While consumers shop, U.S. descends into planned financial implosion that favors corporate elite

We live in interesting times. Even as our own civilization hangs on the precipice of financial solvency, the priorities of the uninformed masses as so distorted that many will actually camp out in front of a Best Buy store in order to be the first in line to save $100 on a big-screen TV. In a time when the very problems of society are rooted in over-consumption and too much television, the everyday pleebs place such high importance on expanding the size of their mainstream media hypnosis devices that they will physically fight each other to get one of these TVs at a slightly lower price.

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Implantable Microchips and Cyborgs are No Longer Conspiracy Theories

For years, many have mocked the idea of implantable microchips and cyborgs as both conspiracy theories and science fiction. Anyone who so much as mentioned these possibilities to their neighbour risked being labelled either as delusional or paranoid. However, as they have become more and more prevalent in everyday society, it has become increasingly difficult to ridicule these concepts.

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Why Are So Many People Gathering to Hear David Icke?

What can you expect to hear if you listen to David Icke? Everything!

He also empowers and motivates us to reclaim our personal freedom. You can be fearless in the midst of a seemingly cruel and crazy world. There is a method to the madness for all that’s irrational today, although it comes from an artificial reality, keeping us from our own natural consciousness.

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10 outlandish things the ‘scientific’ controllers have in mind for you in the near future

(NaturalNews) What corporate-driven “science” has in mind for the future of humanity is far different from the dreamy utopian landscape that’s been portrayed by the mainstream media. To hear the corporate-run media tell it, science is always “good” for humanity. Scientific achievements are always called “advances” and not “setbacks,” even though many of them have proven to be disastrous for humanity (atomic bombs, for example, or GMOs).

While pure science is, indeed, a necessary component of any civilization which seeks to expand its understanding of the universe, what we see dominating the landscape today isn’t pure science but corporate-driven “science” that only seeks to accelerate corporate profits, not human understanding. And with that corporate-slanted science comes a whole new era of truly terrifying technologies that we may soon see become reality in our world.

Organic v. Monsanto

More than 270,000 organic farmers are taking on corporate agriculture giant Monsanto in a lawsuit filed March 30. Led by the Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association, the family farmers are fighting for the right to keep a portion of the world food supply organic and pre-emptively protecting themselves from accusations of stealing genetically modified seeds that drift on to their pristine crop fields.  READ MORE…


Solar flare could unleash nuclear holocaust across planet Earth, forcing hundreds of nuclear power plants into total meltdowns





(NaturalNews) Forget about the 2012 Mayan calendar, comet Elenin or the Rapture. The real threat to human civilization is far more mundane, and it’s right in front of our noses. If Fukushima has taught us anything, it’s that just one runaway meltdown of fissionable nuclear material can have wide-ranging and potentially devastating consequences for life on Earth. To date, Fukushima has already released 168 times the total radiation released from the Hiroshima nuclear bomb. Fukushima is now undeniably the worst nuclear disaster in the history of human civilization… READ MORE…

Indictment of vaccine researcher

Indictment of vaccine researcher demands review of published scientific conclusions

Wednesday, August 17, 2011 by: PF Louis

(NaturalNews) When it comes to vaccine efficacy and safety, the vaccine industry, CDC, and other medical establishment authorities close their eyes and lie so often it sticks as reality to the mainstream media and gets to the masses. One only needs to look at the criminality of major vaccine pushers to begin questioning the vaccine industry’s veracity. Some of them have actually been indicted or reprimanded for fraudulent activity.

Meanwhile, the vaccine industry’s slanderous lies about an honest pediatrician, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, and his research continue to influence the public…Read More…

zombie apocalypse

(NaturalNews) Although it may seem unbelievable, this is not a satire piece or a joke. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control, which has been deeply engaged in the fictions of Swine Flu and other so-called “pandemics,” is now publicly warning Americans to prepare for a zombie apocalypse.

In a May 16th blog entry on the CDC.gov website (http://blogs.cdc.gov/publichealthma…), author Ali S. Khan asks the question, “Where do zombies come from and why do they love eating brains so much?” The article then goes on to suppose that “zombies would take over entire countries, roaming city streets eating anything living that got in their way. The proliferation of this idea has led many people to wonder – How do I prepare for a zombie apocalypse?” Read More…