Make your own antibacterial bandages with these garden plants

Stachys-Byzantina-Lamb-EarsJanuary 13, 2015 by: Jennifer Lilley

When most people accidentally cut or scrape themselves, the first item they reach for is a store-bought bandage. After all, they’re convenient; just pluck them out of a box, peel off the protective covering and slap them on.

For those wanting to tend to their cuts and scrapes naturally, one has to go no further than their own garden. Antibacterial bandages need not come in a box.

Woolly Lamb’s Ear has been used for centuries as a wound dressing on battlefields. Not only do the soft, fuzzy leaves absorb blood and help it to clot more quickly, they also contain antibacterial, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties. Their leaves can even be bruised so the juices leak out. Those juices can then be applied to the skin to lessen swelling from bug bites or stings.

Several plants offer antibacterial and antiseptic properties such as aloe, horseradish root, thyme, tarragon, basil and blueberry. Each have varying degrees of antimicrobial compounds and phytochemicals that help kill fungi, viruses, parasites and bacteria.

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