VACCINE-DERIVED POLIOVIRUSES have been known, and apparently tracked, since 1962 and yet those very vaccines are still being given to developing countries’ children under the guise of polio prevention! What is it that the pro-vaccine contingent doesn’t get? Apparently, pro-vaxxers may believe that the moon is made of green cheese, too! Vaccines cause the very diseases they are supposed to ‘immunize’ against. How’s that efficacious? It certainly is efficacious for vaccine makers’ financial interests, but certainly not for those who contract vaccine-induced polio or experience the adverse events associated with many vaccines, particularly the HPV ‘anti-cervical cancer’ vaccines, which are now given to young boys, who don’t have cervixes. Before you cry “foul ball,” I know why they’re mandated for young boys. Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!
The irony of vaccine issues is that when there are outbreaks of “vaccine-associated-diseases,” those outbreaks always are blamed on the non-vaccinated population. Really! Of those contracting communicable “vaccine diseases,” the greater percentage always is the partially- or fully-vaccinated. Statistics document those occurrences time and time again. Additionally, vaccine-targeted microorganisms MUTATE, as has happened with Pertussis and Polio, and probably others.
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