The Environmental Not-Protecting-the-Bees Agency

BeeBeeBeeBeeMay 16, 2014
By Organic Consumers Association

This is the real cause of global bee deaths and colony collapse disorder. It is not what local authorities want you to think with their disinformation program of blaming the small farmer.

For years, the EPA has done nothing to stop Bayer and Monsanto, the leading bee-killers.
Now, the EPA is considering petitions from Dow and Syngenta to expand and increase the use of two insecticides, sulfoxaflor and thiamethoxam. Both belong to the neonicotionid class of pesticides implicated in the mass die-off of bees, known as Colony Collapse Disorder.

Dow wants the EPA to allow sulfoxaflor residues on food.
Syngenta wants the EPA to allow it to use 200 times more thiamethoxam on alfalfa than is currently allowed.

Meanwhile, a new study hot off the presses from the Harvard University School of Public Health again confirms the link between low doses of two widely used neonicotinoid pesticides and the mass die-off of bees. Of course, the folks at Bayer, which sells millions of dollars worth of neonics, is spinning its own tale of how the cold winters and pests—not the company’s poisons—are really to blame.