Tony Blair Apologizes for Lying About Iraq. Will Bush?

By Christopher Manion

Tony the profiteering slime confesses, struggling for damage control on the eve of the publication of the Chilcot Report that will publicly document the mendacity that he and Bush employed to promote the Iraq War.

Blair apologizes not only for lying the UK into war, but also for its aftermath. He admits what Christian patriarchs across the Middle East have been telling us for years: the Iraq invasion caused what Islam had been trying – unsuccessfully – to do since the seventh century: to eradicate Christianity from the Middle East.

Since the bipartisan establishment willingly went along with the war, there has been no similar investigation of Bush in the United States. So while Cheney snarls and blames Obama, Bush has been able to escape Blair’s fate, and hides out in shame somewhere in Texas.

“History will vindicate us,” Tony brayed with Bush at his side some ten years ago.

Well, we know how that worked out.

The question abides – Bush was elected because he was such a wonderful Christian.

As a Christian, how can George W. Bush remain silent as the chaos cause by his his wars destroy the cradle of Christianity — terrorizing, torturing, and killing thousands of Christians?

Tony Blair has finally said, “I’m sorry.”

Can Bush?

Project Blue Beam: Yes, the Gov’t Researched Projecting Holograms of God as a Mass Psyop

Blue beamby Aaron and Melissa Dykes for Truth Stream Media

“Seeing” and “hearing” haven’t been equal to “believing” for a long time.

Some people have claimed that Project Blue Beam — a government conspiracy to attempt to instill a New World Order by making the masses believe in a technologically simulated second coming of Christ — was completely made up and has no real basis in reality.

Considering how screwed up what we just typed is, we actually wish those people were right. Unfortunately, they’re wrong.

We came across a Washington Post article written in 1999 entitled, “When Seeing and Hearing Isn’t Believing”, all about psychological operations, or psyops. When they started talking about projecting holograms of Allah over Iraq, they weren’t joking around.

What if the U.S. projected a holographic image of Allah floating over Baghdad urging the Iraqi people and Army to rise up against Saddam, a senior Air Force officer asked in 1990?

According to a military physicist given the task of looking into the hologram idea, the feasibility had been established of projecting large, three-dimensional objects that appeared to float in the air.

They came to the conclusion it would require too much hardware (a one-mile square mirror in space, for one) and too much power to be feasible in during Operation Desert Storm. (Also, it’s diabolical and evil.)

So, case closed? Nope.

The Gulf War hologram story might be dismissed were it not the case that has learned that a super secret program was established in 1994 to pursue the very technology for PSYOPS application. The “Holographic Projector” is described in a classified Air Force document as a system to “project information power from space … for special operations deception missions.”

Who was it that said Project Blue Beam is just a “conspiracy theory” again?

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Iceland Just Jailed Dozens of Corrupt Bankers for 74 Years, The Opposite of What America Does

iceland-arrests-bankersBy Jay Syrmopoulos

Reykjavik, Iceland – In stark contrast to the record low number of prosecutions of CEO’s and high-level financial executives in the U.S., Iceland has just sentenced 26 bankers to a combined 74 years in prison.

The majority of those convicted have been sentenced to prison terms of two to five years. The maximum penalty in Iceland for financial crimes is six years, although hearings are currently underway to consider extending the maximum beyond six years.

The prosecutions are the result of Iceland’s banksters manipulating the Icelandic financial markets after Iceland deregulated their finance sector in 2001. Eventually, an accumulation of foreign debt resulted in a meltdown of the entire banking sector in 2008.

According to Iceland Magazine:
In two separate rulings last week, the Supreme Court of Iceland and the Reykjavík District Court sentenced three top managers of Landsbankinn and two top managers of Kaupþing, along with one prominent investor, to prison for crimes committed in the lead-up to the financial collapse of 2008. With these rulings the number of bankers and financiers who have been sentenced to prison for crimes relating to the financial collapse has reached 26, and a combined prison time of 74 years.

Massive debts were incurred in the name of the Icelandic public, to allow the country to continue to function, which are still being repaid to the IMF and other nations eight years later by the citizens of Iceland. In contrast to the U.S., Iceland has chosen to hold the criminals that manipulated their financial system accountable under the law.

In the U.S., not a single banking executive was charged with crimes related to the 2008 financial crisis, even though the U.S. itself precipitated the crisis. Icelandic President, Olafur Ragnar Grimmson summed it up best in his response when asked how his country recovered from the global financial crisis.

“We were wise enough not to follow the traditional prevailing orthodoxies of the Western financial world in the last 30 years. We introduced currency controls, we let the banks fail, we provided support for the people and didn’t introduce austerity measures like you’re seeing in Europe.”

While Iceland has prosecuted those that caused their financial crisis, America has done the opposite. In 2008, after Congress bailed out the failing American banks to the tune of $700 billion dollars, courtesy of the American taxpayer, many of the executives of institutions that received TARP bailout funds ended up getting large bonuses!

The prosecution of the Icelandic banksters represents an accountability that does not exist in the United States of America. It seems clear that the financial “Masters of the Universe” are the ones that truly control the political apparatus in the U.S., making it obvious there is no one who is going to hold them accountable for manipulating and crashing the financial markets.

Please share this article to help expose who really controls the political system in the United States!!

Canada’s New PM Issues Challenge to US – “We’re Ending Wars and Legalizing Pot”

canada-us-marijuanaBy Justin Gardner

If the phone conversation with President Obama is any indication of Justin Trudeau’s commitment, Canada will be giving its southern neighbor lessons in peace and freedom.

Trudeau, Canada’s Prime Minister-elect, told Obama on Tuesday that he will withdraw their fighter jets from Iraq and Syria. Both of these campaigns represent U.S. military aggression based on deceit and manufactured consent.

By withdrawing machines of death and destruction from the two countries plagued by military hegemony, Trudeau is making a strong statement and standing firm behind his commitment.

“I committed that we would continue to engage in a responsible way that understands how important Canada has a role to play in the fight against ISIL (Islamic State), but he (Barack Obama) understands the commitments I’ve made around ending the combat mission,” he told reporters in Ottawa on Tuesday.

Interestingly, the announcement was not included in a White House read-out of the phone call.

As we know, Iraq was a war of aggression based on outright lies that preyed upon America’s post-9/11 sentiment, carried out by a cabal that always wanted to invade and occupy the country.

The military intervention in Syria is another inevitable (desired?) result of a long tradition of U.S. meddling in the Middle East. Arming the mujahideen in Afghanistan during the 1980’s brought about the growth of al-Qaida, but that didn’t stop warmongers from making the same mistake. In its quest to enact regime change in Syria, the U.S. armed jihadists that would become ISIS fighting against President Assad but also committing atrocities against civilians.

By dissociating his country’s fighter jets from these campaigns, Trudeau stands against military aggression and for the preservation of peace.

The party took a clear stance against prohibition and has vowed to legalize and regulate cannabis, among other drug war reforms. Canada would become the second country in the world, behind Uruguay, to have legalized all aspects of the cannabis market.

“Canada’s current system of marijuana prohibition does not work. It does not prevent young people from using marijuana and too many Canadians end up with criminal records for possessing small amounts of the drug.

Arresting and prosecuting these offenses is expensive for our criminal justice system. It traps too many Canadians in the criminal justice system for minor, non-violent offenses. At the same time, the proceeds from the illegal drug trade support organized crime and greater threats to public safety, like human trafficking and hard drugs.”

Trudeau’s phone conversation with Obama was a promising statement by Canada’s new leadership to advance the idea of peace. It seems that a nod to freedom will follow by ending the war on weed.

The U.S. can take a cue from its neighbor or continue its downward spiral of death and oppression.

80 Years Ago Edgar Cayce Predicted Putin’s Role in Stopping WW3

WakingTimes_com-Edgar-Cayce-Russia-UniverseBy Buck Rogers, Staff for Waking Times

Watching geo-political events unfold today is like watching a slow motion train wreck, especially if you’re informed by history and understand the connection between ‘World Wars‘ and the unseen influences behind international politics and global banking.

Edgar Cayce is one of the world’s most revered psychics, the ‘Sleeping Prophet,’ as they called him, and many consider him to be the father of holistic medicine. Entering into trance-like states of consciousness at will, he could divine information from some extra-ordinary plane of existence on behalf of his patients or in response to specific queries from an audience. He was remarkably insightful and accurate, which is why his name is so familiar to so many.

Much of what he brought back from the ‘Source’ of his inspired information pertained to specific medical issues, but in the staggering volumes of his readings and written works there is an abundance of insight and prophecy related to larger global political and social events.

“Dreams are today’s answers to tomorrow’s questions.” –Edgar Cayce

Many of Cayce’s psychic readings occurred in the early part of the 20th century during two World Wars and the Great Depression, but before his death in 1947 he had already seen many of his predictions come true, including foretelling of the stock market crash of 1929, foreseeing events related to both World Wars, and even the warning of the untimely deaths of two American presidents.

In a series of what he called ‘World Affairs Readings,’ Cayce made many remarkable statements about the future of world finance, world leadership, collective spirituality, and interestingly the role that somehow Russia was to play as a force of right in the coming global turmoil that we see unfolding before our eyes today.

The Thorn in the Side of Europe

Cayce foresaw that future world crises would hinge on finance, and he pointed to Russia as being the thorn in the side of the financial powers that were organizing themselves against the good of humanity in a post WWII world.

When asked in 1932 about political and economic trends in Europe Cayce zeroed in on Russia:

Europe is as a house broken up. Some years ago there was the experience of a mighty peoples being overridden for the gratification and satisfaction of a few, irrespective of any other man’s right. That peoples are going through the experience of being born again, and is the thorn in the flesh to many a political and financial nation in Europe, in the world… Q. What is the name of that nation referred to? A. Russia! (3976-8)” [Source]

70 years after the defeat of the Axis powers, Russia has been reborn, but the rest of the world is now largely under the thumb of the Western globalist banking cartel. This cartel is organized as the IMF, the World Bank, the Bank for International Settlements, and the global network of central banks, reserve banks, development banks, and investment banks that hold the world’s elected governments in perpetual receivership and the world’s people in bondage to mathematically impossible to pay debt.

Present Day on the Edge of the Knife

In 2013 the US was attempting to invade Syria under obviously false pretenses. Putin prevented US involvement by threatening to intervene militarily in a conflict that at that time had not yet devolved unto the horrid conditions we see today.

With the deliberate destruction of Ukraine by the George Soros funded color-revolution destabilization team then the advances of the IMF to debt-conquer Ukraine with tens of billions of dollars in forced development loans, Putin’s Russia emerged as the singular force capable of checking the banking cabal’s global advance, and is refusing to allow Ukraine and Crimea to fall into the hands of Western backed forces.

The grand chessboard that is the Middle East is ablaze, and the world is on a razor’s edge, caught between the very real possibility of escalation to third world war and the seemingly distant hope of world leaders suddenly finding sanity and de-escalating the situation.

Cayce spoke of Russia’s role as being the ‘hope of the world’ in a coming time such as this:

“In Russia there comes the hope of the world, not as that sometimes termed of the communistic, or Bolshevik, no; but freedom, freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man! The principle has been born. It will take years for it to be crystallised, but out of Russia comes again the hope of the world.”
(Edgar Cayce, 1944, No. 3976-29)

As events in Syria and Iraq have become more convoluted and devastating for people in the region, the Islamic State (ISIS) has been on a campaign of shock and awe, reigning bloody terror on Christians, Syrians, Kurds, moderate Muslims, Shia Muslims, and anyone in between. ISIS, as everyone apparently knows, is funded and supplied weaponry by the US and Israel as a means of indirectly toppling the Assad regime in Syria.

As the US and its allies pretend like they are not responsible for ISIS and act like they are powerless to stop ISIS, Putin has calmly told the world in no uncertain terms the truth about the West’s support for ISIS and the other mercenary factions which have completely destroyed Syria, already killed hundreds of thousands of people, if not millions, and forcing the engineered refugee crisis on Europe, expanding the crisis now into Macedonia.

Russia has quickly been able to stop ISIS in its tracks by destroying ammunition dumps and supply lines, a rather basic military accomplishment that the US has not been willing to achieve in years of bombing ISIS. Even US Democrat Congresswoman Rep. Tulsi Gabbard has asked the president why Russia bombing ISIS is a bad thing?

The Spiritual Development and Leadership of Russia

Even before WWII, Cayce appears to have foreseen the need for Russia to evolve spiritually in some manner so that it would be able to rise in opposition to the decaying moral values of the capitalist West and play its part as the great hope of the world.

Cayce was asked, “What should be the attitude of so called capitalist nations toward Russia?”

On Russia’s religious development will come the greater hope of the world. Then that one, or group, that is the closer in its relationships, may fare the better in the gradual changes and final settlement of conditions as to the rule of the world. (3976-10)

Six months later, additional information was presented which helped to clarify this earlier prediction.

Out of Russia, you see, there may come that which may be the basis of a more world wide religious thought or trend… (3976-12)

When Hugh Lynn Cayce asked about the Russian situation in June 1938, he was told:

A new understanding has and will come to a troubled people. Here, because of the yoke of oppression, because of the self indulgences, has arisen another extreme. Only when there is freedom of speech, the right to worship according to the dictates of the conscience—until these come about, still turmoils will be within. (3976-19) [Source]
Essentially Cayce appears to be referring to Russia after the trials under Soviet rule and the collapse of the Soviet Union, as well as the need for the world to return to humanistic values in order to free itself from the oppression of the Zionist cartels which have been organizing against the human race for centuries.

Cayce is saying that some sort of much needed spiritual leadership will come from Russia in this time, some kind of attitude that will make it possible for a transition of this calibre to occur without having to experience the guaranteed destruction of any World War III.

Putin is at best no saint, and there is no underestimating the potential for deception by any nationalistic organization, but in a survey of the major players on the field at the moment, when the human race is teetering on a razor sharp knife’s edge, Putin appears to be bringing something to the table that other world leaders aren’t weilding… common sense.

And what would spiritual leadership look like in a world gone mad, anyhow? At first it would appear as common sense. Of course.

“Aristotle even goes as far as to say that common sense is where consciousness originates. So if a society is lacking in common sense, and there’s little to no conscience, morality, empathy, consciousness, creativity, taste, discernment or love, how does one propose to govern such a population?” [Source]

Putin’s actions in Syria makes the most common sense, among the available options. Already he has likely prevented the invasion of Syria by Turkey, checking President Erdogan at the border, and he has severely disrupted the operations of ISIS. Both are wins for the cause of common sense in an arena of treachery.

Did Edgar Cayce somehow know that Russia would take the common sense gap between spiritual leadership and the guaranteed destruction of World War III which is being engineered by the West?

Speaking on the current state of US and Russia relations at a recent summit, Putin said, regarding America:

“You must rise above the endless desire to dominate. You must stop acting out of imperialistic ambitions. Do not poison the minds of millions of people; like there can be no other way but imperialistic politics.” –Vladimir Putin

Putin is directing our attention to the 800 pound gorilla in the room that no one else seems willing to talk about: America and the West no longer have any moral superiority in the world.

Cayce also made comments about America’s future moral decay:

In the final World Affairs reading given on June 22, 1944, less than six months before Edgar’s death, he addresses the spirit and “the sin of America.”

What is the spirit of America? Most individuals proudly boast “freedom.” Freedom of what? When ye bind men’s hearts and minds through various ways and manners, does it give them freedom of speech? Freedom of worship? Freedom from want?…In the application of these principles…America may boast, but rather is that principle being forgotten… and that is the sin of America. (3976-29) Reading 3975-15, given on January


Did Edgar Cayce foresee Putin’s interfering role in the Western cabals plan to overtake the world through financial domination, political destabilization, and all out world war, order out of chaos?

Cayce also predicted the possibility of a THIRD World War. He spoke of strifes arising…”in Libya, and in Egypt, in Ankara, and in Syria; through the straits around those areas above the Persian Gulf.” [Source]

Whether or not you believe in the power of the human mind to connect with Source and withdraw information about the future, things are lining up in such a way that Cayce’s prophecies regarding Russia are proving quite prescient now, giving us a clue that at least we shouldn’t hold on too tightly to any preconceived notions about what will happen in coming years.

And in a vacuum of any common sense or humanistic leadership from the present powers that be, why not look to a revered psychic for direction? In the end, though, All we have from Cayce is really just the inspiration to action we get from looking into his past for clues and hope about our future. If you’re concerned about the direction things are taking, let Cayce’s words rouse you to action.

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Air Force creates “Storm” with Powerful Microwave Pulses from NEXRAD WEATHER RADAR

Nexrad radarBy Michael Janitch

October 3, 2015:
A series of long duration high power microwave pulses were emitted from the Laughlin Air Force Base NEXRAD weather RADAR in Southwest Texas.

A review of the actual NEXRAD RADAR feeds show some very interesting activity taking place from this military base weather RADAR.

The powerful microwave energy pulses from the RADAR station caused electron cascade (stripping of electrons) in the atmosphere.

This electron cascade process is proved to cause plasma heating in the atmosphere reaching above multiple hundreds of degrees. Additionally, the ions which are stripped can produce MOISTURE condensation (CCN – Cloud Condensation Nuclei) which is the precursor to rain formation.

The plasma which formed from the electron cascade also reflects RADAR microwave signals like a mirror in the sky — thus the large “clouds” of stripped electrons actually reflect back the same RADAR signals which created the cascade to begin with.

As the electrons are stripped, the electron cloud grew, ultimately reflecting MORE energy as the intensity of the pulses induced the process further. The precipitation return grew exponentially higher as the pulses continued — producing well over 20 inches of detected rainfall.

People might be very surprised to find out this is not real rain. Even though RAIN and HAIL do indeed show up on the Hydrometer Classification, nothing is physically there!

The Hydrometer classification shows heavy rain, and large hail returns off the clouds of energy in the atmosphere.

Finally, a review of the “Echo Tops” of the “storm” (a storm that isn’t physically there) shows what we all know to be a very large RADAR pulse — slang termed “HAARP RING”.

United States Air Force admits doing HAARP “ring” research in 2011 :

Pages 21-22 refer to it, and they even show a diagram:

Learn more and view radar diagrams:

Al Gore Sued By 30,000 Scientists for Global Warming Fraud

al_gore_global_warmingBy Sarah C. Corriher

Environmentalism has been politically linked to alternative medicine for many years, due to the unfortunate pervasive presence of the paganistic religions. It is truly a tragic situation that has impeded alternative medicine in the U.S. perhaps as much as any other factor.

At The Health Wyze Report, we believe that reducing human harm to the planet is a reasonable goal, so long as it is not given precedence over the rights and livelihoods of people. Increasingly, environmentalists and politicians have exploited the shoddy global warming hypothesis as a method to take away the rights of the people in a draconian manner, and to tax all of us exorbitantly.

In the past few years, there has been massive growth in the amount of people who believe that man is the primary cause of global warming, and that ironically, an ice age is somehow coming. It really is incredible when one steps back to examine the ridiculousness of it all. The theory of man-made global warming has actually been widely accepted by society. The power elites have told us that the world will come to an end if we do not reduce our consumption of fossil fuels, and lower our output of carbon dioxide (CO2). Dissenting scientists have been silenced, even as they explained that most CO2 is emitted from the oceans, and that CO2 does not lead to any increases in temperatures. In fact, the reverse is true. The warming of the earth (due to solar cycles) leads to increases in CO2.

Now, 30,000 scientists, including the founder of The Weather Channel, have come forward to sue Al Gore for fraud. Al Gore has made massive profits in the promotion of the global warming mythology, and he played a key role in getting the ‘Cap and Trade’ legislation passed. Perhaps this lawsuit will finally give the thousands of ‘dissenting’ scientists a voice again.

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Planned Parenthood murders babies with beating hearts delivered during abortion procedures

Unborn-Baby-Fetus-Womb(NaturalNews) In the latest video release from a pro-life organization exposing hideous, grotesque practices by Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, a doctor for a tissue-harvesting partner of the taxpayer-funded organization appears to admit that a baby’s “heart actually is still beating” at times following abortions.

In addition, an ex-tissue procurement technician for StemExpress LLC, Holly O’Donnell, gave a first-person account of watching a baby’s heart beat before she assists in the dissection of its face in order to procure the baby’s brain, Fox News reported.

These allegations stem from a series of investigative videos produced by the Center for Medical Progress, an anti-abortion organization whose recent work is focused on exposing Planned Parenthood.

Since the organization began releasing its videos, it has been the target of a pair of restraining orders from two separate federal judges – orders that have served as little more than censorship of CMP’s journalism. One of the orders was requested by StemExpress; the orders ban CMP from releasing some of their recordings.

That said, one of the orders – the first one, which was issued by the Los Angeles Superior Court – only bars the organization from releasing video of three StemExpress officials that was captured in a restaurant in May.

As Fox News further reported:

A recorded conversation heard during the new video features a voice identified as belonging to Dr. Ben Van Handel, the executive director of Novogenix Laboratories, LLC. Novogenix provides researchers with “human primary tissue-specific stem cells” according to its website.

“So you know there are times when after the procedure is done that the heart actually is still beating,” Handel said to an undercover CMP investigator during the conversation.

Also O’Donnell, who has already appeared in previous videos, talked about a co-worker who showed her a beating heart in an aborted baby.

“‘Hey Holly, come over here, I want you to see something kinda cool. It’s kinda neat,'” O’Donnell said the coworker told her. “So I’m over here, and the moment I see it I’m just flabbergasted. This is the most gestated fetus and the closest thing to a baby that I’ve seen. And she’s like, ‘Okay I want to show you something.’ And she has one of her instruments and she just taps the heart and it starts beating and I’m sitting here and I’m looking at this fetus and its heart is beating and I don’t know what to think.”

Following that sickening display, O’Donnell said that she and the colleague cut the face of the baby open and extracted its brain.

“It had a face,” O’Donnell said. “It wasn’t completely torn up. And its nose was very pronounced. It had eyelids. Its mouth was pronounced.”

O’Donnell said she left the employ of StemExpress shortly thereafter.

In the video’s most disturbing image, an aborted baby is shown that appears to move its arms and legs immediate post-abortion. That clip, however, is from the Grantham Collection and Center for Bio-Ethical Reform and was not uncovered by the CMP; as the CMP freely admitted, they only used that image as a way illustrate the situation being talked about in the videos.

In previous videos, Planned Parenthood officials have admitted that the organization changes abortion procedures – customizes them, really – in order to better procure specific organs from their infant victims. The officials also discuss how PP clinics deliver babies intact and how they sell fetal tissue for profit.

As Fox News reported, each of those practices is a violation of federal law. And in a video released earlier, O’Donnell discusses how StemExpress sometimes would not obtain consent from mothers to use their fetal tissue, which would be a serious breach of ethics if accurate.

Planned Parenthood officials have denied that the organization has broken any laws, adding that payments that were being negotiated in the videos relate only to reimbursement of costs for procuring the tissue, which is legal.

However, in one, a Planned Parenthood official makes a reference to wanting a luxury car, a “Lamborghini,” during a conversation about pricing of intact fetal tissue and organs.

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What vaccines and GMOs have in common

Cook-Butcher-Gmo-Chemical(NaturalNews)Vaccines and GMOs have more in common than many people realize. Both the biotech and the pharmaceutical industry use the same arguments to get you to accept their products. If you are against GMOs or vaccines, then you must be anti-science!

Nothing could be further from the truth. It is the people who research vaccines and GMOs who turn against them.
An Informed Opinion Leads to a Predictable Point of View
That old adage, “When we know better, we do better,” holds true for both vaccines and GMOs, and some of us know better than others. More often than not, it is the highly educated who refuse vaccines and buy organic. The political elite is no exception.

While Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton both espouse the benefits of GMOs, neither Hillary nor President Obama actually eat them. The White House doesn’t serve GMOs, and this elitism is not limited to Democrats. Both George Bush and Mitt Romney have strong ties to Monsanto, and both also only eat organic foods. If GMOs are not good enough for them, then why would they be good enough for you and your family?
It is the Highly Educated Who Refuse Vaccines
An education, whether formal or informal, changes you forever. When it comes to vaccines or GMOs, a little knowledge can go a long way. It is the same people who have read the vaccine warning labels and the people who learn about vaccine ingredients who invariably refuse them for their children. The more you know about GMOs, the less likely you are to eat them as well.

If knowledge is power, ignorance is powerlessness. It is ignorant to believe that we don’t need to know what is in our food because we are too scared of science. It is just as ignorant to believe that vaccines simultaneously work so incredibly well, and yet so phenomenally badly that everyone must have them. As GMO activists struggle to educate the world about what is in their unlabeled food, anti-vaxxers struggle to educate others about what is in vaccines.
The Same Struggle by Different Names
The struggles against GMOs and vaccines are intrinsically linked, and yet what happens more often than not, is that these activists fight against billion dollar companies alone, when the fight is essentially the same and the industries that oppose them are essentially the same people as well.

GMO activists want GMOs labeled for the same reason that anti-vaxxers oppose mandatory vaccines. They all want control over what is to be put in their bodies, or the bodies of their children.

Admittedly, in vaccines, the struggle over labels is slightly different. Instead of having vaccines labeled (though some of the labeling is intentionally ambiguous) there is a push to get others to read the ingredients, and to read the warning labels. Most people refuse to even discuss what’s in a vaccine or the known risks involved in vaccination. One of the many known risks to vaccination is death. Dying from a vaccine or being permanently disabled is far more likely than dying or being disabled from the disease that the vaccine is supposed to prevent.

This may sound hard to believe, but this is easily verifiable. Mortality statistics for all diseases are easily found by searching the Internet. For instance, measles hasn’t killed anyone in the U.S. in decades, but the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System admits to 329 deaths from the vaccine and almost 7,000 serious adverse reactions. (Numbers for adverse reactions are most likely low due to underreporting.) The question becomes what’s worse, the disease or the vaccine? To those who know how to do the research, the answer is obvious.
Government Protection
In 1986 a law was enacted making it illegal to sue vaccine manufacturers: The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. This law established a vaccine court, a system that will only compensate families for known vaccine reactions, and then far less than what actual standard liability would pay out. The vaccine court is funded by taxes on vaccines, and so far they have paid out over 3 billion. This court is far from fair or impartial. They pay a maximum of 250,000 dollars for wrongful death from vaccines, and they dismiss 80% of all cases presented to them. Buying the claimant’s silence is a common stipulation to receive any compensation.

A provision was added to the Agriculture Appropriations Bill that serves no purpose other than protecting the biotech industry at the expense of the public’s health. Specifically, HR 933, section 735 is the provision that makes genetically engineered foods immune from liability. This law has been dubbed the Monsanto Protection Act. President Barack Obama signed the bill into law.

If the pharmaceutical and biotech industries thought these products were safe, then why did they lobby the U.S. government for immunity from liability? It stands to reason that they wouldn’t spend millions of dollars lobbying for special protection from lawsuits if the products were safe to begin with.
Vaccinations and GMOs are two industries built on greed and naivety. While the vaccine industry has had better luck managing its public image, both industries seem content on destroying our health and the health of our environment. Fortunately, more and more doctors are speaking out against vaccines, and scientists are also speaking out against GMOs.

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Italy and Austria join growing list of countries banning GMO agriculture

No-GMO-Applesby: J. D. Heyes

European nations are leading the world in rejecting genetically modified organisms in food and crops, with two more countries recently joining the list: Italy and Austria.

As reported by Nation of Change, Italian ministries have opted to utilize the newly created European Union rules that permit member countries to opt out of growing GM crops. Austrian officials joined in as well, with both nations making the decision to stop growing eight varieties of GM maize, which essentially amounted to a complete ban on GM crops.

The EU’s opt-out regulations were implemented earlier this year. They allow member states to decide on their own if they want to continue using GM crops or ban them altogether.

As reported by Sustainable Pulse, a number of other countries in the EU have also opted out of GM crops:

Wales: “These new rules proposed by the European Commission provide Wales with the necessary tools to maintain our cautionary approach by allowing us to control the future cultivation of GM crops in Wales,” said Welsh Deputy Minister for Farming and Food, Rebecca Evans. “It will allow us to protect the significant investment we have made in our organic sector and safeguard the agricultural land in Wales that is managed under voluntary agri-environment schemes.”

She added: “Farming and food processing businesses remain the driving force of our rural economy. Our emphasis is on competing on quality, strong branding and adding value through local processing. We, therefore, need to preserve consumer confidence and maintain our focus on a clean, green, natural environment. ”

Poland: In 2013, the Polish government actually adopted a regulation that banned GMO farming in the country, well ahead of the EU action. But once the EU approved its regulation giving member nations the right to ban if they chose, that was more than enough authority for the Polish government to act.

“Now we no longer have to explain the scientific aspects and we can already relate to social issues,” Polish Agriculture Minister Marek Sawicki said at the time of the country’s ban.

Germany: German government officials announced in late September that the country would no longer permit the cultivation of GM crops, as stated by German Agriculture Minister Christian Schmidt.

Slovenia: Slovenian Agriculture Minister Dejan Zidan said in announcing the country’s ban that “the government adopted the decision for a request for the exclusion of the entire geographical territory of Slovenia for GM maize to the EU, including the already registered variety MON 810 and seven other varieties which are in the process of registration with the European Commission. This allows me to formally send the request as the Ministry of Agriculture in accordance with the law for the exclusion of Slovenia with the regards to the cultivation of GM maize.”

Serbia: State Secretary in the Serbian Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection Danilo Golubovic recently announced the country’s GMO ban. In making the announcement, Golubovic said the decision was based on a desire to improve public health and safety.

Bulgaria: This government has decided to burnish its clean and green image by banning GM crops. As noted by Sustainable Pulse’s director, Henry Rowlands, “Bulgaria is home to a wide variety of unique flora and fauna and is also the base of many ancient civilizations, it is with this background that Bulgarians know what is at risk when it comes to using an untested and unnecessary technology.”

European nations that have opted out of growing GM crops thus far are Latvia, France, Austria, Cyprus, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Poland, Germany, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Slovenia and Italy, Sustainable Pulse reported.

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As Russia Bombs ISIS, US Bombs Syrian Civilian Power Stations

russiaamericaBy Brandon Turbeville

In yet another telling episode, the United States has again demonstrated its true position in regards to ISIS and the Russian bombing of the terrorist organization.

As Russian forces drop bombs and missiles on top of ISIS fighters all across Syria, lobbing cruise missiles from the Caspian, regular sortie missions, and combat helicopter attacks against ISIS and other “relatively moderate” cannibals and terrorists, the United States launched a bombing mission of its own against two power plants in Aleppo.

The power plants were located in al-Rudwaniya east of Aleppo and resulted in power outages affecting the Syrian people, adding to the American tradition of bombing civilian infrastructure instead of ISIS and other terrorist targets in Syria. The power outages only further contribute to the misery surrounding the people of Aleppo who have been bombarded by barbarians funded by the United States and NATO, intent of raping and beheading their way through the city and declaring their caliphate of pre-civilization on civilized people.

It should also be noted that the US bombing campaign is a violation of international law, unlike the Russian campaign where Russian forces were invited in to the country by the legitimate government.

The United States has long maintained that its bombing campaign was directed at ISIS but, to date, very little damage has been done to ISIS structures, facilities, or personnel by any American airstrikes. Only when ISIS fighters are threatening a Western interest (i.e. an oil well owned by a Western company) or when NATO has been unable to simply redirect ISIS forces via embedded or proxy commanders do terrorists actually find themselves bombarded by what is, in reality, an act of “death squad herding.”

Instead, the U.S. has repeatedly bombed oil refineries, bridges, grain silos, food distribution facilities, and other civilian infrastructure and civilian areas.

The US support of ISIS can scarcely be denied given the fact that the U.S., in collusion with NATO, GCC, and Israel were responsible for the creation of the terror group to begin with as well as for inserting it into Syria for the purpose of destroying the secular government of Bashar al-Assad.

The American reaction to the Russian campaign itself is telling enough, with the US State Department panicking and throwing fits over the Russian bombing of terrorist targets who, even with the best PR money can buy, can only at best be described as “relatively moderate.” Of course, in relation to heart eating cannibals, baby killers, and perpetrators of the most grotesque murders ever witnessed, virtually anyone might appear “moderate.” Still, none of the savages fighting against Assad in Syria are even moderate in comparison since – despite their presence in different brigades and different units of terror complete with a myriad of different names – they are all part of the same overarching organization that is controlled, backed, funded, and directed by the West.

There never were any moderate rebels in Syria and there are no “relatively moderate” rebels operating in Syria today. The Syrians recognize this. The Iranians and Hezbollah recognize this. The Russians recognize this. It is high time for the American people to join the reality-based community and recognize this as well.

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Hundreds of Thousands Protest Globally Over Weekend, Media Coverage Absent

Riot policemen clash with students durinBy Cassius Methyl

On the weekend of October 10th, dozens of unrelated large protests sprinkled the globe as tensions continued to escalate in the Middle East. Despite hundreds of thousands of people taking to the streets around the world, with over a quarter million in Germany alone, national media coverage has been (un)surprisingly quiet regarding these events.
Here are five of these global protests:

A “quarter million” people protested the TTIP and corporatocracy in Germany — with related protests in other European cities such as Amsterdam and London

Estimated to be 250,000 strong, a protest in Berlin took place to oppose the TTIP “free trade deal” — a major move towards corporatocracy. Protests unfolded concurrently in London, Amsterdam, and other European cities.

“This is the biggest protest that this country [German] has seen for many, many years,” Christoph Bautz, of citizens’ movement Campact inspiringly told protesters in a speech.

The “Justice or Else” 20th Anniversary Million Man March transpired in Washington, D.C. and throughout America

The Million Man March was originally a protest organized by Louis Farrakhan in 1995. It’s a movement associated with the Nation of Islam to unite African American men and women over various problems with the intention to come together and solve them as a people.

On October 10, Farrakhan led the “Justice or Else” 20th anniversary march in Washington, D.C. Issues related to the police state dominated the protest.

According to The Guardian: “The families [of unarmed black men and women killed by the police recently] asked the marchers not to forget the names of Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, and Sandra Bland.”

Farrakhan said, “I plan to deliver an uncompromising message and call for the government of the United States to respond to our legitimate grievances.”

Whether or not you agree with every detail of Farrakhan’s personal philosophy, the practice of unifying in public for a protest could be considered the central focus, and in that sense it was a victory.

In 2015, we’re seeing a reinvigorated generation of black activists. This goes side-by-side a newly flourishing culture of activism in general.

This event could be considered a day of unity for the new generation of black activists and for activists as a whole, as every activist benefits from proliferation of the culture of activism.

Anti-Islamic “activists” claimed they would counter-protest, but not much happened on that front. They had a more pronounced presence in Texas and Arizona. The anti-Islam protest was oddly titled the “Global Rally for Humanity” (against Islam).

Peaceful protest in Turkey was bombed — over 80 dead, protests continue, citizens enraged

According to the Pontiac Tribune:
A demonstration for peace dramatically shifted to a demonstration of horrific violence on Saturday when two powerful bombs detonated in the midst of the crowd attending a peace rally in Ankara, Turkey leaving scores injured and 128 people dead.

Thousands of Turkish citizens gathered following the deadly attack on a peace demonstration in Ankara — but these mourners and demonstrators unanimously and vehemently placed the weight of the resulting carnage on President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Witnesses and members of the opposition party came together with families of the over 100 victims, to blame the government for utter failure to provide security for Saturday’s event — which was further compounded when Turkish police refused to let ambulances enter the scene and fired tear gas at attendees immediately following the blasts.

The actions the Turkish government took to block ambulances demonstrates its stance, but the prospect of the government actually being behind the bombings — to some extent — is disturbing, to say the least.

The Turkish people are fed up with their government, as are many citizens of the world, on this 12th day of October, 2015. The Turkish government subsequently censored Twitter and other social networks in an attempt to derail the protests. The “freedom”-loving United States government continues to ally itself with Turkey despite the country’s total lack of respect for the Kurdish people, human rights, freedom of speech, and its cooperation with radical Islamists.

Thousands in India, many farmers, blocked several dozen trains and marched in the streets to protest failed cotton crops

Failed cotton crops delivered a severe blow to farmers and the local economy in India recently. At least 15 farmers committed suicide, and now citizens are marching and blocking trains.

The devastated cotton crop incident is pushing farmers to call for an investigation into why they failed, raising the possibility of fake pesticides being sold to farmers. Whitefly was the primary pest responsible for two-thirds of the cotton crop failures.

According to NDTV, “Union Ministry of Agriculture has asked for a report on the fake pesticides supplied to cotton farmers. The state government has issued directive to deputy commissioners in the districts to compile the list of the distressed farmers who have committed suicide.”

Additionally, a “Youth Congress” (called the JKPYC) gathered to protest the PDP-BJP government in India. “To protest against failure of the PDP-BJP government on all the fronts, JKPYC (Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Youth Congress) will take out a state-wide rally tomorrow,” reads an article from New Indian Express. Obviously, there is a lot going on behind the scenes in India.

Protests took place in Belarus, ahead of the country’s elections

Regarding the upcoming Belarus presidential election, it was speculated that the president since 1994, Alexander Lukashenko, would be granted a fifth term. (Editor’s note: After the protests, Lukashenko did indeed win.)

Belarus doesn’t have a particularly good relationship with nodes of Western power such as the European Union (EU) — with sanctions against Belarus — and the nation is stuck in a geopolitical quagmire due to its alliance with Russia.

Belarus is one of four ex-Soviet nations that is allied with Russia in the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), founded approximately a year and a half ago. It includes Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, and Kyrgyzstan. The European Union doesn’t take kindly to independent economic alliances like the E.E.U.

With powerful people having a distaste for Belarus, sanctions have apparently agitated the people of the nation.

To have a realistic gauge of what is happening in the political sphere of Belarus, one would have to investigate deeper, but from what we can see on the surface, the people of Belarus are dissatisfied with their leader of over 20 years, as well as the circumstances powerful people have them trapped in.

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“RF Capture” WiFi Device Can See You Through Walls

See through wallsBy Mac Slavo

The implications for privacy under a big brother police state are obvious.

Researchers at MIT have come up with a way to use WiFi signals to see behind walls, and map a room in 3-D. By reflecting the signal, it can also locate the movements of people or objects in the room. The Daily Mail reports:

Using a wireless transmitter fitted behind a wall, computer scientists have developed a device that can map a nearby room in 3D while scanning for human bodies.

Using the signals that bounce and reflect off these people, the device creates an accurate silhouette and can even use this silhouette to identify who that person is.

The device is called RF Capture and it was developed by researchers at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL).

The RF Capture device transmits wireless signals that travel through a wall and reflect off a person’s body back to the device.

Since only a small number of body parts reflect the signal back at any given point in time, the device monitors how these reflections vary as someone moves and walks.
Not even your four walls and a roof are to be private if this technology is used for surveillance purposes. And make no mistake, it will be. There are clearly privacy implications to this, but chances are that objections will be kept to a dull roar, with so many other tracking and surveillance activities descending upon society. There are many other related and overlapping technologies, like the radar sweep devices some police are now using to look through walls and locate suspects before going inside. However, the use of WiFi to achieve this make it even easier.

As SHTF previously reported, a new application of WiFi known as Wi-Vi could take surveillance to the next level:

MIT tech geeks have found a way to pinpoint location and track complex movement patterns with far greater accuracy – and what’s more, it can track people’s steps through walls, and the individuals or groups don’t even need to carry a cell phone! MIT professor Dina Katabi and graduate student Fadel Adib:
“Show that Wi-Fi can also extend our senses, enabling us to see moving objects through walls and behind closed doors. In particular, we can use such signals to identify the number of people in a closed room and their relative locations. We can also identify simple gestures made behind a wall, and combine a sequence of gestures to communicate messages to a wireless receiver without carrying any transmitting device. […] It shows how one can track a human by treating the motion of a human body as an antenna array and tracking the resulting RF beam.
The system is interested furthering its control, and fishing for pretexts to cite infractions, collect revenue and play nanny over the lives of the population.

Judging from the comments, many people are at least aware of this. Here are just a few:

BadSull: “The government already has it.”

Greg: “Drones, smart tvs watching you, laptops listening to you, traffic lights tracking your last 10,000 locations and now we look through walls. Gonna have to spend a lot more resources on mental health in the future.”

James Rustles: “So, how do you defeat it to maintain your privacy? That’s the question that needs to be asked.”

JaneDoeRKBA: “Mylar faced foam house insulation , Mylar lined draperies, Mylar under a metal roof….all should work in largely defeating this technology.”

Jeffrey S.Gee: “Using a faraday cage!”

James OD: “For a multitude of reasons, it’s starting to seem like a good idea to add a layer of aluminum foil under the drywall when building a house. What’s the world coming to when the disheveled guy living out of the shopping cart under a bridge starts to make sense?”

Technology is changing the tone of reference to tin foil from one of ridicule to one of acknowledgement that these forms of spying are real science, and applicable to the methods used by various agencies and organizations who are investigating, instigating or intimidating.

Many are taking notice of the extreme intrusion the technology represents.

Hanni Fakhoury, an attorney for the Electronic Frontier Foundation said “Your location is something that’s worthy of privacy. We know that, even within your house, where you go can reveal a lot about yourself.”

Is there anywhere left just to be left alone?

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China Reverses Controversial One Child Only Policy

one_childBy Heather Callaghan

China has just announced an end to the 35-year-long “one-child only” policy. One that has often forced couples into making horrible decisions – to say the least – when the policy naturally couldn’t be followed no matter the vigorous efforts to try.

The Guardian reports:
China has scrapped its one-child policy, allowing all couples to have two children for the first time since draconian family planning rules were introduced more than three decades ago.

The announcement followed a four-day Communist party summit in Beijing where China’s top leaders debated financial reforms and how to maintain growth at a time of heightened concerns about the economy.

In a statement published by news agency Xinhua, the Communist Party said that China lightened its policy in response to an aging population and to balance population development. The country is now allowing two children for every family in China.

Whereas in 1980, China tested the severe measures ostensibly as a way to curb an anticipated population boom – now there are actually arguments about tackling a demographic timebomb. Starting in 2013, some exceptions allowed for minority-ethnic and rural families to have a second child if their first child was a girl.

From The Guardian:
The Communist party credits the policy with preventing 400m births, thus contributing to China’s dramatic economic takeoff since the 1980s.

But the human toll has been immense, with forced sterilisations, infanticide and sex-selective abortions [tens of millions, including forced abortions by authorities] that have caused a dramatic gender imbalance that means millions of men will never find female partners.

Indeed, while some have pointed fingers that the policy props men up as more valuable than females it actually ensures that an estimated 20 to 30 million men will literally never have a female partner. Strangely, a new term was born called sheng nu – leftover ladies. Where women allegedly would be spinsters if they married after their thirties, but are overwhelmed by being so outnumbered by the men that they become extremely selective (and apparently indecisive) about choosing a lifelong partner for whom they have feelings but who also has “status.” The term creates a frenzy for women to avoid “spinsterhood” and choose someone as a futile attempt for China to balance lopsided demographics. One Chinese writer pointed out that it was basically a fear-propaganda campaign to get women to choose (or settle) for someone – and quick. The government campaign successfully bolstered marriage rates by repeatedly pushing the idea of leftover women – and the U.S. media ran with it here in the States.

It probably comes as no surprise that such a policy for over 35 years has created droves of soldiers for China.

Steve Tsang, a professor of contemporary Chinese studies at the University of Nottingham said:

That creates social problems and that creates a huge number of people who are frustrated.

History showed that countries with a very large number of unmarried men of military age were more likely to pursue aggressive, militarist foreign policy initiatives.

Some altered Chinese banners on social media which then read:

We reward families with two children and fine those with only one.

Those who decide not to have children or who are infertile should be thrown in jail.

The situation is not favorable for men or women in China – not when it comes to love and family. So, the one-child policy has been divisive on many levels. While some hail the allowance of two children as a victory for more personal freedom, others still feel assaulted it ever existed, want family planning measures gone and feel that it didn’t go far enough.

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