The Monsanto Papers and Weedkiller in Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream—What’s the Connection?

20398620_282683898879884_8869156171169136640_nBy Organic Consumers Association

Not long after the Organic Consumers Association (OCA) announced that Ben & Jerry’s ice cream tested positive for glyphosate, the key ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup weedkiller, another story broke—one that validates the importance of finding glyphosate, even at low doses, in any food.

According to internal Monsanto documents (and as reported by GM Watch, Sustainable Pulse and other news outlets), Monsanto forced the retraction of a critical long-term study, first published in 2012, showing that very low doses of Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide—lower than those detected in Ben & Jerry’s ice cream—caused serious liver and kidney damage in rats.

Since the New York Times first reported on OCA’s testing findings, the news about Ben & Jerry’s has been picked by thousands of media outlets, including TV stations, in the U.S. and internationally, including in Germany, the U.K., France, Mexico, Portugal and Japan.

No surprise, it didn’t take long for critics to come out of the woodwork—mostly the usual suspects who defend Monsanto. Their criticisms focused largely on the amounts of glyphosate detected in the ice cream, and how they fall below the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) “allowable safe levels”—levels that don’t take into account the latest research.

We should be outraged. By Monsanto knowingly selling a toxic product, and covering up that fact by attacking credible independent scientists. By government agencies that allowed, and possibly even colluded in the cover-ups and attacks. And by companies like Ben & Jerry’s that profess great concern for the environment, the climate, and “social responsibility,” while excusing themselves from having to live up to those promises.

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Entry Point

Entry_Point_Global_Citizen_News_Digital_Financial_IdentityBy Global Citizen News

The UN and all the other partners in the ID2020 project have identified the point of vaccination as their ‘Entry Point’ for giving everyone a Digital Financial Identity. Johnson & Johnson and UNICEF as well as the WHO are very much involved. Each person needs to be given a unique identifying number. This wouldn’t work if we were just bombarded randomly with microdust. They want structured organisations behind their plans.

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You Might Already Be Microchipped

2-format2010Leaked Docs Confirm Virtually Everything on Planet Tracked (Video)


100 Trillion Microscopic Tracking Chips Linking All Resources & People in Real Time.

Check this patent out

Much of our products are made in China and abroad, how easy to sprinkle smart dust aka tracking chips into the food and beverage supply, electronics and even cheap merchandise could easily be tainted with these tracking technologies!

Much of the Vaccine supply today comes from China, known for putting faulty chips in computers and defense systems the US has used for decades.

What about sabotage, putting this stuff in Organic Cereal, Crackers, Vitamins, Fruit Drinks, even the meats that are processed over seas?

What about the dark cabal that works inside the system here in the US? How easy with these technologies would it be?

Its getting deep folks.

I often wonder why, why there is no serious Revolt or Revolution , no real change, even when many people are dying and being catastrophically injured you see this regularly and people never really do anything about it? Why? Why is the world so docile ? What would be more effective than a microscopic enemy already in your backyard and probably already inside you?

What happens when your mind has already been rewritten, with or without your consent? You’ve probably seen the Rats, Bats and other animals controlled via remote control microchip connect in the Lab?

Wifi tech with 5G type capabilities and trillions of chips around the globe that emit the MK signal.

The controllers behind the controllers that you don’t see, i might not see them and i feel them and it becomes more clear everyday for me, what about you?

UK Plans to Scrap Gasoline and Diesel Cars by 2040

Screen-Shot-2017-07-27-at-6.44.41-AMBy The Guardian

The UK has committed to ban all new gasoline and diesel cars by 2040, supposedly to improve air quality. [Forcing people into public transportation is a long-standing goal of the UN as a means of getting people out of rural areas and into cities where they can be more effectively monitored and controlled. Britain is following French President Macron’s plan to ban sales of gasoline and diesel by 2040 in order to meet his goals under the Paris climate accord.  Authorities plan to replace internal combustion engine vehicles with electric vehicles and buses. They say that taxes will be used for this only as a last resort – but they lie. Everyone knows that the implementation of this plan would cost more than the entire nation’s gross national product and could be financed only through taxes and inflation, which is an indirect tax. The subsidies would crush what little is left of a viable economy. If you want to know what life would be like crammed into cities without private transportation, read Orwell’s 1984.]

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China Is Using Artificial Intelligence to Predict Who Is Likely to Commit A Crime and Arrest Them Before They Do It

Screen-Shot-2017-07-28-at-6.08.39-AMBy Sean Martin
China to use technology to predict crimes BEFORE they happen
Much like in the 2002 film Minority Report, starring Tom Cruise, authorities in the east Asian country want to catch criminals before they have done any wrongdoing.The police in the surveillance state have enlisted the help of AI to determine who is going to commit a crime before its happened.Li Meng, vice-minister of science, said: “If we use our smart systems and smart facilities well, we can know beforehand… who might be a terrorist, who might do something bad.”One of the ways China is hoping to peek into the future is with facial recognition firm Cloud Walk which is trialling software that gathers data on where people are what they are doing.For example, if a citizen is to visit a weapons shop then the firm can combine this with other data to assess the individuals chance of committing a crime.Cloud Walk spokesperson Fu Xiaolong told the Financial Times: “The police are using a big-data rating system to rate highly suspicious groups of people based on where they go and what they do.”He added that the risk rises if the person “frequently visits transport hubs and goes to suspicious places like a knife store”. The move will require heavy surveillance.

Another way that the police can use AI to predict crimes is through algorithms that use “crowd analysis” to detect “suspicious” patterns of individuals to determine if they are a thief, for example.It can also be used to monitor “high risk” locations, such as knife and hammer shops.
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Sperm Levels in Western Men Have Fallen by 50% over the Past 40 Years – and The Trend Continues


Sperm levels of men in Western nations have decreased by 50% over the last four decades.  In that time, no comparable decline has occurred in South America, Asia, or Africa.  A major cause of this is the introduction of toxic chemicals into common products used in advanced countries that impact the male reproductive system. Leaders in the Western world have long advocated fertility reduction through chemicals added to water supplies and vaccines. Now that we have toxic chemicals added to everything we eat, breath, and touch, it is possible that an irreversible process has been started leading to the extinction of entire populations and races living in the Western world. [The video embedded in this article provides an excellent overview of “The Disappearing Male” but be aware that we strongly disagree with the opinion expressed therein that global warming is a comparable threat.]

Afghani Refugees Committing Most Rapes and Crime in Europe – says RAND Corporation Strategist

muslim-refugees-munichBy d

Dr. Cheryl Bernard, author of several books on Islamic politics and terrorism, and a former program director for the RAND Corporation, says that Afghan refugees in Europe are responsible for most of the random sexual attacks on girls and women, often committed by gangs or packs of young men.  An Afghani court reporter, who has seen hundreds of refugee court cases, says that the motivation for these crimes is a deep hatred for Western civilization.  To them, Europeans are the enemy, and their women are legitimate spoils, as are all the other things one can take from them: housing, money, personal property, passports.  Afghan refugees believe they are the tip of the spear of Islamic hordes that eventually will overpower Western culture.

Climate Change Cultists Are Working To Destroy All Plant, Animal and Human Life on the Entire Planet

plants-thrive-on-co2By Jeff Phillips-Wefferson

Plants breathe in carbon dioxide and with sunlight, use their chlorophyl molecules to manufacture food, and exhale oxygen. They are autotrophs, meaning that they make their own food. Animals, on the other hand, breathe in oxygen but have no chlorophyl with which to photosynthesize, so they have to eat plants for food. Animals exhale carbon dioxide. Animals are heterotrophs, meaning they do not make their own food.

This brilliant article from Mike ‘Health Ranger’ Adams sums up my own thinking quite succinctly:

“The “War on Carbon” is rooted in the most outrageously dangerous, dishonest and degenerate anti-science bunk that’s ever been shoveled into the minds of the masses. Far from being a “pollutant,” carbon dioxide is the “Miracle Molecule of Life” for re-greening the planet through reforestation. This essential molecule supports the entire web of life on our planet, and without it, all plants, animals and humans would die.

Yet, despise this undeniable scientific fact, nearly all climate change activists and “environmentalists” have been brainwashed into believing that carbon dioxide is an evil gas that will destroy the planet. They have been brainwashed into believing exactly the opposite of what is true. That’s the power of the dishonest media, corrupted science and government-run science myths and depopulation narratives that function as not just a war on facts, but even a war on logic and reason.

Quite literally, environmentalists across the world now think the very molecule that all plant life depends on is evil and destructive. They want to eliminate it from the planet. Yet if they succeed, they will murder us all, and there won’t be a single human left alive on the entire planet. Is that what they want?

Climate change cultists are working to destroy all plant, animal and human life on the entire planet.”



“Global climate engineering programs continue to destroy the planet’s life support systems, including the ozone layer. The former NASA aerospace avionics engineer who has been working directly with Geoengineering Watch has issued an even more dire report on the unfolding ozone layer collapse. He has continued his ongoing UV radiation monitoring efforts with state of the art UV metering equipment supplied by GeoengineeringWatch.orgThose who are most aware of their surroundings have long since taken note of the growing intensity of the sun. This change is not due to increased solar activity, rather, it is a dire symptom of Earth’s rapidly disintegrating ozone layer. Geoengineering Watch has issued previous warnings of the rapidly increasing UV radiation. Though there are many anthropogenic factors negatively impacting the life sustaining ozone layer, ongoing covert climate engineering programs are mathematically by far the most damaging. Many mainstream and “official” sources falsely claim that the southern hemisphere ozone hole is “recovering” (in order to pacify populations), however,  front-line data does not support the “ozone recovery” official narrative. Since the start of this century UV levels comparable to the surface of Mars have been recorded. The same sources of false “ozone layer recovery” data do not even mention the massive and growing northern hemisphere ozone hole. ”


Global Warming BOMBSHELL: Systematic Science FRAUD Revealed in Alteration of Temperature Data

Planet-Earth-Buring-Space-FireBy Mike Adams

A rational review of global warming data has unveiled systematic scientific fraud to alter temperature data in support of the global warming false narrative. This is the largest discovery of scientific fraud in the history of science, and it shows that “global warming” and “climate change” are elaborate science hoaxes rooted in fraud, not fact. As The Daily Caller reports:

A new study found adjustments made to global surface temperature readings by scientists in recent years “are totally inconsistent with published and credible U.S. and other temperature data.”

The purpose of the widespread fraud has been to achieve “consensus” by exposing scientists to fake data that appear to show a catastrophic rise in average global temperatures. It’s all being done to support the moneymaking scam of carbon taxes that enrich fraudulent science hoaxers like Al Gore who are raking in billions of dollars from carbon tax schemes and oppressive government regulation of carbon emissions.

The fraudulent warming data are then used as a basis for climate modeling software systems that extrapolate the fraudulent data to predict “climate doomsday” for the planet. This is where delusional scientists like Stephen Hawking lose their minds and claim that Earth will be transformed into Venus with temperatures over 800 degrees (F) and sulfuric acid rain. In truth, humanity couldn’t achieve such large-scale terraforming outcomes even if we tried.

As Daily Caller reports:

“Nearly all of the warming they are now showing are in the adjustments,” Meteorologist Joe D’Aleo, a study co-author, told The Daily Caller News Foundation in an interview. “Each dataset pushed down the 1940s warming and pushed up the current warming.”

The greatest science HOAX in human history

The entire climate change / global warming narrative is an elaborate science hoax that’s being continually faked through the ongoing, systematic alteration of temperature data in order to “conform” with the false narrative. At every level, it is Orwellian science at its worst, complete with its own Ministry of Truth that pushes its false narrative through the fake news media. Many scientists are deliberately participating in the fraud, knowingly working to alter temperature data in order to prop up their delusional narratives that collapse under the slightest scrutiny.

This is why all rational skepticism about climate change is shamed and silenced: Because the fake science narrative cannot withstand scientific scrutiny. Thus, its proponents declare “the science is settled,” meaning no discussion or dissent shall be allowed (because if it were, the fraud would be quickly exposed).

This is how “science” got hijacked by climate change cultists who share more in common with dogmatic, tyrannical CULTS than anything that could be honestly labeled “science.”

Google’s sister company releasing 20 million mosquitoes infected with fertility-destroying bacteria… DEPOPULATION experiment?

On July 14, Google’s bio-lab began releasing the first batches of the 20 million bacteria-filled mosquitoes they plan to set free in the heart of California in an effort to shrink the population of mosquitoes that can carry life-threatening diseases. The project, called Debug Fresno, is an initiative led by Verily Life Sciences, an offshoot of Google’s parent company Alphabet, in collaboration with MosquitoMate and Fresno County’s Consolidated Mosquito Abatement District.

According to the scientists, the goal of the project is to cut the population of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes — which are known for spreading Zika, dengue, and chikungunya. Over the course of 20 weeks, the company will release 1 million sterile, non-biting male mosquitoes in two 300-acre neighborhoods in Fresno County every week.

What could possibly go wrong?

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All media coverage of “measles outbreaks” is scripted FAKE NEWS to promote vaccine industry interests

Vaccine-3-Ampoules-Ampule-Background-Biotechnology-BottleBy Lance Johnson

We are living under a pharmaceutical dictatorship that spends billions of dollars to systematically bribe medical professionals and influence lawmakers. This industry uses the media and associated press not only to advertise its products but also to influence news stories that scare people into vaccinating for alleged protection against benign illnesses.

For example, all media coverage of “measles outbreaks” is really a scripted re-run pharmaceutical advertisement used to scare parents so they will submit their children and comply with the vaccine industry’s current orders. No real information is shared about measles, why so-called vaccine protection wears off, why deadly measles cases were going down before a vaccine was introduced, or why no one has died from the complication of this illness in the past decade. These scare stories never reveal why it’s a good thing to be naturally exposed to the measles virus, so an individual can gain real, lifelong immunity that also prepares the immune system for more important stressors later in life.

These news stories are used to get in the minds of all people, to make everyone doubt themselves before they refuse the 50+ doses of vaccine that are now pushed on children by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) which owns vaccine patents and is part of the industry. These scripted FAKE NEWS stories always target those who choose not to vaccinate to make them feel responsible for the advertised disease and to get other people to blame them too. It’s psychological warfare.

Scare tactics are used throughout the medical system

In fear of losing their license, reputation, and medical authority, most medical doctors and pediatricians push the vaccines that they are told to push by the CDC. They have virtually no knowledge of how the natural immune system works, so they blindly cite the science that they are fed by the industry and/or bribed to prescribe. It’s hard to find a doctor that hasn’t been bribed by pharmaceutical interests. Instead of learning about the many facets of the natural immune system and how it is activated, we’re taught to believe that we are deficient in vaccine science, that they are a safe replacement for our bodies and work 100% of the time. Even though infectious disease, communicable disease, superbug infections, neurological disorders and non-communicable disease including cancer are all at an all time high in our world, vaccines are credited for solving our public health problems and making our immune system strong! On top of all this, we’ve been weakened to the point of accepting vaccine damage as a normal way of life and forced to pretend this perpetual chemical and heavy metal augmentation of our bodies is going to sustain us.

From state to state, laws are written to push a number of vaccinations onto infants and children, forcing parents to beg for exemptions if they disagree with the vaccine dictates. Disease scares are played and replayed through the scripted media to motivate legislatures to pass new mandatory vaccine laws that take away any conscientious, philosophical, or religious exemptions to vaccinations. California did just that by passing SB277, America’s most severe mandatory vaccination law that strips parents of their rights and denies children a public education if they are free from one, some, or all of the pharmaceutical industry’s dictated vaccines.

Furthermore, the public outcry against coercive and forced pharmaceuticals is stifled by the FAKE NEWS media that is dead set on carrying out the wishes of the pharmaceutical vaccine tyrants.

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Points For “Good Behaviour”: Canadian Government Introduces the Creepiest App Ever

carrotBy James Corbett

Yes, the Canadian government has rolled out an app that gives you points for eating well and exercising and taking quizzes about the flu shot and other healthy activities! And everyone seems totally fine with this. Welcome to the future, everyone, because the totalitarian states of tomorrow will be more carrot than stick, and we will all be pigeons in a virtual Skinner box. What could go wrong?

Watch the video:

Behavioral science is merging with game design, creating virtual Skinner boxes that have been carefully crafted to keep millions of people doing meaningless, repetitive tasks for thousands of hours. Those techniques are being studied by (and in some cases, like in China, implemented by) governments to better shape and manipulate the behaviors of their citizens. And this merger of behavioral science, gaming and government will be one of the biggest threats to free humanity in the history of the human species.

You thought, like so many others have thought before, in so many different contexts, that it could never happen here. It could never happen to us.

Well, guess what? It’s happening. Worldwide, they’re rolling out the governmental behavior control games, and they’re not even hiding it. The nightmare future has arrived.

This time it’s coming from the Canadian government, which the brainwashed Canadian public has been duped into believing is a doting mother who wants nothing more than to swaddle her citizen/children in her loving arms. I should know, having been born in the geographical space that the mapmakers call “Canada” and having the word “Canadian” stamped on my passport. Yes, the very same magical book that allows me to pass the imaginary lines of the psychopathic control freaks and that declares me to be a loyal subject of Her Majesty Queen Elizardbeast, so take it with a grain of salt. But the point is: Canadians have been taught to love their government, not fear it—because, after all, their government adores them.

And what better sign of that maternal love than a government-sponsored app to encourage you to live a healthier lifestyle? Well, guess what, fellow comrade of the Canadian socialist utopia? You’re in luck! The government of Ontario has just announced that it’s investing $1.5 million in just such an app. And the CBC, the media indoctrination arm of the Canadian government’s Ministry of Truth, tells us this is because they are betting the app will make you healthy. So what could possibly go wrong here?

Long story short: In 2015, the Public Health Agency of Canada teamed up with the Heart and Stroke Foundation, the Canadian Diabetes Association, and YMCA Canada to create an app that would manipulate its users into pre-determined behaviors—in this case “healthy behaviors” (as determined, of course, by the Canadian government and its cohorts). The app rewards users for “correct” behavior with points that can then be redeemed for real world goods via tie-ins with popular Canadian loyalty and point programs like Aeroplan, Petro Points, Scene (Cineplex), and More Rewards. The federal government ponied up $5 million to get the app off the ground.

So, just to be crystal clear: Canada’s nanny state has openly developed a behavioral modification program to reward citizens for “good” behavior. And the very best part? The app is named “Carrot Rewards.” As in “carrot and stick.” You can’t make this stuff up.

The app is so far only available in British Columbia, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Ontario (but you can petition your provincial government to partner with the program, too!) and to date has 300,000 registered users.

Now let’s play a little game of our own: I challenge you to go out there and find a single article, video, newscast or blog post about the Carrot Rewards app that isn’t spine-chillingly creepy. I don’t exempt the app’s official feel-good marketing dreck from that challenge, either. In fact, the advertisements for this app are especially creepy.

The United Nations’ Cult of Happiness and the New World Economy

indexHere are some excerpts taken from an article of . This is very important information about what is happening now in 2017.

By Julie Beal

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! A simple cure for political activism has been found! Forget your worries, because all you have to do is …. BE HAPPY!!! The science of happiness has shown that only 10% of how we feel is related to our circumstances; 50% is genetic; and the rest is up to us!

Don’t laugh . . . but the United Nations, and all the other Big Boys, want to know how ‘well’ we are. Economists, ecologists, and evangelical psychologists have proclaimed we must “measure what matters” and “go beyond GDP” – making our level of wellness matter a great deal. Claiming they want to make us feel better, the globalists have already begun conducting massive surveys in order to measure our well-being. This is part of a well-established plan to measure, alongside the traditional material assets, all the natural capital in the world; human, social, and environmental assets are to feature as part of a new system of national account keeping, which will either complement, or replace, the traditional measures of GDP.

This will change our economy radically, as part of the economic phase transition we are currently living through, such as new currencies being formed based on ‘social credits’. Measuring well-being will extend this trend, and create a global cult of mindless happiness, opening the door for governments to make ‘interventions’, as each person’s well-being becomes the concern of all. This is Big Pharma’s wet dream.

Governments around the world have agreed to start measuring and recording the (pre-defined) ‘well-being’ of their citizens, and incorporate these into their national accounts. It is said that the usual measures of GDP are not enough: we need to gauge the progress of a country by incorporating statistical analyses of the level of ‘happiness’ each population has achieved. This is effectively an Emotional Census – and is thought likely to be conducted using cell phones, which are already equipped with a suite of sensors.

That we all want to be happy goes without saying – but the happiness movement, for all its positivity, is a highly contentious political issue. There needs to be widespread discussion about this, because ‘measuring what matters’ means pricing what matters, and it is linked to the far-reaching aim of Agenda 21. Besides, the Happiness Angels are already fluttering in the wings, ready to help you be just like them.

The first United Nations ‘International Day of Happiness’ was held in March, and a rash of apps, and happiness ambassadors, have emerged to help further the agenda, as if it were a new idea to be happy! The health and happiness of every nation is to be assessed, to help create the New World Economy. This requires regular standardised surveys about personal well-being, which involve very probing questions about your innermost feelings – things that no-one has a right to ask, never mind add to a database which is then used to judge and ‘help’ you.

The quickest and most efficient way to gather data for these global surveys of well-being is via mobile phones, and the more data that’s gathered the more ‘reliable’ the metrics will be deemed to be. Smart phones are already equipped with numerous sensors (including, accelerometer, digital compass, gyroscope, GPS, microphone, camera, proximity sensor, ambient light sensor), which are capable of deducing a whole bunch of stuff about your feelings, health, and movements.

Read the entire article here:

DARPA Commits $65M to Brain Implant Program for Super Soldier Project

military-brain-chip-1024x554By Aaron Kesel

The U.S. military is disclosing a super soldier project, revealing to have allocated funding of $65 million dollars for a program to develop a ‘Brain-Computer Interface’ that would allow participants to plug into a computer like the movie The Matrix. No this isn’t science fiction Neo, this is the future that the MIC wants for its soldiers.

Earlier last year in January, DARPA launched Neural Engineering System Design to research technology that could turn soldiers into cyborgs.

The military wants to use these programs to “give soldiers supersenses and boost brainpower.” Four teams will be responsible for increasing vision and two on hearing and speech. The military adds that this will help develop “new treatments for patients with sensory disorders.”

Read more:

Evidence that Medical Cannabis Can Cure Cancer Continues to Grow

medical-marijuana-budsBy Paul Fassa

Recent scientific research in France has determined cannabinoid receptors exist on mitochondria cells. This news has not reached mainstream media outlets and seems to be underreported even by alternative health sites on the internet.

This author only recently discovered the information after doing several articles on cannabis for curing many diseases, especially cancer. The internal endocannabinoid system with its two sets of cannabinoid receptors, C1 nervous system receptors and C2 immune system receptors, was discovered over two decades ago.

These receptors allow cannabinoids from cannabis to attach their health giving attributes to various internal physiological systems.

But the French mitochondrial discovery seems to be the key to understanding why cannabis is able to handle several different diseases, including cancer. Without this, skeptics can become more skeptical about all those cannabis cure reports and think of cannabis as snake-oil medicine and an excuse to get “high.”

Also, many others will be duped into using mainstream medical methods that have very poor cure histories with many adverse side effects before desperation drives them toward cannabis or any other alternative method.

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New 5G Cell Towers and Smart Meters to Increase Microwave Radiation – Invade Privacy


Telecom Companies are Going Green, but Their Version of Green will cause Illness and Death

By John P. Thomas

When the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) approved the use of 5-G microwave communication technology in 2016 and approved the use of microwave frequencies in the 30 Ghz range, they opened the door to even higher levels of human illness and severe disability for American children and adults.

Microwave radiation such as that currently being used in cell phones, Wi-Fi routers, and smart meters has already been linked to numerous health effects.

The introduction of even more intense levels of microwave exposure at higher frequencies will push many people into life-threatening chronic illness. High frequency microwave radiation is often overlooked as a causative factor in illness, because most conventional healthcare providers, government regulators, telecom companies, and electric utilities believe microwave radiation used in communication technology is harmless.

Despite the warnings being raised by scientists, well informed healthcare providers, and grassroots organizations about existing and future microwave hazards, telecom companies are planning to implement 5G technology throughout every urban area in America. They are already testing this new generation wireless telecommunication infrastructure in Boston, Austin, Palo Alto, and Mountain View California.

Health Dangers of Microwave Radiation have been Well Documented

The symptoms of microwave radiation exposure include fatigue, headaches, heart palpitations, high pitched ringing in the ears, dizziness, disturbed sleep at night, sleepiness in daytime, moodiness, irritability, unsociability, feelings of fear, anxiety, nervous tension, mental depression, memory impairment, pain in muscles, pain in the region of the heart, and breathing difficulties, to name a few.

Inflammation (caused by excess histamine in the blood), oxidative stress, autoimmune responses, reduced blood flow to the region of the thalamus, pathologic leakage of the blood-brain barrier, and a deficit in melatonin metabolic availability have all been observed.

There is evidence that existing and new frequencies of microwave radiation are associated with cancer, heart disease, neurological dysfunction, immune system suppression, cataracts of the eyes, and sperm malformation.

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Climate Change Scientists Launch Geoengineering Experiment That May Accidentally Cause GLOBAL FAMINE


Climate change “mad scientists” from Harvard have been given the green light to pursue a geoengineering experiment that will expel aerosols into the atmosphere to block out the sun in a deranged effort to halt so-called “global warming.”

The initial experiment is small, but if it is deemed a success, it could be scaled up with billions of dollars in government funding and end up being a planetary-scale experiment to play God with the atmosphere.

Gee, what could possibly go wrong? As I point out in this video, if a large volcano happens to blow at the same time, the massive amount of particulate matter ejected into the atmosphere by the eruption would cause global dimming. That result, combined with the Harvard “mad scientist” aerosol sun blocking effort, could lead to global food crop failures and FAMINE. Mass starvation, anyone?

In an effort to halt so-called “climate change” in other words, mad scientists are willing to put the entire human population at risk of a catastrophic global famine. Apparently, they’ve never heard about the Law of Unintended Consequences, sometimes dubbed “Murphy’s Law” in the sciences. It dictates that if something can go wrong, it will go wrong.

Now if only they could just genetically engineer crops to produce food without photosynthesis… hmmm…

Learn more:

Science SHOCK: Chlorine in swimming pools transforms sunscreen into cancer-causing toxic chemical right on your skin

If you think you’re doing something good by slathering sunscreen on yourself and your kids before hitting the pool, you might want to think again. A new study places sunscreen firmly on the list of products that can do more harm than good as Russian scientists discover the destructive effects of chlorine in swimming pools on sunscreen.

Researchers from Lomonosov Moscow State University have discovered that the world’s most popular active sunscreen ingredient, avobenzone, breaks down into something far more sinister in chlorinated water. Two of the chemicals it produces upon mixing with the water, phenols and acetyl benzenes, are of particular concern because of their toxicity. This reaction takes place on your wet skin when the sunscreen reacts to UV radiation and chlorinated water, and the chemicals have been linked to problems like immune system damage, infertility, and cancer.

In swimming pools that use copper salts to make the water look blue, this reaction is even worse. In that case, the sunscreen can break down into bromoform, a substance that has been linked to nervous system disorders, liver problems, and kidney problems.

In addition to sunscreen, avobenzone is often used in moisturizers, creams and lipsticks that offer SPF.

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Chemical Pushing Doctors Know Prescription Drugs Make Health Matters Worse

317C4C4400000578-3460321-Too_much_medicine_is_doing_more_harm_than_good_and_costing_hundr-a-19_1456259698007By S.D.Wells

Ever heard of the 250,000 cotton farmers in central India who took their own lives after being manipulated by promises made by Monsanto? Monsanto claimed to be able to put an end to famine and promised unheard of riches and crop prosperity if the farmers would switch from their conventional farming methods to the use of GM seeds. Many farmers had to borrow money to purchase these seeds, and after several failed harvests, they were left with no income and out of control debt. After going bankrupt from Monsanto’s Ponzi scheme the farmers fell into an endless cycle of depression, hopelessness and despair. It is also believed that, aside from the obvious issue of loss of income, the daily contact with the poisonous pesticides and herbicides also led to the depression these farmers suffered from. They believed the only way out was suicide, many even poisoning themselves with the same pesticides they used to spray on their failed crops.

Do you really believe that dementia and depression caused by consuming toxic pesticides are limited to occupational hazards? What U.S. medical doctors ever test their patient’s blood or urine for pesticides before “recommending” chemical-based prescription medicines to relieve symptoms of pesticide poisoning, heavy metal toxin overload and the resulting nutritional deficiencies?

According to the Alzheimer’s Association and a controlled study that was done at Emory University’s Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, elevated serum pesticide levels are directly correlated to increased risk of dementia. Currently, at least five million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease – the most common form of dementia and a progressive, fatal brain disease. Is this a coincidence? More and more American crops are being dosed with known carcinogens manufactured in laboratories by Monsanto, Dow, Dupont, Syngenta, Cargill and Bayer. Still, hundreds of thousands of U.S. doctors give zero nutritional advice to their patients who come to them suffering from the obvious symptoms, diseases and disorders caused by ingesting pesticides, including those toxins found in genetically modified corn, soy and canola. Go figure.

Read more: Five types of doctors who know nothing about nutrition and push chemical medicines to cover up symptoms of deeper-rooted health problems.

“I Was Wrong”: Judge Admits Jailing People for Pot “Haunts” Him After Cannabis Saved His Life

JUDGE-CANNABIS-700x368By Matt Agorist

Prior to this year, the state of Florida was regarded as one of the worst possible states to be caught in possession of cannabis. According to a 2009 analysis by former NORML Director, Jon Gettman, no state in this country punished people more severely for minor marijuana offenses than Florida. However, thanks in part to a former Florida judge, all this is gradually changing.

By October 3, for the first time in its history, the state will issue IDs to medical marijuana patients. However, according to the former judge, the law doesn’t go nearly far enough.

Throughout the course of his career as a Florida judge, Doug Bench hated marijuana. He admits to locking up hundreds of people for this plant and did so because he thought it was the right thing to do. While it is too late for the now-retired judge to help those whose lives he likely ruined through the persecution of pot, he is taking actions to help countless others now and in the future.

When Bench was diagnosed with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, or COPD, which can result in a slow and painful death, his life was saved after realizing the benefits of cannabis in treating his disease. Now, Bench has made it his life’s work to wake people up to the “70 years of lies” the US government has told the citizens about marijuana.

In a public forum on Florida’s Medical Marijuana Implementation earlier this year, Bench presented a powerful speech to note how the law simply does not go far enough to help those who need access to cannabis.

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