Lying PBS propaganda claims ‘more than 100 people’ died from Disneyland measles outbreak… actual number was ZERO

Lies-Words-Paper(NaturalNews) The truth is out there and is plain enough for anyone with an open mind to see: The mainstream media and the progressive Left are vaccine advocates, and will do whatever they can, including lying and forcing their views on others by law, to push their pro-vaccine agenda.

The latest example of this comes from none other than PBS host Gwen Ifill, who completely fabricated a statistic recently regarding the “death toll” from last fall’s measles outbreak at Disneyland – an incident which prompted state lawmakers to usurp parental choice by passing the most restrictive vaccination law in the country.

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“State lawmakers in California moved today to impose one of the nation’s strictest vaccination laws,” Ifill reported during a recent newscast. “The state assembly voted to require that nearly all public schoolchildren get their shots, or be homeschooled. The bill gained momentum after a measles outbreak that started at Disneyland and killed more than 100 people.”

Pure fiction reported as fact

As noted by the Vaccine Fact Check web site:

Ifill’s figure of 100 is off — by 100. Not a single person died as a result of the Disneyland scare, although she can be forgiven for not knowing any better, given the hype that the mainstream media heaped on the public for weeks on end over a story that had not a single casualty. This non-story became the single-biggest domestic story in the United States.

And, as we reported, it led to passage of the most restrictive vaccine law in the land – a law that some progressive Democrats in Congress want to emulate nationwide. More on that in a moment.

As anyone who follows politics and political reporting knows, Ifill is a veteran journalist; she wasn’t reading the evening news as some fill-in or by accident. She is the co-anchor of PBS’ NewsHour, and she is also the managing editor and moderator of “Washington Week.” And yet, she read those lines as if they were well-established fact, which is “an indication that she has been unquestioningly swallowing the media hype over vaccines as much as any incredulous viewer,” Vaccine Fact Check noted.

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