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Climate Change Hoax Collapses
Climate change hoax collapses as Michael Mann’s bogus “hockey stick” graph defamation lawsuit dismissed by the Supreme Court of British Columbia
By Mike Adams
For the past two decades, much of the hysteria about global warming — later re-labeled “climate change” — has been based on the so-called “hockey stick” graph produced by Michael Mann. The graph, shown below, has been used by the IPCC, the media and governments to push global warming hysteria to the point of mass mental illness, where Democrat presidential candidates claim humanity only has 12 years remaining before a climate apocalypse will somehow destroy the planet.
But the hockey stick graph is a fraud. A man-made computer software algorithm generated it, and the algorithm is rigged to produce a hockey stick shape no matter what data were entered. Like everything else found in the rigged world of “climate science,” the hockey stick graph was a fraud the day it was generated.
Michael Mann didn’t like being called a fraud by his critics, so he sued them for defamation. And late last week, one of those lawsuits was concluded by the Supreme Court of British Columbia, Canada, which threw out Mann’s lawsuit against Dr. Tim Ball. But there’s more. According to Principia-Scientific:
Not only did the court grant Ball’s application for dismissal of the nine-year, multi-million dollar lawsuit, it also took the additional step of awarding full legal costs to Ball. A detailed public statement from the world-renowned skeptical climatologist is expected in due course.
This extraordinary outcome is expected to trigger severe legal repercussions for Dr Mann in the U.S. and may prove fatal to climate science claims that modern temperatures are “unprecedented.”
Marketing Hype Around 5G Is Misleading
False promises? Experts say the marketing hype around 5G is misleading.
By Lance D Johnson
The 5G Revolution is right upon us, or is it? According to experts with the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSMA), all the hype surrounding 5G is misleading. The 5G networks are “in the early stages” and will only be compatible with select smart phones in the coming years. These 5G compatible phones will be expensive and will rely on 4G networks to get going. The 5G rollout is dependent upon the installation of new towers; ideally new towers and transmitters will need to be installed 500 feet apart from one another. This influx of cell towers will emit short wavelength microwaves and will bombard homes with significant amounts of radiation. Over a million new towers will have to be erected to make 5G work as intended. According to HealthImpactNews, the “small cell” transmitters will be mounted on top of electric utility poles, municipal buildings, schools, and in city parks, on top of street signs, bus shelters, and anywhere else telecom companies wish. There will be no escaping the intense microwave radiation pulsing through people’s homes and communities.
The future of 5G smart cities are over hyped and downplay human health risks
All the hype surrounding 5G is misleading because of the price people will inevitably have to pay with their health. Developing brains are most vulnerable. Notwithstanding, 5G won’t become a reality for consumers unless mobile operators upgrade their networks with 5G gear made by companies such as Finland’s Nokia or China’s Huawei. Furthermore, phone makers will have to mass produce handsets that contain 5G radios that can hook up to the new networks. Until then, 4G wireless networks will carry most of the load, as 5G networks take time to erect. GSMA experts predict that 5G will only make up about 15 percent of worldwide mobile subscriptions by 2025. The 4G networks will account for an estimated 45 percent.
Is 5G Tech Safe? Houston Mayoral Candidate Raises Serious Questions
By John Vibes
Derrick Broze is a freelance investigative journalist, author, and public speaker who has been a vocal activist in his hometown of Houston, Texas for many years.
Broze’s most recent battle in Houston has been fighting against the state and local government’s plan to roll out new 5G internet technology throughout the city. He has been showing up at city council meetings all year to voice his concerns about the potential risk factors involved with the technology that the city might be overlooking.
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Big Pharma Hikes Drug Price 879%
Big Pharma Hikes Drug Price 879% And That’s Just One Of 3,400 So Far THIS YEAR
By Mac Slavo
Big Pharma continues to jack up the prices on the drugs they peddle. The price of one drug was hiked 879%, and that’ only ONE of the 3,400 price increases that have occurred so far this year.
Pharmaceutical companies raised the prices of more than 3,400 drugs in the first half of 2019, surpassing the number of drug hikes they imposed during the same period last year, according to an analysis first reported by NBC News. While the average price increase per drug was 10.5%, a rate around five times that of inflation, about 40 of the drugs saw triple-digit increases. That includes a generic version of the antidepressant Prozac, which saw a price increase of 879%.
ARS Technica reported that the surge in price hikes comes amid ongoing public and political pressure to drag down the sky-rocketing price of drugs and healthcare costs overall. In May of 2018, President Donald Trump boldly announced that drug companies would unveil “voluntary massive drops in prices” within weeks, however, Big Pharma didn’t announce any big drops or actually reduce their prices. Trump then went on to publicly shame Pfizer for continuing to raise drug prices. The company responded with a short-lived pause on drug price increases mid-way through last year, but it resumed increasing prices in January along with dozens of other pharmaceutical companies.
“Requests and public shaming haven’t worked,” Michael Rea, chief executive of RX Savings Solutions, told Reuters last December. His company helps health plans and employers seek lower-cost prescription medicines. It also conducted a new analysis of some drug prices.
It really isn’t a surprise that people are losing faith in Western medicine in record numbers in favor of a more natural and holistic approach. Cost is certainly one problem, but many experience debilitating side effects from Big Pharma’s drugs – and they then seek relief from those side effects by using other drugs laced with different synthetic chemicals. It’s a vicious cycle, and no one should be surprised by the rise in things like herbal tinctures, medicinal teas, and CBD oil.
The more than 3,400 drug price increases in the first half of 2019 is a 17% increase over the number of drug price hikes in the first half of 2018. So price increases are skyrocketing instead of going down. In addition to the Prozac generic, the drugs that saw triple-digit increases included the topical steroid Mometasone, which had a price increase of 381%. A pain reliever and cough medication (Promethazine/Codeine) saw a 326% hike while the ADHD treatment Guanfacine 2mg saw its price rise 118%.
Glyphosate Found To Interfere With Photosynthesis

Glyphosate byproduct AMPA found to interfere with photosynthesis, the basis of nearly all life on planet Earth.
By Tracy Watson
It has been four years since the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer announced that glyphosate is “probably carcinogenic to humans.” In that time, there has been a lot of focus on the cancer-causing potential of glyphosate, the primary ingredient in Roundup, the world’s most popular weed killer.
As bad as the direct effects of glyphosate are, however, they are not the only dangers associated with this toxic chemical. Studies have confirmed that a glyphosate byproduct known as aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) interferes with multiple plant processes, including photosynthesis, without which most life on Earth could not exist.
What is AMPA?
The website Everything Explained Today explains that AMPA is a weak organic acid with a phosphonic acid group, and that it is one of the main byproducts of glyphosate. Its toxicity is believed to be comparable to that of glyphosate itself.
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Now Big Ag Is Trying To Own The REST Of Your Food
Now Big Ag is trying to own the REST of your food: Syngenta claims they invented non-GMO tomatoes.
By Isabelle Z
Have you ever thought about where tomatoes come from? A quick internet search might tell you that they’ve been around since the time of the Aztecs, who ate them in ancient Mesoamerica as far back as 700 A.D. But that’s not what Swiss agrochemical giant company Syngenta would like people to believe. In fact, they’ve taken the bold and baffling step of trying to get a patent on the common tomato.
As hard as it may be to believe, the company’s EP1515600 patent, which they submitted to the European Patent Office, claimed that tomatoes, along with their plants and seeds, were somehow created by them – never mind the fact that they’ve been grown in Europe since the 1500s.
You might think that their biotechnology interests would mean the patent was for GMO tomatoes, but that simply isn’t the case. The patent really had the audacity to claim that non-GMO tomatoes that come from normal plant breeding were their own creation. They said the tomatoes came from crossing tomato plants from Chile and Peru and that they contained higher amounts of vitamins than other tomatoes.
Public outcry led to the patent’s withdrawal
Of course, once the public got wind of this, they were called out on their ridiculous attempt. More than 30 international organizations took a firm stance against Syngenta monopolizing the common tomato. The company ultimately withdrew the patent, which was then revoked by the European Patent Office.
Although their efforts were unsuccessful on this occasion, the whole mess does shed light on a very unsavory practice. The truth is that patents on non-GMO foods like lettuce, pepper, and broccoli have inexplicably been granted to Big Ag firms in the past. The European Patent Office has even made it easier for these patents to be filed despite decisions by its member states to prohibit them. When an international appeal was published asking the body’s president to stop such patent decisions, the EPO responded that such patents were certainly not expressly permitted. However, they can no longer be rejected outright.
This case also illustrates how effective activism can be. With groups like No Patents on Seeds! drawing attention to the issue, the public outcry eventually caused Syngenta execs to back down. All told, 65,000 people from 59 countries took part in a campaign opposing the patent, and one can only hope that similar efforts can be effectively put to rest if people band together in opposition.
Joanna Eckhardt of No Patents on Seeds! said: “This is a huge success. European citizens no longer want to let the big corporations like Bayer, BASF and Syngenta take control of our food production through patent rights. Now European politicians have to make sure no more such patents are granted in Europe.”
It’s scary to think that these firms are trying so hard to own and control our entire food supply, even the food that isn’t genetically modified. It has never been more important to buy organic, non-GMO foods, and consider growing your own produce if possible.
Puerto Rico Gives Monsanto/ Bayer a 90% Tax Exemption
Puerto Rico Imports 85% of Its Food and Owes $123 Billion in Debt, Yet It Gives Monsanto/ Bayer a 90% Tax Exemption.
By G. Edward Griffin
Puerto Rico’s fertile land is a crop and pesticide poison test site for Monsanto, which was recently sold to Bayer chemical company. Many locals near the company’s seed sites complain of illness.
Monsanto/ Bayer has $2 billion in court judgements against it for cancer and injury claims, with 13,000 more US cases pending. Other GMO and chemical companies in the area include Syngenta, BASF, Pioneer and RiceTec.
Ricardo Rossello, the Governor of Puerto Rico, blamed the island’s bad economy on “colonial treatment” and said that tax breaks are the only tool for economic development. He said that the transnational companies account for 42% to 46% of the economy, although Monsanto/ Bayer receives a 90% tax exemption and $3 million in wage subsidies.
Electronic Collusion
Electronic collusion: Facebook harvests your highly sensitive personal info with help from dozens of popular apps.
At least eleven popular apps are working with Facebook to harvest your highly sensitive personal information. According to a Wall Street Journal investigation, this has been occurring covertly, without user consent. It has been happening to people who do not even have a Facebook account.
According to the investigation, Facebook is gathering information about your ovulation cycle, your pregnancy status, your heart rate, and the intimate details about your future home purchases. Apps such as Flo Period & Ovulation Tracker and Instant Heart Rate: HR Monitor have been gathering sensitive information about your health, including height, weight, blood pressure, menstruation cycles, and so much more.
Popular apps are sending highly sensitive health information to Facebook
As soon as the app gathers the “highly sensitive information” from you, they send a copy to Facebook. Facebook, as you know, compiles and analyzes every bit of information they have collected about you to send you targeted ads. These targeted ads play upon your likes and dislikes, your needs and wants to take advantage of you. Your data is also used to “improve your experience on Facebook” by manipulating your news feed and searches.
Facebook automatically collects data from these apps because they designed it to work this way. App developers use the open source software tools provided by Facebook’s Software Development Kit. In exchange for the free tools, Facebook gets access to the data that these apps collect. According to the investigation, at least six popular apps were sending highly sensitive personal health information to Facebook.
These apps include:
Instant Heart Rate: HR Monitor logs people’s heart rate and sends it to Facebook, keeping a detailed analog of user’s cardiovascular status.
Breathe Inc. sent information linking people’s email addresses to the type of meditations they preferred. This information is analyzed by Facebook to understand a facet of how people’s minds work.
BetterMe recorded user’s height and weight and sent it off to Facebook as soon as these personal details were entered into the app.
Flo Period & Ovulation Tracker gathered sensitive data on women’s menstrual cycles and learned about their intentions to get pregnant. sent location data, listing prices, property IDs viewed, and properties that users marked as “favorites.” The information is then analyzed by Facebook to understand user preferences for future home purchases or rental choices.
(Related: Facebook attorneys admit in court there’s NO privacy on its platform … Users surveiled, tracked and spied on without boundaries or limitations.)
Apps give users an illusion of control over their personal information
The investigators who uncovered this privacy breach worked with a privacy software company to track when and where the apps transmitted internet communications. Out of seventy apps studied, eleven transmitted data to Facebook and in some instances, the transfer occurred immediately after the app gathered the data.
The apps give users the illusion of control over their personal data. The app’s privacy agreements let users choose whether the app can collect data from their electronic device, such as location, contacts, or cookies, but any information collected by the app can be scooped up and sent to third parties such as Facebook. Facebook can then do whatever they want with the siphoned data. Facebook compiles data from several sources and has a detailed psychological profile on all their users and even non-users. This compiled data is analyzed by algorithms to understand how each person thinks, learns, reads, votes, searches, and purchases.
To learn more what Facebook and other tech monopolies are up to, visit BigTech.News.
Environmental Travesty
Environmental travesty: Toxic drug residues in rivers and lakes have increased twenty-fold, killing off bacteria beneficial to marine life.
By Issabella Z
When the topic of water pollution comes up, much of the conversation in recent times has focused on the amount of plastic in the oceans and seas. It’s a serious problem that certainly deserves the attention it’s getting, but there is another type of water pollution that also warrants grave concern: the toxic drug residues building up in bodies of water.
In the span of just two decades, the levels of prescription drugs found in rivers and lakes has climbed twentyfold, and the wildlife living there is at risk. Dutch researchers report that antibiotics and epilepsy drug residue levels are now harming the bacteria that marine ecosystems rely on to thrive. The over-prescription of antibiotics, not surprisingly, is being assigned much of the blame here.
Their study, which was the first of its kind, examined the bodies of water from 1995 to 2015. The researchers used computer analysis to come up with global predictions the impact of this issue will have, and they called for more data gathering throughout the world to keep tabs on the problem. Their findings were published in Environmental Research Letters.
Drugs make their way into waterways after passing through the human body, where they impact the bacteria living there as well as fish, birds and insects. The aging population and growing number of medications people take is compounding the issue. The meds enter fresh water systems via waste water in poorly maintained sewer systems, and the drugs used in livestock can get there from the runoff from fields.
Antibiotics damaging ecosystems
One of the most commonly prescribed antibiotics right now for infections, ciprofloxacin, was determined to have an especially high effect. One of the study’s authors, Dr. Rik Oldenkamp, said that the concentrations of it harm bacteria in the water, which impacts nutrient cycles and affects the bacteria colonies that are used for treating wastewater, making them less effective.
Antibiotic resistance has been considered one of the biggest public health threats the world is facing for several years now, but Dr. Oldenkamp pointed out that much of the focus is on its ability to spread through hospitals and among livestock. He believes there is a serious lack of awareness regarding its impact on the environment.
According to their model, the environmental risk is highest for ecoregions situated in densely populated and dry places like the Middle East. Unfortunately, such areas also happen to be places where there is a serious lack of data on the use of these drugs and their concentrations within surface water.
Another drug they studied, the epilepsy medication carbamazepine, also had a big impact. It has been shown to disrupt the development of fish eggs as well as the digestive processes in shellfish. And it’s even more concentrated in arid areas, where streams are particularly vulnerable.
Antibiotics and other medications were meant to help mankind, but they could prove to be our undoing if society continues to overuse them. You can do your part to help stem the problem by avoiding antibiotics and other drugs unless your doctor has prescribed then – and even then, you should ensure you truly need them and follow the dosing instructions to the letter. In some cases, natural antibiotics may work just as well without contributing to the superbug epidemic and destruction of natural ecosystems.
How to Thwart the Globalist Agenda by Getting Rid of Your Smart Phone
By Edward Griffin
Smart phones are the key to the technological control grid when the entire population is dependent on smart phones and need it to exist within the system. The plan is to consolidate banking, education, healthcare, voting, government, payroll, and benefits will be distributed through smart phones. Global revenue from telecom services is projected to be $1.35 trillion, and giving up smart phones for basic cell phones will cut the globalists’ funding and power.
You Think Organic Living Is Expensive? Check Out The Cost Of A “Conventional” Lifestyle That Leads To CANCER
By S.D. Wells
Cancer patients are twice as likely to file bankruptcy as those who stick to organic foods and a healthy lifestyle, but still, people whine and cry over the “cost” of organic, claiming “it’s too expensive.” Top that off with the latest stats that show four out of five cancer patients who do file bankruptcy are MORE likely to die from the cell disorder that’s sweeping across America like the plague. Could that be because the stress of financial “failure” catapults the development of more cancer cells? You can bet your last $100 bill that’s the case. It’s time to contact your accountant and your favorite nutritionist, because that “top notch” oncologist sounds more like a death sentence right now, in 2019.
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“Chemtrails” — How They Affect You and What You Can Do
The international program involves spraying aluminum, barium, strontium and other toxic chemicals from airplanes at high altitudes that then fall to the ground, ending up in our bodies, our water, our soil and the air we breathe.
Watch the video here:
Big Pharma Blood Pressure Drugs Found Laced With Cancer-Causing Chemical
By Mike Adams
For years, we’ve warned that Big Pharma’s business model is a “repeat business” racket that profits from sickness and disease. We also know that cancer is a multi-billion-dollar industry that generates huge profits from the repeat business of cancer “therapies” such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Now comes news that a popular blood pressure drug sold by Novartis has been found to be laced with a cancer-causing chemical known as “dimethylformamide.”
“A pharmacy warned the Food and Drug Administration that it found a chemical believed to cause cancer in a widely used blood pressure medication, according to a filing from the federal agency,” reports CNBC.
The drugs are part of a popular class of prescription medications the FDA has been quietly recalling after finding them to be laced with cancer-causing chemicals. Those drugs reportedly include valsartan, losartan and irbesartan.
Even more astonishingly, this chemical contamination was discovered by Valisure, an online pharmacy that operates across America. Valisure is apparently running contamination tests on the various medications it sells, and it found that valsartan, the blood pressure medication manufactured by Novartis, contains DMF (dimethylformamide), a chemical known to cause cancer.
Depopulation by Inoculation: Motive and Intent
By the editor Natural News
For the past four years, I have researched the following question: Is there a deliberate attempt on the part of the global elite to eliminate a substantial portion of humanity through the use of a bioengineered diseases and viruses and the more deadly accompanying vaccines?
As with any murder plot, whether it be a single homicide, or mass genocide, the deadly plot contains the same essential elements: (1) motive, (2) intent, (3) means, and, (4) opportunity. In part one of this series, both motive and intent are examined by presenting the words of the globalists themselves.
An Historical Perspective on Deliberate Depopulation
Through my research, I have discovered that the notion of creating and implementing an intentional and systematic depopulation scheme was not a new phenomenon. The global elite have long advocated for draconian population reductions over the past several centuries. For example, Thomas Malthus argued that the population growth, by the poor, inevitably outstrips food production and leads to a massive retaliation from Mother Nature (i.e., Malthusian Controls). His infamous “Malthusian Controls” which are taught to every first year sociology student, has become a cornerstone belief for many modern day globalists who advocate population control by any means necessary. This radical and dangerous idea promotes the unproven notion that the poor deserve to die because there are too many of them for the Earth to adequately support. Malthus believed that higher wages and welfare should be withheld from the great unwashed because he believed that these two factors would allow the poor to survive and exponentially breed, thus compounding the overpopulation problem.
Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, enthusiastically promoted the Malthusian philosophy in the United States as she stated “The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.”
Perhaps these were merely the musings of two twisted individuals which do not represent any type of central philosophical belief. Unfortunately the theories of Malthus, Sanger and other population control advocates did not die with them. As I discovered, this is a reoccurring theme contained within the personal words of several dozen global leaders.
Read the entire article here:
Farms Under Water – Crops Destroyed
Why Organic Food Is More Sustainable
By Mary Wales
Sustainability and the environment are top of mind for many today. Issues like smog, rising global temperatures, water pollution, and oodles of plastic waste have many concerned. Many people also question how their food is grown whether through conventional or organic means —and if it’s grown sustainably or not. Organic food offers a more sustainable, long term solution for 4 main reasons:
- Organic farming rebuilds soil health and stops harmful chemicals from getting into our water supplies. Water and soil are two extremely important resources necessary for growing food.
- Organic farmers don’t rely on non-renewable oil-based fertilizers and pesticides we may not always have access to.
- Organic farming results in greater biodiversity
- Organic farming releases fewer greenhouse gas emissions
Reason # 1: Less Soil and Water Pollution
Soil and water pollution are two major problems today, and non-organic food production is surely a big part of this problem. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (UN FAO), about 1/3 or the world’s soil has already been degraded because of “chemical heavy” farming techniques, and deforestation, which increases erosion and global warming.
- Soil is such an important resource for growing food, and the UN FAO reports that to generate just 3 centimetres of top soil takes 1000 years!
- Our water, another extremely valuable farming resource, is also at risk. In a long-term study by the United States Geological Society, pesticide compounds were found in streams almost 100% of the time.
Organically grown and produced food uses a lot less of the toxic fertilizers and pesticides that can deplete soils over time and pollute our water supplies. Organic farmers follow strict regulations and work to rebuild soil health naturally. The choice is simple!
Reason # 2: Oil-Based Fertilizers and Pesticides
For many people, whether or not something is sustainable depends on whether it could last for generations to come. Many agree oil isn’t something that’s going to last for generations to come, and the world will eventually face an end of the “oil era”. As the world moves away from oil, gas and coal and towards more renewable forms of energy, like wind and solar, many people are also looking food grown without the use of oil-based fertilizers and pesticides. Under organic production, synthetic, oil-based pesticides and fertilizers are not allowed. Rather, organic farmers produce food with natural fertilisers and less energy, and they must follow strict rules about what inputs can be used.
Reason # 3: Greater Biodiversity
It’s no secret that our wildlife is under threat because of chemical agricultural practices. A recent study found that birds in France, for example, have declined by a third in the past 15 years because of changes in agricultural practices, including pesticide use. Another study published last year also found that vast numbers of insects—including helpful pollinators like bees—are dying off.
Organic farming is beneficial for wildlife: According to scholar John Reganold of Washington State University, organic agriculture results in greater biodiversity of plants, animals, insects and microbes. An analysis of 66 scientific studies showed that organic farms have 30% more species on average than non-organic ones.
Reason # 4: Fewer Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Climate change is a serious global threat—with agriculture and food production being major contributors to this threat and the release of greenhouse gases. Although estimates vary, the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research reports that 1/3 of our greenhouse gas emissions come from agriculture and food production, which agricultural production and growing food accounting for the “lion’s share” of emissions. The UN FAO reports that unless we make an effort to reduce these greenhouse gas emissions, they could increase greatly in the near future.
Studies like this one here have found that organic farms release a lot less greenhouse gas emissions than non-organic farms. Healthy soils are a major source of carbon storage, and organic farming results in increased carbon sequestration. The U.K.’s Soil Association estimates that if all U.K. farming was converted to organic, at least 1.3 million tonnes of carbon would be taken up by the soil each year. That’s the equivalent of taking nearly 1 million cars off the road!
The Choice is Clear
Eating organic is eating sustainably! Organic food is a long-term solution resulting in less soil and water pollution, a decreased reliance on oil-based fertilizers and pesticides, greater biodiversity, and less greenhouse gas emissions.
The Historical Facts on Measles and the Measles Vaccine Censored by Mainstream Media
By Barbara Loe Fisher
National Vaccine Information Center
This year, the fear mongering about measles has reached epidemic proportions in America. A day doesn’t go by without media outlets publishing angry articles and editorials spewing hatred toward a tiny minority of parents with unvaccinated children, who are being blamed for measles outbreaks.
The remedy is always a call to track down, persecute and punish any parent whose child is not vaccinated.
Some state and federal lawmakers are reacting to the relentless fear mongering by proposing to severely restrict the medical vaccine exemption and eliminate all religious and conscientious belief exemptions in state vaccine laws.
These exemptions, which help prevent vaccine injuries and deaths, also protect parental rights, civil liberties and the ethical principle of informed consent to medical risk taking
The U.S. government, the World Health Organization, medical trade associations, the pharmaceutical industry and multi-national communications corporations all agree that the measles virus is extremely dangerous, the MMR vaccine is very safe and effective, and all children must get two doses of MMR vaccine to meet the goal of eradicating measles from the world by 2020.
While most of the public conversation in the past two decades has been focused on children, who have suffered convulsions, encephalitis and encephalopathy after MMR vaccine reactions and become chronically ill and disabled, there hasn’t been much discussion about measles vaccine effectiveness or what measles was like before and after the vaccine was licensed in the mid-20th century.
This is a special report on measles vaccine failures based on evidence published in the scientific and medical literature that is not being discussed in public conversations about measles vaccine policies and mandatory vaccination laws.
Please read the entire article here and you will see all the false information and propaganda we have been given and the truth that has been kept from us:
Tap Water In California Shown To Cause Cancer
By Sara Middleton
Uranium. Radium. Arsenic. These chemicals are known to cause cancer. Now, thanks to a shocking study from the Environmental Working Group (EWG), we now know that these and other harmful contaminants are found in California’s public tap water.
The study was just published in the latest edition of the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Health. EWG’s findings are also consistent with at least one other study out of North Carolina. The major takeaway? Consumption of this tap water is tied to a stunning number of cancer cases over the course of a typical generation.
Drinking contaminated tap water puts your health at risk, increases the chances of this major disease
In their study, the EWG team evaluated tap water samples from over 2,700 public water systems in California, which provide at least 98% of the west coast state’s drinking water. As mentioned, these samples contained harmful, carcinogenic chemicals, such as chloroform, tetrachloroethylene, and hexavalent chromium (in addition to the ones listed above).
The study’s authors were then were able to determine the risk of getting cancer as a result of drinking this contaminated water by taking yearly average contamination levels between the years of 2011 and 2015.
As the authors state: “This results in an estimated number of 221 annual cancer cases due to drinking water contaminants in California,” or about 15,500 cases of cancer over the course of about 70 years (the average lifetime).
You’re reading this right: 15,500+ cases of cancer in California directly caused by drinking contaminated tap water. It’s frightening.
The EWG also state that 495 public water systems in California are considered “high risk.” What they mean by this is that the tap water from these areas will cause cancer in about 1 in 1,000 people over the course of a lifetime.
They also state that 43 public water systems have a relative cancer risk a high as 4 in 1,000. The EWG does not specify which communities are at highest risk, however they do indicate that they include “communities of less than a thousand residents and one water system serving a population of 19,000.”
The American Cancer Society estimates that as many as 40% of Americans will receive a cancer diagnosis at some point in their lifetime. Based on the recent revelations from the EWG, we can’t help but surmise that the chemicals in our public tap water has something to do with this sobering statistic.
Learn more:
Bayer Admits That Monsanto Had a Shady Agenda Toward ‘Influential’ People
Ahhhh – there’s nothing like the smell of propaganda early in the morning. At least this must be what the higher-ups at the Bayer company think as they start their days trying to figure out how to spin pesticide data and influence the public.
Now, in breaking news, this Big Agra conglomerate – who in 2016 bought Monsanto for a cool $63 billion – is being forced to address some shady behavior exhibited by its newest acquisition. Turns out that Monsanto’s recently-revealed actions indicate a highly plausible attempt to inaccurately change the conversation about pesticide “safety.”
Pesticide secrets: A big company with nothing to hide wouldn’t do this – right?
A team of French prosecutors can be credited with blowing the lid open on a major snafu for the beleaguered Monsanto corporation and its parent company Bayer. Earlier this month, they filed a complaint alleging that Monsanto kept dossiers – let’s call them “cheat sheets” for people – on approximately 200 French journalists, lawmakers, and other folks deemed “influential” by the pesticide business.
These dossiers contained non-public information about private citizens!
Monsanto’s intent? Simple: to access these people, influence their thoughts on pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals of their ilk – and in turn change the global public’s view on these known harmful environmental toxins.
Sounds a bit desperate, right? Think about it: the World Health Organization officially recognizes glyphosate (the prime ingredient in the weed killer Roundup, a Monsanto superstar) as a “probable carcinogenic.” And, this happened four years ago.
Yet, despite this, Monsanto has still been trying to propagandize their enormously head-in-the-sand message that glyphosate has a “40-year history of safe use.”
Now Bayer has to act like the chagrined parent playing clean-up in the wake of this PR nightmare. We’ll at least give them some credit for owning up to the reality of these dossiers’ existence, as well as acknowledging that these are probably just the tip of the iceberg.
Bayer’s very own head of public affairs and sustainability, Matthias Berninger, made this eyebrow-raising statement to journalists: “It’s safe to say that other countries in Europe were affected by lists…I assume that all [European Union] member states could potentially be affected.”
He went on to indicate that while there weren’t signs of overt illegal activity, Monsanto was likely guilty of unfair access and use of private data. Even so, French public-sector research institutes including Inra and CNRS are reportedly planning to file criminal complaints regarding mishandling of their employees’ personal data.
As if questionably obtained and disseminated private data about public citizens wasn’t bad enough, there’s even more damning evidence against Monsanto coming out:
The company alleged paid off well-known cancer researcher, Sir Richard Doll, for over two decades. The bribery alleged included a “consultancy fee” of $1,500 per day back in the mid-1980s – right around the time when Sir Doll miraculously concluded that Monsanto’s “Agent Orange” chemical didn’t cause cancer. Hmmm.
This despite the fact that the International Agency for Research on Cancer and the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) both report that Agent Orange contains chemicals known to be cancer-causing.
That this scientist and researcher failed to disclose this financial information is damnable. But even more damnable is the fact that Monsanto allowed for (encouraged) this kind of biased research – something which has likely contributed to the harm, ill-health, and death of thousands of people.
Here’s the takeaway: major companies will go to extreme lengths to protect their profits and reputation. Beware of the hype and propaganda.