Has anyone taken note of the numerous wildlife die-offs that have been reported over the past few years? If you think that may be an “off-the-wall” exaggeration question or statement, well, there’s an online website that painstakingly chronicles what’s been going on, which I’d like to introduce to you.
It’s the End Times Prophecy – Earth’s Final Warning, which very concernedly has prepared lists chronicling the following:
- Mass Bee Die-offs 2013 – 20016
- Mass Animal Deaths for 2016 217 Known MASS Death Events in 59 Countries (or Territory) January 2 to May 11, 2016
- Mass Animal Deaths for 2015 828 Known MASS Death Events in 96 Countries
- Mass Animal Deaths for 2014 651 Known MASS Death Events in 76 Countries
- Mass Animal Deaths for 2013 798 Known Mass Death Events in 93 Countries
- Mass Animal Deaths for 2012 465 Known Mass Death Events in 67 Countries
- Mass Animal Deaths for 2011
Additionally, there have been 970 million butterflies – the exquisite Monarchs, in particular – that have been killed since 1990, apparently from pesticides and herbicides. Are GMO farming practices to blame?
What’s causing this: “The Ocean is Dying”?
Read more: http://www.activistpost.com/2016/05/whats-causing-all-the-wildlife-die-offs-around-the-world.html