December 11, 2013
By Michael Snyder for Activist Post
Why are huge numbers of dead birds dropping dead and washing up along the coastlines of Alaska?It is being reported that many of the carcasses of the dead birds are “broken open and bleeding”.The photo of some of these dead birds at the top of this article was originally posted by Alaska native David Akeya on Facebook.You can find more photos of these dead birds right here. And of course it isn’t just birds that are dying.
As you will see below, something is causing mass death events among various populations of fish as well.In addition, it has been reported that large numbers of polar bears, seals and walruses in Alaska are being affected by hair loss and “oozing sores”.So precisely what is causing all of this?Could Fukushima be responsible?Authorities are claiming that all of this is being caused by “disease” or “harsh weather”, but are they actually telling us the truth?Evaluate the evidence that I have shared below and decide for yourself….
#1 Something is causing large numbers of dead birds to wash up on shores all over Alaska.
#2 Something is causing large numbers of seals and walruses to lose hair and develop “oozing sores”…
#3 Polar bears along the Alaska coastlines are also suffering from fur loss and open sores…
#4 The population of sockeye salmon along the coastlines of Alaska is at a “historic low”…
#5 Something is causing Pacific herring to bleed from their gills, bellies and eyeballs…
#6 Some residents of Alaska are absolutely convinced that Fukushima is to blame for the rapidly declining fish populations.
#7 Something also seems to be causing a substantial spike in the death rate for killer whales living off of the coast of British Columbia…
Once again, scientists do not know why this is happening.
These kinds of things are happening further south along the Pacific coast as well.
For example, the recent death of thousands of birds down in Oregon is absolutely baffling scientists…
Clearly something very unusual is happening, and it should not be unreasonable to ask if Fukushima is at least partially responsible for all of this.
Without a doubt, the Pacific Ocean appears to be a much different place than it was before the Fukushima disaster.In fact, one very experienced Australian adventurer said that he felt as though “the ocean itself was dead” as he journeyed from Japan to San Francisco recently…
Meanwhile, radiation levels around Fukushima just continue to increase.
And every single day, another 400 tons of very highly radioactive water gets released into the Pacific Ocean.The total amount of radioactive material in the Pacific is constantly rising, and because many of these radioactive particles have a half-life of 30 years or longer, much of this material is going to be with us for a very, very long time.
This is turning out to be the greatest environmental disaster in modern history, and it is very far from over.
Read the entire article: