “parasite prevalence” strongly predicted the likelihood of individuals to express authoritarian personalities. The second study, which focused on small-scale societies, also found that parasite prevalence predicted measures of authoritarian governance, and did so even when they are statistically controlling other threats to welfare. (Related: Legacy chocolate maker Hershey dumps all-American image and adopts authoritarianism by firing unvaccinated workers.)

According to the researchers, these results suggest that societal differences in governance result from cultural differences in the individuals’ authoritarian personalities. They also pointed out that individuals who dissent with the said “ritualized behavior” are seen as a threat to society.

The researchers wrote: “At a psychological level of analysis, empirical evidence reveals that the subjective perception of infection risk causes individuals to be more conformist, to prefer conformity and obedience in others, to respond more negatively toward others who fail to conform and to endorse more conservative socio-political attitudes.”

Moreover, the “societal level of analysis” says that in countries and cultures with a higher prevalence of diseases, people tend to be less individualistic and exhibit lower levels of dispositional openness to new things. They are also more likely to conform to the opinion of the majority.

In other words, the high prevalence of parasitic diseases that result to stress on human health is likely to give rise to authoritative governance. The researchers also noted that this is consistent with previous research that studied conformist attitudes toward those who have experienced malnutrition, warfare and famine.

“A disease epidemic, or even the perceived threat of an epidemic, may lead to temporarily higher levels of conformity within populations and may dispose individuals within those populations to respond more harshly to normative transgressions,” the researchers said.

In taking one step back and examining the results of the studies, it is obvious that such a theory is proven right during the mask, social distancing and vaccine mandates that plagued the COVID pandemic.

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Watch this video to know more about obedience and the rise of authoritarianism.


Carbon Dioxide “has almost nothing to do with climate,” says World Climate Declaration signatory

Is climate change real? The answer is no, and especially so with regard to carbon dioxide (CO2), which has almost no impact whatsoever on the climate.

In a 40-minute presentation, World Climate Declaration signatory David Siegel presented evidence to show that there is no climate emergency and no need to worry about CO2.

Based on input he received from the international CLINTEL network, Siegel wants the world to know that there is no reason to panic. The global net-zero CO2 policy, also known as “NetZero,” is misleading, unrealistic and destructive, he says.

“CO2 budgets are not based on science, but they are based on fear,” CLINTEL revealed in a report. “They destroy the energy system, limit human rights, feed extremism and push mankind into a deep physical, mental, and financial crisis.”

An entrepreneur and author, Siegel wrote his first book about global warming back in 1991. He says he initially believed the lies from Al Gore and others who were fearmongering about CO2.

“Then, in 2016, someone told me that ‘the science is settled,’” Siegel says about the moment when he reached a major turning point.

“Knowing that if it’s science it isn’t settled, I decided to look a bit deeper and see what I could discover.”

It was then that Siegel began his journey into climate truth, which revealed all sorts of things that go against the grain of the status quo.

“We still don’t know what really drives our climate,” Siegel says. “There’s no way we can predict the next 100 years of climate with any accuracy.”

“To me, it’s clear that CO2 has almost nothing to do with climate, and the big drivers are orbital mechanisms and plate tectonics. But there’s still a lot to learn.”

Climate change is primarily about money

As usual, most of the climate hoo-ha seems to be centered around money. Fundraising, Siegel says, is the “clear” goal of the climate fanatics – “and there is a lot of money at stake now,” he says.

“I’d love to follow the money. I’d love to see a big report showing how money flows to NGOs, how much the UN spends on public relations, how universities rely on the Climate Industrial Complex, and how motivated most groups are by money, not by helping the environment.”

“If they are going to use polar bears, forest fires, storms, and lies, it’s clear their goal is fundraising.”

It turns out that Earth’s climate has always been changing. There was never a time when it was not changing, including long before there were gas-powered cars emitting pollution.

To this day, there is nothing of any scientific substance to suggest that humans are emitting too much CO2 these days. In fact, there is no legitimate way to measure CO2 emissions in terms of how they affect the climate.

“CO2 is not a poisonous gas,” Siegel says. “It is coming out of your nose right now.”

The CO2 that comes out of your nose feeds plants, which in turn release oxygen that humans need in order to live. It is a perfectly symbiotic relationship that the climate fanatics clearly fail to grasp.

The very word climate, Siegel further maintains, suggests change.

“Climate is whatever happens to temperatures over at least 30 years,” he says. “Everything else is ‘weather.’”

Another misnomer among climate fanatics is the idea that greenhouse gases somehow trap heat. Siegel says this is untrue.

“They don’t act like a blanket,” he explains in the presentation. “They can’t store heat. All they can do is absorb and re-radiate the heat in random directions.”

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