By Jeff Phillips-Wefferson
“…the whole ‘climate change’ thing is not about climate change, real or imaginary, at all but is in reality a smoke-screen for a full-spectrum multi-tiered planetary engineering operation designed to fulfill several long-standing globalist agendas. To wit, the parallel engineering and manipulation of the human mind and the dynamics of Mother Earth as a planetary being, for the purposes of technocratic enslavement, radical depopulation and the replacement of nature and biological life with synthetic artifacts. “
A big part of modern ‘war’ is its value as a media spectacle…arm-chair entertainment DISTRACTING YOU FROM WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON and manufacturing consent for and advancing the interests of the MIC…unless you happen to be a Palestinian mother looking for her lost child or a family of kangaroos fleeing a raging fire-storm.
Australia as a socio-political entity is on the verge of exploding with outrage against a governmental regime that is blatantly murderous, fascist, corrupt beyond comprehension, Trump-like in Springer Show staged ludicrous drama, and puppet-minions of the trans-national corporate-banking cartel elites comprising the ‘New World Order’. This in itself is nothing new, as every Australian regime in recent decades has been cast from the same mold, as has every regime in America and all other western nations.
Regardless, however, of the level of public outrage and overt hatred for the current regime, a mass-uprising of any kind would only ‘manufacture consent’ for martial law, and is highly improbable. Not only were guns seized in the wake of the 1996 Port Arthur event, public drinking water has long been heavily fluoridated, and alcohol and televised sport foisted in the same way that white sugar, flour, tea and small-pox infested blankets debilitated unwitting indigenous peoples. Not to mention the global mind-control capabilities of ‘next generation’ microwave-based ionospheric heaters like H.A.A.R.P., written about at length by Zbigniew Brzezinski and his mentor Gordon J.F. MacDonald, developed through the ‘revolution in military affairs’ catalyzed by 9/11, and deployed globally since around 1990. How far can ‘she’ll be roite’ be stretched? We shall soon see…
What is new is the brazen unleashing of ‘next generation’ techniques and technologies of imperial mobilization, straight out of Brzezinski’s blue-print for world control, using mass-media and geo-physical environmental warfare to achieve convergent goals of
1) cognitive enforcement of the ‘climate change’ hoax which is itself part of the UN socio-political reconfiguration agenda involving
2) ‘land grabs’ and forced relocation of people and communities to facilitate new industry/construction/resource allocation (high-speed trains, water exploitation, ‘smart cities’, mining projects, military installations),
both part of a large-scale plan to subsume all independent nations into one global scientific dictatorship with an eco-friendly green-sounding name.
The New Year’s firestorm scenario came right on the heels of a climax of ‘climate change’ propaganda with Greta Thunberg interviewing David Attenborough, as if to say, ‘Look! We told you so!’
A paragon of ‘climate change’ disinformation, Michael Mann, was conveniently in Australia and had this to say:
“Australians need only wake up in the morning, turn on the television, read the newspaper or look out the window to see what is increasingly obvious to many – for Australia, dangerous climate change is already here.”
Well, tell us this, Professor Mann…tell us, being an expert and all, back in the Permian Era, carbon dioxide was at around 9,000 ppm…that’s 25 times higher than today, yet not only was the Earth only moderately warmer, life flourished, and didn’t burst into flames. Where did all THAT carbon dioxide come from, and more importantly, how does the wily devil-bogey eco-monstrosity ‘climate change’ IGNITE all these hundreds of fires, all over a continent bigger than the USA, and many of them in totally unnatural linear patterns?
Might the 200+ people arrested for starting fires have anything to do with it? Hardly. This is a red herring. Conspiracy theorists might speculate that many of these people are part of an MK-Ultra-like mind-control plot to burn up the Lucky Country, members of a ‘terrorist cell’, and/or on the pay-roll of some evil doers? But why bother with people when you’ve got all this at your tentacle-tips:

Or directed energy weapons on aircraft?

Or, even this

So much for how the fires may have started. ‘Dry lightning strikes’? In hundreds of locations nearly simultaneously with no thunder-storm activity?
“…turn on the television, read the newspaper or look out the window to see what is increasingly obvious to many…”
Weltanschauungskrieg means ‘world-view warfare’ in German and was concocted by Nazi psychiatrists as a means of subjugating people psychologically by influencing and manipulating their perceptions of reality at all levels. Goebbels, head of the Ministry of Enlightenment, imported all the Wall Street marketing and advertising expertise so generously gifted by Edward Bernays, took it to the next level, then it was all re-imported back into the USA when over 1500 Nazi scientists, most of whom were psychiatrists became Americans under the auspices of Operation Paperclip, over-seen by CIA director Allan Dulles (who was fired by JFK then appointed head of the Warren Commission) and Reinhard Gehlen, Hitler’s top Eastern Europe spy-master.
Dulles concocted the whole MK-Ultra mind-control mega-experimentation program as well as a host of other nefarious projects, only a few of which we know about. But Operation Mockingbird, dating from the early 1950’s, essentially tells the story of the ‘intelligence community’ ‘s interest in public communication: this was a large-scale program aimed at taking control of every form of mass-media in existence.
The current Australian bush-fire is a text-book example of what ‘war’ looks like in what Brzezinski calls the ‘technetronic era’, where ‘unrestrained elites free from traditional values’ will deploy imperial mobilization using a full-spectrum of psychological and ‘unconventional’ warfare methods, to wit, the weltanschauungskrieg and ENMOD, or ‘environmental modification.’
What is happening in Australia has historical precedents in Hitler’s blitzkrieg into Poland to initiate World War 2; the gratuitous fire-bombing of Dresden in Germany; and the use of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The Aus bush-fires quickly became an incendiary blitzkrieg right on the heels of the Greta-Attenborough interview…as if ‘on cue’…and have moved with unprecedented speed and level of devastation…just like Hitler’s tanks rolling over Poland.
The eco-cidal conflagration and deliberate mass-murder of untold millions of beautiful innocent animals across all the kingdoms…marsupials, reptiles, amphibians, birds, insects, arthropods, trees, flowers, dream-time sacred sites and entire eco-systems…not to mention human people…and its incessant repetition and broadcast throughout all media…is the equivalent of the fire-bombing of Dresden, Germany’s leading cultural centre and of no military value whatsoever. It was an act of psychological terrorism aimed at destroying the heart and spirit of the German people, conceived by British Army psychiatrist John Rawlings Rees, who worked closely with Hitler’s right-hand man, Rudolf Hess, and went on to found the Tavistock Institute, funded by the Rockefellers and dedicated to ‘world-wide mental health’ in exactly the same way that Hitler’s Ministry of Enlightenment was about spiritual awakening!
What is unfolding in Australia is the ‘next level’ of all of this. The modus operandi is age-old, but the targets and technologies are new: what many believe to be ‘science fiction’ weapons used on a benign, friendly and peaceful western Anglo-American ally.
The big difference between the conventional weapons of World War 2 and now is that everybody could clearly see Hitler’s tanks rolling on Poland, but not many of us can see the spectre of Brzezinskian techno-priests arming the satellites of environmental warfare and KNOW that ‘climate change’ is its smoke-screen. What we DO see as a whole is whatever the television WANTS us to see.
How dare me! How heretical, how blasphemous of me to challenge the ‘biggest lie’ ever to be excreted by the orifices of mass-persuasion! I’ve already covered in depth how and why none of this has or could possibly have anything to do with ‘climate change’, real or imaginary. Anyone persisting in clinging to the possibility that anything related to ‘climate change’ has to do with these fires has been set up and knocked down just like a set of bowling pins.
For months Australia has borne witness to massive geo-engineering operations…the spraying of aerosolized substances believed to both increase incendiary potential on the ground and to increase electrical conductivity in the stratosphere; the diversion of rain-bearing systems coming from the Indian Ocean to the south of the continent, creating a semi-permanent pseudo-jet stream passing across the Otway Peninsula and Tasmania, creating and exacerbating extreme drought across much of the continent; all this creating tinder-box conditions for a strategically-premeditated and orchestrated ignition campaign sparking hundreds of fires almost simultaneously all over the country.
We hear about the unbelievable speed and ferocity of these fire-fronts, about ‘fireballs’ of ‘white flame’ tens or hundreds of meters in diameter being ejected out of fire-fronts. In some ways these fires are like the ‘neutron bomb’ from the Cold War era: they emitted radiation that killed people but did not damage precious infrastructure. These current fires are destroying houses and cars but not burning trees and vegetation as much as would be expected, in some places leaving them untouched.

It’s almost like Australia is the new Viet Nam…a vast test-site or proving grounds for the ‘next generation’ of weapons systems and environmental warfare.

It should come as no surprise that Raytheon, the mac-daddy of microwave weapons, was essentially given Woomera three years ago, an area the size of Texas in South Australia, to create the world’s most advanced electronic warfare facility. Raytheon is heavily involved in under-water warfare systems as well as directed energy weapons. Raytheon operates Lear jets outfitted with electronic warfare gear for the Australian military, has at least 20 facilities in Australia, and also happens to own the patent portfolio for H.A.A.R.P.
And BAE Systems, who contracted the Phase 2 power upgrade for H.A.A.R.P. in 2006, constructed and currently operates the JORN (Jindalee Operational Radar Network) in three locations in Australia.
Once people accept the fact that what we are witnessing in Australia is NOT due to ‘climate change’ but to military technologies, the next question is ‘But who would do this?’
Remember that in the world of today, who you have been led to think of as an ‘enemy’ is more than likely a co-conspiratorial actor and/or patsy and/or business partner with ‘your’ side or country. The adversarial relationships are not really between different religious, political or economic systems, but between those who seek to ‘rule the world’ with an iron bank-card and everyone and everything else…that they want and/or who might be in the way of what they want…living in the path of their new train or on top of their new mine-site or where their new resort needs to go or where access to their aquifer is, or in their new national park where ordinary humans aren’t allowed.
I assure them that the mentalities behind the atomic bomb are ‘alive and well’…maybe not the right terms…’extant and thriving’ and have multiplied many times over and gone to the next level many times over, with over 70 years of accelerated technological advancement and innumerable zeroes of financial persuasion at their behest.