Haiti: Red Cross Builds SIX Houses With $500 MILLION

churchfeatJune 5, 2015 By Stuart Hooper

21st Century Wire says…

International NGOs have the potential to be world leaders in the provision of a better world for millions of people, instead they abuse their usually tax-exempt position, breaking promises and leaving people in misery.

Earlier this year, 21WIRE reported on the enormous scale of foreign foundation ‘aid’ fraud in Haiti, with ‘saviors’ George W. Bush and Bill Clinton at the center of this international scam. Now we learn that the Red Cross is involved in a similar turn…

Red Cross CEO Gail McGovern promised ‘brand new communities’ for earthquake stricken Haiti that would really ‘make donors proud’. 700 Houses were supposed to be built by January of 2013, yet only six were ever completed.

Former Red Cross employees blame a lack of ‘know-how’ and ‘development experience’. So, what exactly is anyone doing donating even a penny towards their ’causes’?

The Red Cross would end up subcontracting its development activities to other unknown groups, who would then claim extraordinary overhead and management costs.

Read More: http://21stcenturywire.com/2015/06/05/haiti-red-cross-builds-six-houses-with-500-million/

Why Is The EU Forcing European Nations To Adopt ”Bail-In” Legislation By The End Of The Summer?

banksters_robbing_sheepleBy Michael Snyder
June 6, 2015

Are they expecting something to happen? As you will read about below, the European Union says that any nation within the EU that does not enact “bail-in” legislation within the next two months will face legal action. The countries that are being threatened in this manner include Italy and France. If you fast forward two months from this moment, that puts us in early August. So clearly the European Union wants everything to be squared away by the end of the summer. Is there a reason for this? Are they anticipating that something really bad will happen in September or thereafter? Why such a rush?

We all remember what happened when major banks were “bailed out” during the last financial crisis. A tremendous amount of taxpayer money was given to the big banks to help prop them up so they wouldn’t fail. This greatly upset a lot of people.

Well, when the next great financial crisis hits Europe, banks are not going to get “bailed out” this time. Instead, we are going to see “bail-ins”.

So precisely what is a “bail-in”?

Essentially, what happens is that wealth is transferred from the “stakeholders” in the bank to the bank itself in order to keep it solvent. That means that creditors and shareholders could potentially lose everything if a major bank in Europe fails. And if their “contributions” are not enough to save the bank, those holding private bank accounts will have to take “haircuts” just like we saw in Cyprus. In fact, the travesty that we witnessed in Cyprus is being used as a “template” for much of the new legislation that is being enacted all over Europe.

The bottom line is that not a single bank account in the European Union will ever be truly safe again.

By this time, everyone in the EU was already supposed to have enacted “bail-in” legislation, but some countries in Europe have been dragging their feet. So now the European Commission (the executive body of the European Union) is giving them a hard deadline. According to Reuters, any nation that has not passed “bail-in” legislation within two months will be subject to legal action…

Read More:http://www.activistpost.com/2015/06/why-is-eu-forcing-european-nations-to.html


Jesus NEVER ate Meat and said …

“All who desire to be my disciple LET NO FLESH MEAT ENTER YOUR MOUTHS” (Lection 38, Gospel of the Holy Twelve)

Yet more than 97% of Christians Eat Meat….

“In the beginning, God gave to all, the fruits of the trees, and the seeds. and the herbs, for food; BUT THOSE WHO LOVED THEMSELVES MORE THAN GOD, OR THEIR FELLOWS, corrupted their ways, and brought diseases into their bodies, and filled the earth with lust and violence.” (Jesus, Lecion 75, Gospel of The Holy Twelve)

……and that is why this video wasn’t made in the hope of Christians changing their ways….because I know Christians and I know nearly all would never stop eating meat because as Jesus said……they “love themselves more than God and animals”

I would be totally shocked if even 1 out of a 1000 Christians who watch this stop eating meat. So this video really is just here to serve the purpose of informing people that….


Further Important Reading:

The Essene Gospel of Peace


The Gospel of the Holy Twelve
